Rebekah Brooks Cleared of All Charges, Andy Coulson Found Guilty


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold

Andy Coulson has been been found guilty in the phone hacking trial, but his co-defendant, Rebekah Brooks has been cleared of all charges.

Coulson, who edited the News of the World before becoming Prime Minister David Cameron’s official spokesman, now faces prison after the jury returned a guilty verdict in dramatic scenes at the Old Bailey.

But Mrs Brooks, who edited The Sun and the News of the World before promotion to News International chief executive, was exonerated after being cleared of conspiracy to hack phones, conspiracy to corrupt public officials and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

She was overcome by emotion on hearing the verdicts and was taken away by the court matron.

Rebekah Brooks cleared but Andy Coulson guilty in phone hacking trial - Daily Telegraph
It is impressive that just a couple of news editors were able to hack other people's phones. Imagine what they could have done if they worked for MI5.
I find her to be a very sexy woman.

That wild curly hair.

Seems she got away with murder though.

Money talks in Britain as well I see.

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^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.
^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.

I recall rich kids getting convicted of murdering their parents and I recall several rich guys being convicted of murder with no body ever found.
^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.

I recall rich kids getting convicted of murdering their parents and I recall several rich guys being convicted of murder with no body ever found.
Yeah...hence the word "almost."

And usually it's something ultra heinous like a double-murder or a murder or something.

I mean, they let a rich kid off who mowed down like 4 people with some made-up disease to indicate he was incapacitated BECAUSE OF his privilege.

I doesn't get any more blatant than that.
^ America is in kindergarten compared to UK when it comes to institutionalized bigotry. Trust me on that one. You might want to read up on their genocide operations and more importantly how they covered it up in Africa. What is unique about British society is that they have private citizens engaging in propaganda on behalf of their government. This is why they were so successful in hiding their gross crimes against humanity in various parts of Africa.
^ America is in kindergarten compared to UK when it comes to institutionalized bigotry. Trust me on that one. You might want to read up on their genocide operations and more importantly how they covered it up in Africa. What is unique about British society is that they have private citizens engaging in propaganda on behalf of their government. This is why they were so successful in hiding their gross crimes against humanity in various parts of Africa.[/quote [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION] I concur with all except we are not "citizens" we are the "subjects" of a monarch.
^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.

Reminds me of a parallel with the church corruption that instigated the Reformation.

With the Catholic church, it was priests selling "indulgences"
so people could "buy their way out of sins"

With the secular govt, it is lawyers selling the Fifth Amendment and plea deals
so people can "buy their way out of crimes"

When we will reform the legal and govt system, to get rid of conflicts of interest,
the same way the church authority has been too easily abused and left unchecked?
^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.
Rich people DO buy their way out of Justice and the Mega Rich BUY our Government to get them to pass Laws that benefit them, and them only.

The Corrupt Government charge also applies to Barack Obama.
^ America is in kindergarten compared to UK when it comes to institutionalized bigotry. Trust me on that one. You might want to read up on their genocide operations and more importantly how they covered it up in Africa. What is unique about British society is that they have private citizens engaging in propaganda on behalf of their government. This is why they were so successful in hiding their gross crimes against humanity in various parts of Africa.[/quote [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION] I concur with all except we are not "citizens" we are the "subjects" of a monarch.

A Christian monarchy to be precise. Tax payers even if they are Muslims have to support the church. There is no separation of church and state.
^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.

Reminds me of a parallel with the church corruption that instigated the Reformation.

With the Catholic church, it was priests selling "indulgences"
so people could "buy their way out of sins"

With the secular govt, it is lawyers selling the Fifth Amendment and plea deals
so people can "buy their way out of crimes"

When we will reform the legal and govt system, to get rid of conflicts of interest,
the same way the church authority has been too easily abused and left unchecked?
That's what I'd like to know.
^ America is in kindergarten compared to UK when it comes to institutionalized bigotry. Trust me on that one. You might want to read up on their genocide operations and more importantly how they covered it up in Africa. What is unique about British society is that they have private citizens engaging in propaganda on behalf of their government. This is why they were so successful in hiding their gross crimes against humanity in various parts of Africa.[/quote [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION] I concur with all except we are not "citizens" we are the "subjects" of a monarch.

A Christian monarchy to be precise. Tax payers even if they are Muslims have to support the church. There is no separation of church and state.
Correct [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION], there is mandatory religious education in all state schools.Since the law was passed religious belief has hit an all time low.We have nearly educated god out of society.
The reverse has happened in America, separation of church from state has created a "taboo" subject that can be taught by nutters unchallenged, it is then indoctrination rather than education.
^ UK is a very class oriented society. They have well accepted custom of privilege which comes with being a member of a higher class. Laws are applied differently to people of different class.
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.

Reminds me of a parallel with the church corruption that instigated the Reformation.

With the Catholic church, it was priests selling "indulgences"
so people could "buy their way out of sins"

With the secular govt, it is lawyers selling the Fifth Amendment and plea deals
so people can "buy their way out of crimes"

When we will reform the legal and govt system, to get rid of conflicts of interest,
the same way the church authority has been too easily abused and left unchecked?
The majority of religions sell some sort of key to nirvana,
BBC - History - The English Reformation
A Christian monarchy to be precise. Tax payers even if they are Muslims have to support the church. There is no separation of church and state.
Correct [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION], there is mandatory religious education in all state schools.Since the law was passed religious belief has hit an all time low.We have nearly educated god out of society.
The reverse has happened in America, separation of church from state has created a "taboo" subject that can be taught by nutters unchallenged, it is then indoctrination rather than education.

US is fair to its taxpayers. My money does not go towards supporting a religion I do not approve of. This courtesy is not available to a taxpayer in UK. And, as far as religious nutcases are concerned, every country got them. At least US has kept them away from government.
I fully understand your secular society, What are the taxation rules for religious institutions in the US.

ps when Dubya was interviewed by BBC news he was asked if he asked his father for help with Iraq, Dubya looked to the ceiling and said. No I asked a higher father for help.:badgrin:
It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.

Reminds me of a parallel with the church corruption that instigated the Reformation.

With the Catholic church, it was priests selling "indulgences"
so people could "buy their way out of sins"

With the secular govt, it is lawyers selling the Fifth Amendment and plea deals
so people can "buy their way out of crimes"

When we will reform the legal and govt system, to get rid of conflicts of interest,
the same way the church authority has been too easily abused and left unchecked?
That's what I'd like to know.
[MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION] Let's do it then! If we launch the reform movement ourselves,
we will be the FIRST to know when and where it succeeds to start changes at what level.

I never followed up on that thread where you and others mentioned
campaign reform. Can we formulate a campaign to "out" the legal system and political process as "unconstitutional' unless it equally includes and protects interests on ALL sides of conflict in a solution that satisfies all parties and grievances, instead of taking one side and overruling or excluding the others by majority rule or by judicial ruling.

I will go back to that thread, and bring that up as a focus of reform.
Since it is off topic here, can we recycle that thread and brainstorm ideas
for an outreach campaign to end corruption of the legal and legislative systems
to push onesided agenda instead of orchestrating policies and programs that
all the public, all parties, agree represents the best solutions that include everyone's views.
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It's not too different than American then.

How often do you see the rich doing serious time?

Almost never.

They commit crimes too.

Reminds me of a parallel with the church corruption that instigated the Reformation.

With the Catholic church, it was priests selling "indulgences"
so people could "buy their way out of sins"

With the secular govt, it is lawyers selling the Fifth Amendment and plea deals
so people can "buy their way out of crimes"

When we will reform the legal and govt system, to get rid of conflicts of interest,
the same way the church authority has been too easily abused and left unchecked?
The majority of religions sell some sort of key to nirvana,
BBC - History - The English Reformation

And don't Political Parties also sell and collect funds
to support their people and politics, claiming that is
going to save the people? by relying on them,
so cough up the dough, the votes,
your brain that only focuses on what they promote?

How is this different, exception religions are optional to follow
but laws pushed by politicians become mandatory?
isn't that MORE Dangerous to play with MANDATORY
laws representing interests/beliefs that are "bought and sold" for political profit?

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