Raise taxes or cut spending?

Providing for the general welfare is actually in our federal Constitution. That is why I have no confidence in right wing sincerity regarding understanding our Constitutional form of Government.
General welfare is not the same as individual welfare. Words have meaning.
General welfare is providing border security so everyone is safe from illegals causing harm.
Individual welfare is you getting a monthly check just because you're too lazy or inept to cover your personal expenses.
The people are also individuals. Stop being so disenguous for the general malfare instead of the general welfare.
The people are also individuals. Stop being so disenguous for the general malfare instead of the general welfare.
Why doesn't every individual receive the same welfare check as you? Because that would be providing general welfare. When it's targeted to individuals, it is individual welfare.
Another example of general welfare would be the public school system, which all are allowed to attend. If you had done so, you would know there are no such words as "disenguous" and "malfare".
How can this administration even mention a tax hike while spending tens/hundreds of billions on illegal aliens?

Cut taxes, cut spending, repeal the income tax and either go to a Flat Tax or a sales tax only........that is how you fix it...
i agree with AOC's recent proposal to spend 10 trillion dollars. that's not much, but it's a start

The people are also individuals. Stop being so disenguous for the general malfare instead of the general welfare.
Why doesn't every individual receive the same welfare check as you? Because that would be providing general welfare. When it's targeted to individuals, it is individual welfare.
Another example of general welfare would be the public school system, which all are allowed to attend. If you had done so, you would know there are no such words as "disenguous" and "malfare".
Means testing or equal application of the laws can help promote the general welfare for some and provide for the general welfare for others on an Institutional basis. It is not about, Individuals but about social safety nets and their efficaciousness. And, equal protection of the laws is an entitlement.
Means testing or equal application of the laws can help promote the general welfare for some and provide for the general welfare for others on an Institutional basis. It is not about, Individuals but about social safety nets and their efficaciousness. And, equal protection of the laws is an entitlement.
Your word salad doesn't change the fact that the Constitution says nothing whatsoever about individuals receiving welfare from the government. Gobledygook is your tell when you have a poor intellectual hand.
Means testing or equal application of the laws can help promote the general welfare for some and provide for the general welfare for others on an Institutional basis. It is not about, Individuals but about social safety nets and their efficaciousness. And, equal protection of the laws is an entitlement.
Your word salad doesn't change the fact that the Constitution says nothing whatsoever about individuals receiving welfare from the government. Gobledygook is your tell when you have a poor intellectual hand.
The People are comprised of Individuals, your disingenuity is literally, incredible.

That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.
The People are comprised of Individuals, your disingenuity is literally, incredible.
Then why don't all individuals get the same check, retard?
When you selectively hand out bennies, it becomes individual welfare, not general. Words have meaning.
The People are comprised of Individuals, your disingenuity is literally, incredible.
Then why don't all individuals get the same check, retard?
When you selectively hand out bennies, it becomes individual welfare, not general. Words have meaning.
Because we have so many different programs. General welfare applies to the uniform operation of the laws not your special pleading. Why do you believe welfare for individuals would not be included in the general welfare for the People? And, where did you get your false assumption that individuals are not included in the general welfare. Also, ad hominems are usually considered fallacies. I resort to the fewest. Any questions?
Because we have so many different programs. General welfare applies to the uniform operation of the laws not your special pleading. Why do you believe welfare for individuals would not be included in the general welfare for the People? And, where did you get your false assumption that individuals are not included in the general welfare. Also, ad hominems are usually considered fallacies. I resort to the fewest. Any questions?
Another word salad employed as a poor disguise for your intellectual impotence. Yawn.
The People are comprised of Individuals, your disingenuity is literally, incredible.
Then why don't all individuals get the same check, retard?
When you selectively hand out bennies, it becomes individual welfare, not general. Words have meaning.
Isn't he the same guy arguing that "People" in the 2A is not in reference to individuals?
Because we have so many different programs. General welfare applies to the uniform operation of the laws not your special pleading. Why do you believe welfare for individuals would not be included in the general welfare for the People? And, where did you get your false assumption that individuals are not included in the general welfare. Also, ad hominems are usually considered fallacies. I resort to the fewest. Any questions?
Another word salad employed as a poor disguise for your intellectual impotence. Yawn.
Says the person who has no valid rebuttal but still wants to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth". Right wing false morality?
The People are comprised of Individuals, your disingenuity is literally, incredible.
Then why don't all individuals get the same check, retard?
When you selectively hand out bennies, it becomes individual welfare, not general. Words have meaning.
Isn't he the same guy arguing that "People" in the 2A is not in reference to individuals?
Why is Your guy alleging it isn't in reference to Individuals?
Says the person who has no valid rebuttal but still wants to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth". Right wing false morality?
If you stop posting, new members won't know how much of a fool you are.
I am the one who resorts to the fewest fallacies. Right wingers only know how to practice the abomination of hypocrisy not rebut with valid arguments.
They all already lost their arguments, so why should I care?
No one loses arguments with you, they just tire of exposing your ignorance.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful?

It could be immoral to take you right wingers seriously. The following scripture applies with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

Job 34:30 That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
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