Real U.S. Wages Are Essentially Back at 1974 Levels

If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Computers are making engineers and draftsmen obsolete.


More accurately, computers are making engineers into draftsmen so draftsmen are largely not needed.
If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Computers are making engineers and draftsmen obsolete.


More accurately, computers are making engineers into draftsmen so draftsmen are largely not needed.

There's still jobs out there for engineers and CAD.

Now if you're talking about using a scale and vellum and all that, that's probably

a different story. I'd guess drafting is a dying trade. OTOH, there's something to be said when you can do it with your head and few tools vs. having to have power and a pre-written computer program.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Computers are making engineers and draftsmen obsolete.


More accurately, computers are making engineers into draftsmen so draftsmen are largely not needed.

There's still jobs out there for engineers and CAD.

Now if you're talking about using a scale and vellum and all that, that's probably

a different story. I'd guess drafting is a dying trade. OTOH, there's something to be said when you can do it with your head and few tools vs. having to have power and a pre-written computer program.

The drawing is NOW part of the design. Because it has to LINK to simulation, logic blocks, software and CAD tools. And that LINKAGE is at the engineering level. For instance, I want a specific integrated circuit in the drawing. But I need to specify a specific package and performance for that generic circuit. And it will be ME running the simulations and maybe even doing the printed circuit layout because the BOARD is now part of the design in terms of power, speed, simulation results and trying to pack all that shit into the tinyest footprint that is serviceable and manufacturable.

It's the SYSTEM now on that piece of paper. That's what made "draftsmen" obsolete.
A very selective and misleading article. Median family income has been steadily rising for the last 15 months:

June 2018 Median Household Income | Seeking Alpha

The nominal rate of year over year growth for median household income has now equaled or exceeded 2.7% over the last 15 months. That duration exceeds the two longest durations of 2.7% or higher growth recorded since the Great Recession began after December 2007​

Of course some things cost more now than they did in the 70s, and vice-versa. We could play this cherry-picking game all day. You wanna talk about all the utility rates that have dropped over the last eight months after the Trump tax cuts? What was the trade deficit in 1974, hey? Do you understand the impact that a trade deficit has on GDP? How about the price of gas? Do you know what the inflation rate was in 1974? Do you know what it is now?

I guess you can give credit for that to the mulatto messiah too. You seem to want to give him the credit for all the good things, if that piece of chicago gutter trash is responsible for the good, he can't shrug off the bad. But I think you're full of it, so it really doesn't matter.

Obama did acknowledge the existence of inequality.
Yet he faced unprecedented levels of obstruction to do anything about it.
But at least mentioning it is more than we got now.

That's funny he managed to get Obama care passed....

He had the votes to do something yet choose to say fuck you and helped wall street and unions instead.

Democrats only had a control of congress for 4 months. From Sept 24, 2009 when Paul Kirk was sworn in, until Feb 4, 2010 when Scott Brown was sworn in. A tiny sliver of time to pass obamacare.

The percentage of US workers belonging to unions was 10.7 in 2016, down from 11.1 percent on a year-over-year basis. Union membership rate either dropped or remained stagnant every year under President Obama, eroding from 12.3 percent in 2009.
Because of GOP policies still in place and right to work garbage that have brought the rate down from 30% in 35 years. Your tat GOP
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

Overall, American workers received a 2.6% wage increase. Inflation under tRump is the highest in ten years at 2.8%. 2.8%-2.6%= -.02%. There is your negative raise. Arguing simple math with conservatives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy.

I did not deny that wages have been flat, since well for decades before Trump came into office.

Indeed, that is one of the prime reasons I supported the polices that he came along and adopted.

Are you getting any of this?

Wages are flat because of Corporate America supported by Republicans, and you voted for a Republican who is the epitome of Corporate America? How foolish is that?

You are an idiot….

We have one party masquerading as two…

All of your libtard leaders are in bed with wall street and all the rest…

You are the dumbest of the dumb…
Wrong again, conspiracy Nut job... Can't tell the difference eh.... Another GOP chump...

Hey Dick brain…

Guess what….

Trump kicked your ass and his policies are MAGA…………

If you don’t think your libtard leaders are in bed with the powers that be

explain how dumb asses like crazy bernie, Pocahontas

and nutty maxine are rich…

Unlike Trump they didn’t make it in the private sector…

You are a fools fool….
If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Computers are making engineers and draftsmen obsolete.


More accurately, computers are making engineers into draftsmen so draftsmen are largely not needed.

Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Computers are making engineers and draftsmen obsolete.


More accurately, computers are making engineers into draftsmen so draftsmen are largely not needed.

There's still jobs out there for engineers and CAD.

Now if you're talking about using a scale and vellum and all that, that's probably

a different story. I'd guess drafting is a dying trade. OTOH, there's something to be said when you can do it with your head and few tools vs. having to have power and a pre-written computer program.

A very selective and misleading article. Median family income has been steadily rising for the last 15 months:

June 2018 Median Household Income | Seeking Alpha

The nominal rate of year over year growth for median household income has now equaled or exceeded 2.7% over the last 15 months. That duration exceeds the two longest durations of 2.7% or higher growth recorded since the Great Recession began after December 2007​

Of course some things cost more now than they did in the 70s, and vice-versa. We could play this cherry-picking game all day. You wanna talk about all the utility rates that have dropped over the last eight months after the Trump tax cuts? What was the trade deficit in 1974, hey? Do you understand the impact that a trade deficit has on GDP? How about the price of gas? Do you know what the inflation rate was in 1974? Do you know what it is now?


If salaries are the same for adjusted inflated dollars today as 1974, is that BEFORE, or AFTER taxes? And when I say taxes, I mean overall taxes, just not federal income tax! And, how was the economy through the 70s? How was the economy in the 80s? And yes, how was the economy in the 90s, and what were the average, overall tax rates for those decades!

Add to that, how much money after adjusting for inflation, did the government spend? Why is that important??????

Simple-----------> printing money is a hidden tax on monies already acquired and saved. It is exactly why a dollar today only has the purchasing power of around 3 cents of a 1917 dollar.

You see, the dirty little secret that politicians do not tell you (especially the left) is--------->if they have to print money to support programs, your saved money, and your salary drops until you get a raise. Your dollar purchases LESS, the more money they print.

It was well explained by that charming and delightful LEFTIST ECONOMIST Keynes. EXAMPLE by him, and if you doubt me, read his words on the internet----------> We can tax the citizens for their own GOOD at a rate of 50%, but that would cause an uprising. So instead, if we tax them at 20%, and print another 30% of their tax money, in essence it is the same thing as taxing them. We will have shifted that buying power to the government, and nobody would be the wiser. It will cause the dollar to drop in value, but the citizenry are unsophisticated enough to understand that concept! And as they invariably get more monies into their pockets from employers which will cause bracket creep, that also will inject more monies into the treasury!

And so, the reality is------------> every time our government creates a new program that it must print money to finance...….or is a hidden tax on you, the taxpayer. Why does anyone think they redid the way inflation is calculated? Look back in the early 80s and 90s to what blue collar workers were getting in their COLA allowances on their paychecks, even during a time of supposedly mild inflation. It is also the reason MOST, if not all, union shops eliminated the COLA allowance.

In closing, let me say that you people are being DUPED (yes a FRANCO phrase) by your governments calculations, and it is Washington DC at the head of this clown show. How can YOU tell if your paycheck is keeping up, if they are telling you that there is low inflation by removing supposedly volatile commodities from their calculations, and have you ever looked up what they decided to remove from those? Look them up, then ask yourself-------> in the year the formula was changed I paid X for this product that was removed from the calculation. Today, I pay Y. Then calculate what the inflation rate was, and what the cost should be if the formula is on the up and up.

Again, your being duped, the printing has caused your dollars value to drop, and bracket creep has allowed them to help themselves to MORE of your money that is now worth less, and they STILL WANT MORE!

Let me give a personal example----------> in 1984, I purchased a home for 42,500.00. Our 1st home, a small brick ranch. Through the power of the internet, I looked up that house last week, and last year it sold for 163,750.00. 33 years later, that house is worth more than triple! Now you figure out the inflation rate, then you come back and tell us how that is possible, lolol!
Last edited:
A very selective and misleading article. Median family income has been steadily rising for the last 15 months:

June 2018 Median Household Income | Seeking Alpha

The nominal rate of year over year growth for median household income has now equaled or exceeded 2.7% over the last 15 months. That duration exceeds the two longest durations of 2.7% or higher growth recorded since the Great Recession began after December 2007​

Of course some things cost more now than they did in the 70s, and vice-versa. We could play this cherry-picking game all day. You wanna talk about all the utility rates that have dropped over the last eight months after the Trump tax cuts? What was the trade deficit in 1974, hey? Do you understand the impact that a trade deficit has on GDP? How about the price of gas? Do you know what the inflation rate was in 1974? Do you know what it is now?

Yeah? So how come no more single-earner households (with kids) and a boat or RV that can take a 2-week vacation once a year?

That's what America needs to get back to.
Where was Pew during the Obama years when nobody got a raise and Black unemployment was around double digits? Should we rely on somebody named Daniel Kline to interpret the booming economy? Only when lefties never have a nice day.

After the worst economic crash in world history caused by BushCo, Republicans, and Corporate America?
Therefore the obvious solution is to leave the southern border wide open and make American workers compete against illegal aliens who will work for less.


That appears to be the Dem's most significant platform position for the mid-terms. Stop Trump from upgrading the border security infrastructure.

The obvious solution is having the poor and the poor with credit make more money to afford the products made by Americans.

Why should the buying power of a worker today, doing the same job as someone who was working in 1974 be any more than it was in 1974?

Why did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama do nothing?

Because it's NOT 1974.

Obama did. He attempted to raise the minimum wage six times in eight years. Republicans stopped it.

Why should the buying power of a worker today, doing the same job as someone who was working in 1974 be any more than it was in 1974?

Why did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama do nothing?

Because it's NOT 1974.

Obama did. He attempted to raise the minimum wage six times in eight years. Republicans stopped it.

The Kenyan Zulu tried to make life in the U.S. easier for filthy wetbacks while fucking over good Americans as the price of goods and services would have skyrocketed. It was just another sneaky attempt for Mexicrats to funnel more to their base and send America’s Best the invoice. Simple shit.
Thanks to Corporate America and Republicans

SUB HUMANS are incapably of understanding basic truth and economics.

Bigger government, more government as a percent of GDP, that is what compresses wages. Nobody was bitching about the minimum wage in the mid 1990s when Newt had the budget balanced and government spending at 25% of GDP. Since the "Period of American WO," government spending is now at 50% of GDP, and the low end wage earners have been screwed by big government "crowding out" yet again...

The more the government spends, the worst it is for the low end wage worker.

What do SUB HUMAN liberals want?

Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.

Sure he does. Manufacturing employment is surging, that is something you libs said would not happen.

For one example.

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?

It is.

Really? Prove it.
If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Not in Silicon Valley that's for certain. But that's a LOCAL inflation effect due to the California "funny money" cost of living out there. I had to pay $40 for a pair of sneakers back in the 80s, now I can get 2 for 1 deals on them anytime I want for $40 bucks.

If you actually READ and understand the Pew article --- it's the "purchasing power" that has remained stagnant since 1974. Because wages have been stagnant. And that's not a Repub or Demo or Trump thing. It's "redistribution" of wealth on a global scale. Something the lefties in the 70s were championing as the only fair solution to America enjoying too much of the worlds' wealth.

So the GOODS got cheaper, wages stayed stagnant because of labor consolidation and increased efficiency. And the BUYING POTENTIAL of salary against inflation has been flat. It's a nothing burger of a report from Pew than got misinterpreted by some talking points memo somewhere. By folks who can't read graphs or understand how all these things add up..

Now factor in the 60% of the US economy is middle class spending.
Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.

Sure he does. Manufacturing employment is surging, that is something you libs said would not happen.

For one example.

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?

It is.

Really? Prove it.


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