Read the 20th Amendment: New Republican Senators Violating US Constitution

Steve Clemons: Read the 20th Amendment: New Republican Senators Violating US Constitution

Repugs are not constitutional loyalists, except when they want to control shat.

Please stop referring to tea baggers as GOPers, Flayglo...they ain't. And while I despise the tea baggers as much as you do, t'aint unconstitutional for the incoming freshmen to request that the lame duck Senators approve no treaties before their terms end in December.

I think it is an unfair reading of Paul's letter to suggest he believes they lack actual constitutional authority (and even if he did, a mistaken belief about the constitution is not per se a departure from a belief that strict construction is the best way to go).

These guys will give us plenty of reasons to bang on them, Flayglo. No reason to be dumpster diving.

BTW, Boehner has announced that "House Republicans voted unanimously today to ban earmarks for the upcoming 112th Congress. Our new majority was elected to end business as usual in Washington, & banning earmarks - which have become a symbol of Washington waste & corruption - was a critical step. We’re going to keep listening to the American people & focusing on their priorities by stopping the spending spree, creating jobs, & reforming Congress."

John Boehner | Facebook

The "House Republicans" presumably include men and women who have yet to be sworn in, such as Boehner. Doesn't it seem odd they are already taking up new legislation?
..we believe it would be improper for the Senate to consider the New START Treaty or any other treaty in a lame duck session prior to January 3, 2011.

That's nice that they believe that.

They're wrong, of course.
Two words: we won.

and at the beginning of next year, you'll get the opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. Until then... stfu.

I can't WAIT to see Boner's budget.... it will be so interesting to see how he actually tries to govern in specifics instead of merely obstructing with generalities.

Where WILL he cut? How BIG of a deficit will his budget have, even though the teabaggers want none?
Steve Clemons: Read the 20th Amendment: New Republican Senators Violating US Constitution

Repugs are not constitutional loyalists, except when they want to control shat.

Writting a letter to Reid voicing an opinion is in no way violating the amendment. They are expressing an opinion that Reid can ignore without any repercussions, save those of public opinion.

To make this unconstitutional they would need to force themselves into the chamber and attempt to take thier seats prior to January.

This article is a real stretch.
Steve Clemons: Read the 20th Amendment: New Republican Senators Violating US Constitution

Repugs are not constitutional loyalists, except when they want to control shat.

Please stop referring to tea baggers as GOPers, Flayglo...they ain't. And while I despise the tea baggers as much as you do, t'aint unconstitutional for the incoming freshmen to request that the lame duck Senators approve no treaties before their terms end in December.

I think it is an unfair reading of Paul's letter to suggest he believes they lack actual constitutional authority (and even if he did, a mistaken belief about the constitution is not per se a departure from a belief that strict construction is the best way to go).

These guys will give us plenty of reasons to bang on them, Flayglo. No reason to be dumpster diving.

BTW, Boehner has announced that "House Republicans voted unanimously today to ban earmarks for the upcoming 112th Congress. Our new majority was elected to end business as usual in Washington, & banning earmarks - which have become a symbol of Washington waste & corruption - was a critical step. We’re going to keep listening to the American people & focusing on their priorities by stopping the spending spree, creating jobs, & reforming Congress."

John Boehner | Facebook

The "House Republicans" presumably include men and women who have yet to be sworn in, such as Boehner. Doesn't it seem odd they are already taking up new legislation?

Perhaps, but since the earmark ban is a House rule and not legislation it doesn't seem odd at all.
So I've read the 20th ammendment and it doesn't say incoming congressmen are not allowed to make requests of the current congress. They just can't pass any laws, or offficially take their seats until 3 January. They don't seem to be trying to do that.
Incoming representatives or any elected official has no official bearing on their office until they take the oath on the legally prescibed day and hour. What they do before then is mute. They can ask, beg or plead but the current office holders have a right to conduct business as they see fit and a duty to it. Of course nothing much will happen anyway.

Earmarks will be used in this Congress, they will just call it under another name. Wait and see.
That has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen. How exactly is it a violation of the 20th amendment to write a letter requesting that the Senate wait until January to consider the START treaty? Writing a letter is somehow unconstitutional? Why? Because it's convenient for you?

Senator Reid has the right to, and probably will, say no. How has anything been violated?

Are people really this stupid?
That has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen. How exactly is it a violation of the 20th amendment to write a letter requesting that the Senate wait until January to consider the START treaty? Writing a letter is somehow unconstitutional? Why? Because it's convenient for you?

Senator Reid has the right to, and probably will, say no. How has anything been violated?

Are people really this stupid?

And you call yourself a Philadelphian? Stop bringing shame to my beloved city I claim as my home.
That has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen. How exactly is it a violation of the 20th amendment to write a letter requesting that the Senate wait until January to consider the START treaty? Writing a letter is somehow unconstitutional? Why? Because it's convenient for you?

Senator Reid has the right to, and probably will, say no. How has anything been violated?

Are people really this stupid?

And you call yourself a Philadelphian? Stop bringing shame to my beloved city I claim as my home.

No. I call myself by my given name.

I don't need to bring shame to Philadelphia, you are doing fine on your own. This argument is seriously stupid.
That has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen. How exactly is it a violation of the 20th amendment to write a letter requesting that the Senate wait until January to consider the START treaty? Writing a letter is somehow unconstitutional? Why? Because it's convenient for you?

Senator Reid has the right to, and probably will, say no. How has anything been violated?

Are people really this stupid?

And you call yourself a Philadelphian? Stop bringing shame to my beloved city I claim as my home.

No. I call myself by my given name.

I don't need to bring shame to Philadelphia, you are doing fine on your own. This argument is seriously stupid.

Most Philadelphia don't think like you do, its a liberal city, Repug trash went out with Frank Rizzo years ago.
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And FlailGomer brings shame to the military with his continual lying assertion that he is some sort of soldier...

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