Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

Don't include me in that equation. The whole idea of original sin is a bad joke. Being still held accountable for something your ancient ancestors did is totally absurd. It is simply one of the gimmicks of the religion.
Wow Stan; you've NEVER sinned at all. lmao

Don't include me in that equation. The whole idea of original sin is a bad joke. Being still held accountable for something your ancient ancestors did is totally absurd. It is simply one of the gimmicks of the religion.
Why would I include you in anything? In fact I don't even consider you at all except the occasional post. Meh.

It is. Wait for it..................

Re 'Mercan. More an accent thing with some local idioms. "Linguistic Variety" I suppose.

In the United States alone there are over 30 dialects of the English language. Worldwide there are 150 dialects of English spoken.
I know that St. Patrick is given credit for driving the snakes out of Ireland. An easy feat anyone could do because there were no snakes there in the first place !
Not since the last ice age evidently.

However, the "Snakes" could just be a way of saying "Druids". Interesting theory that one.

And? If these people were even real.....who cares?
Some of the players were "real" by corroborating evidence. Caiaphas was real. He was a Sadducean roman appointee as "chief rabbi" of the Sanhedrin---considered in his own time and thru the ages as VERY EVIL. It is not clear if
"JUDAS" existed. Pilate existed---historically he crucified something like 2000
Pharissee Jews----the romans removed him from office for being too damned
inciteful----good move
Some of the players were "real" by corroborating evidence. Caiaphas was real. He was a Sadducean roman appointee as "chief rabbi" of the Sanhedrin---considered in his own time and thru the ages as VERY EVIL. It is not clear if
"JUDAS" existed. Pilate existed---historically he crucified something like 2000
Pharissee Jews----the romans removed him from office for being too damned
inciteful----good move
History is not an exact science, human interpretation of the facts varies greatly.
try again---the history of the time was fairly well documented----the NT itself
is one of the documents albeit highly questionable
I'm sure religious zealots of the time weren't prejudiced on what they reported. Right !
try again---the history of the time was fairly well documented----the NT itself
is one of the documents albeit highly questionable
The New Testament may be 99.5 % accurate but the information can still be very biased and any assumptions or interpretations of that data would also be. It would be very easy to exclude facts that conflict with the chosen story line.
to what "religious zealots" do you refer and to what "reports" do you refer?
Josephus for one, he totally embellished Ezekiel's account of Sodom and Gomorrah, making it a sensationalized tale of depravity and attempted to blame it all on homosexuality. When it was clearly about simple inhospitality.

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