Racism at Fox News

What am I not surprised that, once again, the trolls have taken over and totally ignored the basis of the OP? A stupid, racist lefty makes a slur because a good man and woman have children who care that a baby has a home regardless of its race. And, the other lefties pile on to try to defend the ignorant remark.


I guess my thought on it is that I wonder what poor woman was bullied into giving up her child by Mormon Social Services to get the Romney a token baby.

The Mormons have some bizarre belief about having bigger families being more likely to get you a nicer planet to rule in the Celestial Heaven, so they often use social services to pry kids out of troubled homes.
What am I not surprised that, once again, the trolls have taken over and totally ignored the basis of the OP? A stupid, racist lefty makes a slur because a good man and woman have children who care that a baby has a home regardless of its race. And, the other lefties pile on to try to defend the ignorant remark.


I guess my thought on it is that I wonder what poor woman was bullied into giving up her child by Mormon Social Services to get the Romney a token baby.

The Mormons have some bizarre belief about having bigger families being more likely to get you a nicer planet to rule in the Celestial Heaven, so they often use social services to pry kids out of troubled homes.

You are one of the most ignorant and bigoted posters on this forum. Comments like the above are inexcusable and an perfect example of liberal thought patterns. You must have a life filled with anger and I truly feel sorry for you.

What am I not surprised that, once again, the trolls have taken over and totally ignored the basis of the OP? A stupid, racist lefty makes a slur because a good man and woman have children who care that a baby has a home regardless of its race. And, the other lefties pile on to try to defend the ignorant remark.


I guess my thought on it is that I wonder what poor woman was bullied into giving up her child by Mormon Social Services to get the Romney a token baby.

The Mormons have some bizarre belief about having bigger families being more likely to get you a nicer planet to rule in the Celestial Heaven, so they often use social services to pry kids out of troubled homes.

what a bitter human being and just ugly some of stuff you say
horrible you would talk about the child having a good home in that way just because you hate Romney, his wealth and his religion
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Liberals hate all religions except for islam and global warming. Liberals accept islam because the followers are often as anti american and as violent as the far left is. Also, liberals worship at the alter of global warming "science" because the cure for global warming is MORE government (i.e. less religion). The same liberals who hate mormonism gives preachers like Jeremiah Wright a pass because he is also anti american. "God damn America" is just one of many quotes from Wright disparaging the United States. Just remember, liberalism is simply a form of anger looking for a cause. It is a pathology that exists outside the restraints of self reflection and common sense. This is how liberals can scream against racism while being racist. This is how liberals can defend the poor while creating more poor. This is how liberals can promote tolerance by being intolerant of others. There is no sense of irony or hypocrisy in a liberal mind because the end always justifies the means. This is how we can have a president who lies about being able to keep your own doctor and insurance plan. The lies are alway for your own good.
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What am I not surprised that, once again, the trolls have taken over and totally ignored the basis of the OP? A stupid, racist lefty makes a slur because a good man and woman have children who care that a baby has a home regardless of its race. And, the other lefties pile on to try to defend the ignorant remark.


The OP is "Racism at Fox News"

-- what did you expect?
Liberals hate all religions except for islam and global warming. Liberals accept islam because the followers are often as anti american and as violent as the far left is. Also, liberals worship at the alter of global warming "science" because the cure for global warming is MORE government (i.e. less religion). The same liberals who hate mormonism gives preachers like Jeremiah Wright a pass because he is also anti american. "God damn America" is just one of many quotes from Wright disparaging the United States. Just remember, liberalism is simply a form of anger looking for a cause. It is a pathology that exists outside the restraints of self reflection and common sense. This is how liberals can scream against racism while being racist. This is how liberals can defend the poor while creating more poor. This is how liberals can promote tolerance by being intolerant of others. There is no sense of irony or hypocrisy in a liberal mind because the end always justifies the means. This is how we can have a president who lies about being able to keep your own doctor and insurance plan. The lies are alway for your own good.

Mein Gott, babyeater, you should have stayed with your previous edit. This one's insane. I don't think you have the foggiest idea what Liberalism is. :cuckoo:
What am I not surprised that, once again, the trolls have taken over and totally ignored the basis of the OP? A stupid, racist lefty makes a slur because a good man and woman have children who care that a baby has a home regardless of its race. And, the other lefties pile on to try to defend the ignorant remark.


All of the racist remarks made about Obama and you have the nerve to complain? You and Fox news especially. Romney is an asshole and has said some very stupid things about the 47 percenters, people in poverty and other issues. It only follows people would question this photo opp.
Those horrible Romneys and their evil family tradition ...



What am I not surprised that, once again, the trolls have taken over and totally ignored the basis of the OP? A stupid, racist lefty makes a slur because a good man and woman have children who care that a baby has a home regardless of its race. And, the other lefties pile on to try to defend the ignorant remark.


I guess my thought on it is that I wonder what poor woman was bullied into giving up her child by Mormon Social Services to get the Romney a token baby.

The Mormons have some bizarre belief about having bigger families being more likely to get you a nicer planet to rule in the Celestial Heaven, so they often use social services to pry kids out of troubled homes.

what a bitter human being and just ugly some of stuff you say
horrible you would talk about the child having a good home in that way just because you hate Romney, his wealth and his religion

Several points.

1) Romney's wealth was gained by putting THOUSANDS of working people out of jobs and destroying countless families.

2) Romney's religion was started by a con-artist who married 34 women, some as young as 14. Oh, yeah, and they think dark skin is a curse from God and they are going to rule their own planets in the afterlife.

3) Utah has the 5th highest teen suicide rate in the country, and the highest prescription levels for anti-depressents. Even without the racial problems, that kid's going to have some serious problems.
Liberals hate all religions except for islam and global warming. Liberals accept islam because the followers are often as anti american and as violent as the far left is. Also, liberals worship at the alter of global warming "science" because the cure for global warming is MORE government (i.e. less religion).

God, this is batshittery on an epic level.

Global warming is NOT a religion. Global warming is accepted scientitific fact by 95% of scientists who study this issue.

The same liberals who hate mormonism gives preachers like Jeremiah Wright a pass because he is also anti american. "God damn America" is just one of many quotes from Wright disparaging the United States.

I'm not sure what kind of "pass" you think Wright (who let's not forget was also a highly decorated veteran in Vietnam) got, exactly. He said some goofy things, Obama denounced them. Bush never denounced the equally batshit things said by Falwell and Pat Robertson about 9/11.

Just remember, liberalism is simply a form of anger looking for a cause. It is a pathology that exists outside the restraints of self reflection and common sense. This is how liberals can scream against racism while being racist. This is how liberals can defend the poor while creating more poor. This is how liberals can promote tolerance by being intolerant of others. There is no sense of irony or hypocrisy in a liberal mind because the end always justifies the means. This is how we can have a president who lies about being able to keep your own doctor and insurance plan. The lies are alway for your own good.

Yawn, guy, I was probably as right wing as you six years ago.

Until I realized the Conservative Movement didn't have my back, it had my boss's back when he illegally fired me after I got sick.
Why does anyone care that perpetually offended PC weenies of the right are lying about liberals again? That's dog-bites-man news.

Modern American conservatives are the biggest whinyasstittybabies to ever exist on this planet. They're always seeking reasons to have a tantrum about something. Look at this thread. Don't cater to it. Just lay them down in the crib, close the door and let them cry it out. The tough love will do them good.
I guess my thought on it is that I wonder what poor woman was bullied into giving up her child by Mormon Social Services to get the Romney a token baby.

The Mormons have some bizarre belief about having bigger families being more likely to get you a nicer planet to rule in the Celestial Heaven, so they often use social services to pry kids out of troubled homes.

what a bitter human being and just ugly some of stuff you say
horrible you would talk about the child having a good home in that way just because you hate Romney, his wealth and his religion

Several points.

1) Romney's wealth was gained by putting THOUSANDS of working people out of jobs and destroying countless families.

2) Romney's religion was started by a con-artist who married 34 women, some as young as 14. Oh, yeah, and they think dark skin is a curse from God and they are going to rule their own planets in the afterlife.

3) Utah has the 5th highest teen suicide rate in the country, and the highest prescription levels for anti-depressents. Even without the racial problems, that kid's going to have some serious problems.

One point.

  • Joeb131 is a lying sack of shit.
Well what do you know, the liberal left will even call babies Uncle Tom.

MSNBC Panel?s Odd Reaction to Picture of Romney?s Black Adopted Grandson | Video | TheBlaze.com

“I think this picture is great,” Obeidallah added. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”


How long will blacks put up with being put down?

Shouldn't have mentioned the black kid and simply said the boys on bottom row, farthest left, and 3rd from left look strikingly like the kids from "Villiage of the Damned" (1995) :)
Well what do you know, the liberal left will even call babies Uncle Tom.

MSNBC Panel?s Odd Reaction to Picture of Romney?s Black Adopted Grandson | Video | TheBlaze.com

“I think this picture is great,” Obeidallah added. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”


How long will blacks put up with being put down?

Shouldn't have mentioned the black kid and simply said the boys on bottom row, farthest left, and 3rd from left look strikingly like the kids from "Villiage of the Damned" (1995) :)

Seriously, what is UP with that lockstep color coding? Can they not tell their own boys from their own girls?
Well what do you know, the liberal left will even call babies Uncle Tom.

MSNBC Panel?s Odd Reaction to Picture of Romney?s Black Adopted Grandson | Video | TheBlaze.com

“I think this picture is great,” Obeidallah added. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”


How long will blacks put up with being put down?

Shouldn't have mentioned the black kid and simply said the boys on bottom row, farthest left, and 3rd from left look strikingly like the kids from "Villiage of the Damned" (1995) :)

Seriously, what is UP with that lockstep color coding? Can they not tell their own boys from their own girls?

I haven't yet seen anyone ask why Kieran is in pink. That's what has surprised me.

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