Real U.S. Wages Are Essentially Back at 1974 Levels

I guess you can give credit for that to the mulatto messiah too. You seem to want to give him the credit for all the good things, if that piece of chicago gutter trash is responsible for the good, he can't shrug off the bad. But I think you're full of it, so it really doesn't matter.

Obama did acknowledge the existence of inequality.
Yet he faced unprecedented levels of obstruction to do anything about it.
But at least mentioning it is more than we got now.
The real truth....those of you are are sold on either that...brace yourselves....if your are middle class you will stay middle class. Those who are poor....are going to stay poor. I've been on this earth for 84 years. It's the same old garbage. Work two...even three lower wage jobs? Guess what? You will remain poor. And some lowlifes scoff at college educations. Yup....only in America. But working in a factory for 15 dollars per hour? Beck that's patriotic. Laughable.

You mean you're

No, the vast majority of people do not stay in one income bracket. Over their lifetime, they move up and then back down through those brackets. I am certain that you did not stay in the same income bracket all your life.

What you are describing is the situation in the so-called "Socialist Democracy" countries of Europe.
Actually, after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the developed world... Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...

Actually, after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich

16 of those years we had Clinton or Obama as President.
Why didn't they fix things?

Great job Dems and silly dupes like you.....

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?

Most flirt with insanity or ignorance. To those the only thing that makes sense is a Trump impeachment, just cuz. All are foolish.

Blows my mind how a historically effective POTUS can be so disliked. Bites from the hand that feeds you.
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If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Computers are making engineers and draftsmen obsolete.

The real truth....those of you are are sold on either that...brace yourselves....if your are middle class you will stay middle class. Those who are poor....are going to stay poor. I've been on this earth for 84 years. It's the same old garbage. Work two...even three lower wage jobs? Guess what? You will remain poor. And some lowlifes scoff at college educations. Yup....only in America. But working in a factory for 15 dollars per hour? Beck that's patriotic. Laughable.

You mean you're

No, the vast majority of people do not stay in one income bracket. Over their lifetime, they move up and then back down through those brackets. I am certain that you did not stay in the same income bracket all your life.

What you are describing is the situation in the so-called "Socialist Democracy" countries of Europe.
Actually, after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the developed world... Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...

Why do you then keep voting for democrats if they are so useless?
The real truth....those of you are are sold on either that...brace yourselves....if your are middle class you will stay middle class. Those who are poor....are going to stay poor. I've been on this earth for 84 years. It's the same old garbage. Work two...even three lower wage jobs? Guess what? You will remain poor. And some lowlifes scoff at college educations. Yup....only in America. But working in a factory for 15 dollars per hour? Beck that's patriotic. Laughable.

You mean you're

No, the vast majority of people do not stay in one income bracket. Over their lifetime, they move up and then back down through those brackets. I am certain that you did not stay in the same income bracket all your life.

What you are describing is the situation in the so-called "Socialist Democracy" countries of Europe.
Actually, after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the developed world... Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...

Actually, after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich

16 of those years we had Clinton or Obama as President.
Why didn't they fix things?

Great job Dems and silly dupes like you.....
Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate to do anything. They had 40 days of it under Obama and passed ACA. Before that the last time was under LBJ. Medicare Medicaid living wage etc etc. The only reason you are GOP at this point is you believe a gigantic pile of GOP bs propaganda. Every voter in your party is either brainwashed or stupid and greedy.

Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate to do anything.

Poor Dems. Reagan never had 60 votes in the Senate, he won the Cold War.

Every voter in your party is either brainwashed or stupid and greedy.

When did GOP voters become Dems? DERP!

The simple minded always assume everyone else is as handicapped as they are.

I guess you can give credit for that to the mulatto messiah too. You seem to want to give him the credit for all the good things, if that piece of chicago gutter trash is responsible for the good, he can't shrug off the bad. But I think you're full of it, so it really doesn't matter.

Obama did acknowledge the existence of inequality.
Yet he faced unprecedented levels of obstruction to do anything about it.
But at least mentioning it is more than we got now.

You obviously haven't been listening or paying a bit of attention. But I thought the projection was cute though. LMAO


I guess you can give credit for that to the mulatto messiah too. You seem to want to give him the credit for all the good things, if that piece of chicago gutter trash is responsible for the good, he can't shrug off the bad. But I think you're full of it, so it really doesn't matter.

Obama did acknowledge the existence of inequality.
Yet he faced unprecedented levels of obstruction to do anything about it.
But at least mentioning it is more than we got now.

That's funny he managed to get Obama care passed....

He had the votes to do something yet choose to say fuck you and helped wall street and unions instead.


Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

I like your style...…….

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

Overall, American workers received a 2.6% wage increase. Inflation under tRump is the highest in ten years at 2.8%. 2.8%-2.6%= -.02%. There is your negative raise. Arguing simple math with conservatives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy.

I did not deny that wages have been flat, since well for decades before Trump came into office.

Indeed, that is one of the prime reasons I supported the polices that he came along and adopted.

Are you getting any of this?

Wages are flat because of Corporate America supported by Republicans, and you voted for a Republican who is the epitome of Corporate America? How foolish is that?

You are an idiot….

We have one party masquerading as two…

All of your libtard leaders are in bed with wall street and all the rest…

You are the dumbest of the dumb…
Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.

Sure he does. Manufacturing employment is surging, that is something you libs said would not happen.

For one example.

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?

Because your FAKE NEWS and such doesn’t report it…

I guess you can give credit for that to the mulatto messiah too. You seem to want to give him the credit for all the good things, if that piece of chicago gutter trash is responsible for the good, he can't shrug off the bad. But I think you're full of it, so it really doesn't matter.

Obama did acknowledge the existence of inequality.
Yet he faced unprecedented levels of obstruction to do anything about it.
But at least mentioning it is more than we got now.

That's funny he managed to get Obama care passed....

He had the votes to do something yet choose to say fuck you and helped wall street and unions instead.

Democrats only had a control of congress for 4 months. From Sept 24, 2009 when Paul Kirk was sworn in, until Feb 4, 2010 when Scott Brown was sworn in. A tiny sliver of time to pass obamacare.

The percentage of US workers belonging to unions was 10.7 in 2016, down from 11.1 percent on a year-over-year basis. Union membership rate either dropped or remained stagnant every year under President Obama, eroding from 12.3 percent in 2009.

I guess you can give credit for that to the mulatto messiah too. You seem to want to give him the credit for all the good things, if that piece of chicago gutter trash is responsible for the good, he can't shrug off the bad. But I think you're full of it, so it really doesn't matter.

Obama did acknowledge the existence of inequality.
Yet he faced unprecedented levels of obstruction to do anything about it.
But at least mentioning it is more than we got now.

That's funny he managed to get Obama care passed....

He had the votes to do something yet choose to say fuck you and helped wall street and unions instead.

Democrats only had a control of congress for 4 months. From Sept 24, 2009 when Paul Kirk was sworn in, until Feb 4, 2010 when Scott Brown was sworn in. A tiny sliver of time to pass obamacare.

The percentage of US workers belonging to unions was 10.7 in 2016, down from 11.1 percent on a year-over-year basis. Union membership rate either dropped or remained stagnant every year under President Obama, eroding from 12.3 percent in 2009.

Democrats only had a control of congress for 4 months. From Sept 24, 2009 when Paul Kirk was sworn in, until Feb 4, 2010 when Scott Brown was sworn in. A tiny sliver of time to pass Obamacare.

Dems had 256/435 House seats and 59/100 Senate seats before the November 2010 election.
How does that translate into only 4 months of control?

Why should the buying power of a worker today, doing the same job as someone who was working in 1974 be any more than it was in 1974?

Why did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama do nothing?
Blocked on everything he wanted to do by your greedy idiot GOP party, dumbass. Change the channel and get some real news. Better yet read something.

You are such a duffus….

You need to take your own advice.
Funny how your propaganda machine disagrees with all the respected media around the world, dumbass, along with our justice system that has investigated all your stupid conspiracies and found nothing. But by all means keep believing your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits, jackass.

Respected media, surely you jest…

There’s no such thing as that from the left….

Your lying cnn is the laughing stock of the world and

msnbc is right behind them.

That’s why things like the home and garden channel beat their ratings…

You’re right, your justice system is the problem.

They protect the crimes of the left while they try to frame Trump

for winning an election.

I guess you can give credit for that to the mulatto messiah too. You seem to want to give him the credit for all the good things, if that piece of chicago gutter trash is responsible for the good, he can't shrug off the bad. But I think you're full of it, so it really doesn't matter.

Obama did acknowledge the existence of inequality.
Yet he faced unprecedented levels of obstruction to do anything about it.
But at least mentioning it is more than we got now.

That's funny he managed to get Obama care passed....

He had the votes to do something yet choose to say fuck you and helped wall street and unions instead.

Democrats only had a control of congress for 4 months. From Sept 24, 2009 when Paul Kirk was sworn in, until Feb 4, 2010 when Scott Brown was sworn in. A tiny sliver of time to pass obamacare.

The percentage of US workers belonging to unions was 10.7 in 2016, down from 11.1 percent on a year-over-year basis. Union membership rate either dropped or remained stagnant every year under President Obama, eroding from 12.3 percent in 2009.
Because of GOP policies still in place and right to work garbage that have brought the rate down from 30% in 35 years. Your tat GOP
Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

Overall, American workers received a 2.6% wage increase. Inflation under tRump is the highest in ten years at 2.8%. 2.8%-2.6%= -.02%. There is your negative raise. Arguing simple math with conservatives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy.

I did not deny that wages have been flat, since well for decades before Trump came into office.

Indeed, that is one of the prime reasons I supported the polices that he came along and adopted.

Are you getting any of this?

Wages are flat because of Corporate America supported by Republicans, and you voted for a Republican who is the epitome of Corporate America? How foolish is that?

You are an idiot….

We have one party masquerading as two…

All of your libtard leaders are in bed with wall street and all the rest…

You are the dumbest of the dumb…
Wrong again, conspiracy Nut job... Can't tell the difference eh.... Another GOP chump...
Democrats only had a control of congress for 4 months. From Sept 24, 2009 when Paul Kirk was sworn in, until Feb 4, 2010 when Scott Brown was sworn in. A tiny sliver of time to pass obamacare.

Are you lying about that or are you simply ignorant?
Democrats only had a control of congress for 4 months. From Sept 24, 2009 when Paul Kirk was sworn in, until Feb 4, 2010 when Scott Brown was sworn in. A tiny sliver of time to pass obamacare.

Are you lying about that or are you simply ignorant?
No, I looked it up. Something you might try sometime.
Forbes had reported on it.

And even Fox News reported the end of democrat control of congress, but its interesting see the absence of any mention of when control began at the previous september.
If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s

Not in Silicon Valley that's for certain. But that's a LOCAL inflation effect due to the California "funny money" cost of living out there. I had to pay $40 for a pair of sneakers back in the 80s, now I can get 2 for 1 deals on them anytime I want for $40 bucks.

If you actually READ and understand the Pew article --- it's the "purchasing power" that has remained stagnant since 1974. Because wages have been stagnant. And that's not a Repub or Demo or Trump thing. It's "redistribution" of wealth on a global scale. Something the lefties in the 70s were championing as the only fair solution to America enjoying too much of the worlds' wealth.

So the GOODS got cheaper, wages stayed stagnant because of labor consolidation and increased efficiency. And the BUYING POTENTIAL of salary against inflation has been flat. It's a nothing burger of a report from Pew than got misinterpreted by some talking points memo somewhere. By folks who can't read graphs or understand how all these things add up..
The real truth....those of you are are sold on either that...brace yourselves....if your are middle class you will stay middle class. Those who are poor....are going to stay poor. I've been on this earth for 84 years. It's the same old garbage. Work two...even three lower wage jobs? Guess what? You will remain poor. And some lowlifes scoff at college educations. Yup....only in America. But working in a factory for 15 dollars per hour? Beck that's patriotic. Laughable.

Not true. The mobility is STILL there. It needs to be exercised. You need a CAREER -- not just a job today. You need to have MULTIPLE skills, not a reliance on A skill.

As a scientist/engineer I had a support staff of drafters, technicians, purchasers, researchers, travel arrangers, technical pubs folks ALL supporting me. Now I am ALL of them because someone plopped this damn "personal computer" on my desk and FIRED all those folks. THAT'S THE PROGRAM. Get with it..

The only folks not able to buy mobility for themselves are folks who are not training in the sectors that are NEEDED. That would be your gender studies, ethnic and music history majors for example. And the UNSKILLED are doomed. Modern fact of life. Message never got out. It might be new to you --- but there will be no mobility or career for folks who are looking for a 1950s type of job.

What was supposed to happen was that we were gonna "let" the world dirty their hands making our socks, and basketballs and artificial plants --- while WE retrained and refocused on the DIFFICULT jobs -- better suited for our consumerism based, wasteful, embarrassing affluent society. Never happened. We were SUPPOSED to design the 21st century robotic manufacturing facilities and futuristic industries. We largely failed to do so. Poor LEADERSHIP. Not a Repub or Demo issue.

But the WORLD DID FLATTEN. And that's what leftists wanted all along. And NOW --- they are griping about it.

I'm old enough to remember the memes... Considered HERESY at the time coming out of the left.

"The US controls 31% of the world economic output, but only has 13% of the population"..
Or the generic form ---

"The US controls ___ of the world _______, but only has 13% of population.. Probably a major premise in "The Population Bomb" and the books on the impending 1990s World famine and die-off by Erlicht and crew.

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