Quotes from super-racist Muhammad Ali. Media-censored of course

The question here is -
Why isn't everyone angry at this kind of brainless racism?
Why aren't YOU angry at it?

Only racism in america is affirmative action and YOU support it. You think jobs and scholarships should be handed out based on race. Us conservatives say base it on merit. WE are the anti-racists. THINK
Y'all just have to keep in mind who posted this. He's probably next in line for selection as the Grand Dragon of the KKK. Racists can be found across the racial spectrum.

YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime in america. I oppose AA and this i am the anti-racist. THINK
One doesn't have to look far to find assorted posts by you and your general complaining about blacks. You sir (I use the word sir loosely in your case) are the true racist.
YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime in america. I oppose AA and this i am the anti-racist. THINK
One doesn't have to look far to find assorted posts by you and your general complaining about blacks. You sir (I use the word sir loosely in your case) are the true racist.

Nope - i'm not racist at all. I want to end affirmative action. I want jobs handed out on merit not skin color. YOU are a white-hating racist.
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