Ralph Northam Got Nearly $2 Million in Donations from Planned Parenthood

Why are my taxes going to a political organization?

Because that organization is providing services as a contractor.

Why does Northrup Grumman and Boeing make so many political contributions... One Airplane they produce is more than the whole contribution to PP.

Word .

But hey , if the cons want to eliminate donations from companies / orgs wh ties to government money , I’m in !

But they really don’t want that .
‪In Virginia’s 2017 Democratic primary for Governor, Democratic voters were convinced to vote for the “moderate” Democrat, Ralph Northam — because, as a “moderate,” he could “pick up Republican votes.” Democratic voters were told to reject the progressive candidate, Tom Perriello, a fearless Dem congressman backed by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Now Virginia Democrats have learned what centerism and moderation got them. A hood & some shoe polish.
Progressives win. Women win. Moderates lose (or, are simply losers). Believing you need an older, middle-of-the-road white guy to win elections is what you think if you are a Republican — or are stuck in the 20th century.
Democrats in Virginia brought this on themselves.

The only move Northam can make now to save his career is to switch parties. Declare himself a Virginian Republican — the party that would not pass the bill recognizing the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday unless the weekend also officially honored Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Democrats need to face the music and stop running these “moderates” who are always bending over backwards to please Republicans and racists. Stand strong for the just cause and the people will vote for you (once voter suppression ends).
Why are my taxes going to a political organization?

Because that organization is providing services as a contractor.

Why does Northrup Grumman and Boeing make so many political contributions... One Airplane they produce is more than the whole contribution to PP.
Boeing is not a tax exempt non-profit organization, dufus.
$22 MILLION FOR BETRAYING THE LIVES OF VIABLE CHILDREN.....great pay for liberal extremists if they can get it.
It's amazing that the organization that butchers viable babies, sells their body parts, and bribes politicians with MILLIONS of dollars has not been / can't be stripped if receiving tax dollars yet...

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