Racheal Maddow discusses new WH fence design w/ mock up

Could just electrify the existing one. Doesn't have to be lethal intensity as with livestock electric fences, just enough to discourage people climbing over it.
My suggestion: a Freddie Kruger like mask to personify the resident in there now. Topped off by electrified razor wire to keep out the masses who want to rip it down to kiss the feet of the King who resides there. Because you all know, we little people don't have ANYTHING else to worry over but some damn stupid fence

or, the people that are hired to watch over the WH get back to doing their job properly.

just a thought
If we legalized drugs and prostitution the people assigned to watch over the white hut wouldn't be doing anything at all wrong.
Now we see why the people who watches the leftwing stupid shows, like Maddidiotcow and visit all these leftwing websites are such LOW information when it comes to politics

My suggestion: a Freddie Kruger like mask to personify the resident in there now. Topped off by electrified razor wire to keep out the masses who want to rip it down to kiss the feet of the King who resides there. Because you all know, we little people don't have ANYTHING else to worry over but some damn stupid fence

big surprise coming from the boards biggest butt hurt tubby because of her infantile avies.
Now we see why the people who watches the leftwing stupid shows, like Maddidiotcow and visit all these leftwing websites are such LOW information when it comes to politics

wTF are you talking about tubby? Stay on-topic/stop FAILTrolling
Now we see why the people who watches the leftwing stupid shows, like Maddidiotcow and visit all these leftwing websites are such LOW information when it comes to politics

wTF are you talking about tubby? Stay on-topic/stop FAILTrolling

you taking about others trolling with this nasty ass post. go check yourself into a mental asylum next to your hero, Maddidiotcow
Aren't you embarrassed to admit that you actually watch Rachel Maddow?
I'm not embarrassed at all. She's very good.
that's b/c she tells you what you want to hear instead of all the facts.

Remember how they always accused everyone of listening to rush Limbaugh. but they don't find it hypocritical posting from her, Bill Maher, Stewart, etc

just can't keep up with their double standards daily and then their nastiness when everyone doesn't fall all over them
Aren't you embarrassed to admit that you actually watch Rachel Maddow?
I'm not embarrassed at all. She's very good.
that's b/c she tells you what you want to hear instead of all the facts.

Remember how they always accused everyone of listening to rush Limbaugh. but they don't find it hypocritical posting from her, Bill Maher, Stewart, etc

just can't keep up with their double standards daily and then their nastiness when everyone doesn't fall all over them
it's funny, I used to watch her. mostly to get the far lefts opinion of reality.

then she had on a guest to take about wage inequality, when he spoke the truth that it was bullshit, she interrupted him and never let him get in another word.

she knew it was a lie, but thought the guest would support the lie, when he didn't, she went batshit.

that's when I stopped, msn knows they are lying and want to lie to convince the stewpuds of the world that there is no way except their way
Aren't you embarrassed to admit that you actually watch Rachel Maddow?
I'm not embarrassed at all. She's very good.
that's b/c she tells you what you want to hear instead of all the facts.

Remember how they always accused everyone of listening to rush Limbaugh. but they don't find it hypocritical posting from her, Bill Maher, Stewart, etc

just can't keep up with their double standards daily and then their nastiness when everyone doesn't fall all over them
it's funny, I used to watch her. mostly to get the far lefts opinion of reality.

then she had on a guest to take about wage inequality, when he spoke the truth that it was bullshit, she interrupted him and never let him get in another word.

she knew it was a lie, but thought the guest would support the lie, when he didn't, she went batshit.

that's when I stopped, msn knows they are lying and want to lie to convince the stewpuds of the world that there is no way except their way

I can't stomach her type of hateful reporting, with the lies and dishonesty. Watched Once and that was all it took

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