Really? You still believe in "trickle down"?

Like I said, I'm not a banker but when did it become the responsibility of banks to start businesses? That part I'm not getting. I


So you think banks exist to make high risk high reward gambles on derivatives? With deposit moneys. Covered by the Fed in case they screw up. Again.

As opposed to making sound solid business loans to sound stable business people.

Your heads screwed on wrong dude.
The FDIC protects depositors too, that's the point. Anyone starting a business and is so concerned about banks getting favorable capital gains treatment is going to fail. One can choose to be a victim or a success, happens every day. I am FAR more concerned about the over regulation of business and the toxic nature government treats them like cash cows.
Or you can give Trump a chance. it's YOUR CHOICE.
Give Trump a chance to what? Makes things even worse than President Dickweed has? at this point a Trump Presidency could easily crash the economy on a scale far worse than what we saw in 2008 not to mention completely discredit the conservative movement in the U.S. for decades. You want to roll the dice and take a "chance" on that?

Trumps economic proposals are downright INSANE, he wants to risk retaliation from nearly all of our major trading partners by re instituting what amounts to a Smoot-Hawley redux. He wants to reduce taxes (good idea) without any significant decreases in federal spending (which means it's not really cutting taxes it's just shifting them into the future), He has made no specific proposals regarding comprehensive regulatory reform and finally he doesn't seem to understand that global trade is NOT a zero sum game, instead he appears to think that global trade amounts to a bigger version of his property development business (which it isn't).

....and don't even get me started on all his past pronouncements before he starting seeking the GOP nomination (e.g. single-payer healthcare, his unflinching support for eminent domain, etc..,).

Trump is a disaster waiting to happen, is he a worse potential disaster than Clinton? can't say since they're both horrible but at least with a Clinton Presidency there won't be an avalanche of mud landing on small government advocates since most voters associate conservatives and libertarians with the GOP.
The FDIC protects depositors too, that's the point.
Actually it doesn't , the FDIC has nowhere near enough funds to cover depositors in the event of even a single major bank failure not to mention a series of them, all the FDIC does is give depositors a false sense of security which in turn allows them to completely ignore the risk that whichever bank they are putting their money in is actually exposed to.

Anyone starting a business and is so concerned about banks getting favorable capital gains treatment is going to fail.
You're not getting the point, the banks are receiving favorable capital gains treatment on wholly speculative investments and thus are choosing to gamble (high risk-high reward speculation) with money that would otherwise go into investing in ACTUAL businesses. The whole point of favorable tax treatment of capital gains is to encourage investment in actual capital formation, not gambling money in the derivatives (and other speculation) markets.

One can choose to be a victim or a success, happens every day. I am FAR more concerned about the over regulation of business and the toxic nature government treats them like cash cows.
Except for the fact that YOU (along with everybody else) will be a victim of the speculative nature of our financial system if the derivatives bets goes against our banks, remember the calamity of 2008 triggered by $500 billion in mortgage derivatives? Well today we're talking about a $570ish TRILLION global derivatives market that many of major banks are exposed at 30+x the total assets to. You'll also be the victim as less and less actual capital investment takes place since you're going to suffer the consequences of shrinking economic growth and higher taxes.

Personally I'm not advocating increasing regulations (in fact I think they need to be reduced), government intervention is what is causing the problem, what I personally am advocating is eliminating ALL the explicit and implicit tax payer backstops AND eliminating favorable tax treatment of speculative derivatives investments as well as making the tax rates on ACTUAL capital gains ZERO.
The latest poll I've heard says 84% of Republicans will get behind Trump despite all the "anybody but Trump" rhetoric from the party for the last year. Does that mean Republicans believe that his 40% tax break (check my math, it's not my strong suit) to the highest income bracket will cause the super-rich to make the massive investments in factories and manufacturing facilities and training it would take to significantly expand American employment in well paying jobs? Or does it just mean Republicans are willing to to accept the final destruction of the middle class in their bid to stop Hillary?
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
The latest poll I've heard says 84% of Republicans will get behind Trump despite all the "anybody but Trump" rhetoric from the party for the last year. Does that mean Republicans believe that his 40% tax break (check my math, it's not my strong suit) to the highest income bracket will cause the super-rich to make the massive investments in factories and manufacturing facilities and training it would take to significantly expand American employment in well paying jobs? Or does it just mean Republicans are willing to to accept the final destruction of the middle class in their bid to stop Hillary?
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.
The latest poll I've heard says 84% of Republicans will get behind Trump despite all the "anybody but Trump" rhetoric from the party for the last year. Does that mean Republicans believe that his 40% tax break (check my math, it's not my strong suit) to the highest income bracket will cause the super-rich to make the massive investments in factories and manufacturing facilities and training it would take to significantly expand American employment in well paying jobs? Or does it just mean Republicans are willing to to accept the final destruction of the middle class in their bid to stop Hillary?
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.

Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
LOL, so in other words, economic suicide is the only viable option?

The command economics of socialism has failed over the long term everywhere it's been tried causing widespread misery, deprivation and death, but let me guess, you think that "American Socialists" will do it "the right way" and this time it will succeed?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein
The latest poll I've heard says 84% of Republicans will get behind Trump despite all the "anybody but Trump" rhetoric from the party for the last year. Does that mean Republicans believe that his 40% tax break (check my math, it's not my strong suit) to the highest income bracket will cause the super-rich to make the massive investments in factories and manufacturing facilities and training it would take to significantly expand American employment in well paying jobs? Or does it just mean Republicans are willing to to accept the final destruction of the middle class in their bid to stop Hillary?
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.
We have been selling out to that model for 35 years

Lower taxes, less regulation, trickle down prosperity for all

What happened was they just kept the money
Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
LOL, so in other words, economic suicide is the only viable option?

The command economics of socialism has failed over the long term everywhere it's been tried causing widespread misery, deprivation and death, but let me guess, you think that "American Socialists" will do it "the right way" and this time it will succeed?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein

I guess I'll have to repeat myself for the hard of understanding. Like it or lump it, my friend. There's no going back now.
The latest poll I've heard says 84% of Republicans will get behind Trump despite all the "anybody but Trump" rhetoric from the party for the last year. Does that mean Republicans believe that his 40% tax break (check my math, it's not my strong suit) to the highest income bracket will cause the super-rich to make the massive investments in factories and manufacturing facilities and training it would take to significantly expand American employment in well paying jobs? Or does it just mean Republicans are willing to to accept the final destruction of the middle class in their bid to stop Hillary?
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.

Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
I don't have to like it or lump it but will point out that socialism is a piss poor solution, especially when crony capitalism is the problem. More freedom of the marketplace is the answer, not even more government.
The latest poll I've heard says 84% of Republicans will get behind Trump despite all the "anybody but Trump" rhetoric from the party for the last year. Does that mean Republicans believe that his 40% tax break (check my math, it's not my strong suit) to the highest income bracket will cause the super-rich to make the massive investments in factories and manufacturing facilities and training it would take to significantly expand American employment in well paying jobs? Or does it just mean Republicans are willing to to accept the final destruction of the middle class in their bid to stop Hillary?
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.

Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
I don't have to like it or lump it but will point out that socialism is a piss poor solution, especially when crony capitalism is the problem. More freedom of the marketplace is the answer, not even more government.

Those are mighty powerful words. But you and I both know they fall on deaf ears.
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.

Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
I don't have to like it or lump it but will point out that socialism is a piss poor solution, especially when crony capitalism is the problem. More freedom of the marketplace is the answer, not even more government.

Those are mighty powerful words. But you and I both know they fall on deaf ears.
I don't know, I think that's partly what this election cycle is all about. Lots of people are seeing how the establishment plays the game and they are not happy. Right and left.
The latest poll I've heard says 84% of Republicans will get behind Trump despite all the "anybody but Trump" rhetoric from the party for the last year. Does that mean Republicans believe that his 40% tax break (check my math, it's not my strong suit) to the highest income bracket will cause the super-rich to make the massive investments in factories and manufacturing facilities and training it would take to significantly expand American employment in well paying jobs? Or does it just mean Republicans are willing to to accept the final destruction of the middle class in their bid to stop Hillary?
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.

Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
I don't have to like it or lump it but will point out that socialism is a piss poor solution, especially when crony capitalism is the problem. More freedom of the marketplace is the answer, not even more government.

Has a "Free Market" ever existed? It's a theoretical idea that's never been put to a real world test. We all have seen the damage done when capitalists act only constrained by their conscience or morals. If they were to operate under complete freedom most of us believe the outcome would be disastrous. And most Corporations don't want "free markets". They always have lobbied for laws that shield them from market judgments. For example since it's inception the U.S. has employed tariffs and subsidies to protect American businesses from free competition. I'll give you a few quotes to back up this statement;


"The politics of tariffs soon became intertwined with disputes between legislators from the North and South. For example, a Northern manufacturer of cloth would benefit from a tariff on cloth imported from England, which would make English cloth less competitive. However, a Southern planter who sold cotton to an English cloth manufacturer would benefit if there were no tariff on imports of English cloth, which would keep English cloth (made from U.S. cotton) cheaper and more competitive on the U.S. market. Thus Northern manufacturers favored high tariffs, whereas Southern planters, dependent on exports, favored free trade. However, the North wanted tariffs without public expenditures for a costly upgraded transportation system that would be paid for by tariff revenues, and the South was opposed to any tariff supporting the price of manufactured goods because the tariffs would make it harder for the South to export its agricultural products to nations affected by the tariffs. A high tariff did pass Congress as the Tariff Act of 1828. Legislators from Southern states called this the "Tariff of Abominations," and it nearly brought about a constitutional crisis.
After the Civil War, domestic policies continued to favor high tariffs, strengthened perhaps by the fact that industry was spreading through more of the nation. By the 1890s Congress had added an important innovation to the legislation: a delegation of power to the executive branch to adjust tariffs in specific circumstances. An early example was what are now called "countervailing duties." These were tariffs the executive branch would order to counteract foreign subsidies on products exported to the United States. The executive branch, without further action by Congress, could measure the foreign subsidy and determine the duty to countervail, or compensate for, that duty. This became one of a large number of such adjustment devices."

More modern evidence from Barron's Online;
"Since March, the Bush administration has initiated a series of protectionist moves that have provoked retaliatory action from trading nations around the world. By all accounts, the atmosphere is such that you'd now have to place long odds on the latest negotiations -- called the Doha Round because they're being held in Doha, Qatar, in the Persian Gulf -- making significant progress toward trade liberalization by the time they conclude in January 2005.
In March, Bush slapped tariffs of 30% on imported steel. In May, he signed a $170 billion farm bill that includes huge subsidies to export crops like corn, wheat, rice and soybeans. The subsidies act like tariffs by putting downward pressure on world prices, making it more difficult for poor farmers to compete. And on May 22, the administration began collecting newly-imposed duties of 27.2% on imports of Canadian softwood lumber."

"I had to abandon free market principles in order to save the free market system." George W. Bush

If you could point out a free market operating somewhere or at some time that was beneficial to the society hosting it we could talk. You know that some people were opposed to laws against child labor because they violated "free market" principles. Ditto to other regulations and laws that protected peoples right to associate in Unions so they had some power to counter the massive power of huge, rich corporations. Many examples could be given of laws favored by business to limit the freedom of people, the latest being laws to make voting more difficult, some of these laws written by industry advocates such as ALEC. Why do they want to limit the number of people voting? One reason - it makes buying legislators cheaper and so makes enacting regulations favorable to business easier. There are many organizations, supposedly "grass roots," to get rid of the EPA. Of course the same people who lied about the safety of lead in gasoline, lied about the addictiveness of nicotine and the dangers of tobacco, who have been convicted of dumping poisons into waterways, who want the public, the taxpayer, to pay to clean up the messes they like to leave behind, of course they want to get rid of the EPA. And the trouble is they are, through the corporate media, convincing much of the population that it is all in the name of "small government". Propaganda machinery is highly effective and it's in their hands.

One condition I would insist on to even contemplate giving markets total freedom is that they wouldn't be allowed to influence government in any way. Sure, individuals within Corporations would have all the rights of freedom of speech and so on but the idea of Corporations being and having all the rights of persons is such a perversion of American ideals it's like a beast right out of a horrifying nightmare and in no way justifiable by any Constitutional reading.
The top 1% pay about 40% of the federal taxes. The lower 47% don't pay any. I don't see what is unfair to the poor here. Republicans aren't destroying the middle class, the piss poor economy is. How have Republicans been running the economy lately? Something needs to be done, what's your proposal?

Yeah but it was the rich that in fact created the higher percentage of poor that no longer pay taxes by sending our high paying jobs to china. So the rich is gonna have to pony up a lot more doe to cover both the welfare to keep American workers in the pink, and the bullshit war machine running in the green.
Socialism is a recipe for disaster. The better solution is to (re)create a business friendly government since that's where the wealth comes from. More business = more jobs, more taxes more prosperity. It was Reagan's policy and proven, but the socialists hijacked the Democrat party and America went the wrong direction.

Socialism made necessary by big business & government selling out the working man. Like it or lump it my friend. There's no going back.
I don't have to like it or lump it but will point out that socialism is a piss poor solution, especially when crony capitalism is the problem. More freedom of the marketplace is the answer, not even more government.

Has a "Free Market" ever existed? It's a theoretical idea that's never been put to a real world test. We all have seen the damage done when capitalists act only constrained by their conscience or morals. If they were to operate under complete freedom most of us believe the outcome would be disastrous. And most Corporations don't want "free markets". They always have lobbied for laws that shield them from market judgments. For example since it's inception the U.S. has employed tariffs and subsidies to protect American businesses from free competition. I'll give you a few quotes to back up this statement;


"The politics of tariffs soon became intertwined with disputes between legislators from the North and South. For example, a Northern manufacturer of cloth would benefit from a tariff on cloth imported from England, which would make English cloth less competitive. However, a Southern planter who sold cotton to an English cloth manufacturer would benefit if there were no tariff on imports of English cloth, which would keep English cloth (made from U.S. cotton) cheaper and more competitive on the U.S. market. Thus Northern manufacturers favored high tariffs, whereas Southern planters, dependent on exports, favored free trade. However, the North wanted tariffs without public expenditures for a costly upgraded transportation system that would be paid for by tariff revenues, and the South was opposed to any tariff supporting the price of manufactured goods because the tariffs would make it harder for the South to export its agricultural products to nations affected by the tariffs. A high tariff did pass Congress as the Tariff Act of 1828. Legislators from Southern states called this the "Tariff of Abominations," and it nearly brought about a constitutional crisis.
After the Civil War, domestic policies continued to favor high tariffs, strengthened perhaps by the fact that industry was spreading through more of the nation. By the 1890s Congress had added an important innovation to the legislation: a delegation of power to the executive branch to adjust tariffs in specific circumstances. An early example was what are now called "countervailing duties." These were tariffs the executive branch would order to counteract foreign subsidies on products exported to the United States. The executive branch, without further action by Congress, could measure the foreign subsidy and determine the duty to countervail, or compensate for, that duty. This became one of a large number of such adjustment devices."

More modern evidence from Barron's Online;
"Since March, the Bush administration has initiated a series of protectionist moves that have provoked retaliatory action from trading nations around the world. By all accounts, the atmosphere is such that you'd now have to place long odds on the latest negotiations -- called the Doha Round because they're being held in Doha, Qatar, in the Persian Gulf -- making significant progress toward trade liberalization by the time they conclude in January 2005.
In March, Bush slapped tariffs of 30% on imported steel. In May, he signed a $170 billion farm bill that includes huge subsidies to export crops like corn, wheat, rice and soybeans. The subsidies act like tariffs by putting downward pressure on world prices, making it more difficult for poor farmers to compete. And on May 22, the administration began collecting newly-imposed duties of 27.2% on imports of Canadian softwood lumber."

"I had to abandon free market principles in order to save the free market system." George W. Bush

If you could point out a free market operating somewhere or at some time that was beneficial to the society hosting it we could talk. You know that some people were opposed to laws against child labor because they violated "free market" principles. Ditto to other regulations and laws that protected peoples right to associate in Unions so they had some power to counter the massive power of huge, rich corporations. Many examples could be given of laws favored by business to limit the freedom of people, the latest being laws to make voting more difficult, some of these laws written by industry advocates such as ALEC. Why do they want to limit the number of people voting? One reason - it makes buying legislators cheaper and so makes enacting regulations favorable to business easier. There are many organizations, supposedly "grass roots," to get rid of the EPA. Of course the same people who lied about the safety of lead in gasoline, lied about the addictiveness of nicotine and the dangers of tobacco, who have been convicted of dumping poisons into waterways, who want the public, the taxpayer, to pay to clean up the messes they like to leave behind, of course they want to get rid of the EPA. And the trouble is they are, through the corporate media, convincing much of the population that it is all in the name of "small government". Propaganda machinery is highly effective and it's in their hands.

One condition I would insist on to even contemplate giving markets total freedom is that they wouldn't be allowed to influence government in any way. Sure, individuals within Corporations would have all the rights of freedom of speech and so on but the idea of Corporations being and having all the rights of persons is such a perversion of American ideals it's like a beast right out of a horrifying nightmare and in no way justifiable by any Constitutional reading.
Er answered your own question, free markets (aka voluntary exchange sans external coercion) work perfectly well until you poison them with state power, once state power enters into the mix it becomes the corrupting agent used by the less than ethical actors because buying favorable market treatment from the state is far cheaper than actually doing what is necessary to beat your competition on a level playing field.

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