Real Rights, Fake Rights, Human Rights

You hear a lot of talk about "rights", and often it is ignorant talk and plain propaganda.

What are real rights? What are fake rights? Where do rights come from?

According to the United States Declaration of Independence, our rights come from God:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Whether or not you believe our rights come from God, as American citizens, our rights are presented in the Bill of Rights. Your gender or color do not matter. The rights in the Bill of Rights apply to all Americans.

Human Rights: While some people also use this term for propaganda purposes, it is agreed that there are actually some fundamental human rights that all human beings have, again, regardless of sex or race. Of course, the most fundamental of those rights is the right to actually Live.

FAKE RIGHTS: What are fake rights? Any right applied to a certain group: Women's rights, gay rights, minority rights, even animal rights . . . these are nothing but propaganda slogans and they are usually used to advance some nefarious agenda. As I stated, your gender or race do not matter, we all have the same human rights, and as Americans we all have the same Constitutional Rights.

Abortion: The abortion battle is a classic example of how fake propaganda rights were pitted against actual real human rights.
  • The pro choice side appealed to women's rights. But there are no such things as women's rights. That is a propaganda slogan.
  • The pro life side appealed to human rights and our Constitutional rights, specifically the Right to Life, the right to be alive and not be killed by somebody. These are real rights and we all expect them to be respected for ourselves every day.
Abortion violates that most sacred fundamental right, the right to Life. Every human being has the right to live: Their age, color, sex or stage of development does not matter.

This seems very simple when explained correctly, right? So then one must wonder why so many people are so fixated on being able to violate that right and kill human beings.

The following article is by a lady who is a liberal, and an atheist, but she understands human rights:

The atheist’s case against abortion: respect for human rights

I highly recommend reading it.

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If they were inalienable rights they would beong to all people, not just all americans. They are not, therefore do not. Rights only exist to the extent that someone in power recognizes them and is willing to enforce them to your benefit. Otherwise they are just capricious fictions designed to make "the people" feel some sense of empowerment when they are, in fact, pawns of the few as they have always been.
I don't think I could have written this any plainer and simpler. And yet, the killers just want to kill.

Democrats are truly a demonic evil party.
So are you prepared for the consequences of giving the unborn the full compliment of recognized human rights?
I don't worship any gods. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion and you cannot force me to follow the tenets of your religion.

And if I want to have a finger amputated how does that affect "society"
If I want to commit suicide how does that affect "society" other than there being one less person to pay taxes?

People use drugs every day. we have a long list of drugs that are legal to use and possess.

Regardless whether you believe in God or not, the EMT would just take you to the hospital and they'd sew your finger back on. Or they'd revive you with Narcan and you'd feel like shit for the rest of the week.
So are you prepared for the consequences of giving the unborn the full compliment of recognized human rights?

What "consequences"? You liberals are already trying to give illegal aliens the full compliment of recognized Constitutional rights, and they weren't even conceived and born here. Why aren't you concerned about the consequences of that?
Regardless whether you believe in God or not, the EMT would just take you to the hospital and they'd sew your finger back on. Or they'd revive you with Narcan and you'd feel like shit for the rest of the week.
Not if I refused treatment which I have the right to do.

And why do you assume I would overdose on an opiate?

And you haven't answered how amputation of a finger affects the entire society
By the by folks: My first post does not make any religious argument against abortion. It is all about rights, real rights, and fake rights that are nothing more than propaganda talking points.

To repeat . . . .
as American citizens, our rights are presented in the Bill of Rights. Your gender or color do not matter. The rights in the Bill of Rights apply to all Americans.

Human Rights: While some people also use this term for propaganda purposes, it is agreed that there are actually some fundamental human rights that all human beings have, again, regardless of sex or race. Of course, the most fundamental of those rights is the right to actually Live.

FAKE RIGHTS: What are fake rights? Any right applied to a certain group: Women's rights, gay rights, minority rights, even animal rights . . . these are nothing but propaganda slogans and they are usually used to advance some nefarious agenda. As I stated, your gender or race do not matter, we all have the same human rights, and as Americans we all have the same Constitutional Rights.

Abortion: The abortion battle is a classic example of how fake propaganda rights were pitted against actual real human rights.
  • The pro choice side appealed to women's rights. But there are no such things as women's rights. That is a propaganda slogan.
  • The pro life side appealed to human rights and our Constitutional rights, specifically the Right to Life, the right to be alive and not be killed by somebody. These are real rights and we all expect them to be respected for ourselves every day.
Abortion violates that most sacred fundamental right, the right to Life. Every human being has the right to live: Their age, color, sex or stage of development does not matter.
What "consequences"? You liberals are already trying to give illegal aliens the full compliment of recognized Constitutional rights, and they weren't even conceived and born here. Why aren't you concerned about the consequences of that?
Another ASSumption. You do not know my politics or who I vote for.

This is a philosophical discussion on my part. if you are intellectually incapable of divorcing politics from a discussion then that is your defect.

And the consequences of saying a fertilized ovum has the full compliment of human rights include things like forcibly detaining pregnant women from leaving a state. Forcibly incarcerating pregnant women accused of fetus neglect etc.
By the by folks: My first post does not make any religious argument against abortion. It is all about rights, real rights, and fake rights that are nothing more than propaganda talking points.

To repeat . . . .
as American citizens, our rights are presented in the Bill of Rights. Your gender or color do not matter. The rights in the Bill of Rights apply to all Americans.

Human Rights: While some people also use this term for propaganda purposes, it is agreed that there are actually some fundamental human rights that all human beings have, again, regardless of sex or race. Of course, the most fundamental of those rights is the right to actually Live.

FAKE RIGHTS: What are fake rights? Any right applied to a certain group: Women's rights, gay rights, minority rights, even animal rights . . . these are nothing but propaganda slogans and they are usually used to advance some nefarious agenda. As I stated, your gender or race do not matter, we all have the same human rights, and as Americans we all have the same Constitutional Rights.

Abortion: The abortion battle is a classic example of how fake propaganda rights were pitted against actual real human rights.
  • The pro choice side appealed to women's rights. But there are no such things as women's rights. That is a propaganda slogan.
  • The pro life side appealed to human rights and our Constitutional rights, specifically the Right to Life, the right to be alive and not be killed by somebody. These are real rights and we all expect them to be respected for ourselves every day.
Abortion violates that most sacred fundamental right, the right to Life. Every human being has the right to live: Their age, color, sex or stage of development does not matter.
And you haven't answered any of my questions on the consequences of granting a fertilized human ovum the full compliment of human rights we recognize.
None of those are "rights." They're choices, and rather bad choices I might add. Any one of them could cause you to be locked up in jail or a psych ward.

What you're trying to do here is use the US Constitution to justify the murder of unborn children through abortion. That goes against every reason the Constitution was written.

A gestating fetus is not an "unborn child". It's potentially a child. If the woman is in no position to offer this potential child a decent life, including both physical and emotion support, love and a chance to achieve his or her potential, and risks the health and well being of her existing children to even carry the pregnancy to term, then it is both the moral and responsible choice for that woman to terminate that pregnancy.

You anti-abortionists fail to remember that 20 years after Roe, the crime rate in America dropped 15%, and continued to decline thereafter. Fewer poor children being born into ever increasing poverty and deprivation.
The anti-abortion movement isn't about the "poor innocent unborn" at all. You abandon those babies the moment they're born. The highest rate of maternal death in childbirth, in the first world. The highest rate of infant mortality in the first world. Gun violence is the biggest cause of death for children under 10. Once the kids are here, they're just target practice for the lunatics with guns.

It's about demonizing and controlling poor women. It's about showing poor women who's boss. It's all about hating women and wanting to see them suffer.
And you haven't answered any of my questions on the consequences of granting a fertilized human ovum the full compliment of human rights we recognize.

You keep babbling about "consequences." What consequences?

As far as I remember, nobody said anything about a "fertilized human ovum." Most Christians believe that life beings at conception, which I'm ok with. Researchers found that a fetus can respond to pain at 13 weeks.

But a fetus also develops a heartbeat around 5-6 weeks, so an abortion prior to that should never be allowed, as far as I'm concerned.
You keep babbling about "consequences." What consequences?

As far as I remember, nobody said anything about a "fertilized human ovum." Most Christians believe that life beings at conception, which I'm ok with. Researchers found that a fetus can respond to pain at 13 weeks.

But a fetus also develops a heartbeat around 5-6 weeks, so an abortion prior to that should never be allowed, as far as I'm concerned.
But by reckoning at 5-6 weeks they should be taken out and if they survive good luck to them...

So lets go for conception... Why aren't trying to ban IVF....

I keep asking and no one wants to answer...
You keep babbling about "consequences." What consequences?

As far as I remember, nobody said anything about a "fertilized human ovum." Most Christians believe that life beings at conception, which I'm ok with. Researchers found that a fetus can respond to pain at 13 weeks.

But a fetus also develops a heartbeat around 5-6 weeks, so an abortion prior to that should never be allowed, as far as I'm concerned.
Consequences like forcibly stopping a pregnant woman from travelling to a state where abortions are legal.

Or incarcerating a woman for "endangering a fetus" by "risky" behavior

for a couple.

And what gives you the right to force your religious doctrine on others?
A lot of people anymore seem to think that if they want something they have a right to it and don't understand the difference between a right and a privilege.

We have some rights in America. But most of these perceived rights are actually privileges we get and many we have to earn.

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