Raise taxes or cut spending?

I think a tax hike during an economic downtime is a great idea. Economists say putting more strain on the already downtrodden working class is the best thing we could do!
Go Murica'!

Nice try politico, but this tax hike offsets the cost for much larger economic stimulus that is the infrustructure bill, there is not a single economist that thinks that the overall effect is anything less than expansionary.

The concern, if anything, is that all these polcies add up to TOO MUCH expansion and would cause inflationary pressures.
I have said it before and we as a Nation need to cutting wasteful spending, end fraud and eliminate bloat before we discuss taxation...

You can say it all you want but the political REALITY is that no one wants to stick their neck out for long term fiscal fixes.

There is only way we will ever be able to address this and that is with comprehensive package where everyone gives some - Republicans on taxes and millitary spending, Democrats on entitelement spending and us Americans understanding that there is no free lunch here and there there will be some economic pain to get this done.
There is only way we will ever be able to address this and that is with comprehensive package where everyone gives some - Republicans on taxes and millitary spending, Democrats on entitelement spending and us Americans understanding that there is no free lunch here and there there will be some economic pain to get this done.

Military is NOT wasteful spending. It is the gov'ts. number one job to protect the people in our country. Stop the WASTEFUL spending, you know like sending billions to Pakistan for "gender studies".

This is not complicated.
How can this administration even mention a tax hike while spending tens/hundreds of billions on illegal aliens?
The OP doesn't match the title.
haha...does that mean this thread scares you?
No, it means you have to lie to get people to open your threads.
There's no lie...nobody but you has struggled with it.
It is a lie. Most people are just used to you telling them so they let it slide.
There is only way we will ever be able to address this and that is with comprehensive package where everyone gives some - Republicans on taxes and millitary spending, Democrats on entitelement spending and us Americans understanding that there is no free lunch here and there there will be some economic pain to get this done.

Military is NOT wasteful spending.

Yea yea sure, 700+ billion a year (compared to 35B on foreign aid) , all perfectly efficient. And someone else will be saying how critical and efficient entitelement spending is.

Everyone has their sacred cows while our revenues are not anywhere near matching our spending and this will not ever get fixed unless everyone cuts the bs and give up some.
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Yea yea sure, 700+ billion a year (compared to 35B on foreign aid) , all perfectly efficient. And someone else will be saying how critical and efficient entitelement spending is.

Everyone has their sacred cows while our revenues are not anywhere near matching our spending and this will not ever get fixed unless everyone cuts the bs and give up some.




  • 1617829749222.png
    2.6 KB · Views: 10
Thanks for your support in abolishing all "drug war" spending in favor of general welfare spending.
Not "in favor" of anything. I'd cut the fuck out of your welfare hammock, too.
Providing for the general welfare is actually in our federal Constitution. That is why I have no confidence in right wing sincerity regarding understanding our Constitutional form of Government.
Providing for the general welfare is actually in our federal Constitution. That is why I have no confidence in right wing sincerity regarding understanding our Constitutional form of Government.
General welfare is not the same as individual welfare. Words have meaning.
General welfare is providing border security so everyone is safe from illegals causing harm.
Individual welfare is you getting a monthly check just because you're too lazy or inept to cover your personal expenses.

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