Radical leftists triggered by 4th of July spew hatred on Twitter

Unfathomable what has happened to these people. The media and school system brainwashing may have finally paid of.

Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Liberal columnists, activists, and others on social media claim America's birthday steeped in racism

The Fourth of July has long been a cherished time for patriotic Americans and their families to come together and celebrate the birth of their country.

More than a mere day of fireworks, flags and parades, the Fourth reminds all Americans of their fortune to live in such a unique and special country. It is a day on which all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, recall that they are all on the same team.

Or at least it used to be. Now, it seems the Fourth of July — and all of the accompanying patriotic pomp and circumstance — has become a major source of aggravation and ire for the radical Left...more sickness at the link....
Oh those radical leftists. Look at what they do. Healthcare, equal pay for equal work, women's right, voter's rights. Such awful people.
They should be more like "let them die" Republicans.

/---- Those are conservative ideals. Liberals held Blacks as slaves.

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normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.

just because normal folk abandon the crazy leftist (the new face) of the democratic party

means that they joined the republicans

no new parties will form
normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.
No one ever said become a "one party state".
They did not have to, bubba, they implied it with the phrase 'no other remedy'.

since when does "no other remedy" mean one party state --LOL
No surprise. A little shocking when you first read them, but it's not the first time you've heard this stuff from them.
The Democrats have to distance themselves from these vermin or they will become a minor party in this country. No one here wants to diminish this country other than Marxists and other people who do not love and identify with the USA.
Right now, these people essentially speak for the party.

I have no idea how that gets fixed.

normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

I think any political party is doomed when an important part of their platform is to demand that people hate their own nation and also hate more than half of their own population.

Of course the Democrats, like all Leftist political parties in the Western world are now increasingly Marxist in philosophy and actions, it was always going to get to this point that their Inner Marxist would emerge.

normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.
No one ever said become a "one party state".
They did not have to, bubba, they implied it with the phrase 'no other remedy'.

since when does "no other remedy" mean one party state --LOL
Liberals cannot resist twisting words. That is why they are losing and why the media cannot be trusted. They lie.
normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.
No one ever said become a "one party state".
They did not have to, bubba, they implied it with the phrase 'no other remedy'.

since when does "no other remedy" mean one party state --LOL
Liberals cannot resist twisting words. That is why they are losing and why the media cannot be trusted. They lie.

yes indeed

it is one of the reasons normal folk are abandoning the party in droves
The demcoratic party is not far leftist, the members in the party may be, but not the party or it's platform itself...Just like the GOP platform is not radical republicanism..

That party is pretty Far Left now, the sensible thing would be for the Democrats to go into the Centre-Left, but they seem to be going more Left-of-Left, they need to disassociate from all these Activist Groups, it's the Activist Groups who are influencing them to go Left-of-Left.
I don't really know the actual ideological makeup of the party right now. Clearly the zealots, the regressives, are in control, but that doesn't necessarily mean they represent a majority of the party. There are a lot of decent, real liberals out there, but they're being drowned out by the intolerant leftist authoritarians. The percentages? Hard to know.

The Liberals need to organise some type of party coup, they need to overthrow the Leftists and the Liberals take back control, there is nothing tolerant about the Leftists they are the most intolerant of the intolerant and that among other things is going to make the entire thing implode.
Well, two things:

First, that's a helluva lot easier said than done. By their nature, zealots have most of the energy (and therefore influence) within the party.

Second, the party may not need to change. If Trump & Co screw this up, the regressives will be ready to go. That's their plan, and they may not be wrong.

Many on the Left are literal regressives, the ones who have the bizarro love in with Islam have no problem with wanting to take Western nations backward to a political and social philosophy that's not developed since the 7th Century.

You make a statement like that and I dont know if you are joking or not.

Nobody wants to see the world turn into any kind of theocracy.

The extreme right have a limited grasp on reality.

So when someone like Coyote strikes a note of sense she is labelled as a rape enabling leftist retard. I get the same treatment as well.

Let me tell you a secret. Its possible to be appalled by the excesses of isis and al quaeda without feeling the need to demonise the 2bn Muslims who were not involved.

Its really that simple.

Heres another secret. If you cant grasp that simple thing then you have a big problem.
Unfathomable what has happened to these people. The media and school system brainwashing may have finally paid of.

Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Liberal columnists, activists, and others on social media claim America's birthday steeped in racism

The Fourth of July has long been a cherished time for patriotic Americans and their families to come together and celebrate the birth of their country.

More than a mere day of fireworks, flags and parades, the Fourth reminds all Americans of their fortune to live in such a unique and special country. It is a day on which all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, recall that they are all on the same team.

Or at least it used to be. Now, it seems the Fourth of July — and all of the accompanying patriotic pomp and circumstance — has become a major source of aggravation and ire for the radical Left...more sickness at the link....
Wow, no spew on right wing sites.?
Nothing like a constitution written by slave owners and rapists and founded by convicts and religious nuts.
July 4 = thanksgiving day in the uk

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.
No one ever said become a "one party state".
They did not have to, bubba, they implied it with the phrase 'no other remedy'.

since when does "no other remedy" mean one party state --LOL
Liberals cannot resist twisting words. That is why they are losing and why the media cannot be trusted. They lie.

yes indeed

it is one of the reasons normal folk are abandoning the party in droves
Normal = white old high school Ed farts
Unfathomable what has happened to these people. The media and school system brainwashing may have finally paid of.

Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Liberal columnists, activists, and others on social media claim America's birthday steeped in racism

The Fourth of July has long been a cherished time for patriotic Americans and their families to come together and celebrate the birth of their country.

More than a mere day of fireworks, flags and parades, the Fourth reminds all Americans of their fortune to live in such a unique and special country. It is a day on which all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, recall that they are all on the same team.

Or at least it used to be. Now, it seems the Fourth of July — and all of the accompanying patriotic pomp and circumstance — has become a major source of aggravation and ire for the radical Left...more sickness at the link....
Wow, no spew on right wing sites.?
Nothing like a constitution written by slave owners and rapists and founded by convicts and religious nuts.
July 4 = thanksgiving day in the uk
No, only True Americans giving thanks to God and this country for what we have.
No one ever said become a "one party state".
They did not have to, bubba, they implied it with the phrase 'no other remedy'.

since when does "no other remedy" mean one party state --LOL
Liberals cannot resist twisting words. That is why they are losing and why the media cannot be trusted. They lie.

yes indeed

it is one of the reasons normal folk are abandoning the party in droves
Normal = white old high school Ed farts
How does one educate a "fart"?
Why would Black folks celebrate the 4th of July ?

Name me a black-majority nation on this planet in which blacks have a better life than they do in America. Name even ONE.
And we all applaud them for progressing in a white society that has mistreated them since they were brought over in chains.Why cant your sort have any empathy for a different point of view ? You are holding the country back.

Because, idiot, today blacks have EVERY legal right that whites have. Not one black living today in America was a slave and not one white living today had anything to do with slavery. And the bottom line, you schmuck, is that July 4, 1776 was this country's official birthdate, that's an historical FACT regardless! See, unlike your UK Islam fellatrix, we are NOT a self-loathing culture. We don't consider our national flag "waaaaycist!!!" We have bent over backwards to appease our black crybabies, we don't need to erase our proud history to make them "feel good" about themselves, much as you British American-hating child-molesting, drunken inbreds wish we would.

Let's be honest: no matter what America does or doesn't do, you British c*nts will always hate us and vomit your pommie crybaby "whinging" shit I got tired of listening to years ago. You're a nation who pimps your own daughters out to the Pisslam bloodbath (I'm aware of "grooming gangs"), how DARE you look down on anyone else, you coward!
Why would Black folks celebrate the 4th of July ?
Because they're Americans who never experienced slavery or racism and nothing but freedom they can't get in most other countries?
But independence brought zero change to their lives. In fact they would have been better off if the rebels had lost. Why not pick a date that all Americans can get behind ?

Why is that? Slavery was set up in the British colonies, and wasn't outlawed until 1833.
The British freed the slaves that fought for them ,Washington promised them freedom and then reneged on it. Neither side had a great record but the British were a lot better.

You fucking, fucking, fucking LIAR!!! During the American Civil War the British sided with the Confederacy because they were giving you guys good trade deals on slave-picked cotton. Black-slave-picked cotton was okay with you American-hating British phonies as long as YOU were benefitting from it. Now shouldn't you be busy pimping your female relatives out to muslim inbreds? JESUS CHRIST, you Brits are some of the most disgusting human beings this "bloody seppo" has ever seen on this planet.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: after 13 years of backpacking abroad every year in the South Pacific, I got TIRED of British white trash tourist slime of my race and their random, explosive verbal abuse, hatred of Americans, I want you pommies and your Islam whoremasters to kill as many of each other as possible. I've dealt with English pigs and their random orgasms of American-hatred, spewing death threats SOOO many times (you UK fucks are the ONLY nationality to constantly do this) - every FUCKING time the alcohol starts flowing - I believe you poms are simply too booze-pickled tp understand how much this "bloody yank" wants every last one of you British filth dead. I've seen first-hand that you Brits are HORRIBLE people who cannot behave in a civilized manner when a "seppo" is in the room.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: after 13 years of backpacking abroad every year in the South Pacific, I got TIRED of British white trash tourist slime of my race and their random, explosive verbal abuse, hatred of Americans, I want you pommies and your Islam whoremasters to kill as many of each other as possible. I've dealt with English pigs and their random orgasms of American-hatred, spewing death threats SOOO many times (you UK fucks are the ONLY nationality to constantly do this) - every FUCKING time the alcohol starts flowing - I believe you poms are simply too booze-pickled tp understand how much this "bloody yank" wants every last one of you British filth dead. I've seen first-hand that you Brits are HORRIBLE people who cannot behave in a civilized manner when a "seppo" is in the room.
Tammys a Welsh commie, not all of us are like him, and not all of us hate America and Americans! And what is a 'seppo'?
normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.
No one ever said become a "one party state".
They did not have to, bubba, they implied it with the phrase 'no other remedy'.

since when does "no other remedy" mean one party state --LOL

When it is applied to a TWO PARTY system, lol.
normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.
No one ever said become a "one party state".
They did not have to, bubba, they implied it with the phrase 'no other remedy'.

since when does "no other remedy" mean one party state --LOL

When it is applied to a TWO PARTY system, lol.
It's a pity the REAL actual Liberals don't form their own Liberal party.

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