Rebels take Syrian Christian village

Oh no.

Let's stop calling them rebels. They are terrorists. They are paid mercenaries. They are jihadists.

Pray for the Christians. They are doomed unless Assad wins.

Not only that, they are recipients of our support and military aid.
According to Obama and McCain they are our allies.

I'm still in the garden suckering my brandywines.

Can someone get up pictures with McCain witht he FSA?

You know those FSA in Alleppo?
I wonder how deep your thought process goes on this.

If you were a leader in the opposition to Assad and you were possibly going to get an assist from the United States, a majority Christian nation, contingent upon a yes vote from Congress and ultimately the decision of a Christian POTUS.......would you be more or less likely to attack Christians? If you did attack Christians under these circumstances, what reasons other than hatred for Christianity might influence your decision?



To bad I have to wait two more days to give you an official neg~

What do you do with idiots like this?


I wish they would make him turn his rep on so he could get negged into oblivion.
Something I said seemed to upset some nutters. What was it, exactly? It would be great if one of you dummies could demonstrate an ability to comprehend what I said. Explain what upset you so much.
Activists: Syrian rebels take Christian village

they have burned down churches and told the Christians that they must convert to Islam..or they will lose their heads.

and Obama wants to help these people win the war.

I wonder how deep your thought process goes on this.

If you were a leader in the opposition to Assad and you were possibly going to get an assist from the United States, a majority Christian nation, contingent upon a yes vote from Congress and ultimately the decision of a Christian POTUS.......would you be more or less likely to attack Christians? If you did attack Christians under these circumstances, what reasons other than hatred for Christianity might influence your decision?


Oh sweet lord get up to speed.

The opposition to Assad are paid terrorists by Qatar and the Saudis.

This is not an uprising. These rebels are being paid. They are mercenaries.

Geeze louise not kidding here.

They are also the same brand that are threatened to be used against Putin to disrupt the 2014 Winter Olympics (Chechnya)...

Keep an eye out for this one...:eusa_whistle:
Oh no.

Let's stop calling them rebels. They are terrorists. They are paid mercenaries. They are jihadists.

Pray for the Christians. They are doomed unless Assad wins.

Not only that, they are recipients of our support and military aid.
According to Obama and McCain they are our allies.

I'm still in the garden suckering my brandywines.

Can someone get up pictures with McCain witht he FSA?

You know those FSA in Alleppo?

Will this suffice?

[ame=]John McCain Meets Secretly With FSA Lebanese Kidnappers(SUB) | Syria War 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
Heh, the left and the right are uniting to end the neocon tyranny.

Gotta love it. Watch your ass McCain. Watch your ass, Hillary.

Poor ol' Obama.

It is horrible to watch America supporting Rebel al Qaeda linked Extremists who are taking over Christian cities in Syria and carrying out atrocities against Christians .

The issue of Syria certainly is causing changing alliances among the American people.

I like seeing this, I would love to see the two party system we have disintegrate and have parties born who truly support the American people, for a change.

I am fed up with a Congress who supports the interests of a foreign nation, Israel, and not the interest of the American people.

And in this upcoming vote, the Senate and House, are given another chance to choose, do they follow the wishes of AIPAC and Israel or do they represent America and carry out the will of the American people and represent the interests of the American people.

Let us, the people, take our country back.
More proof that the U.S. is operating in the moment to exploit the Arab willingness and inability to move past feeding Christians to the lions.
Activists: Syrian rebels take Christian village

they have burned down churches and told the Christians that they must convert to Islam..or they will lose their heads.

and Obama wants to help these people win the war.

If true, then it is a terrible tragedy.

As a side note, where is the thread that you made about the mass graves of Sunni refuges that Assad backed militias created in the western part of the country? I must have missed it.
Not only that, they are recipients of our support and military aid.
According to Obama and McCain they are our allies.

That's actually not true on either account. We have Al Nusra on our terrorist list, we don't support them in Syria, nor does either Obama or McCain call them our allies.
Most of the gunmen are foreigners, he said, adding that he heard different dialects, mainly of Tunisians, Libyans, Moroccans and Chechens.

What a mess.

And we want to insinuate ourselves into this snakepit?

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