Reincarnation or one and done?

Yes, I don’t know my fate or anyone else’s.

My question to you though still stands. What if...
What if you're right? Impossible.
More like what if you are wrong.

Like I said before it’s a scary for you.
It's your idea of god that's wrong.
How so?
Every time you open your mouth something stupid comes out.
That was a great explanation for how my idea of God is wrong. Brilliant.
What if you're right? Impossible.
More like what if you are wrong.

Like I said before it’s a scary for you.
It's your idea of god that's wrong.
How so?
Every time you open your mouth something stupid comes out.
That was a great explanation for how my idea of God is wrong. Brilliant.
Name something that you believe about God and it's wrong. And you can keep going like that ad infinitum. Go ahead, let's try it. Name something...
More like what if you are wrong.

Like I said before it’s a scary for you.
It's your idea of god that's wrong.
How so?
Every time you open your mouth something stupid comes out.
That was a great explanation for how my idea of God is wrong. Brilliant.
Name something that you believe about God and it's wrong. And you can keep going like that ad infinitum. Go ahead, let's try it. Name something...
God believes you are worth saving.
It's your idea of god that's wrong.
How so?
Every time you open your mouth something stupid comes out.
That was a great explanation for how my idea of God is wrong. Brilliant.
Name something that you believe about God and it's wrong. And you can keep going like that ad infinitum. Go ahead, let's try it. Name something...
God believes you are worth saving.
You have no way of knowing that. And it makes no sense. Next.
I have come to be a very strong believer in reincarnation of the Soul over the course of my life. So much so that it’s become a major/central part of my spiritual belief system.
Every time you open your mouth something stupid comes out.
That was a great explanation for how my idea of God is wrong. Brilliant.
Name something that you believe about God and it's wrong. And you can keep going like that ad infinitum. Go ahead, let's try it. Name something...
God believes you are worth saving.
You have no way of knowing that. And it makes no sense. Next.
I just wanted to hear you saying you aren’t worth saving. :lol:
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.

Dear task0778
It's both, not either or.
Yes, each soul and person born is UNIQUE as an individual.
No other combination of that DNA, those circumstances both nature and nurture,
the TIMING and relationships/culture AROUND the person is going to be replicated.
So that is a one time unique incarnation.

As for patterns from the past that affect us,
the Buddhists call this KARMA which carries in the conscience.
the Christians have a term for GENERATIONAL sins or curses,
where the "sins of the father are REVISITED on the sons
for 4-5 generations"

So even though we are unique and responsible for our own RESPONSES
to what we are given in life, these "sins or biases/conditions" from the
past are INHERITED and we deal with them in THIS LIFETIME.

It's the KARMA or SIN that "reincarnates" not necessarily the "people."
(and also BLESSINGS and positive benefits also reincarnate and pass down,
so we can build on both the positive contributions of the past while dealing
with the negatives mixed in)

If we forgive and work to resolve this handed down sins/conditions
from the past, we can break the cycle or patterns and find REDEMPTION.

If we fail to forgive and get caught up in the SAME problems,
that is still our responsibility to resolve that. We can't just
blame others, but have to go through a whole process
of forgiveness and correction in order to break free from
this influence of "past sin or karma from previous generations."

So there is both INDIVIDUAL choice to choose the path of
forgiveness and correction by RESTORATIVE JUSTICE,
and there is COLLECTIVE karma that includes problems
"repeating from the past" that affects us and our process
of reaching and establishing justice and peace universally.
Every time you open your mouth something stupid comes out.
That was a great explanation for how my idea of God is wrong. Brilliant.
Name something that you believe about God and it's wrong. And you can keep going like that ad infinitum. Go ahead, let's try it. Name something...
God believes you are worth saving.
You have no way of knowing that. And it makes no sense. Next.
I just wanted to hear you saying you aren’t worth saving. :lol:
Why would a god want to save only some people?
That was a great explanation for how my idea of God is wrong. Brilliant.
Name something that you believe about God and it's wrong. And you can keep going like that ad infinitum. Go ahead, let's try it. Name something...
God believes you are worth saving.
You have no way of knowing that. And it makes no sense. Next.
I just wanted to hear you saying you aren’t worth saving. :lol:
Why would a god want to save only some people?
Maybe it’s like growing corn.
Name something that you believe about God and it's wrong. And you can keep going like that ad infinitum. Go ahead, let's try it. Name something...
God believes you are worth saving.
You have no way of knowing that. And it makes no sense. Next.
I just wanted to hear you saying you aren’t worth saving. :lol:
Why would a god want to save only some people?
Maybe it’s like growing corn.
Maybe more like picking the corn out of my shit.
Emily: So there is both INDIVIDUAL choice to choose the path of forgiveness and correction by RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, and there is COLLECTIVE karma that includes problems "repeating from the past" that affects us and our process of reaching and establishing justice and peace universally.

I don't understand the "Collective Karma" thing, my spirit/soul is not obligated to fix someone else's negative Karma, only my own whether it's caused by what I did in this life or in a past one. Which for me is actually one of the saving graces of this concept of reincarnation vs most western religions; if you harm someone, you WILL pay for that yourself. Not me or anyone else, just you, and I am talking about your spirit/soul. It may take more than one lifetime to rectify your karmic imbalance, but no church or priest can absolve you of that responsibility, it's on you. And you can't buy your way out of it either.

Which leads to the "Restorative Justice" thing, there's none of that if you kill somebody or hurt them so badly that their life is basically ruined. Certainly if you can redress any harm you have done to someone in this life then you should do so, but it may be that injustice to someone may not be corrected in this life, so you might the one who is seriously harmed or killed in the next life. Or maybe you come back in the next life as the widow(er) of a loved one who is taken from you, so you can feel their pain.
God believes you are worth saving.
You have no way of knowing that. And it makes no sense. Next.
I just wanted to hear you saying you aren’t worth saving. :lol:
Why would a god want to save only some people?
Maybe it’s like growing corn.
Maybe more like picking the corn out of my shit.
If that’s how you want to see your life, who am I to say otherwise?
if you harm someone, you WILL pay for that yourself. Not me or anyone else, just you, and I am talking about your spirit/soul. It may take more than one lifetime to rectify your karmic imbalance, but no church or priest can absolve you of that responsibility, it's on you. And you can't buy your way out of it either.

Which leads to the "Restorative Justice" thing, there's none of that if you kill somebody or hurt them so badly that their life is basically ruined. Certainly if you can redress any harm you have done to someone in this life then you should do so, but it may be that injustice to someone may not be corrected in this life, so you might the one who is seriously harmed or killed in the next life. Or maybe you come back in the next life as the widow(er) of a loved one who is taken from you, so you can feel their pain.
There is a sleep unto death which is to be totally apart from the Holy Spirit and a sleep in which growing, learning and justice takes place.

During those processes if one chooses evil purposely one will be given over to it.

Earth is the designated place where these things take place for Humans aka the Adams of the world. Adam that "living soul" created by a blow of holy breath takes a long journey of learning and growing after being awakened. According to the written account in the King James Bible prior to gaining that spiritual host that is at rest (Noah) the living soul human goes through all sorts of processes.
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.
There are 100 good explanations for what you ask, but I won't bore you with long explanations. So, know only this: You are where you are supposed to be be right now, and it is all for the greater good.
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. ...
I clipped the text from your OP that i believe makes most sense to me:
“there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.”

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