Racism??? No...Limbaugh is just presenting the right wing point of view

Prove it happened.

I've already proven that Newsweek never said "we are born racists" in this very thread. Even radioman was forced to admit America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy was not correct when he told his Newsweek lie.
Prove it happened.

I've already proven that Newsweek never said "we are born racists" in this very thread. Even radioman was forced to admit America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy was not correct when he told his Newsweek lie.

Forced to admit? Nice spin, but there was no force involved. Nor did I do it unwillingly or reluctantly or whatever other kind of adjective you want to throw on it.

What my point has been all along is that the statement by Limbaugh was not racist, and to read his statement literally he was saying that Newsweek was actually racist.

Whether or not you agree Limbaugh's characterization of Newsweek, disagree with it, or go eat a banana is not pertinent to the point that I made.
What did it say? Exactly?

RUSH: Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white. Newsweek magazine told us this. We know that white students are destroying civility on buses, white students destroying civility in classrooms all over America, white congressmen destroying civility in the House of Representatives.

Sarcastic? Yup. Mischaracterized the Newsweek study? Yup.

Racist? No.
Of course it was racist. Why else would he have made up a lie about Newsweek to rationalize his CON$ervative racism? Why didn't he give a real reason for his "sarcasm" rather than fabricate a lie about Newsweek to justify his CON$ervative racism?

September 18, 2009
RUSH: During the break Mr. Snerdley showed me a website that a friend of his had alerted him to. Apparently it has taken hold out there that when discussing Obama's America as it relates to the school bus incident -- where was that? That was in Belleville, right? Belleville, Illinois -- playing off the Newsweek story of, you know, all white kids are born racists. I did a whole routine here on, "Well, maybe we need to segregate the buses and so forth," in a joking fashion.

No, it was not racist. Period.

Your EDITING reveals that you can't explain why your MessiahRushie would make up a lie to deny his racism!!!

I don't deny that he msicharacterized Newsweek's study.

However, this alone does not make him racist for doing so.
And therefore irrelevant to my statement, which still stands. Let me know when yer tired of banging your head against a wall.

Now you resort to a Straw Man, further proof you KNOW you are wrong.

He used his Newsweek lie to RATIONALIZE his racism.
Your EDITING reveals that you can't explain why your MessiahRushie would make up a lie to deny his racism!!!

I don't deny that he msicharacterized Newsweek's study.

However, this alone does not make him racist for doing so.
And therefore irrelevant to my statement, which still stands. Let me know when yer tired of banging your head against a wall.

Now you resort to a Straw Man, further proof you KNOW you are wrong.

He used his Newsweek lie to RATIONALIZE his racism.

Strawman? There's no strawman there. Although I guess you intentionally calling something a strawman when it is not actually one is, itself, a strawman.

He used the Newsweek study to rationalize his sarcasm. There was no racism in his statement.

But keep on FAIL'ing. We love to watch you.
What did it say? Exactly?

RUSH: Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white. Newsweek magazine told us this. We know that white students are destroying civility on buses, white students destroying civility in classrooms all over America, white congressmen destroying civility in the House of Representatives.

Sarcastic? Yup. Mischaracterized the Newsweek study? Yup.

Racist? No.
I think you need to obfuscate that with a bit more irrelevant verbosity for it to be understood, Radioman. One must adopt the correct language when communicating.
What did it say? Exactly?

RUSH: Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white. Newsweek magazine told us this. We know that white students are destroying civility on buses, white students destroying civility in classrooms all over America, white congressmen destroying civility in the House of Representatives.

Sarcastic? Yup. Mischaracterized the Newsweek study? Yup.

Racist? No.
I think you need to obfuscate that with a bit more irrelevant verbosity for it to be understood, Radioman. One must adopt the correct language when communicating.

Your EDITING reveals that you can't explain why your MessiahRushie would make up a lie to deny his racism!!!

I don't deny that he msicharacterized Newsweek's study.

However, this alone does not make him racist for doing so. And therefore irrelevant to my statement, which still stands. Let me know when yer tired of banging your head against a wall.

Now you resort to a Straw Man, further proof you KNOW you are wrong.

He used his Newsweek lie to RATIONALIZE his racism.
But still, and yet? *YOU * have to prove Limbaugh *IS* indeed a rascist by your posts.

I haven't seen it happen. Will it?
RUSH: Hey, look, folks, the white kid on that bus in Belleville, Illinois, he deserved to be beat up. You don't know about this story? Oh, there's video of this. The school bus filled with mostly black students beat up a white student a couple of times with all the black students cheering. Of course the white student on the bus deserved the beating. He was born a racist. That's what Newsweek magazine told us in its most recent cover. It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on," and, of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it, he was born a racist, he's white. Newsweek magazine told us this. We know that white students are destroying civility on buses, white students destroying civility in classrooms all over America, white congressmen destroying civility in the House of Representatives.

Sarcastic? Yup. Mischaracterized the Newsweek study? Yup.

Racist? No.
I think you need to obfuscate that with a bit more irrelevant verbosity for it to be understood, Radioman. One must adopt the correct language when communicating.

You're being too direct, too clear, too concise, too relevant for your opponent. Muddy the waters of your answer with some irrelevant words, points, etc.

*I was being sarcastic. Trying for funny and failing*
I think you need to obfuscate that with a bit more irrelevant verbosity for it to be understood, Radioman. One must adopt the correct language when communicating.

You're being too direct, too clear, too concise, too relevant for your opponent. Muddy the waters of your answer with some irrelevant words, points, etc.

*I was being sarcastic. Trying for funny and failing*

Gotcha. Sorry I missed the sarcasm. I'm multitasking here at work.
I don't deny that he msicharacterized Newsweek's study.

However, this alone does not make him racist for doing so.
And therefore irrelevant to my statement, which still stands. Let me know when yer tired of banging your head against a wall.

Now you resort to a Straw Man, further proof you KNOW you are wrong.

He used his Newsweek lie to RATIONALIZE his racism.

Strawman? There's no strawman there. Although I guess you intentionally calling something a strawman when it is not actually one is, itself, a strawman.

He used the Newsweek study to rationalize his sarcasm. There was no racism in his statement.

But keep on FAIL'ing. We love to watch you.

No, he made up a phony study he passed off as coming from Newsweek to justify his racist "sarcasm." He himself admits his racist "sarcasm" was based on the Newsweek lie he made up.

As you said he was calling Newsweek racist, but the statement from "Newsweek" he was calling racist came from himself and not Newsweek. So his "sarcastic" racist remark came from his own racist Newsweek fabrication.
Get it???
Now you resort to a Straw Man, further proof you KNOW you are wrong.

He used his Newsweek lie to RATIONALIZE his racism.

Strawman? There's no strawman there. Although I guess you intentionally calling something a strawman when it is not actually one is, itself, a strawman.

He used the Newsweek study to rationalize his sarcasm. There was no racism in his statement.

But keep on FAIL'ing. We love to watch you.

No, he made up a phony study he passed off as coming from Newsweek to justify his racist "sarcasm." He himself admits his racist "sarcasm" was based on the Newsweek lie he made up.

As you said he was calling Newsweek racist, but the statement from "Newsweek" he was calling racist came from himself and not Newsweek. So his "sarcastic" racist remark came from his own racist Newsweek fabrication.
Get it???

You lost me about about the 4th revolution of your spin.

So when someone mischaracterizes a study about race, no matter what point they are trying to make, they are in fact racist? Is that your point? Better go take a logic class sometime.
Strawman? There's no strawman there. Although I guess you intentionally calling something a strawman when it is not actually one is, itself, a strawman.

He used the Newsweek study to rationalize his sarcasm. There was no racism in his statement.

But keep on FAIL'ing. We love to watch you.

No, he made up a phony study he passed off as coming from Newsweek to justify his racist "sarcasm." He himself admits his racist "sarcasm" was based on the Newsweek lie he made up.

As you said he was calling Newsweek racist, but the statement from "Newsweek" he was calling racist came from himself and not Newsweek. So his "sarcastic" racist remark came from his own racist Newsweek fabrication.
Get it???

You lost me about about the 4th revolution of your spin.

So when someone mischaracterizes a study about race, no matter what point they are trying to make, they are in fact racist? Is that your point? Better go take a logic class sometime.

Now you are back to playing dumb so you can create your Straw Man.

He claimed his racist statement was "sarcasm" based on a racist statement he attributed to Newsweek, but the racist statement he attributed to Newsweek came from himself and not Newsweek.

Fallacy: Straw Man
Description of Straw Man

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. [*]Person A has position X.
    [*]Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
    [*]Person B attacks position Y.
    [*]Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself. One might as well expect an attack on a poor drawing of a person to hurt the person.
No, he made up a phony study he passed off as coming from Newsweek to justify his racist "sarcasm." He himself admits his racist "sarcasm" was based on the Newsweek lie he made up.

As you said he was calling Newsweek racist, but the statement from "Newsweek" he was calling racist came from himself and not Newsweek. So his "sarcastic" racist remark came from his own racist Newsweek fabrication.
Get it???

You lost me about about the 4th revolution of your spin.

So when someone mischaracterizes a study about race, no matter what point they are trying to make, they are in fact racist? Is that your point? Better go take a logic class sometime.

Now you are back to playing dumb so you can create your Straw Man.

He claimed his racist statement was "sarcasm" based on a racist statement he attributed to Newsweek, but the racist statement he attributed to Newsweek came from himself and not Newsweek.

Fallacy: Straw Man
Description of Straw Man

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. [*]Person A has position X.
    [*]Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
    [*]Person B attacks position Y.
    [*]Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself. One might as well expect an attack on a poor drawing of a person to hurt the person.

It's always about the man and not the message. :cuckoo:
Fallacy: Straw Man
Description of Straw Man

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. [*]Person A has position X.
    [*]Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
    [*]Person B attacks position Y.
    [*]Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself. One might as well expect an attack on a poor drawing of a person to hurt the person.

Seriously. We didn't need a description of your modus operandi. We know what it means and how you use it.
No, he made up a phony study he passed off as coming from Newsweek to justify his racist "sarcasm." He himself admits his racist "sarcasm" was based on the Newsweek lie he made up.

As you said he was calling Newsweek racist, but the statement from "Newsweek" he was calling racist came from himself and not Newsweek. So his "sarcastic" racist remark came from his own racist Newsweek fabrication.
Get it???

You lost me about about the 4th revolution of your spin.

So when someone mischaracterizes a study about race, no matter what point they are trying to make, they are in fact racist? Is that your point? Better go take a logic class sometime.

Now you are back to playing dumb so you can create your Straw Man.

He claimed his racist statement was "sarcasm" based on a racist statement he attributed to Newsweek, but the racist statement he attributed to Newsweek came from himself and not Newsweek.

[Emphasis added] Limbaugh is racist against whites?
Now you resort to a Straw Man, further proof you KNOW you are wrong.

He used his Newsweek lie to RATIONALIZE his racism.

Strawman? There's no strawman there. Although I guess you intentionally calling something a strawman when it is not actually one is, itself, a strawman.

He used the Newsweek study to rationalize his sarcasm. There was no racism in his statement.

But keep on FAIL'ing. We love to watch you.

No, he made up a phony study he passed off as coming from Newsweek to justify his racist "sarcasm." He himself admits his racist "sarcasm" was based on the Newsweek lie he made up.

As you said he was calling Newsweek racist, but the statement from "Newsweek" he was calling racist came from himself and not Newsweek. So his "sarcastic" racist remark came from his own racist Newsweek fabrication.
Get it???

Errr.ummm...You *CLAIM* Limbaugh made a phoney "Study"? Where is the "Study" and why is it "Phoney"?

You are making quite a few accusations here, but all I see are bones and no MEAT.

No, he made up a phony study he passed off as coming from Newsweek to justify his racist "sarcasm." He himself admits his racist "sarcasm" was based on the Newsweek lie he made up.

As you said he was calling Newsweek racist, but the statement from "Newsweek" he was calling racist came from himself and not Newsweek. So his "sarcastic" racist remark came from his own racist Newsweek fabrication.
Get it???

You lost me about about the 4th revolution of your spin.

So when someone mischaracterizes a study about race, no matter what point they are trying to make, they are in fact racist? Is that your point? Better go take a logic class sometime.

Now you are back to playing dumb so you can create your Straw Man.

He claimed his racist statement was "sarcasm" based on a racist statement he attributed to Newsweek, but the racist statement he attributed to Newsweek came from himself and not Newsweek.

I know its hard for you, but follow along here....

Nothing he said was racist.

But by all means. Keep throwing your FAIL out here where we can all see it.

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