Real Progressives Vote Jill Stein

I have less than zero confidence in a Party who nominates racist psycho gimps like Cynthia McKinney as their candidate for President. I'd rather vote for a candidate most hated by the so-called 'progressives', who have shown themselves to be mostly violent racist vermin and scum, and not even remotely 'progressive' or liberal in any way.

Well, she supports Saudi Arabia like many other fake progressives, including Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Name a president since Nixon who didn't support Saudi Arabia.

What would be the point in that?
To point out the hypocrisy in your post and to establish whether or not you understand the special relationship the US has with S.A.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

I want to like the Green Party. I can't. Every time I see the list, I'm like..........ok, how? It's nice to believe in 101 things. Sometimes I think they have this luxury of knowing they don't really have to have a plan. I know that sounds awful.
You don't like the green party because their platform is too expansive?
Societal changes don't happen overnight, the first step is recognizing the changes that need to be made and supporting those ideas.
There are significant ins and outs that aren't addressed. You can believe in something but how that plays out on the ground is a whole different matter. It indicates a lack of knowledge of how something functions. I ain't got time for all for all of that.
I don't agree with everything they propose but it would be nice if they could at least take part in the discussion and for that they need support. We need a voice that speaks for those who want to break the lock neoliberalism has on our government and I think the green party would do it.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

I want to like the Green Party. I can't. Every time I see the list, I'm like..........ok, how? It's nice to believe in 101 things. Sometimes I think they have this luxury of knowing they don't really have to have a plan. I know that sounds awful.
You don't like the green party because their platform is too expansive?
Societal changes don't happen overnight, the first step is recognizing the changes that need to be made and supporting those ideas.
There are significant ins and outs that aren't addressed. You can believe in something but how that plays out on the ground is a whole different matter. It indicates a lack of knowledge of how something functions. I ain't got time for all of that.
I don't agree with everything they propose but it would be nice if they could at least take part in the discussion and for that they need support. We need a voice that speaks for those who want to break the lock neoliberalism has on our government and I think the green party would do it.

I agree but they have to move beyond what they have now. I understand the attraction.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.

I want to like the Green Party. I can't. Every time I see the list, I'm like..........ok, how? It's nice to believe in 101 things. Sometimes I think they have this luxury of knowing they don't really have to have a plan. I know that sounds awful.
You don't like the green party because their platform is too expansive?
Societal changes don't happen overnight, the first step is recognizing the changes that need to be made and supporting those ideas.
There are significant ins and outs that aren't addressed. You can believe in something but how that plays out on the ground is a whole different matter. It indicates a lack of knowledge of how something functions. I ain't got time for all of that.
I don't agree with everything they propose but it would be nice if they could at least take part in the discussion and for that they need support. We need a voice that speaks for those who want to break the lock neoliberalism has on our government and I think the green party would do it.

I agree but they have to move beyond what they have now. I understand the attraction.
I was under the impression that you supported Jill Stein in this election. Is this correct? Have you moved away from her?
She's a bit too far Left for me, but she does have some good ideas. I can't do the whole 'Green' thing. But if you're a real Progressive, you'd have to support her over Clinton.
LOL. Jill Stein and Hillary.... two bitches who need a good beating and then being put back in the kitchen where they belong.
I want to like the Green Party. I can't. Every time I see the list, I'm like..........ok, how? It's nice to believe in 101 things. Sometimes I think they have this luxury of knowing they don't really have to have a plan. I know that sounds awful.
You don't like the green party because their platform is too expansive?
Societal changes don't happen overnight, the first step is recognizing the changes that need to be made and supporting those ideas.
There are significant ins and outs that aren't addressed. You can believe in something but how that plays out on the ground is a whole different matter. It indicates a lack of knowledge of how something functions. I ain't got time for all of that.
I don't agree with everything they propose but it would be nice if they could at least take part in the discussion and for that they need support. We need a voice that speaks for those who want to break the lock neoliberalism has on our government and I think the green party would do it.

I agree but they have to move beyond what they have now. I understand the attraction.
I was under the impression that you supported Jill Stein in this election. Is this correct? Have you moved away from her?

I'm not sure why you would think that. I support people that support Jill Stein.

I don't support Jill Stein or the Green Party for the reasons listed above. Now, because they have expanded they will draw more people that actually do know how certain things function and in the future that might change. I'm just not at a point in my life where I can ride along with, in my pov, are slogans. It's why I hate platforms.

I will probably write in for president and focus on local/state.
She has no leadership experience, plays footsie with anti-vaxxers and has no chance in winning. Any progressive who votes for her is a moron.

This looks like a desperate thread started by a Trump supporter.

And we see the hypocrisy in full effect. Obama had no leadership experience and that didn't stop the Marxists from getting thrills up their legs.

Obama had plenty of experience in government and understnads leadership. Jill Stein, not so much.
Go Stein Go! Come on Crazy Bernie and Crooked Hillary folks, vote your conscience! Vote Stein.

I actually agree with a couple of her talking points regarding honey bees! We have to protect those little critters, but get illegal invaders out!

People who truly claim to be on the left should vote for Jill; or they're pretty much phonies, imo. But others should consider her as well. This lady believes in fundamental rights and getting rid of corporate scams like health insurance. Someone more right might be scared off by other stances; but this is a woman who wants to accomplish real positive change and who comes at it from a position of honor.
Plus she wants to bring in thousands of refugees. Really how could they not love her?
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.
Some great ideas and some really goofy ones
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.
Shes defiantly a control freak of the worst type....
I bet they'd could cook a very special meal just for you.

I bet neither of them could make a pb&j sandwich, never mind actually cook.

As for your suggestion, I doubt they'd be that stupid if they were cooking for me.
Mortimer: Aunt Abby, how can I believe you? There are twelve bodies in the cellar and you admit you poisoned them.
Abby: Yes, I did. But you don't think I'd stoop to telling a fib.
She has no leadership experience, plays footsie with anti-vaxxers and has no chance in winning. Any progressive who votes for her is a moron.

This looks like a desperate thread started by a Trump supporter.

This looks like a desperate thread started by a Trump supporter

That's exactly what it is .. by someone who probably wouldn't vote for Stein if his life depended on it. A RWer telling progressives what they must do.

Republicans .. win by gimmick.

It's laughable and won't work.
A RWer telling progressives what they must do.

If you vote for Hillary, you are voting for war, kleptocracy, and further destruction of the financial solvency of the US.

You aren't a progressive if you vote for Hillary.
A RWer telling progressives what they must do.

If you vote for Hillary, you are voting for war, kleptocracy, and further destruction of the financial solvency of the US.

You aren't a progressive if you vote for Hillary.

:lol: You aren't a progressive .. you're just trying to get Trump's fake ass elected .. so take your snake oil and sell it somewhere else. :lol::lol:

You're all over the board following your marching orders. :lol:
Mortimer: Aunt Abby, how can I believe you? There are twelve bodies in the cellar and you admit you poisoned them.
Abby: Yes, I did. But you don't think I'd stoop to telling a fib.

I understood what you were referring to. It would be pretty stupid to do something like that when they'd be "taste testing" the meals and poor tasting meals would end up getting them "fired".

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