Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

judges are flooded w/ case work & half the judicial districts in this great nation are in "emergency status" due to judgeship vacancies. Thanks Repubs :fu:
All the whining by liberals is funny, considering Bush's judges had to wait longer than Obama's have waited to get confirmed.
judges are flooded w/ case work & half the judicial districts in this great nation are in "emergency status" due to judgeship vacancies. Thanks Repubs :fu:

where's your proof for this? miss loyal Democrat sheep
All the whining by liberals is funny, considering Bush's judges had to wait longer than Obama's have waited to get confirmed.

You think this is whining? Wait until democrats no longer hold a majority in the Senate and this myopic move comes back to bite them in the ass.
I say we return to the days when a filibuster was a filibuster. You have to stand on the floor and make a speech until you drop.

This literally phoning in a filibuster, anonymously, is the epitome of cowardice and laziness.

I say we return to the days when a filibuster was a filibuster. You have to stand on the floor and make a speech until you drop.

This literally phoning in a filibuster, anonymously, is the epitome of cowardice and laziness.

I like that idea..
I have little use for Ted Cruz, but I admire how, not why, he filibustered in the Senate before letting the vote go through, on which he vote 'yes'.
They're giving the Senate Majority Leader no choice.

Sen. Reid: Calling for Senate to use nuclear option for judicial nominationsVoices | Voices
In the last three weeks alone, Republicans have blocked up-or-down votes on three highly qualified nominees to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, considered by many to be the second highest court in the land. Republicans have blocked four of President Obama’s five nominees to the D.C. Circuit, whereas Democrats approved four of President Bush’s six nominees to this important court. Today, 25 percent of the D.C. Circuit Court is vacant. There isn’t a single legitimate objection to the qualifications of any of these nominees. Yet Republicans refused to give them an up-or-down vote – a simple yes-or-no vote. Republicans simply don’t want President Obama to make any appointments at all to this vital court.

Further, only 23 district court nominees have been filibustered in the entire history of this country. Twenty of them were nominated by President Obama. With one out of every 10 federal judgeships vacant, millions of Americans who rely on courts that are overworked and understaffed are being denied the justice they rightly deserve. More than half the nation’s population lives in a part of the country that’s been declared a “judicial emergency.”
They're giving the Senate Majority Leader no choice.

Sen. Reid: Calling for Senate to use nuclear option for judicial nominationsVoices | Voices
In the last three weeks alone, Republicans have blocked up-or-down votes on three highly qualified nominees to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, considered by many to be the second highest court in the land. Republicans have blocked four of President Obama’s five nominees to the D.C. Circuit, whereas Democrats approved four of President Bush’s six nominees to this important court. Today, 25 percent of the D.C. Circuit Court is vacant. There isn’t a single legitimate objection to the qualifications of any of these nominees. Yet Republicans refused to give them an up-or-down vote – a simple yes-or-no vote. Republicans simply don’t want President Obama to make any appointments at all to this vital court.

Further, only 23 district court nominees have been filibustered in the entire history of this country. Twenty of them were nominated by President Obama. With one out of every 10 federal judgeships vacant, millions of Americans who rely on courts that are overworked and understaffed are being denied the justice they rightly deserve. More than half the nation’s population lives in a part of the country that’s been declared a “judicial emergency.”

WOW, you really are a sheep...Did you sleep through the Bush years?
You don't care how slimy the Democrats get...they had NO CHOICE

Transcript from that interview:

TOM DASCHLE: What was the nuclear option, and what likelihood is there that we’re going to have to face nuclear option-like questions again?

HARRY REID: What the Republicans came up with was a way to change our country forever. They made a decision if they didn’t get every judge they wanted, every judge they wanted then they were going to make the Senate just like the House of Representatives. We would in fact have a unicameral legislature where a simple majority would determine whatever happens. In the House of Representatives today, Pelosi’s the leader. Prior to that, it was Hastert. Whatever they wanted, Hastert or Pelosi, they get done. The rules over there allow that. The Senate was set up to be different. That was the genius, the vision of our Founding Fathers, that this bicameral legislature which was unique, had two different duties. One was as Franklin said, to pour the coffee into the saucer and let it cool off. That’s why you have the ability to filibuster and to terminate filibuster. They wanted to get rid of all that, and that’s what the nuclear option was all about.

DASCHLE: And is there any likelihood that we’re going to face circumstances like that again?

REID: As long as I am the Leader, the answer’s no. I think we should just forget that. That is a black chapter in the history of the Senate. I hope we never, ever get to that again because I really do believe it will ruin our country. I said during that debate that in all my years in government, that was the most important thing I ever worked on.
well, I have to say at least obama is consistent, back in 06 obama joined a filibuster against Alito while at the same time saying it was a bad have to be seriously self deluded to move both ways on the same topic at the same time.
They're giving the Senate Majority Leader no choice.

Sen. Reid: Calling for Senate to use nuclear option for judicial nominationsVoices | Voices
In the last three weeks alone, Republicans have blocked up-or-down votes on three highly qualified nominees to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, considered by many to be the second highest court in the land. Republicans have blocked four of President Obama’s five nominees to the D.C. Circuit, whereas Democrats approved four of President Bush’s six nominees to this important court. Today, 25 percent of the D.C. Circuit Court is vacant. There isn’t a single legitimate objection to the qualifications of any of these nominees. Yet Republicans refused to give them an up-or-down vote – a simple yes-or-no vote. Republicans simply don’t want President Obama to make any appointments at all to this vital court.

Further, only 23 district court nominees have been filibustered in the entire history of this country. Twenty of them were nominated by President Obama. With one out of every 10 federal judgeships vacant, millions of Americans who rely on courts that are overworked and understaffed are being denied the justice they rightly deserve. More than half the nation’s population lives in a part of the country that’s been declared a “judicial emergency.”

WOW, you really are a sheep...Did you sleep through the Bush years?
You don't care how slimy the Democrats get...they had NO CHOICE
As much as they blame Bush, quote Bush? You'd think they had selective memory...but Statists are like that. Intellectually dishonest as 'ol SOL is hot.
All the whining by liberals is funny, considering Bush's judges had to wait longer than Obama's have waited to get confirmed.

You think this is whining? Wait until democrats no longer hold a majority in the Senate and this myopic move comes back to bite them in the ass.

I'd care more about your opinion if I thought you actually had skin in the game.

You don't love America.

Neither does Obama.

If you loved America you'd be very concerned about why we oppose Obama. You know and you continue opposing the Patriots all the same!

All the Senate has done is return responsibility to the voters, as opposed to a given minority in the Senate; and it’s difficult to find fault with a legislative body that functions in accordance with the doctrine of simple majority rule, allowing a president to compose his administration as he sees fit, at the behest of a majority of the people who voted for that president.

It’s also difficult to find fault with the notion that the voters should be compelled to realize the consequences of whom they vote for – both with regard to the presidency and the Senate.
can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

Reid threatens to go nuclear on filibuster reform | MSNBC
“I’m considering looking at the rules,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters on Tuesday. “The American people are sick of this. In the name of simple fairness, any president, not just President Obama, Democrat or Republican, needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place,” Reid added.

Reid’s threat comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals. Reid had a solid majority, but due to GOP’s exploitation of the Senate’s arcane rules, Democrats still fell six votes short of ending debate on Wilkins’ nomination.

I blame him. It's the Statist thing to do. Silence opposition, force your will on the unsuspecting. What kind of a Jackass supports Totalitarianism? I don't expect a reasonable answer from you, here, I'm just venting my disappointment. I wish I could explain on how many levels we are all screwed here, but, I know it's a total waste of time, Comrade, in some things, there just is no fixing stupid. Know that you are a part of the problem.
They're giving the Senate Majority Leader no choice.

Sen. Reid: Calling for Senate to use nuclear option for judicial nominationsVoices | Voices
In the last three weeks alone, Republicans have blocked up-or-down votes on three highly qualified nominees to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, considered by many to be the second highest court in the land. Republicans have blocked four of President Obama’s five nominees to the D.C. Circuit, whereas Democrats approved four of President Bush’s six nominees to this important court. Today, 25 percent of the D.C. Circuit Court is vacant. There isn’t a single legitimate objection to the qualifications of any of these nominees. Yet Republicans refused to give them an up-or-down vote – a simple yes-or-no vote. Republicans simply don’t want President Obama to make any appointments at all to this vital court.

Further, only 23 district court nominees have been filibustered in the entire history of this country. Twenty of them were nominated by President Obama. With one out of every 10 federal judgeships vacant, millions of Americans who rely on courts that are overworked and understaffed are being denied the justice they rightly deserve. More than half the nation’s population lives in a part of the country that’s been declared a “judicial emergency.”

uh huh, you know why the filibustered those 3 nominees for the DC circuit? becasue obama is trying to 'pack it'....there are no vacancies on the court, they are not overloaded or overworked. he wants to add 4 total to tilt it Democratic against the even split its at ideologically now.

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