Read my lips

Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
You sound like an asshole

Why did you call yourself an asshole.

Therapist calm these pretend millionaire on line down
Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
You sound like an asshole

Why did you call yourself an asshole.

Therapist calm these pretend millionaire on line down

That does not explain why you responded to your own post, telling yourself that you sound like an asshole.

In fact you have responded to your own post multiple times in this thread, calling yourself all sorts of names...why do you do that?



Trump is playing with fire and he thinks his supporters are too stupid to give a damn
Bloomberg Opinion) -- Donald Trump is dangerously close to becoming the first Republican president since George H.W. Bush to raise taxes. According to the Tax Foundation, if the tariffs already announced by Trump go into effect, they will amount to a $200 billion annual tax increase. That’s larger than the $165 billion average annual reduction in 2017’s Tax Cut and Jobs Act.

Bush’s brazen break with Republican orthodoxy, along with a sluggish economy and broken promises, made him a one-term president. If Trump’s not careful, he may join him.

In his 1988 campaign, Bush famously asked the public to read his lips when he promised “no new taxes.” While Bush had been Ronald Reagan’s vice president, he came from an earlier generation of moderate Republicans. Movement conservatives always had doubts about his fealty to their low-tax agenda.

As it turned out, those concerns were justified. In 1990, two years after a successful campaign based in part on a commitment to fight Congress’s attempts to raise taxes, Bush faced a rising deficit and a Congress reluctant to cut domestic spending. He caved. In June he announced that he was willing to accept a budget that not only cut defense spending but also included tax increases.

The final package included increases in both income and payroll taxes and went into effect in 1991. In the next year’s campaign, Bush had to deal with rising unemployment and withering criticism in both the primary and the general election over his decision to go back on his pledge.

Trump’s situation is not exactly analogous, of course. But his fate could be same. In his 2016 campaign, Trump promised that nearly every American would see a tax cut. He also pledged to renegotiate America’s “horrible trade deals” and reinvigorate U.S. manufacturing. When those negotiations failed and a trade war broke out, Trump assured Americans that trade wars were good and easy to win.

Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness. You haz it Moon Bat.

Eddie is a great guy..

He is 85 years old

Dementia or Alzheimer?
How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars.

Lib please, YOU PEOPLE tax and fee and toll the crap out of the poor and middle class. Spare us your FAUX concern over tariffs. Holy shit the irony is off the charts.

You cut my post to fit your agenda. You are a dishonest person.

I gave you facts and realities. You came back with your philosophical rebuttal.

Translation, you got owned. :icon_rolleyes:

You may want to read this link so you know what you are talking about and the impact of trade wars.

Most or all giant retailers warned Trump of loosing jobs and shutting down business.

This one business shows exactly how Trump's China tariffs are hurting the economy

This one business shows exactly how Trump's China tariffs are hurting the economy
By Katie Lobosco, CNN
Updated 7:01 AM EDT, Thu August 29, 2019

Washington(CNN) Minnesota-based Quality Bicycle Products -- or QBP, as it's known -- has been trying to plan around President Donald Trump's tariff threats for more than a year now.

But all its plans took another hit last week, when Trump suddenly ratcheted up tariffs on Chinese-made goods, including bike helmets and locks, that are set to take effect starting Sunday.

With growing anxiety over a US recession and softening sales across the bike industry, QBP -- one of the biggest bike distributors in the US, employing about 750 across 20 states -- decided to make some adjustments.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You better pray that won’t happen.

Right now the farmers are hurting even with the welfare aids. Just imagine these farmers are unable to sell their products. Followed by John Deere and fertilizers companies.
How about fishermen, wine makers, shoes and just about everything we need in our daily lives? From health insurance to car insurance to your car brakes jobs to haircuts to fast food and your food on top of your table.

ALL PRICES GOES UP. You better pray that won’t happen. Negotiations started last year and no end insight. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12b last year & $16b this year. Next year $20b.

Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
Caught you bitch

I would throw you out the window

Calling yourself bitch.

Am I in your nerve?
You better pray that won’t happen.

Right now the farmers are hurting even with the welfare aids. Just imagine these farmers are unable to sell their products. Followed by John Deere and fertilizers companies.
How about fishermen, wine makers, shoes and just about everything we need in our daily lives? From health insurance to car insurance to your car brakes jobs to haircuts to fast food and your food on top of your table.

ALL PRICES GOES UP. You better pray that won’t happen. Negotiations started last year and no end insight. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12b last year & $16b this year. Next year $20b.

Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
You sound like an asshole

You call your self an asshole.

Boy I got you.
Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
Caught you bitch

I would throw you out the window

Calling yourself bitch.

Am I in your nerve?

Quit crying bitch..getting bored
How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars.

Lib please, YOU PEOPLE tax and fee and toll the crap out of the poor and middle class. Spare us your FAUX concern over tariffs. Holy shit the irony is off the charts.

You cut my post to fit your agenda. You are a dishonest person.

I gave you facts and realities. You came back with your philosophical rebuttal.

Translation, you got owned. :icon_rolleyes:

You may want to read this link so you know what you are talking about and the impact of trade wars.

Most or all giant retailers warned Trump of loosing jobs and shutting down business.

This one business shows exactly how Trump's China tariffs are hurting the economy

This one business shows exactly how Trump's China tariffs are hurting the economy
By Katie Lobosco, CNN
Updated 7:01 AM EDT, Thu August 29, 2019

Washington(CNN) Minnesota-based Quality Bicycle Products -- or QBP, as it's known -- has been trying to plan around President Donald Trump's tariff threats for more than a year now.

But all its plans took another hit last week, when Trump suddenly ratcheted up tariffs on Chinese-made goods, including bike helmets and locks, that are set to take effect starting Sunday.

With growing anxiety over a US recession and softening sales across the bike industry, QBP -- one of the biggest bike distributors in the US, employing about 750 across 20 states -- decided to make some adjustments.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your business getting destroyed by Trump..
Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
You sound like an asshole

You call your self an asshole.

Boy I got you.

Your the one crying not me..

Trump gets you by the balls

How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars.

Lib please, YOU PEOPLE tax and fee and toll the crap out of the poor and middle class. Spare us your FAUX concern over tariffs. Holy shit the irony is off the charts.

You cut my post to fit your agenda. You are a dishonest person.

I gave you facts and realities. You came back with your philosophical rebuttal.

Translation, you got owned. :icon_rolleyes:

You may want to read this link so you know what you are talking about and the impact of trade wars.

Most or all giant retailers warned Trump of loosing jobs and shutting down business.

This one business shows exactly how Trump's China tariffs are hurting the economy

This one business shows exactly how Trump's China tariffs are hurting the economy
By Katie Lobosco, CNN
Updated 7:01 AM EDT, Thu August 29, 2019

Washington(CNN) Minnesota-based Quality Bicycle Products -- or QBP, as it's known -- has been trying to plan around President Donald Trump's tariff threats for more than a year now.

But all its plans took another hit last week, when Trump suddenly ratcheted up tariffs on Chinese-made goods, including bike helmets and locks, that are set to take effect starting Sunday.

With growing anxiety over a US recession and softening sales across the bike industry, QBP -- one of the biggest bike distributors in the US, employing about 750 across 20 states -- decided to make some adjustments.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sent from your phone in California?
Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
You sound like an asshole

You call your self an asshole.

Boy I got you.
Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.

Sorry both of you got it backwards.

What I’m telling you are realities in life. No bullshit and lies. How can you even say that the left don’t give a shit about American workers?

1. All prices I mean ALL PRICES are going up because of trade wars. This will hit all American lives and incomes. I care about Americans lives. You people don’t give a rat ass about Americans. It’s you idiots that don’t care about Americans.
Just because Trumpy told you trade wars is good doesn’t mean it’s true.

There are millions of poor Americans trying to keep up and prices are going up because is STUPID trade wars. And that is acceptable to idiots Trump supporters?

I already asked this many times....... Name me any enterprise or any businesses categories that supports Trump trade wars.

2. If we make those products here. How much do you think will cost us? Minimum wage in China is about $4/hour.

3. Jobs. We have so much jobs that unemployment is historically very low. Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.
Does it looks like we need more? Even your fake messiah bragged every chance he got.

And a businessman talks like that?
Caught you bitch

I would throw you out the window

Caught me with what? Dude you are just a one liner. Go drink your beer.
What's your name of your company ?
Trumps only winning hand in 2020 is a strong economy. Most presidents win re-election easily with such an economy

The trade war will not be popular since the costs get picked up by the American consumer

The trade wars are highly popular with American workers, Trump is bitch slapping the left.

Wrong again. Give us an example what industry or business or any categories that supports Trump stupid trade wars.

I’ll wait.

It's not about the businesses or industries, it's about the citizens, dumbass leftist shill.
Trumps only winning hand in 2020 is a strong economy. Most presidents win re-election easily with such an economy

The trade war will not be popular since the costs get picked up by the American consumer

The trade wars are highly popular with American workers, Trump is bitch slapping the left.

Wrong again. Give us an example what industry or business or any categories that supports Trump stupid trade wars.

I’ll wait.

It's not about the businesses or industries, it's about the citizens, dumbass leftist shill.

Either directions you pick we are the losers.

Are you telling me that most or ALL of the businesses that blasted Trump stupid trade wars. ARE LYING? Just about every categories trashed Trump..

This is not about leftists or rightist. You are talking about affecting every American lives. I mean ALL American lives because of stupidity.
Trumps only winning hand in 2020 is a strong economy. Most presidents win re-election easily with such an economy

The trade war will not be popular since the costs get picked up by the American consumer

The trade wars are highly popular with American workers, Trump is bitch slapping the left.

Wrong again. Give us an example what industry or business or any categories that supports Trump stupid trade wars.

I’ll wait.

It's not about the businesses or industries, it's about the citizens, dumbass leftist shill.

Either directions you pick we are the losers.

Are you telling me that most or ALL of the businesses that blasted Trump stupid trade wars. ARE LYING? Just about every categories trashed Trump..

This is not about leftists or rightist. You are talking about affecting every American lives. I mean ALL American lives because of stupidity.

You. Do. Not. Get. It.

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