Real Americans Have Had Enough

"We just happened to be better at killing than the redskins."

White people are better at killing than all the other races. Its the only thing they know how to do without help from others.

Yeah we are.
You kneegrows are pikers compared to white people.
You're used to killing other tribes with spears. Hence the name Spear Chuckers.
Whites on the other hand have evolved past spears that have been fire hardened.
Hey dummy, baseball is more and more a Latino sport. Vladimir Guerrero Jr and Fernando Tatis are extremely popular players. Here’s a hint racist boi, they aren’t white. It must make you so upset that Latinos and Japanese are supplanting you.
Ok dumb ass explain how baseball came into the conversation racist ass white boy.
you voted for the party that promotes disrespecting the flag .... so STFU mr so called moderate ...
How do you figure? I served with democrats, as patriotic and loyal to the constitution as I. There are normal ones out there, still today. You don't get out much, staying on the computer reading, ingesting, and believing in hogwash far too often and far too much for your own good. You need to consider, you could have warped your perspective.
How do you figure? I served with democrats, as patriotic and loyal to the constitution as I. There are normal ones out there, still today. You don't get out much, staying on the computer reading, ingesting, and believing in hogwash far too often and far too much for your own good. You need to consider, you could have warped your perspective.
the democratic party of today is not the democratic party of 20 yrs ago ...if you cant see that you have your eyes closed .
the democratic party of today is not the democratic party of 20 yrs ago ...if you cant see that you have your eyes closed .
So what? The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party of 20 years ago, either. I am no Bush fan (though I did like and vote for his daddy), but W. would not have supported overthrowing the election by sparking an attack on The Capital.
So what? The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party of 20 years ago, either. I am no Bush fan (though I did like and vote for his daddy), but W. would not have supported overthrowing the election by sparking an attack on The Capital.
The Republican party of today is BETTER than the GOP 20 years ago who refused to fight back against the enemy.
So what? The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party of 20 years ago, either. I am no Bush fan (though I did like and vote for his daddy), but W. would not have supported overthrowing the election by sparking an attack on The Capital.
so the unarmed trespassers many of whom were elderly and took selfies was an attempt to overthrow the gov ? ok lefty got it .... and as far as the republican party goes you voted dem before jan 6th .... so tell us exactly what radical policy did Trump enact ? or is it that you just didnt like his tone and you voted for a radical socialist party that supported marxist mobs burning our cities down .. and dont try to say the dems arent moving towards socialism when Sanders a self described socialist nearly won the dem nomination twice !
so the unarmed trespassers many of whom were elderly and took selfies was an attempt to overthrow the gov ? ok lefty got it .... and as far as the republican party goes you voted dem before jan 6th .... so tell us exactly what radical policy did Trump enact ? or is it that you just didnt like his tone and you voted for a radical socialist party that supported marxist mobs burning our cities down .. and dont try to say the dems arent moving towards socialism when Sanders a self described socialist nearly won the dem nomination twice !
Yep. That was the intent. That and to hang Pence and Pelosi if they got a chance. They were pretty rabid of selfie taking elderly. They trampled to death one of their own on the capital step, while trying to bust through the doors. Everybody knows this, including you.
So what? The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party of 20 years ago, either. I am no Bush fan (though I did like and vote for his daddy), but W. would not have supported overthrowing the election by sparking an attack on The Capital.
George Washington would
Yep. That was the intent. That and to hang Pence and Pelosi if they got a chance. They were pretty rabid of selfie taking elderly. They trampled to death one of their own on the capital step, while trying to bust through the doors. Everybody knows this, including you.
they burned Trump effigies countless times ! the left claimed the 2016 election was rigged foe 4 yrs ! the fact is this lefty there has been no violence from the right after that one brief flash ! and when it comes to insurrections leftists took control of US territory and set up their own gov and country called Chop ! so take your leftist hypocrisy and shove it ! man up and admit that you are not a moderate or a republican !
they burned Trump effigies countless times ! the left claimed the 2016 election was rigged foe 4 yrs ! the fact is this lefty there has been no violence from the right after that one brief flash ! and when it comes to insurrections leftists took control of US territory and set up their own gov and country called Chop ! so take your leftist hypocrisy and shove it ! man up and admit that you are not a moderate or a republican !
Did they do it on a gallows they built on the lawn of The Capital while breaking out the windows, breaking in the doors, ransacking the offices of sitting members of Congress in the building while they were in session?
Lots of people did not think the 2016 election was rigged. I did not vote for either of the main party candidates, but I was glad you guys kept Hillary out of office.
January 6 had nothing to do with go along to get along city and state governments that allow some leftwing nut balls to set up chop, downtown in one of their cities. You people are too dumb to understand the difference. One was a local and state government thing. January t 6th was the capital of the whole damned country, slick. That's BIG TIME, baby! Your little city and state protest rules don't apply.
I am as moderate as it gets, but not enough to quietly put up with your shit. Fuck you very much!
Did they do it on a gallows they built on the lawn of The Capital while breaking out the windows, breaking in the doors, ransacking the offices of sitting members of Congress in the building while they were in session?
Lots of people did not think the 2016 election was rigged. I did not vote for either of the main party candidates, but I was glad you guys kept Hillary out of office.
January 6 had nothing to do with go along to get along city and state governments that allow some leftwing nut balls to set up chop, downtown in one of their cities. You people are too dumb to understand the difference. One was a local and state government thing. January t 6th was the capital of the whole damned country, slick. That's BIG TIME, baby! Your little city and state protest rules don't apply.
I am as moderate as it gets, but not enough to quietly put up with your shit. Fuck you very much!
it was a protest that turned violent lefty ! i didnt hear you calling the night that leftists tried to break through the barriers set up around the WH injuring dozens of secrete servicemen and setting a Historical church on fire and the POTUS of the US having to be moved to a secure location an insurrection ! your side the left spent 4 yrs trying to remove the POTUS on bull crap charges ! there hasnt been nor will there be anymore outbursts from the right since that brief moment of violence on jan 6th ... but i doubt that your leftist pals will be peaceful for the next 4 yrs .. and the Gov was overthrown in Seattle when your fellow leftists set up a marxist nation called Chop ! you see its very very simple are a typical leftist elitist that believes you are superior to those around you ... you are too arrogant... and yes you are arrogant .... to self reflect and see the hypocrisy in your views ! you are no moderate ! no moderate would support todays democratic party !
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