Record breaking snow, caused by THE global warming, all over the midwest.

Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.
So what? Temps can increase from 25 F to 28 F for example and it will still snow, possibly more, since warmer air can hold more moisture.
Global weather change is obvious, you can deny it but unless you live in a deep cave it is obvious. A single word 'warming' confuses the corporate puppies, sad. Agnotology keeps the conservative snowflakes looking in the other direction, you guys are funny, ignorant too.

"So it's basically a shoot the messenger strategy that they've been pursuing for decades, but most actually scientists have been ignoring them for about the same amount of time." Trump is taking advice on the future of the environment from a man who denies basic science

Excellent read for those whose minds are not managed by corporate money: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes


'Agnotology, The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance by Robert N. Proctor
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule

Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

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{Sigh} Fox does not serve you people well...

As the global temperature warms, more moisture is released into the air...causing record breaking snowfall.

Global warming means hotter air, and hotter air can hold more moisture. This translates into heavier precipitation in the form of more intense rain or snow, simply because more moisture is available to storms. Therefore, less of a region’s precipitation is likely to fall in light storms and more of it in heavy storms.​
It’s Cold and My Car is Buried in Snow. Is Global Warming Really Happening?
Yeap, the snow storms are caused by THE global warming. No wonder there are record blizzards in the Spring. I guess with that logic that we should be expecting blizzard conditions in July?

Yeap, the snow storms are caused by THE global warming. No wonder there are record blizzards in the Spring. I guess with that logic that we should be expecting blizzard conditions in July?
What you don't know about logic could fill a book. :laugh2:
Yeap, the snow storms are caused by THE global warming. No wonder there are record blizzards in the Spring. I guess with that logic that we should be expecting blizzard conditions in July?


That is a picture of scientists laughing at the stupidity of climate deniers who confuse weather with climate.
Why is this thread in politics?

Because the left made weather and GOLUBULL warming political

And yet there’s an environmental folder for this very subject.
Is there an environmental left wingers lying folder? Cause I understand your thick head does not get it. This thread is not about the snow. It is about the mythical GLOBAL WARMING that is ALL POLITICS.

Trust me, I get it. Your head is thick and so is some left wing mod will eventually move this to weather. Which, should only be about factual weather news. Not about political debates about weather.

That, is what this is. In the meantime, according to the left wingers, THE global warming is causing this. Which should mean record snow fall should be happening in the Summer. This is what they are saying. You read Moonglow's logic?

I will be waiting for the Summer, to see if there are any record blizzards as a result of the warming temperatures.


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