Racism at Fox News

They werent making fun of the child, they were making fun of the GOP. Raisin in a bowl of milk. Sorry. They are the party of non inclusiveness.

And yet, there is the child being included. Perhaps the problem is not the Romney family and is, instead, the bigots who can't believe they'd adopt a black child and give it *horrors* a better life than they feel a black child deserves.

Wow. Mirror.

Nope, just an observation of how warped your hatred of the Right has made you.
And yet, there is the child being included. Perhaps the problem is not the Romney family and is, instead, the bigots who can't believe they'd adopt a black child and give it *horrors* a better life than they feel a black child deserves.

Wow. Mirror.

Nope, just an observation of how warped your hatred of the Right has made you.
Racists like Zona would rather see blacks remain mired in poverty and despair than to see a white family give them a future.
Wow. Mirror.

Nope, just an observation of how warped your hatred of the Right has made you.
Racists like Zona would rather see blacks remain mired in poverty and despair than to see a white family give them a future.

Apparently so, and that's a shame. A greater shame is that Zona would expect to be described as tolerant and accepting. It is to laugh!
People like Zona would rather see a abortion then a adoption by the Romney's
And you would just like that black baby gone.

Video removed by user. What the hell does this have to do with Fox again?
By global warming "science" I was referring to MAN MADE global warming "science" and the draconian guidance the left always suggests as a cure. I should have been more clear.
In terms of Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty years period, end of story (as Obama would say).

Again, 95% of Climate Scientists believe in AGW. They are the experts, and they know more about climate than you or I do.

You know, even if you ignore the science, a lot of those "Draconian" measures should be things you'd support, because they'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil, limit the amount of money going to various bad guys around the world, and lower our trade deficits. We might even boost our own economy by developing the next big thing.

But that would be ignoring the fact that most "Conservatives" are tools of big industry, whether they know it or not.

As for Wright, I just can't get worked up over what he said (God let 9/11 happen because of the sins of colonialism) being any less silly than Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 happened because God was all upset about the gays and the witches.

When you believe you are talking to an imaginary sky fairy, you tend to say all sorts of ridiculous shit.

Also, I don't think he was that far off the mark. We've been sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest for 50 years now, and we are acting all surprised when we get stung?

Just remember, when Bin Laden was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter". (Ronald Reagan said so!) When he was killing rich yuppies in NYC, he was a "Terrorist". Make sure to get your terms right.
By global warming "science" I was referring to MAN MADE global warming "science" and the draconian guidance the left always suggests as a cure. I should have been more clear.
In terms of Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty years period, end of story (as Obama would say).

Again, 95% of Climate Scientists believe in AGW. They are the experts, and they know more about climate than you or I do.

You know, even if you ignore the science, a lot of those "Draconian" measures should be things you'd support, because they'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil, limit the amount of money going to various bad guys around the world, and lower our trade deficits. We might even boost our own economy by developing the next big thing.

But that would be ignoring the fact that most "Conservatives" are tools of big industry, whether they know it or not.

As for Wright, I just can't get worked up over what he said (God let 9/11 happen because of the sins of colonialism) being any less silly than Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 happened because God was all upset about the gays and the witches.

When you believe you are talking to an imaginary sky fairy, you tend to say all sorts of ridiculous shit.

Also, I don't think he was that far off the mark. We've been sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest for 50 years now, and we are acting all surprised when we get stung?

Just remember, when Bin Laden was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter". (Ronald Reagan said so!) When he was killing rich yuppies in NYC, he was a "Terrorist". Make sure to get your terms right.

Are you justifying Bin Laden in this post, in the killing of Americans by what you have written above ? WOW! Those Rich yuppies in NYC , well they need to die maybe according to you ? Maybe those men in black need to swing by and have a little talk with you for a while, I'm just sayin. :cuckoo:
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Also, I don't think he was that far off the mark. We've been sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest for 50 years now, and we are acting all surprised when we get stung?

Just remember, when Bin Laden was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter". (Ronald Reagan said so!) When he was killing rich yuppies in NYC, he was a "Terrorist". Make sure to get your terms right.

Are you justifying Bin Laden in this post, in the killing of Americans by what you have written above ? WOW! Those Rich yuppies in NYC , well they need to die maybe according to you ? Maybe those men in black need to swing by and have a little talk with you for a while, I'm just sayin. :cuckoo:

Nope, not justifying or condemning it. I just look at it with emotional detachment.

We knew the Jihadists were fucking crazy in the 1980's. We armed them anyway. We called them "Freedom fighters". And we all patted ourselves on the back when the USSR broke apart for reasons completely unrelated to what we doing and took the credit.

What we should have realized is that these Jihadists didn't just hate "Communism", they hated all modernity. And then we acted all surprised when they turned on us. Really?

Maybe, here's a crazy idea. We get the hell out of that part of the world and stop taking sides in their fights.
By global warming "science" I was referring to MAN MADE global warming "science" and the draconian guidance the left always suggests as a cure. I should have been more clear.
In terms of Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty years period, end of story (as Obama would say).

Again, 95% of Climate Scientists believe in AGW. They are the experts, and they know more about climate than you or I do.

You know, even if you ignore the science, a lot of those "Draconian" measures should be things you'd support, because they'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil, limit the amount of money going to various bad guys around the world, and lower our trade deficits. We might even boost our own economy by developing the next big thing.

But that would be ignoring the fact that most "Conservatives" are tools of big industry, whether they know it or not.

As for Wright, I just can't get worked up over what he said (God let 9/11 happen because of the sins of colonialism) being any less silly than Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 happened because God was all upset about the gays and the witches.

When you believe you are talking to an imaginary sky fairy, you tend to say all sorts of ridiculous shit.

Also, I don't think he was that far off the mark. We've been sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest for 50 years now, and we are acting all surprised when we get stung?

Just remember, when Bin Laden was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter". (Ronald Reagan said so!) When he was killing rich yuppies in NYC, he was a "Terrorist". Make sure to get your terms right.

Are you justifying Bin Laden in this post, in the killing of Americans by what you have written above ? WOW! Those Rich yuppies in NYC , well they need to die maybe according to you ? Maybe those men in black need to swing by and have a little talk with you for a while, I'm just sayin. :cuckoo:

You pumped the text up that big, and STILL didn't get the meaning?

By global warming "science" I was referring to MAN MADE global warming "science" and the draconian guidance the left always suggests as a cure. I should have been more clear.
In terms of Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty years period, end of story (as Obama would say).

Again, 95% of Climate Scientists believe in AGW. They are the experts, and they know more about climate than you or I do.

You know, even if you ignore the science, a lot of those "Draconian" measures should be things you'd support, because they'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil, limit the amount of money going to various bad guys around the world, and lower our trade deficits. We might even boost our own economy by developing the next big thing.

But that would be ignoring the fact that most "Conservatives" are tools of big industry, whether they know it or not.

As for Wright, I just can't get worked up over what he said (God let 9/11 happen because of the sins of colonialism) being any less silly than Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 happened because God was all upset about the gays and the witches.

When you believe you are talking to an imaginary sky fairy, you tend to say all sorts of ridiculous shit.

Also, I don't think he was that far off the mark. We've been sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest for 50 years now, and we are acting all surprised when we get stung?

Just remember, when Bin Laden was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter". (Ronald Reagan said so!) When he was killing rich yuppies in NYC, he was a "Terrorist". Make sure to get your terms right.

Obviously, 97% of scientists don't believe in AGW. I tend to let this cocktail party talking point slide because it's already been debunked more often than not. 97% of scientists WHO BOTHERED ANSWERING A SURVEY believe in AGW. Of course, out of the vast minority of scientists who bothered answering the survey, we do not know how many of said scientists are being paid for (grants) by people, organizations who have a vested interest in the AGW outcome.
I am all for lowering or dependence of foreign oil if it doesn't harm our economy in the process. Oil pipe line, tapping shale oil reserves, opening up Alaska. There are ways of lowering or dependence of foreign oil that DOES NOT involve draconian measures that cost people jobs while giving a centralized authority more power to decide what we are worthy of having.
Yes, the U.S. was FOR Bin Laden when he was killing Russians. We were AGAINST Bin Laden when he was killing American citizens. It's only the liberal mind who is FOR Bin Laden killing American citizens and AGAINST Bin Laden killing the Russians.
Situations alway change. Our friends today become our enemies tomorrow. Powerful nations don't have friends, they have interests. This is hardly news.
You said Bin Laden was killing "rich yuppies in NYC"? Yes, the liberal mind does tend to bend towards class warfare and relativism. This is the same sort of thought process that can defend Jerimiah Wright by comparing him to other idiots while attempting to erase inconvenient facts like WRIGHT BEING OBAMAS PASTER FOR TWENTY YEARS!
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Obviously, 97% of scientists don't believe in AGW. I tend to let this cocktail party talking point slide because it's already been debunked more often than not. 97% of scientists WHO BOTHERED ANSWERING A SURVEY believe in AGW.

Actually, it appears to me that 97% of scientists who were chosen to be asked and WHO BOTHERED ANSWERING A SURVEY believe in AGW.

Because as soon as the survey came out, you started hearing from those who were never included in the select sample.;
By global warming "science" I was referring to MAN MADE global warming "science" and the draconian guidance the left always suggests as a cure. I should have been more clear.
In terms of Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty years period, end of story (as Obama would say).

Again, 95% of Climate Scientists believe in AGW. They are the experts, and they know more about climate than you or I do.

You know, even if you ignore the science, a lot of those "Draconian" measures should be things you'd support, because they'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil, limit the amount of money going to various bad guys around the world, and lower our trade deficits. We might even boost our own economy by developing the next big thing.

But that would be ignoring the fact that most "Conservatives" are tools of big industry, whether they know it or not.

As for Wright, I just can't get worked up over what he said (God let 9/11 happen because of the sins of colonialism) being any less silly than Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 happened because God was all upset about the gays and the witches.

When you believe you are talking to an imaginary sky fairy, you tend to say all sorts of ridiculous shit.

Also, I don't think he was that far off the mark. We've been sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest for 50 years now, and we are acting all surprised when we get stung?

Just remember, when Bin Laden was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter". (Ronald Reagan said so!) When he was killing rich yuppies in NYC, he was a "Terrorist". Make sure to get your terms right.

Obviously, 97% of scientists don't believe in AGW. I tend to let this cocktail party talking point slide because it's already been debunked more often than not. 97% of scientists WHO BOTHERED ANSWERING A SURVEY believe in AGW. Of course, out of the vast minority of scientists who bothered answering the survey, we do not know how many of said scientists are being paid for (grants) by people, organizations who have a vested interest in the AGW outcome.

Oh, I see...It's all a conspiracy. 95% of CLIMATE scientists surveyed think AGW is real.

But they are just in it for the money. Because Science is so lucrative.

I am all for lowering or dependence of foreign oil if it doesn't harm our economy in the process. Oil pipe line, tapping shale oil reserves, opening up Alaska. There are ways of lowering or dependence of foreign oil that DOES NOT involve draconian measures that cost people jobs while giving a centralized authority more power to decide what we are worthy of having.[/quote]

in short, you are happier to hand money to our enemies than to let the damned government tell you what kind of car to drive. Got it.

Yes, the U.S. was FOR Bin Laden when he was killing Russians. We were AGAINST Bin Laden when he was killing American citizens. It's only the liberal mind who is FOR Bin Laden killing American citizens and AGAINST Bin Laden killing the Russians.
Situations alway change. Our friends today become our enemies tomorrow. Powerful nations don't have friends, they have interests. This is hardly news.
You said Bin Laden was killing "rich yuppies in NYC"? Yes, the liberal mind does tend to bend towards class warfare and relativism. This is the same sort of thought process that can defend Jerimiah Wright by comparing him to other idiots while attempting to erase inconvenient facts like WRIGHT BEING OBAMAS PASTER FOR TWENTY YEARS!

I think what your tiny mind misses is that it was bad when Bin Laden was killing either.

But we helped him do it. Shame on us. This was the point Wright was trying to get across. and frankly, it made a lot more sense than Robertson blaming it on the gheys...

It really wasn't in our interest for the Soviets to lose in Afghanistan, as subsequent events have proven. The world is really not a better place without the USSR.
Again, 95% of Climate Scientists believe in AGW. They are the experts, and they know more about climate than you or I do.

You know, even if you ignore the science, a lot of those "Draconian" measures should be things you'd support, because they'd reduce our dependence on foreign oil, limit the amount of money going to various bad guys around the world, and lower our trade deficits. We might even boost our own economy by developing the next big thing.

But that would be ignoring the fact that most "Conservatives" are tools of big industry, whether they know it or not.

As for Wright, I just can't get worked up over what he said (God let 9/11 happen because of the sins of colonialism) being any less silly than Pat Robertson claiming that 9/11 happened because God was all upset about the gays and the witches.

When you believe you are talking to an imaginary sky fairy, you tend to say all sorts of ridiculous shit.

Also, I don't think he was that far off the mark. We've been sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest for 50 years now, and we are acting all surprised when we get stung?

Just remember, when Bin Laden was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter". (Ronald Reagan said so!) When he was killing rich yuppies in NYC, he was a "Terrorist". Make sure to get your terms right.

Obviously, 97% of scientists don't believe in AGW. I tend to let this cocktail party talking point slide because it's already been debunked more often than not. 97% of scientists WHO BOTHERED ANSWERING A SURVEY believe in AGW. Of course, out of the vast minority of scientists who bothered answering the survey, we do not know how many of said scientists are being paid for (grants) by people, organizations who have a vested interest in the AGW outcome.

Oh, I see...It's all a conspiracy. 95% of CLIMATE scientists surveyed think AGW is real.

But they are just in it for the money. Because Science is so lucrative.
I am all for lowering or dependence of foreign oil if it doesn't harm our economy in the process. Oil pipe line, tapping shale oil reserves, opening up Alaska. There are ways of lowering or dependence of foreign oil that DOES NOT involve draconian measures that cost people jobs while giving a centralized authority more power to decide what we are worthy of having.[/quote]

in short, you are happier to hand money to our enemies than to let the damned government tell you what kind of car to drive. Got it.

Yes, the U.S. was FOR Bin Laden when he was killing Russians. We were AGAINST Bin Laden when he was killing American citizens. It's only the liberal mind who is FOR Bin Laden killing American citizens and AGAINST Bin Laden killing the Russians.
Situations alway change. Our friends today become our enemies tomorrow. Powerful nations don't have friends, they have interests. This is hardly news.
You said Bin Laden was killing "rich yuppies in NYC"? Yes, the liberal mind does tend to bend towards class warfare and relativism. This is the same sort of thought process that can defend Jerimiah Wright by comparing him to other idiots while attempting to erase inconvenient facts like WRIGHT BEING OBAMAS PASTER FOR TWENTY YEARS!

I think what your tiny mind misses is that it was bad when Bin Laden was killing either.

But we helped him do it. Shame on us. This was the point Wright was trying to get across. and frankly, it made a lot more sense than Robertson blaming it on the gheys...

It really wasn't in our interest for the Soviets to lose in Afghanistan, as subsequent events have proven. The world is really not a better place without the USSR.[/QUOTE]

The conspiracy theory about AGW comes from the left. Misquoting studies, fake studies and politicizing science is the domain of the liberal agenda.
I'm of course not happy with giving money to our enemies for oil which is why I believe in shale, utilizing Alaska and the Keystone pipeline. I'm unaware of our government telling us what kind of car we should drive.
Believing that Bin Laden killing Russians is the same thing as Bin Laden killing Americans is a political relativism I'm not about to participate in. It's just a little too out there in the loony leftist orbit.
I noticed that your political relativism is also able to be used to compare Jeremiah Wright with Phil Robertson. Yet, I shall repeat myself for a third time. JEREMIAH WRIGHT WAS OBAMA'S PASTOR FOR TWENTY YEARS.
In summation, political and moral relativism as a means to propagate an anti-American prejudice is an old game that has only accomplished one thing. Social,ethnic and racial divisiveness.
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Given that libs have no trouble at all with racism (anti-White) and hate-speech at PMSNBC it seems a little odd that they're troubled with racism at FOX....should there be any.
Given that libs have no trouble at all with racism (anti-White) and hate-speech at PMSNBC it seems a little odd that they're troubled with racism at FOX....should there be any.
Liberals have zero credibility on the issue of racism. They are the most racist people in the world.
The conspiracy theory about AGW comes from the left. Misquoting studies, fake studies and politicizing science is the domain of the liberal agenda.

yeah, yeah, yeah, you heard it on talk radio. Whatever.

I'm of course not happy with giving money to our enemies for oil which is why I believe in shale, utilizing Alaska and the Keystone pipeline. I'm unaware of our government telling us what kind of car we should drive.

Yup, let's let big oil despoil more of the country and contaminate the water supply. That's the ticket.

Believing that Bin Laden killing Russians is the same thing as Bin Laden killing Americans is a political relativism I'm not about to participate in. It's just a little too out there in the loony leftist orbit.

How is it any different? They killed Russians because Russia invaded Afghanistan. They killed Americans because America supports Israels, the Saudi Royals and sanctions on Iraq that killed half a milion Iraqi children. They didn't kill them because they hated "Communism" or "Freedom" or whatever abstract bullshit you want to throw out there. We and the Russians stuck our dicks in a hornet's nest and we got stung. Deal with it.

I noticed that your political relativism is also able to be used to compare Jeremiah Wright with Phil Robertson. Yet, I shall repeat myself for a third time. JEREMIAH WRIGHT WAS OBAMA'S PASTOR FOR TWENTY YEARS.

Go back and read what I said. I compared Wright to PAT Robertson. on the day after 9/11, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell announced that God let 9/11 happen because the gays and the feminists had "removed God's Grace". Wright said it happened because colonialism had come back to bite us. Frankly, if anything, what Robertson said was much m ore Crazy.

In summation, political and moral relativism as a means to propagate an anti-American prejudice is an old game that has only accomplished one thing. Social,ethnic and racial divisiveness.

Or applying a bit of common sense, no chest thumping and just getting a sensible analysis on our problems.

I mean, I guess you can wave your little flag and chant "USA, USA, USA" while some poor kid goes off to fight the wars for oil companies and Israel, I would much prefer to take pragmatic approaches to problems.
Your approaches to problems are hardly pragmatic and I'm just bored with the usual far left conspiracy theories about evil oil companies and the wars they are behind. Again, I'm not going to debate conspiracy theories.
You also forgo all self proclaimed pragmatism when you call the victims of 9/11 "rich yuppies".
Your definition of freedom being "abstract bullshit" is just another example of relativism which is of course the exact opposite of "pragmatism".
It's of course fine if you recite every left wing extremist talking point hanging in the ether. I don't care about the conspiracy theories you traffic in. It doesn't matter where your anti-American dogma comes from. What I find most offensive is that you have no respect for the english language. Please look up pragmatism and see if you can distinguish between "pragma" and the rote recital of relativistic gibberish.
I am all for lowering or dependence of foreign oil if it doesn't harm our economy in the process. Oil pipe line, tapping shale oil reserves, opening up Alaska. There are ways of lowering or dependence of foreign oil that DOES NOT involve draconian measures that cost people jobs while giving a centralized authority more power to decide what we are worthy of having.

in short, you are happier to hand money to our enemies than to let the damned government tell you what kind of car to drive. Got it.


The conspiracy theory about AGW comes from the left. Misquoting studies, fake studies and politicizing science is the domain of the liberal agenda.
I'm of course not happy with giving money to our enemies for oil which is why I believe in shale, utilizing Alaska and the Keystone pipeline. I'm unaware of our government telling us what kind of car we should drive.

Ahh... oil doesn't work that way dood.

Number one, "we" don't drill for oil in Alaska, the OCS, or anywhere else; Big Oil does that, and Big Oil's loyalty is to the bottom line, not to the flag of the US or Holland or the UK or wherever they're based. And to that end they will drill, process and sell wherever it makes the most money. They will also not-drill if it's not deemed profitable at the time, and part of profitability means not putting out too much supply so that the price goes down. There is no relationship between oil drilled here and oil consumed here. None. So unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and buck the whole system of the world oil market, whether the gas in your car comes from Alaska or Nigeria is just the luck of the draw and you can't force oil to be drilled where it doesn't serve the bottom line.

Number two, that pipeline thingy ... all it does is facilitate Canadian crude getting down to Houston for refining. Why Houston? Because it's a port from which refined products can be shipped, to India, China, wherever the market says the profit is. All the pipeline does is help to hand it off and make that profit easier to attain. Good for them, but let's not pretend that pipeline's feeding the Texaco station in Dubuque. It isn't.
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I noticed that your political relativism is also able to be used to compare Jeremiah Wright with Phil Robertson. Yet, I shall repeat myself for a third time. JEREMIAH WRIGHT WAS OBAMA'S PASTOR FOR TWENTY YEARS.
In summation, political and moral relativism as a means to propagate an anti-American prejudice is an old game that has only accomplished one thing. Social,ethnic and racial divisiveness.

After six years of this crowing I still don't get the point. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor............... and?

Who was George W. Bush's pastor? The Dick Cheney's? Mitt Romney's? John McCain's?

WHO CARES? The pastors were not and are not running for office.

Who were their dentists? Their telephone repair people? Their mail carriers?
Conspiring minds need to know. Scandal beckons.
I noticed that your political relativism is also able to be used to compare Jeremiah Wright with Phil Robertson. Yet, I shall repeat myself for a third time. JEREMIAH WRIGHT WAS OBAMA'S PASTOR FOR TWENTY YEARS.
In summation, political and moral relativism as a means to propagate an anti-American prejudice is an old game that has only accomplished one thing. Social,ethnic and racial divisiveness.

After six years of this crowing I still don't get the point. Jeremiah Wright was Obama's pastor............... and?

Who was George W. Bush's pastor? The Dick Cheney's? Mitt Romney's? John McCain's?

WHO CARES? The pastors were not and are not running for office.

Who were their dentists? Their telephone repair people? Their mail carriers?
Conspiring minds need to know. Scandal beckons.

If you spend 20 years in a hatemonger's congregation and if you cite him as a mentor, he is in a different category from your dentist. And then if you claim that after sitting in the congregation for 20 years, you never heard the hate -- then that's a story.

Early shades of the "is he dishonest or is he oblivious?" debate America is finally having 6 years too late.
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