Racism at Fox News

Perhaps it was a knock at Romney and Mormonism. There is NO way he could have adopted that child pre 1978. Just saying.
"I haven't yet seen anyone ask why Kieran is in pink. That's what has surprised me."

Woman above Romney's in blue, maybe it was for symmetry? :)
By global warming "science" I was referring to MAN MADE global warming "science" and the draconian guidance the left always suggests as a cure. I should have been more clear.
In terms of Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty years period, end of story (as Obama would say).
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What am I not surprised that, once again, the trolls have taken over and totally ignored the basis of the OP? A stupid, racist lefty makes a slur because a good man and woman have children who care that a baby has a home regardless of its race. And, the other lefties pile on to try to defend the ignorant remark.


I guess my thought on it is that I wonder what poor woman was bullied into giving up her child by Mormon Social Services to get the Romney a token baby.

The Mormons have some bizarre belief about having bigger families being more likely to get you a nicer planet to rule in the Celestial Heaven, so they often use social services to pry kids out of troubled homes.
You are pure poison sometimes do you no that ? I think everyone see's this in you, but you don't care what people see in you, and that is a shame really. What drives people like you is what I'm curious about sometimes, but then again I bet many know the condition in which you have, but you won't allow anyone to get through to you, and this is because of that thick barrier you have created around you in life, and I think it is out of a rebellion you have had over many things that have happened in your life over time. Their goal would be to try and help you find out for yourself what your problems are really, but I think you know all to well what your problem's are, and you know all to well how you got such problems in life, but instead of you getting help for yourself, you decide to spread your vitriol and poison onto others by way of this internet. (Sad)

Funny thing is, is that you don't appear to have a huge fan base out here, and that I think ought to send some flags up for you, but yet you ignore that in life also. Get some help maybe, and lets just say that we are still all hopeful for you.
Any bets on whether they can get even lower before the year is over?

They werent making fun of the child, they were making fun of the GOP. Raisin in a bowl of milk. Sorry. They are the party of non inclusiveness.

And yet, there is the child being included. Perhaps the problem is not the Romney family and is, instead, the bigots who can't believe they'd adopt a black child and give it *horrors* a better life than they feel a black child deserves.
Seriously, what is UP with that lockstep color coding? Can they not tell their own boys from their own girls?

What the hell do you care? Mind your own business.

Shouldn't have mentioned the black kid and simply said the boys on bottom row, farthest left, and 3rd from left look strikingly like the kids from "Villiage of the Damned" (1995) :)

Seriously, what is UP with that lockstep color coding? Can they not tell their own boys from their own girls?

I haven't yet seen anyone ask why Kieran is in pink. That's what has surprised me.

Who's Kieran?
Any bets on whether they can get even lower before the year is over?

They werent making fun of the child, they were making fun of the GOP. Raisin in a bowl of milk. Sorry. They are the party of non inclusiveness.
A raisin in a bowel of milk eh ? Man that is a racist statement if there ever was one in the context of what you have spoken here. WOW!

Funny thing is, is that raisins and milk go very well together, and especially if you add in some flakes, but just not a flake like yourself I'm just sayin. LOL
Any bets on whether they can get even lower before the year is over?

They werent making fun of the child, they were making fun of the GOP. Raisin in a bowl of milk. Sorry. They are the party of non inclusiveness.

And yet, there is the child being included. Perhaps the problem is not the Romney family and is, instead, the bigots who can't believe they'd adopt a black child and give it *horrors* a better life than they feel a black child deserves.
Interesting perspective.
Perhaps it was a knock at Romney and Mormonism. There is NO way he could have adopted that child pre 1978. Just saying.
Why, is it because you feel that the black culture/community was so very strong back then (i.e. way on stronger than they are now in a united way), and so they wouldn't have allowed whitey to adopt a baby who was black, and especially in the numbers that we are seeing more and more of today, and beyond this date in which you have listed ?
Any bets on whether they can get even lower before the year is over?

They werent making fun of the child, they were making fun of the GOP. Raisin in a bowl of milk. Sorry. They are the party of non inclusiveness.
A raisin in a bowel of milk eh ? Man that is a racist statement if there ever was one in the context of what you have spoken here. WOW!

Funny thing is, is that raisins and milk go very well together, and especially if you add in some flakes, but just not a flake like yourself I'm just sayin. LOL

It's not racist to simply observe someone's color. It's racist to conclude that that color makes them inferior (or superior). Lighten up.

I can't agree raisins and cereal go together. I love the latter and hate the former. Soon as they make me emperor, raisins will be illegal.

So --- Kieran is a boy then? Strange name for a boy... obviously I haven't been paying attention to that part. :dunno:
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Guess it could be a girl's name too, but when I hear "Kieran", I think of Kieran Culkin, Macaulay's brother.
Guess it could be a girl's name too, but when I hear "Kieran", I think of Kieran Culkin, Macaulay's brother.

Didn't know that. To me it sounds like "Karen". I think I've only met one person with the name and it was a she.

I guess it's better than "Plaxico". Nobody's ever topped that one.
Any bets on whether they can get even lower before the year is over?

They werent making fun of the child, they were making fun of the GOP. Raisin in a bowl of milk. Sorry. They are the party of non inclusiveness.

And yet, there is the child being included. Perhaps the problem is not the Romney family and is, instead, the bigots who can't believe they'd adopt a black child and give it *horrors* a better life than they feel a black child deserves.

Wow. Mirror.
Uh, am I missing the joke here?

The thread title suggests racism at FNC, but the only evidence I saw of racism comes from MSNBC.

They werent making fun of the child, they were making fun of the GOP. Raisin in a bowl of milk. Sorry. They are the party of non inclusiveness.
A raisin in a bowel of milk eh ? Man that is a racist statement if there ever was one in the context of what you have spoken here. WOW!

Funny thing is, is that raisins and milk go very well together, and especially if you add in some flakes, but just not a flake like yourself I'm just sayin. LOL

It's not racist to simply observe someone's color. It's racist to conclude that that color makes them inferior (or superior). Lighten up.:

Another fucking shameless liberal hypocrite. :rolleyes: What a surprise.

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