Read my lips

Then please tell me. Where do you think I’m wrong? I’m talking about facts and reality.

No you're not, you are spewing leftist dogma.

The fact is that the sale of Swift Premium to China had 400% of the impact on US Exports to China that the Trump tariffs have on Agricultural exports. China is a massive consumer of pork, and we handed them the means of production. You didn't mind at all, because that was Obama and you are a partisan hack.

Wrong again Dude.

We have farmers fuming because of stupid trade wars.
What will happen if they stop buying pork?
I don’t care if China suffer but I care about American sufferings because of stupidity caused by your kid POTUS.
Americans sufferings from higher cost of consumables to loss of jobs and businesses. That’s a fact.

Dude we have a massive businesses blasting your inept POTUS. Just about every one.
Here’s another one blasting Trump. Trumka telling you Trump is a piece of shit.

AFL-CIO Chief Lashes Trump Administration For Hurting American Workers | HuffPost

AFL-CIO Chief Lashes Trump Administration For Hurting American Workers

“Our members are still waiting for the supposed greatness of this economy to reach their kitchen tables,” Richard Trumka told Chris Wallace on Fox News.

The president of the AFL-CIO union federation told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday that the Trump administration has “done more things to hurt workers” than to help them — comments that elicited angry tweets from President Donald Trump.

Richard Trumka, head of the group that includes 55 different unions, said wages are being swamped by rising health care and housing costs, and that Trump is botching his trade war with China.
I asked WHERE do you think I’m wrong? You simply say I’m wrong. You are not making sense at all. PROVE IT.

1. How can we get a better deal when we are losing the market right now?
2. How can we get a better deal when we Americans are paying for higher prices?
3. How can we get a better deal when just about every business categories trashing Trump?

I don't jump when you say, you deranged leftist tool.
You're wrong in thinking the globalist NAFTA way was good for America, it wasn't. It was designed to weaken America by globalist H.W. Bush.

Everybody pays a little more for things, but everyone has a good bit more money in general is how that works.

Tariffs are to encourage Domestic production. I've been advocating for them for a decade.

I never asked you to jump. I simply asked you to PLEASE prove me wrong.
YOU still not making sense at all.
YOU still not proving me wrong.

You said ...... Tariffs are to encourage Domestic production. PROVE IT. If that is true don’t you think Trump could have made his products here in US?

I gave you a link how serious and dumb is this trade wars.

This has nothing to do with NAFTA.
This is about trade wars that Americans do not need.


Don’t tell me this is your rebuttal. I’m so disappointed.

Sucks to be you, then. :04:

Meaning you don’t know anything. I’m Not surprise.
I asked WHERE do you think I’m wrong? You simply say I’m wrong. You are not making sense at all. PROVE IT.

1. How can we get a better deal when we are losing the market right now?
2. How can we get a better deal when we Americans are paying for higher prices?
3. How can we get a better deal when just about every business categories trashing Trump?

I don't jump when you say, you deranged leftist tool.
You're wrong in thinking the globalist NAFTA way was good for America, it wasn't. It was designed to weaken America by globalist H.W. Bush.

Everybody pays a little more for things, but everyone has a good bit more money in general is how that works.

Tariffs are to encourage Domestic production. I've been advocating for them for a decade.

I never asked you to jump. I simply asked you to PLEASE prove me wrong.
YOU still not making sense at all.
YOU still not proving me wrong.

You said ...... Tariffs are to encourage Domestic production. PROVE IT. If that is true don’t you think Trump could have made his products here in US?

I gave you a link how serious and dumb is this trade wars.

This has nothing to do with NAFTA.
This is about trade wars that Americans do not need.


Don’t tell me this is your rebuttal. I’m so disappointed.

Sucks to be you, then. :04:

You are a waste of bandwidth.
The trade wars are highly popular with American workers, Trump is bitch slapping the left.

Wrong again. Give us an example what industry or business or any categories that supports Trump stupid trade wars.

I’ll wait.

It's not about the businesses or industries, it's about the citizens, dumbass leftist shill.

You may want to read this link to update yourself. Instead of blasting people because of your ignorance. There are several of these links trashing Trump.

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

China is a now a "lost market" for agriculture, said Roger Johnson as he sounded the alarm on U.S. farmers' dire situation in Trump's failing trade war.

The president of the National Farmers Union has leveled an astonishingly frank broadside against President Donald Trump, who rural voters largely supported in the 2016 election.

Trade group leader Roger Johnson said in a radio interview Thursday that it will take “decades” to reverse damage caused by Trump. China, he added, is now a “lost market” for American farmers because of Trump’s trade war.

Trump has “offended the leaders of pretty much every ally we have on Earth,” and America’s reputation in markets around the world has taken a long-lasting hit, Johnson said in an interview on KFGO radio in Fargo, North Dakota. “It’s going to take much different behavior from future presidents in order to repair this damage,” he said.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So Comrade, China is a major importer of American agriculture then? In percentage of agricultural exports, can you explain to the class how much goes to China? 99%? 80%? 50%? 25%? less than 2%?


Are you serious? Are you asking me that question?
If you don’t know the answer to that....... Then you should not be here.

It’s like Marion keeps blabbering and so far he has not given me any common sense rebuttal.

So, you refuse to answer? China is insignificant in agricultural exports. What they impact is ONE megacorp that grows soybeans, the primary export to China. US Soybean is the predominant exporter to China.
Then please tell me. Where do you think I’m wrong? I’m talking about facts and reality.

No you're not, you are spewing leftist dogma.

The fact is that the sale of Swift Premium to China had 400% of the impact on US Exports to China that the Trump tariffs have on Agricultural exports. China is a massive consumer of pork, and we handed them the means of production. You didn't mind at all, because that was Obama and you are a partisan hack.

Wrong again Dude.

We have farmers fuming because of stupid trade wars.
What will happen if they stop buying pork?
I don’t care if China suffer but I care about American sufferings because of stupidity caused by your kid POTUS.
Americans sufferings from higher cost of consumables to loss of jobs and businesses. That’s a fact.

Dude we have a massive businesses blasting your inept POTUS. Just about every one.
Here’s another one blasting Trump. Trumka telling you Trump is a piece of shit.

AFL-CIO Chief Lashes Trump Administration For Hurting American Workers | HuffPost

AFL-CIO Chief Lashes Trump Administration For Hurting American Workers

“Our members are still waiting for the supposed greatness of this economy to reach their kitchen tables,” Richard Trumka told Chris Wallace on Fox News.

The president of the AFL-CIO union federation told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday that the Trump administration has “done more things to hurt workers” than to help them — comments that elicited angry tweets from President Donald Trump.

Richard Trumka, head of the group that includes 55 different unions, said wages are being swamped by rising health care and housing costs, and that Trump is botching his trade war with China.

We have leftist hacks pimping bullshit.

Again, not a peep from you or your fellow Bolsheviks when Smithfield was sold to the ChiCom. But that was Obama...
Wrong again. Give us an example what industry or business or any categories that supports Trump stupid trade wars.

I’ll wait.

It's not about the businesses or industries, it's about the citizens, dumbass leftist shill.

You may want to read this link to update yourself. Instead of blasting people because of your ignorance. There are several of these links trashing Trump.

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

China is a now a "lost market" for agriculture, said Roger Johnson as he sounded the alarm on U.S. farmers' dire situation in Trump's failing trade war.

The president of the National Farmers Union has leveled an astonishingly frank broadside against President Donald Trump, who rural voters largely supported in the 2016 election.

Trade group leader Roger Johnson said in a radio interview Thursday that it will take “decades” to reverse damage caused by Trump. China, he added, is now a “lost market” for American farmers because of Trump’s trade war.

Trump has “offended the leaders of pretty much every ally we have on Earth,” and America’s reputation in markets around the world has taken a long-lasting hit, Johnson said in an interview on KFGO radio in Fargo, North Dakota. “It’s going to take much different behavior from future presidents in order to repair this damage,” he said.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So Comrade, China is a major importer of American agriculture then? In percentage of agricultural exports, can you explain to the class how much goes to China? 99%? 80%? 50%? 25%? less than 2%?


Are you serious? Are you asking me that question?
If you don’t know the answer to that....... Then you should not be here.

It’s like Marion keeps blabbering and so far he has not given me any common sense rebuttal.

So, you refuse to answer? China is insignificant in agricultural exports. What they impact is ONE megacorp that grows soybeans, the primary export to China. US Soybean is the predominant exporter to China.


Then explain why farmers and farmers union are blasting Trump? Are you telling me they are lying?
We bailed these farmers $12b last year and $16b this year. We made them welfare recipients because of trade wars.
So what are you blabbering about?
I don't jump when you say, you deranged leftist tool.
You're wrong in thinking the globalist NAFTA way was good for America, it wasn't. It was designed to weaken America by globalist H.W. Bush.

Everybody pays a little more for things, but everyone has a good bit more money in general is how that works.

Tariffs are to encourage Domestic production. I've been advocating for them for a decade.

I never asked you to jump. I simply asked you to PLEASE prove me wrong.
YOU still not making sense at all.
YOU still not proving me wrong.

You said ...... Tariffs are to encourage Domestic production. PROVE IT. If that is true don’t you think Trump could have made his products here in US?

I gave you a link how serious and dumb is this trade wars.

This has nothing to do with NAFTA.
This is about trade wars that Americans do not need.


Don’t tell me this is your rebuttal. I’m so disappointed.

Sucks to be you, then. :04:

You are a waste of bandwidth.

You're a waste of oxygen, commie hack. Other crops can be grown than soybeans. Whatsamatter, the price went up on your Soy milk and U mad?
Then please tell me. Where do you think I’m wrong? I’m talking about facts and reality.

No you're not, you are spewing leftist dogma.

The fact is that the sale of Swift Premium to China had 400% of the impact on US Exports to China that the Trump tariffs have on Agricultural exports. China is a massive consumer of pork, and we handed them the means of production. You didn't mind at all, because that was Obama and you are a partisan hack.

Wrong again Dude.

We have farmers fuming because of stupid trade wars.
What will happen if they stop buying pork?
I don’t care if China suffer but I care about American sufferings because of stupidity caused by your kid POTUS.
Americans sufferings from higher cost of consumables to loss of jobs and businesses. That’s a fact.

Dude we have a massive businesses blasting your inept POTUS. Just about every one.
Here’s another one blasting Trump. Trumka telling you Trump is a piece of shit.

AFL-CIO Chief Lashes Trump Administration For Hurting American Workers | HuffPost

AFL-CIO Chief Lashes Trump Administration For Hurting American Workers

“Our members are still waiting for the supposed greatness of this economy to reach their kitchen tables,” Richard Trumka told Chris Wallace on Fox News.

The president of the AFL-CIO union federation told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday that the Trump administration has “done more things to hurt workers” than to help them — comments that elicited angry tweets from President Donald Trump.

Richard Trumka, head of the group that includes 55 different unions, said wages are being swamped by rising health care and housing costs, and that Trump is botching his trade war with China.

We have leftist hacks pimping bullshit.

Again, not a peep from you or your fellow Bolsheviks when Smithfield was sold to the ChiCom. But that was Obama...

Please tell me where you think my post are bulshit? Tell me.
I don’t bulshit. I’m telling you reality and facts. We have just about every businesses and every categories blasting your inept POTUS. Are you telling me they are wrong?

Obama has nothing to do with with this discussion. Maybe you want to deflect.

As far as I know you are just a Trump poorly informed supporter. You don’t know shit.
I never asked you to jump. I simply asked you to PLEASE prove me wrong.
YOU still not making sense at all.
YOU still not proving me wrong.

You said ...... Tariffs are to encourage Domestic production. PROVE IT. If that is true don’t you think Trump could have made his products here in US?

I gave you a link how serious and dumb is this trade wars.

This has nothing to do with NAFTA.
This is about trade wars that Americans do not need.


Don’t tell me this is your rebuttal. I’m so disappointed.

Sucks to be you, then. :04:

You are a waste of bandwidth.

You're a waste of oxygen, commie hack. Other crops can be grown than soybeans. Whatsamatter, the price went up on your Soy milk and U mad?

You still don’t know anything Dude.

Don’t tell me this is your rebuttal. I’m so disappointed.

Sucks to be you, then. :04:

You are a waste of bandwidth.

You're a waste of oxygen, commie hack. Other crops can be grown than soybeans. Whatsamatter, the price went up on your Soy milk and U mad?

You still don’t know anything Dude.

I actually do, but you're not worth it.
Don’t tell me this is your rebuttal. I’m so disappointed.

Sucks to be you, then. :04:

You are a waste of bandwidth.

You're a waste of oxygen, commie hack. Other crops can be grown than soybeans. Whatsamatter, the price went up on your Soy milk and U mad?

You still don’t know anything Dude.

I actually do, but you're not worth it.

That’s dumb. Why are you here jumping every time I asked you to jump?

And no you don’t. You don’t know anything.
Sucks to be you, then. :04:

You are a waste of bandwidth.

You're a waste of oxygen, commie hack. Other crops can be grown than soybeans. Whatsamatter, the price went up on your Soy milk and U mad?

You still don’t know anything Dude.

I actually do, but you're not worth it.

That’s dumb. Why are you here jumping every time I asked you to jump?

And no you don’t. You don’t know anything.

You keep telling yourself that, and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank.

By the way, that HuffPuff hearsay "Orange Man Bad" fluff piece is garbage.
It's not about the businesses or industries, it's about the citizens, dumbass leftist shill.

You may want to read this link to update yourself. Instead of blasting people because of your ignorance. There are several of these links trashing Trump.

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

China is a now a "lost market" for agriculture, said Roger Johnson as he sounded the alarm on U.S. farmers' dire situation in Trump's failing trade war.

The president of the National Farmers Union has leveled an astonishingly frank broadside against President Donald Trump, who rural voters largely supported in the 2016 election.

Trade group leader Roger Johnson said in a radio interview Thursday that it will take “decades” to reverse damage caused by Trump. China, he added, is now a “lost market” for American farmers because of Trump’s trade war.

Trump has “offended the leaders of pretty much every ally we have on Earth,” and America’s reputation in markets around the world has taken a long-lasting hit, Johnson said in an interview on KFGO radio in Fargo, North Dakota. “It’s going to take much different behavior from future presidents in order to repair this damage,” he said.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So Comrade, China is a major importer of American agriculture then? In percentage of agricultural exports, can you explain to the class how much goes to China? 99%? 80%? 50%? 25%? less than 2%?


Are you serious? Are you asking me that question?
If you don’t know the answer to that....... Then you should not be here.

It’s like Marion keeps blabbering and so far he has not given me any common sense rebuttal.

So, you refuse to answer? China is insignificant in agricultural exports. What they impact is ONE megacorp that grows soybeans, the primary export to China. US Soybean is the predominant exporter to China.


Then explain why farmers and farmers union are blasting Trump? Are you telling me they are lying?
We bailed these farmers $12b last year and $16b this year. We made them welfare recipients because of trade wars.
So what are you blabbering about?

Wait Comrade, I thought that every farmer was Michael Landon on a small plot of land barely eeking out a living as the evil banks try and steal their homestead.... So what is this "farmers union?" Because UNIONS are only active in large industry or government (fucking the taxpayer) Why would there be unions on family farms?

Oh, that's right, these are MASSIVE CORPORATIONS in real life. Also Comrade, if we gave them $12 billion last year, it had not a fucking thing to do with tariffs, since the trade war hadn't even started. We have given massive corporate welfare to the industrial agriculture sector since the 1930s.
You may want to read this link to update yourself. Instead of blasting people because of your ignorance. There are several of these links trashing Trump.

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

National Farmers Union Head Scorches Trump: He's Offended 'Pretty Much Every Ally' On Earth

China is a now a "lost market" for agriculture, said Roger Johnson as he sounded the alarm on U.S. farmers' dire situation in Trump's failing trade war.

The president of the National Farmers Union has leveled an astonishingly frank broadside against President Donald Trump, who rural voters largely supported in the 2016 election.

Trade group leader Roger Johnson said in a radio interview Thursday that it will take “decades” to reverse damage caused by Trump. China, he added, is now a “lost market” for American farmers because of Trump’s trade war.

Trump has “offended the leaders of pretty much every ally we have on Earth,” and America’s reputation in markets around the world has taken a long-lasting hit, Johnson said in an interview on KFGO radio in Fargo, North Dakota. “It’s going to take much different behavior from future presidents in order to repair this damage,” he said.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So Comrade, China is a major importer of American agriculture then? In percentage of agricultural exports, can you explain to the class how much goes to China? 99%? 80%? 50%? 25%? less than 2%?


Are you serious? Are you asking me that question?
If you don’t know the answer to that....... Then you should not be here.

It’s like Marion keeps blabbering and so far he has not given me any common sense rebuttal.

So, you refuse to answer? China is insignificant in agricultural exports. What they impact is ONE megacorp that grows soybeans, the primary export to China. US Soybean is the predominant exporter to China.


Then explain why farmers and farmers union are blasting Trump? Are you telling me they are lying?
We bailed these farmers $12b last year and $16b this year. We made them welfare recipients because of trade wars.
So what are you blabbering about?

Wait Comrade, I thought that every farmer was Michael Landon on a small plot of land barely eeking out a living as the evil banks try and steal their homestead.... So what is this "farmers union?" Because UNIONS are only active in large industry or government (fucking the taxpayer) Why would there be unions on family farms?

Oh, that's right, these are MASSIVE CORPORATIONS in real life. Also Comrade, if we gave them $12 billion last year, it had not a fucking thing to do with tariffs, since the trade war hadn't even started. We have given massive corporate welfare to the industrial agriculture sector since the 1930s.

Wrong again Dude. I’m impressed with your philosophical rebuttal.
Farmers are doing very well and making money. Suddenly and idiot ( like everyone are saying) came along and try to change everything without a clear solution.

I asked you this several times. So do you think farmers and other businesses trashing Trump are lying?

Did you read my links trashing your president? Or you just stared at it?

You are full of cow dung. You are just a trump follower. What do you know?

So I give you a chance. Try again.
You are a waste of bandwidth.

You're a waste of oxygen, commie hack. Other crops can be grown than soybeans. Whatsamatter, the price went up on your Soy milk and U mad?

You still don’t know anything Dude.

I actually do, but you're not worth it.

That’s dumb. Why are you here jumping every time I asked you to jump?

And no you don’t. You don’t know anything.

You keep telling yourself that, and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank.

By the way, that HuffPuff hearsay "Orange Man Bad" fluff piece is garbage.

Okay this time.... Crawl.
So Comrade, China is a major importer of American agriculture then? In percentage of agricultural exports, can you explain to the class how much goes to China? 99%? 80%? 50%? 25%? less than 2%?


Are you serious? Are you asking me that question?
If you don’t know the answer to that....... Then you should not be here.

It’s like Marion keeps blabbering and so far he has not given me any common sense rebuttal.

So, you refuse to answer? China is insignificant in agricultural exports. What they impact is ONE megacorp that grows soybeans, the primary export to China. US Soybean is the predominant exporter to China.


Then explain why farmers and farmers union are blasting Trump? Are you telling me they are lying?
We bailed these farmers $12b last year and $16b this year. We made them welfare recipients because of trade wars.
So what are you blabbering about?

Wait Comrade, I thought that every farmer was Michael Landon on a small plot of land barely eeking out a living as the evil banks try and steal their homestead.... So what is this "farmers union?" Because UNIONS are only active in large industry or government (fucking the taxpayer) Why would there be unions on family farms?

Oh, that's right, these are MASSIVE CORPORATIONS in real life. Also Comrade, if we gave them $12 billion last year, it had not a fucking thing to do with tariffs, since the trade war hadn't even started. We have given massive corporate welfare to the industrial agriculture sector since the 1930s.

Wrong again Dude. I’m impressed with your philosophical rebuttal.
Farmers are doing very well and making money. Suddenly and idiot ( like everyone are saying) came along and try to change everything without a clear solution.

I asked you this several times. So do you think farmers and other businesses trashing Trump are lying?

Did you read my links trashing your president? Or you just stared at it?

You are full of cow dung. You are just a trump follower. What do you know?

So I give you a chance. Try again.

You mean, do I think the AFL/CIO spokes hole is lying? Yes, they are a corrupt parasites.
Trumps only winning hand in 2020 is a strong economy. Most presidents win re-election easily with such an economy

The trade war will not be popular since the costs get picked up by the American consumer

The trade wars are highly popular with American workers, Trump is bitch slapping the left.

I see you're all in for American workers since this trade war will eventually hurt them. Already a company that makes earbuds that had job openings have taken them down and talking about layoffs. You know why? Of course not Trump says suck my dick blue you drop to your knees.

Your sexual perversions are off topic TDS victim. :itsok:

I look at it this way anyone backing the orange buffoon is the one with TDS. You always try to come in to clean his mess.

Here's a list of recession signals that are flashing red

U.S. manufacturer growth slowed to the lowest level in almost 10 years in August. The U.S. manufacturing PMI (purchasing managers' index) was 49.9 in August, down from 50.4 in July.

The reading is below the neutral 50.0 threshold for the first time since September 2009, according to IHS Markit. Any reading below 50 signals a contraction.

Yep, the American worker's are going to love him. Oh let the coal miner's know they are suppose to love him since they have been stiffed by their employer's.

Now someone as fucking dumb as you will want a link for the above claim, well look it up yourself.
Lol tariffs are not taxes.
What a moron
They absolutely are. It's an increase in the cost of products coming from overseas...that goes to the government. It is absolutely a tax
Trumps only winning hand in 2020 is a strong economy. Most presidents win re-election easily with such an economy

The trade war will not be popular since the costs get picked up by the American consumer

The trade wars are highly popular with American workers, Trump is bitch slapping the left.

I see you're all in for American workers since this trade war will eventually hurt them. Already a company that makes earbuds that had job openings have taken them down and talking about layoffs. You know why? Of course not Trump says suck my dick blue you drop to your knees.

Your sexual perversions are off topic TDS victim. :itsok:

I look at it this way anyone backing the orange buffoon is the one with TDS. You always try to come in to clean his mess.

Here's a list of recession signals that are flashing red

U.S. manufacturer growth slowed to the lowest level in almost 10 years in August. The U.S. manufacturing PMI (purchasing managers' index) was 49.9 in August, down from 50.4 in July.

The reading is below the neutral 50.0 threshold for the first time since September 2009, according to IHS Markit. Any reading below 50 signals a contraction.

Yep, the American worker's are going to love him. Oh let the coal miner's know they are suppose to love him since they have been stiffed by their employer's.

Now someone as fucking dumb as you will want a link for the above claim, well look it up yourself.

If you can't start a recession, then you have no chance in 2020, which is why you and your lying scum news media are pimping it so hard.

The problem you and the leftist propaganda machine have is the no one believes a single word you say. :dunno:


You WANT a recession, but it just isn't going to happen.

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