Randy Weaver Has Passed.....His Wife And Son Were Murdered By A FBI Sniper

Thank you.
Don’t thank me because I was living in Oregon when Ruby Ridge happened and my Uncle called me to get the scoop on what was going on and I told him I knew little about it but it looked like the Government caused the death of some people…

Waco should have been handled differently and they should have waited for the crazy nut to leave the compound but still the Government action there and Ruby Ridge embolden McVeigh and Nichols that caused the most horrific terrorist attack in American History until 9/11/2001.

Our Government oversteps itself so much and at times we must realize the negative reaction by Civilians and around the World is because of our Government…

Ruby Ridge was senseless and even for me Waco was also senseless even though that guy was nuts, so I am unsure you want to thank me now…
Ruby Ridge is what caused Waco which caused Oklahoma City and yet many still believe Ruby Ridge was justified when it was not…
Was OKC good or bad ???

I have a few long drives today that are “ new business clients “ . Cash in hand
30 years after a shootout with the FBI killed his wife and son, he's dead himself RIP

I feel genuinely sorry for the guy. He got screwed.

Worse, almost 30 years later, he had to watch the guy who put out the "dead or alive" marker on him become Attorney General.

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