Real U.S. Wages Are Essentially Back at 1974 Levels

If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.

I don’t remember wages skyrocketing under Democrats. They’ve been in office quite a bit since 1974. If the Republicans are a “0” on a scale from 1-10 in terms of income of average Americans, the Democrats may be charitably considered a “3” or “4”.

I’m not a republican. I’m not a democrat. I am a liberal who applauds Democratic Party efforts to raise the minimum wage because it has a force-multiplier effect. For every small employer who decides to hang it up rather than pay the elevated wages; the market solves the problem in the macroeconomic model. Such is capitalism; if you don’t want to sell me a widget; someone else will…use that income to pay their employee…expand their enterprise…etc.

Other than the minimum wage advocacy, I do not see where Democrats have anything to say to Republicans about raising the wages of workers. The way it should work is that you encourage continuous compulsory training so that today’s wage earners can become tomorrow’s salaried professionals. But really, we’ve had GSLs, Pell Grants, the GI Bill, etc… for decades. While we could lower the requirements to this and allow improvement on a micro scale (such as a grant to workers so they can just learn a language or learn computers without enrolling in 16 semester hours), on the whole, the idea that the American worker is eager to get more and more training is sadly just a myth.

Anyway, I don’t think you can lay this at the feet of the Republicans. Could they do more? Sure. Could the Democrats? Sure. Could Corporate America? Sure. This is one reason I find the potential candidacy of Howard Schultz so intriguing. He has been (mostly) a good corporate citizen; the type of employer whose values we’d like to see copied. Compare that to the blob in office now whose policy seemed to be grab as much pussy as possible.
Wages skyrocketed under Bill Clinton
5-6 percent or more per year

Now, wages have been stagnant since the Great Bush Recession of 2008

I don’t call that a “sky rocket”. But it does indicate that there is a very small difference that can be affected by policy of a president who cares, is engaged, etc…
If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
Not when EVERYONES wages are stagnant

An individual does not set the market
What does it even mean that 'wages are stagnant'? For what jobs? Not white collar jobs. My sons starting salary as an engineer was over 3 times what my starting salary was back in the early 80s.
They have something called adjusted for inflation

I started as an engineer in the late 70s making $12,900 for the Government
I could buy a new car for $4,000

Engineering salaries have been stagnant since the booming 90s
A lot factors involved in this issue. I don't think Trump can be blamed for an economic trend that began in 1974.

One factor was World War 2. The massive destruction in Europe and around the world left the United States in a great spot following the war. The United States did not have to rebuild. By the early 1970's, things were balancing out around the world. Add automation, bad trade deals and poor political leadership, and here we are.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?

Why have wages been stagnant for 40 years?

tRump has done nothing except making the rich richer.
Imagine a person doing the same job today as 40 years ago. No promotions, no merit increases.

Why should that person be making more today than 40 years ago? Seriously.

And don't say, "productivity increases." Productivity rarely increases due to the employee working harder. It is almost invariably the result of improved technology, or better management.

Why should the same job pay more now than before?

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy
Don't forget that in the 70's inflation was in the double digits

Remember when mortgage interest was 20%??

What is it now 4%

So your money is going a fucking hell of a lot further today
Imagine a person doing the same job today as 40 years ago. No promotions, no merit increases.

Why should that person be making more today than 40 years ago? Seriously.

And don't say, "productivity increases." Productivity rarely increases due to the employee working harder. It is almost invariably the result of improved technology, or better management.

Why should the same job pay more now than before?
Trickle down profits

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?

Why have wages been stagnant for 40 years?

tRump has done nothing except making the rich richer.

Trade and immigration, leftard.

President Trump's polices are increasing domestic manufacturing and decreasing labor supply.

That is the way to make the poor and middle class richer.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

I know. I have this irrational faith in the Human capacity for reason. Pity me.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini
It helps to read the article, it’s not down under Trump, it’s in line with inflation over the past year. 2.7% increase in wages for non management hourly workers against inflation of 2%-3%.

Nice try to blame Trump, it’s simply a lie.

Purchasing power for most Americans has stagnated for decades.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

Overall, American workers received a 2.6% wage increase. Inflation under tRump is the highest in ten years at 2.8%. 2.8%-2.6%= -.02%. There is your negative raise. Arguing simple math with conservatives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.
It helps to read the article, it’s not down under Trump, it’s in line with inflation over the past year. 2.7% increase in wages for non management hourly workers against inflation of 2%-3%.

Nice try to blame Trump, it’s simply a lie.

Purchasing power for most Americans has stagnated for decades.

Wasn't inflation last June the highest since 2012? Thank tariff's.

Purchasing power for most Americans has stagnated for decades. Thank investor returns which have risen from 15% in the 70's to over 50% today.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?

Sure he is

Cut taxes of employers by close to 50 percent and marvel at the paltry 2.7 percent increase in salaries

And that's the opposite of that is 0% raise? We are not a full blown retard socialist country yet.


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