Real Americans Have Had Enough

it was a protest that turned violent lefty ! i didnt hear you calling the night that leftists tried to break through the barriers set up around the WH injuring dozens of secrete servicemen and setting a Historical church on fire and the POTUS of the US having to be moved to a secure location an insurrection ! your side the left spent 4 yrs trying to remove the POTUS on bull crap charges ! there hasnt been nor will there be anymore outbursts from the right since that brief moment of violence on jan 6th ... but i doubt that your leftist pals will be peaceful for the next 4 yrs .. and the Gov was overthrown in Seattle when your fellow leftists set up a marxist nation called Chop ! you see its very very simple are a typical leftist elitist that believes you are superior to those around you ... you are too arrogant... and yes you are arrogant .... to self reflect and see the hypocrisy in your views ! you are no moderate ! no moderate would support todays democratic party !
Who was I supposed to call? Study geography. West Tennessee is a long way from Washington. You do know, even burning a church would not rise to the level of an attack on the capital, right? They still do not have a decent government in Seattle. They did not have one before it started, or they would not have let it happen.
You are late on promises of no more right wing attacks. Most people did not think you would really attack to overthrow an election until you did because you never had. Now there is a new statistical anomaly. We now know you will attack, because you did within the last 7 months and many of you supported and even still support the attack. You cannot be trusted again, not to attempt to overthrow elections by any means, including violence, so FK you, you anti-American fk. It is not the kind of thing we will forgive and forget.
I don't have any leftist pals. Of course, I don't have any extreme rightest pals either. It is nice to be in the center, where the normal people are, able to see the radicals (like yourself) from a long way off. Knowing that I am correct and constant in my support of my country is not arrogance. You cannot know others unless you know yourself. You are lost, in the haze of partisanship, a man without a country or at least one he supports, not knowing the difference between right and left or your place in the scheme of things, so you can no longer recognize other. Try not to end up in the news, an embarrassment to what used to be your friends and family.
Who was I supposed to call? Study geography. West Tennessee is a long way from Washington. You do know, even burning a church would not rise to the level of an attack on the capital, right? They still do not have a decent government in Seattle. They did not have one before it started, or they would not have let it happen.
You are late on promises of no more right wing attacks. Most people did not think you would really attack to overthrow an election until you did because you never had. Now there is a new statistical anomaly. We now know you will attack, because you did within the last 7 months and many of you supported and even still support the attack. You cannot be trusted again, not to attempt to overthrow elections by any means, including violence, so FK you, you anti-American fk. It is not the kind of thing we will forgive and forget.
I don't have any leftist pals. Of course, I don't have any extreme rightest pals either. It is nice to be in the center, where the normal people are, able to see the radicals (like yourself) from a long way off. Knowing that I am correct and constant in my support of my country is not arrogance. You cannot know others unless you know yourself. You are lost, in the haze of partisanship, a man without a country or at least one he supports, not knowing the difference between right and left or your place in the scheme of things, so you can no longer recognize other. Try not to end up in the news, an embarrassment to what used to be your friends and family.
and there the leftist radical goes again claiming conservatives supported the idiots getting violent on jan 6th ! for your info i truly believe the rioters and trespassers on jan 6th were breaking the law and should be punished accordingly .... but lets get this straight idiot a few hundred unarmed idiots could not did not attempt to overthrow the gov ! and for a so called moderate you sure spout leftist talking points constantly ! tell me lefty how do you feel about the radical crt crap being shoved down our soldiers throats in the military ? remember lefty you support the party that is demonizing young white men and women that may be putting their lives on the line to protect this country ! and that fact alone makes you a radical !
and there the leftist radical goes again claiming conservatives supported the idiots getting violent on jan 6th ! for your info i truly believe the rioters and trespassers on jan 6th were breaking the law and should be punished accordingly .... but lets get this straight idiot a few hundred unarmed idiots could not did not attempt to overthrow the gov ! and for a so called moderate you sure spout leftist talking points constantly ! tell me lefty how do you feel about the radical crt crap being shoved down our soldiers throats in the military ? remember lefty you support the party that is demonizing young white men and women that may be putting their lives on the line to protect this country ! and that fact alone makes you a radical !
There aren't enough conservatives left to matter. The trumper radical primaried most of them a long time ago, so nobody is carrying the banner. Trumpers just using the name conservatism and the use the name Republican. That party is dead and mostly replaced by trumpers. You guys are just trying to keep the name recognition, because you name is shit. It didn't have to be this way. You were just too weak to stand up to the temptation of trumpism.
There aren't enough conservatives left to matter. The trumper radical primaried most of them a long time ago, so nobody is carrying the banner. Trumpers just using the name conservatism and the use the name Republican. That party is dead and mostly replaced by trumpers. You guys are just trying to keep the name recognition, because you name is shit. It didn't have to be this way. You were just too weak to stand up to the temptation of trumpism.
voter id
secure borders
strong military
banning abortion on demand
upholding the 2nd amendment
upholding the 1st amendment
slashing business busting regs and taxes
are just a few of the things the republicans stand for ! tell us oh brilliant one how is the republican party any different today than when you so graciously granted them your support ?
voter id
secure borders
strong military
banning abortion on demand
upholding the 2nd amendment
upholding the 1st amendment
slashing business busting regs and taxes
are just a few of the things the republicans stand for ! tell us oh brilliant one how is the republican party any different today than when you so graciously granted them your support ?
I have nothing against a government recognized voter ID. I just think it should be absolutely totally free, easily attainable, include college or school IDs from state schools and maybe available at not only Department of Motor vehicle, but all state and county office locations, such as courthouses, highway patrol stations, county courthouses, Federal office buildings, and maybe even post offices, because getting through the DMV sucks in this state. Not really that big a deal to me, as I still have official government pictured ID driver's license, military CAC card, military ID, Carry Permit and others official pictured IDs. If only place attainable is DMV, that totally blows, as it often takes an hour or more to get anything done down there. Clogging it up with voter IDs for people that cannot or do not need or want to drive is just a mess the rest of us should not have to put up with.

The last country I was aware of that had a semblance of a secure border was between East and West Germany, but have seen lost soviets in tanks on our side of the Czech border even back then. I am not sure secure borders are possible in even the smallest of countries.
I strongly favor a strong military, and I thank you for the continued monthly deposits to this day. They won't call me for anything but contractor work so somebody else can go do something, but I'm still here if you need me.

I don't care about abortion. We planned and raised all of ours, but I'm not making that decision for anybody else. It is between them, their doctor, their conscience and their God, if they believe in God.
I support the 2nd amendment, but it is open to reasonable limitations without me getting upset. I own, am well-trained, licensed to carry and often do. I do believe in background checks for any transfer of weapons. I believe in training, certification and license to carry on the street. I don't believe rifles and shotguns should be allowed on the street within city limits except as transporting by vehicle between your home and to the range.

I support the 1st amendment, but only in regard to the government. Private businesses or people's home are private businesses and people's homes. If I don't like what you are saying in my home I will invite you to get the fk out or shut the fk up, and you will do one or the other, your supposed 1st Amendment rights be damned.
You got to be more specific on the business regulation thing. Some of them protect me or things I care about from you or people that don't really give a damn about me in order to make a buck. I hit a break even point on taxes this year with a good lifestyle overall. I'm satisfied, if it stays this way, and I see no reason why it shouldn't.

The big thing about what used to be the Republican Party is they have gone lock step in support of Trumpist disdain for the constitution, free election and abiding by the results, the rule of law, and are willing to have authoritarian top down rule, while attacking anybody that blows the whistle on their illegal, immoral or unconstitutional activities, aspiring to be above the law and have become absolutists instead of conservative in philosophy. They have given silent and vocal support to white supremacist, paramilitary groups, some involved in the January 6th trump inspired insurrection, as well as the trump insurrection itself. They do not discipline their own, misinterpreting Reagan's do not speak ill of fellow republicans to mean, if they are a current Republican they are above the law, social and historic norm, are entitled to incite the masses for the sheer amusement of inciting the masses and a host of other things, Republicans all the way back at least to the Nixon administration, just would not put up with, and rightfully so.

That is what is wrong with them. The Grand Old Party ain't so grand anymore and do not exist as they once did, now only clinging to the name for name recognition without any of the statesman ship and national leadership for the common good. I will vote for the local or state if they are the best man for the job, but they cannot be trusted in the presidency until they change to an entity that can be trust to honor first and foremost their obligation to their oath of office and fealty to the constitution before political gain or gamesmanship.
I have nothing against a government recognized voter ID. I just think it should be absolutely totally free, easily attainable, include college or school IDs from state schools and maybe available at not only Department of Motor vehicle, but all state and county office locations, such as courthouses, highway patrol stations, county courthouses, Federal office buildings, and maybe even post offices, because getting through the DMV sucks in this state. Not really that big a deal to me, as I still have official government pictured ID driver's license, military CAC card, military ID, Carry Permit and others official pictured IDs. If only place attainable is DMV, that totally blows, as it often takes an hour or more to get anything done down there. Clogging it up with voter IDs for people that cannot or do not need or want to drive is just a mess the rest of us should not have to put up with.

The last country I was aware of that had a semblance of a secure border was between East and West Germany, but have seen lost soviets in tanks on our side of the Czech border even back then. I am not sure secure borders are possible in even the smallest of countries.
I strongly favor a strong military, and I thank you for the continued monthly deposits to this day. They won't call me for anything but contractor work so somebody else can go do something, but I'm still here if you need me.

I don't care about abortion. We planned and raised all of ours, but I'm not making that decision for anybody else. It is between them, their doctor, their conscience and their God, if they believe in God.
I support the 2nd amendment, but it is open to reasonable limitations without me getting upset. I own, am well-trained, licensed to carry and often do. I do believe in background checks for any transfer of weapons. I believe in training, certification and license to carry on the street. I don't believe rifles and shotguns should be allowed on the street within city limits except as transporting by vehicle between your home and to the range.

I support the 1st amendment, but only in regard to the government. Private businesses or people's home are private businesses and people's homes. If I don't like what you are saying in my home I will invite you to get the fk out or shut the fk up, and you will do one or the other, your supposed 1st Amendment rights be damned.
You got to be more specific on the business regulation thing. Some of them protect me or things I care about from you or people that don't really give a damn about me in order to make a buck. I hit a break even point on taxes this year with a good lifestyle overall. I'm satisfied, if it stays this way, and I see no reason why it shouldn't.

The big thing about what used to be the Republican Party is they have gone lock step in support of Trumpist disdain for the constitution, free election and abiding by the results, the rule of law, and are willing to have authoritarian top down rule, while attacking anybody that blows the whistle on their illegal, immoral or unconstitutional activities, aspiring to be above the law and have become absolutists instead of conservative in philosophy. They have given silent and vocal support to white supremacist, paramilitary groups, some involved in the January 6th trump inspired insurrection, as well as the trump insurrection itself. They do not discipline their own, misinterpreting Reagan's do not speak ill of fellow republicans to mean, if they are a current Republican they are above the law, social and historic norm, are entitled to incite the masses for the sheer amusement of inciting the masses and a host of other things, Republicans all the way back at least to the Nixon administration, just would not put up with, and rightfully so.

That is what is wrong with them. The Grand Old Party ain't so grand anymore and do not exist as they once did, now only clinging to the name for name recognition without any of the statesman ship and national leadership for the common good. I will vote for the local or state if they are the best man for the job, but they cannot be trusted in the presidency until they change to an entity that can be trust to honor first and foremost their obligation to their oath of office and fealty to the constitution before political gain or gamesmanship.
Trump Trump Trump ! thats all we hear from you ! the republican party of today is mostly the same as the republican party 20 yrs ago ! let me ask you this ..... which party has become more extreme ? which party has become more radical ? which party is quicker to cancel or silence opposing political views ? you know and i know many people have actually lost their jobs because of the lefts cancel culture [and no im not going to list examples because its common knowledge] ! and Biden is not moving to the center ! he's falling in lock step with with the most radical members of the dem party ! the man actually said white supremacists are the greatest threat to the country ! not China ! not Islamic terrorists ! the mans got crt being shoved down the throats of our men and women in uniform and has even said the US suffers from systemic racism ! AOC the squad and Sanders are quite satisfies with your so called moderate !
Trump Trump Trump ! thats all we hear from you ! the republican party of today is mostly the same as the republican party 20 yrs ago ! let me ask you this ..... which party has become more extreme ? which party has become more radical ? which party is quicker to cancel or silence opposing political views ? you know and i know many people have actually lost their jobs because of the lefts cancel culture [and no im not going to list examples because its common knowledge] ! and Biden is not moving to the center ! he's falling in lock step with with the most radical members of the dem party ! the man actually said white supremacists are the greatest threat to the country ! not China ! not Islamic terrorists ! the mans got crt being shoved down the throats of our men and women in uniform and has even said the US suffers from systemic racism ! AOC the squad and Sanders are quite satisfies with your so called moderate !
Get real, loser. I only mentioned him in one out of 6 paragraphs, and it is all you heard, though I answered everything line of your post. You did not take issue with a single position of the issues you mentioned, so I guess you like 4 or 5 out of 6 paragraphs. You have just become an absolutist, while I remain a centrist. Don't be such a hysterical whiny lil bitch. I have probably voted for republicans (and democrats) longer than you have and seen both parties change. I have just never made the mistake of committing to one of those parties, where you became a strict, absolute slave to your new absolutist doctrine and chosen figurehead. Both have gotten louder, but the republicans have changed for more from the republicans of the 60s, 70, 80, and 90s and become the party of absolute faith and allegiance to whomever leads their messaging (instead of the country and our constitution), even at the cost of possibly sacrificing our constitution, historical perspective and rule of law, giving tacit support to the radical supremacist among us and their armed belligerent paramilitary groups. They cannot be trusted with our representative republic (especially with a Trumpist figurehead), so we (the country) took the presidency from them by vote. You might as well seek your way forward, but you will not succeed by hysterical attacks on the majority of the country. Donny tried and you ain't even donny,
Get real, loser. I only mentioned him in one out of 6 paragraphs, and it is all you heard, though I answered everything line of your post. You did not take issue with a single position of the issues you mentioned, so I guess you like 4 or 5 out of 6 paragraphs. You have just become an absolutist, while I remain a centrist. Don't be such a hysterical whiny lil bitch. I have probably voted for republicans (and democrats) longer than you have and seen both parties change. I have just never made the mistake of committing to one of those parties, where you became a strict, absolute slave to your new absolutist doctrine and chosen figurehead. Both have gotten louder, but the republicans have changed for more from the republicans of the 60s, 70, 80, and 90s and become the party of absolute faith and allegiance to whomever leads their messaging (instead of the country and our constitution), even at the cost of possibly sacrificing our constitution, historical perspective and rule of law, giving tacit support to the radical supremacist among us and their armed belligerent paramilitary groups. They cannot be trusted with our representative republic (especially with a Trumpist figurehead), so we (the country) took the presidency from them by vote. You might as well seek your way forward, but you will not succeed by hysterical attacks on the majority of the country. Donny tried and you ain't even donny,
nobodies attacking the country you idiotic lying effeminate latent homosexual ! thats more left bullshit once again proving you are a leftist ! you cant refute that average Americans are being silenced and censored from your comrades ! you cant ! you voted for a radical leftist agenda ! so put on a dress ,turn in your man card and join your so called moderates when they begin burning the American Flag , federal buildings ,police precincts , and private businesses ...AGAIN ! or maybe you can raise bail for the scumbags like Harris ! your are no moderate ! you are a bitch! aka White Bitch:
nobodies attacking the country you idiotic lying effeminate latent homosexual ! thats more left bullshit once again proving you are a leftist ! you cant refute that average Americans are being silenced and censored from your comrades ! you cant ! you voted for a radical leftist agenda ! so put on a dress ,turn in your man card and join your so called moderates when they begin burning the American Flag , federal buildings ,police precincts , and private businesses ...AGAIN ! or maybe you can raise bail for the scumbags like Harris ! your are no moderate ! you are a bitch! aka White Bitch:
If you are going to go juvenile homophobic in your attacks, I'll drop you in IGNORE like a hot rock, so mind your manners, kid.
Saying "thats left bullshit", does not explain what you are objecting to.
Average Americans are not being silenced. Look at you. You seem below average, but you are still typing. Who supposedly silence them?
Back you the troll farm Yuri, don't bring that "comrade" crap to me.
Face it. Everyone left of Putin or XI is a lefty to you.
What a stupid rant. Now you are talking dresses, man cards (I guess you need one to prove you are one to other people if you are one)
I pretty well bet it wasn't moderates burning flags, buildings, police precincts. Sounds like the radical left or radical right, to me.
I have never raised or contributed to bail for anybody. You got experience with that sort of thing?

You still did not attack or refute any position I took in the 4 or 5 paragraphs out of 6 answering your 6 points or questions, Lacking a cogent response you go for this adolescent crap.
This is your last chance, loser. If this crap is all you respond with next post, I will no longer have time to bother with you, as you will be out of sight, out of mind.
If you are going to go juvenile homophobic in your attacks, I'll drop you in IGNORE like a hot rock, so mind your manners, kid.
Saying "thats left bullshit", does not explain what you are objecting to.
Average Americans are not being silenced. Look at you. You seem below average, but you are still typing. Who supposedly silence them?
Back you the troll farm Yuri, don't bring that "comrade" crap to me.
Face it. Everyone left of Putin or XI is a lefty to you.
What a stupid rant. Now you are talking dresses, man cards (I guess you need one to prove you are one to other people if you are one)
I pretty well bet it wasn't moderates burning flags, buildings, police precincts. Sounds like the radical left or radical right, to me.
I have never raised or contributed to bail for anybody. You got experience with that sort of thing?

You still did not attack or refute any position I took in the 4 or 5 paragraphs out of 6 answering your 6 points or questions, Lacking a cogent response you go for this adolescent crap.
This is your last chance, loser. If this crap is all you respond with next post, I will no longer have time to bother with you, as you will be out of sight, out of mind.
you have been attacking Trump since he was POTUS ! youve even entertained that he colluded with Russians to get elected ! you are a liar ! you are no moderate ! once again tell us what policies Trump enacted that would have conflicted with the republican platform ! and if you say the republican party has changed drastically ! tell us what policies republicans support that makes you believe that .
you have been attacking Trump since he was POTUS ! youve even entertained that he colluded with Russians to get elected ! you are a liar ! you are no moderate ! once again tell us what policies Trump enacted that would have conflicted with the republican platform ! and if you say the republican party has changed drastically ! tell us what policies republicans support that makes you believe that .
No. I didn't vote for him, but gave him 9 months to grow into the job. He just could not get past himself. I never said he colluded with the Russians one time on this board and I have been here since Nov of 2017. Even trump knows there is no collusion statute, that is why Mueller said he did not look for collusion.
Partisan republicans support for the attack on the capital by, by not condemning is enough to prove them unfit for national office and certainly not up to republican standard all the way back to the Nixon administration.
No. I didn't vote for him, but gave him 9 months to grow into the job. He just could not get past himself. I never said he colluded with the Russians one time on this board and I have been here since Nov of 2017. Even trump knows there is no collusion statute, that is why Mueller said he did not look for collusion.
Partisan republicans support for the attack on the capital by, by not condemning is enough to prove them unfit for national office and certainly not up to republican standard all the way back to the Nixon administration.
just about every republican believes the unarmed idiots that broke into the capital and took selfies broke the law ! now these people [hundreds] have been sitting in jail for months and not one .... not even one has been charged with attempting to overthrow the gov of the US ! now i'll admit that i may have been wrong about you accusing Trump of Russia collusion but the entire dem party has been screaming that the 2016 was a fix and that Trump was an illegitimate POTUS ! and you voted for that party ! the left is going full blown socialist and you know it ! now the average dem is an ill informed voter that really doesnt understand what the dem party has become and is becoming ... but you are not one of those ... you are informed ! and you voted for a socialist party that is getting more radical by the day ! there are no ! i repeat ! there are no ! informed voters that vote dem that are moderates !
just about every republican believes the unarmed idiots that broke into the capital and took selfies broke the law ! now these people [hundreds] have been sitting in jail for months and not one .... not even one has been charged with attempting to overthrow the gov of the US ! now i'll admit that i may have been wrong about you accusing Trump of Russia collusion but the entire dem party has been screaming that the 2016 was a fix and that Trump was an illegitimate POTUS ! and you voted for that party ! the left is going full blown socialist and you know it ! now the average dem is an ill informed voter that really doesnt understand what the dem party has become and is becoming ... but you are not one of those ... you are informed ! and you voted for a socialist party that is getting more radical by the day ! there are no ! i repeat ! there are no ! informed voters that vote dem that are moderates !
I didn't vote for Hillary in 2016 or claim it was fixed. You got the wrong guy again. I figure many average Democrats and average Republicans are indeed ill-informed, or they would not be Democrats or Republicans. I have never been a party guy, not much of a joiner, nor easily led. The far left does appear to be going Socialist, as the far right appears to be going Fascist.
I did not vote for a party. I vote for the man. Joe had more centrist views, a history of working across the aisle, lots of experience in government (I was flat tired of amateur hour), and a much better demeanor and Trump was Trump, surrounding himself with people of little respect for the law, or constitution, broke every oath before God he ever took, bombastic in nature, quick to try to shift blame for things he did or put in motion, lacking in hiring talent, organization management skills, firing people by email when out of town on business for him, unable to control his temper, his speech, or his dick string if his wives were out of sight and constantly on the attack, belittling anybody and everybody, even in his own party, verbally attacking their wives, parents, bad-mouthing military families of dead heroes and soldier themselves when injured on the battlefield fighting for him as Commander and Chief. The man has leadership potential, but I studied leadership most of my adult life and his was negative leadership, which leads to a bad end and always has. Joe was the natural choice and Donny had to go.
I am reasonably informed, only modestly educated and yes, an Independent, moderate, right leaning centrist, with no commitment to party. I plan to stay that way. It keeps my options open.
I didn't vote for Hillary in 2016 or claim it was fixed. You got the wrong guy again. I figure many average Democrats and average Republicans are indeed ill-informed, or they would not be Democrats or Republicans. I have never been a party guy, not much of a joiner, nor easily led. The far left does appear to be going Socialist, as the far right appears to be going Fascist.
I did not vote for a party. I vote for the man. Joe had more centrist views, a history of working across the aisle, lots of experience in government (I was flat tired of amateur hour), and a much better demeanor and Trump was Trump, surrounding himself with people of little respect for the law, or constitution, broke every oath before God he ever took, bombastic in nature, quick to try to shift blame for things he did or put in motion, lacking in hiring talent, organization management skills, firing people by email when out of town on business for him, unable to control his temper, his speech, or his dick string if his wives were out of sight and constantly on the attack, belittling anybody and everybody, even in his own party, verbally attacking their wives, parents, bad-mouthing military families of dead heroes and soldier themselves when injured on the battlefield fighting for him as Commander and Chief. The man has leadership potential, but I studied leadership most of my adult life and his was negative leadership, which leads to a bad end and always has. Joe was the natural choice and Donny had to go.
I am reasonably informed, only modestly educated and yes, an Independent, moderate, right leaning centrist, with no commitment to party. I plan to stay that way. It keeps my options open.
So IOW, unless the Republican candidate is a spineless, dickless, unprincipled wishy washy "moderate", you ain't voting for him, amirite?
So IOW, unless the Republican candidate is a spineless, dickless, unprincipled wishy washy "moderate", you ain't voting for him, amirite?
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one and most of them stink. You are an asshole.:dunno:
Real Americans haven't had enough yet.

They still only stand up to things in small groups here and there. Soon as they stand together and actually push back then they will have had enough.

Were too scattered and too timid to do anything enmass.
listen to the homosexual lose its cool , emotional and rush to the defense of its fellow homosexual ...typical effeminate behavior that is to be expected from homosexual leftists .
I think that that you're very insecure in your sexuality.

Are you having problems ?

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