R.I.P. Bob Newhart

One of the greatest comedians of his era

He could get more out of a grin or blank stare than most could get out of their whole routine. He was a great straight man

His career went all the way back to comedy albums, Ed Sullivan and Jack Parr he was still working this year
One of the best!

Rest in Peace, Bob. We shall never see your like again.

hate to tell my wife,,
she loved him and he looked almost exactly like her dad,,
Professor Proton bites the dust.

Musta been that long walk up those steps that did him in!

One of the best!

Rest in Peace, Bob. We shall never see your like again.

his "self deprecating" humor and consummate timing put newhart among the greats. he was such a great straight man that anyone in his cast could get laughs.

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