Raise taxes or cut spending?

Article is from 2020 while he was running. He won the election by 7 million votes with a platform of raising taxes. Quit making new topics acting surprised about him raising taxes.
He won because he got 85% of the black vote. If it was 65% he loses. Why did he get the votes? News Entertainment Media portrays Republicans as racist. And sheep fall for it. You're case in point.
"He won because he got more votes"

shut up
A proven fact, politicians are incapable of decentralization coupled with reducing the size of the bureaucracy and or cutting entitlements.
Fact; with the centralization of power within the federal government, reducing states powers and authority, the bureaucracy has evolved into a power within itself.
Fact; redundant duplication between federal and state bureaucracies as well within both individual entities have evolved into a bureaucratic nightmare.
To initiate change requires decentralizing the federal government and returning authority, power, to the states.
The federal government should only be empowered with defense, judicial, treaties, foreign policy, federal lands, monetary policy, and commerce.
We call ourselves a republic yet fail to perform as one.

Article is from 2020 while he was running. He won the election by 7 million votes with a platform of raising taxes. Quit making new topics acting surprised about him raising taxes.
He won because he got 85% of the black vote. If it was 65% he loses. Why did he get the votes? News Entertainment Media portrays Republicans as racist. And sheep fall for it. You're case in point.
"He won because he got more votes"

shut up
Electoral College votes and if not for the black vote, he loses by 20 mil. Black vote = 85% Democrat due to the brainwashing by our News Entertainment Media.

Article is from 2020 while he was running. He won the election by 7 million votes with a platform of raising taxes. Quit making new topics acting surprised about him raising taxes.
Well...he claimed he wasn't going to raise taxes on the middle class...some idiots believed the lying grifter...and now we will all suffer
How can this administration even mention a tax hike while spending tens/hundreds of billions on illegal aliens?

This administration is run by one of the worst ever elected Americans, one who has engaged in theft of taxpayer funds and selling access and in doing so has sold out America, waged war against America, and given wealth and comfort to our enemies.

Article is from 2020 while he was running. He won the election by 7 million votes with a platform of raising taxes. Quit making new topics acting surprised about him raising taxes.

Raise taxes and raise spending

Then whine about the debt.

Typical politician
How can this administration even mention a tax hike while spending tens/hundreds of billions on illegal aliens?
How much GDP do illegal immigrates add to our countries economy?

How much GDP did the formers presidents tax cuts add to it?

EVERY administration should try to cut spending, especially when the only alternative is a tax hike.

The fact that Biden wants to raise taxes to pay for vermin illegal aliens is an affront to every decent American...
Yup, they should cut spending like the republicans did every time they were in power...oh wait..

EVERY administration should try to cut spending, especially when the only alternative is a tax hike.

The fact that Biden wants to raise taxes to pay for vermin illegal aliens is an affront to every decent American...
Yup, they should cut spending like the republicans did every time they were in power...oh wait..

Well, the left insists that we believe that democrats are so much better than Republicans. Let's see them prove it...

EVERY administration should try to cut spending, especially when the only alternative is a tax hike.

The fact that Biden wants to raise taxes to pay for vermin illegal aliens is an affront to every decent American...
Yup, they should cut spending like the republicans did every time they were in power...oh wait..

Well, the left insists that we believe that democrats are so much better than Republicans. Let's see them prove it...
Well they are..tax and spend makes a hell of a lot more sense than cut taxes and spend..

Article is from 2020 while he was running. He won the election by 7 million votes with a platform of raising taxes. Quit making new topics acting surprised about him raising taxes.
He won because he got 85% of the black vote. If it was 65% he loses. Why did he get the votes? News Entertainment Media portrays Republicans as racist. And sheep fall for it. You're case in point.
Yet, President Biden received 91% of the African-American vote...

Article is from 2020 while he was running. He won the election by 7 million votes with a platform of raising taxes. Quit making new topics acting surprised about him raising taxes.
He won because he got 85% of the black vote. If it was 65% he loses. Why did he get the votes? News Entertainment Media portrays Republicans as racist. And sheep fall for it. You're case in point.
Yet, President Biden received 91% of the African-American vote...
Even more than I surmised. Our African American community has the power to decide elections. This country is far from being systematically racist. While I question why they repeatedly vote mostly one way, it is their right. 100%.

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