Real U.S. Wages Are Essentially Back at 1974 Levels

The real truth....those of you are are sold on either that...brace yourselves....if your are middle class you will stay middle class. Those who are poor....are going to stay poor. I've been on this earth for 84 years. It's the same old garbage. Work two...even three lower wage jobs? Guess what? You will remain poor. And some lowlifes scoff at college educations. Yup....only in America. But working in a factory for 15 dollars per hour? Beck that's patriotic. Laughable.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

Overall, American workers received a 2.6% wage increase. Inflation under tRump is the highest in ten years at 2.8%. 2.8%-2.6%= -.02%. There is your negative raise. Arguing simple math with conservatives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy.

I did not deny that wages have been flat, since well for decades before Trump came into office.

Indeed, that is one of the prime reasons I supported the polices that he came along and adopted.

Are you getting any of this?

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.

Sure he does. Manufacturing employment is surging, that is something you libs said would not happen.

For one example.
If YOUR wages have been stagnant, then that's on you. The idea is, you start at a low wage job and work your way up the wage scale from there, not hang at out at the low end and expect the gubmint to increase your bottom end wage.
That seems to not be working for too many.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Arguing economics with Progressives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy

Overall, American workers received a 2.6% wage increase. Inflation under tRump is the highest in ten years at 2.8%. 2.8%-2.6%= -.02%. There is your negative raise. Arguing simple math with conservatives is like arguing quantum mechanics with a crash test dummy.

I did not deny that wages have been flat, since well for decades before Trump came into office.

Indeed, that is one of the prime reasons I supported the polices that he came along and adopted.

Are you getting any of this?

Wages are flat because of Corporate America supported by Republicans, and you voted for a Republican who is the epitome of Corporate America? How foolish is that?

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.

Sure he does. Manufacturing employment is surging, that is something you libs said would not happen.

For one example.
And wages are stagnant.

Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.

Sure he does. Manufacturing employment is surging, that is something you libs said would not happen.

For one example.

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?
Where was Pew during the Obama years when nobody got a raise and Black unemployment was around double digits? Should we rely on somebody named Daniel Kline to interpret the booming economy? Only when lefties never have a nice day.
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I’m not a republican. I’m not a democrat. I am a liberal who applauds Democratic Party efforts to raise the minimum wage because it has a force-multiplier effect.
So then you agree with your centrist president, Donald Trump, that the minimum wage should be raised.

The Democratic party supported slavery ($0/hr wages), so if you think wages should be raised then you should call for the dissolution of the Democratic party of slavery.
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I don’t remember wages skyrocketing under Democrats. They’ve been in office quite a bit since 1974. If the Republicans are a “0” on a scale from 1-10 in terms of income of average Americans, the Democrats may be charitably considered a “3” or “4”.

I’m not a republican. I’m not a democrat. I am a liberal who applauds Democratic Party efforts to raise the minimum wage because it has a force-multiplier effect. For every small employer who decides to hang it up rather than pay the elevated wages; the market solves the problem in the macroeconomic model. Such is capitalism; if you don’t want to sell me a widget; someone else will…use that income to pay their employee…expand their enterprise…etc.

Other than the minimum wage advocacy, I do not see where Democrats have anything to say to Republicans about raising the wages of workers. The way it should work is that you encourage continuous compulsory training so that today’s wage earners can become tomorrow’s salaried professionals. But really, we’ve had GSLs, Pell Grants, the GI Bill, etc… for decades. While we could lower the requirements to this and allow improvement on a micro scale (such as a grant to workers so they can just learn a language or learn computers without enrolling in 16 semester hours), on the whole, the idea that the American worker is eager to get more and more training is sadly just a myth.

Anyway, I don’t think you can lay this at the feet of the Republicans. Could they do more? Sure. Could the Democrats? Sure. Could Corporate America? Sure. This is one reason I find the potential candidacy of Howard Schultz so intriguing. He has been (mostly) a good corporate citizen; the type of employer whose values we’d like to see copied. Compare that to the blob in office now whose policy seemed to be grab as much pussy as possible.
Wages skyrocketed under Bill Clinton
5-6 percent or more per year

Now, wages have been stagnant since the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Please show us your reliable source and the link showing the 5-6 percent per year you allege during the Clinton Administration.

From your Progressive good friends source, One-Percenter are these facts. President Clinton was in office from January 1993 through January 2001. Five to six percent per year would amount to 40-50 percent in those eight years.

The real truth....those of you are are sold on either that...brace yourselves....if your are middle class you will stay middle class. Those who are poor....are going to stay poor. I've been on this earth for 84 years. It's the same old garbage. Work two...even three lower wage jobs? Guess what? You will remain poor. And some lowlifes scoff at college educations. Yup....only in America. But working in a factory for 15 dollars per hour? Beck that's patriotic. Laughable.

The word you're looking for is "you're", not your.

No, the vast majority of people do not stay in one income bracket. Over their lifetime, they move up and then back down through those brackets. I am certain that you did not stay in the same income bracket all your life.

What you are describing is the situation in the so-called "Socialist Democracy" countries of Europe.
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The real truth....those of you are are sold on either that...brace yourselves....if your are middle class you will stay middle class. Those who are poor....are going to stay poor. I've been on this earth for 84 years. It's the same old garbage. Work two...even three lower wage jobs? Guess what? You will remain poor. And some lowlifes scoff at college educations. Yup....only in America. But working in a factory for 15 dollars per hour? Beck that's patriotic. Laughable.

You mean you're

No, the vast majority of people do not stay in one income bracket. Over their lifetime, they move up and then back down through those brackets. I am certain that you did not stay in the same income bracket all your life.

What you are describing is the situation in the so-called "Socialist Democracy" countries of Europe.
Actually, after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the developed world... Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...
Wages have been stagnant for 40 years. Trump is the one trying to change the factors that led to that.

You people are the ones that want to keep trade and immigration policy the same.

What part of that makes sense to you?
Trump the great messiah who is going magically pull people out of low wage jobs into better ones. Once the wall is built abra cadabra all these good paying jobs will be here and wages will go up. Lol ok houdini

Yeah, that is just you being an ass. PIss off.

Face facts; The King has no clothes.

Sure he does. Manufacturing employment is surging, that is something you libs said would not happen.

For one example.

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?

If what you wrote is true, then why isn't manufacturing output increasing?

It is.

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