Reincarnation or one and done?

Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.
I think we’re one and done, and maybe our energy rejoins the universe or something. One thing I’m certain of is than none of the countless manmade religions that have been invented have it anywhere close to right.
Problem with your theory is that Christianity is not a "manmade" religion it is a "revealed" religion. All its most important teaching were revealed to us by God.
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.
I think we’re one and done, and maybe our energy rejoins the universe or something. One thing I’m certain of is than none of the countless manmade religions that have been invented have it anywhere close to right.
Problem with your theory is that Christianity is not a "manmade" religion it is a "revealed" religion. All its most important teaching were revealed to us by God.

That is your opinion and you're welcome to it, and I'm not saying you're right or wrong. True, there are many Christians who believe exactly as you do, BUT that doesn't make them or you correct. Or incorrect either. There are some historians who say that Christianity had some groups or sects that had different ideas about Jesus and God, and that certain enclaves such as the council of Nicea in 325 AD basically codified most of what modern Christians believe today. Meaning that according to some, Christianity WAS man-made to some extent. There were a number of other gospels and writing at the time of that council that differed from what The New Testament says; you can say if you want that the decisions made back then were revealed by God according to his will, and again that's fine. But so far as I know, God has never said to us that the bible as we know it today is in fact My Word and it says exactly what I want it to say. Absent that, we are left to decide for ourselves what to believe in.
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.
I think we’re one and done, and maybe our energy rejoins the universe or something. One thing I’m certain of is than none of the countless manmade religions that have been invented have it anywhere close to right.
Problem with your theory is that Christianity is not a "manmade" religion it is a "revealed" religion. All its most important teaching were revealed to us by God.

That is your opinion and you're welcome to it, and I'm not saying you're right or wrong. True, there are many Christians who believe exactly as you do, BUT that doesn't make them or you correct. Or incorrect either. There are some historians who say that Christianity had some groups or sects that had different ideas about Jesus and God, and that certain enclaves such as the council of Nicea in 325 AD basically codified most of what modern Christians believe today. Meaning that according to some, Christianity WAS man-made to some extent. There were a number of other gospels and writing at the time of that council that differed from what The New Testament says; you can say if you want that the decisions made back then were revealed by God according to his will, and again that's fine. But so far as I know, God has never said to us that the bible as we know it today is in fact My Word and it says exactly what I want it to say. Absent that, we are left to decide for ourselves what to believe in.
No, you're wrong. The Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, chose what writings to include in the Bible, and therefore, God did say the Bible is the Word of God, revealed by Him to inspired writers down through the centuries.
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.

One and done

2 Samuel 12:23 - But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me
Problem with your theory is that Christianity is not a "manmade" religion it is a "revealed" religion
No, see, that's not HIS problem. That's YOUR problem. YOU are the one making the grand, magical claim. YOU carry the burden to prove your magical bullshit. Get it straight, pal.
Problem with your theory is that Christianity is not a "manmade" religion it is a "revealed" religion
No, see, that's not HIS problem. That's YOUR problem. YOU are the one making the grand, magical claim. YOU carry the burden to prove your magical bullshit. Get it straight, pal.

It is not about proof. It is about faith in Jesus. Faith is the substance of hope and the proof of things not seen.
Does the Word of Jesus allow reincarnation of multiple lives? I find no contradiction. In fact, quite a few Christian denominations believed in multiple lives throughout medieval Europe. In modern terms, the timeline between multiple lives of a person is brought into question. If the timeline of the multiple lives is ignored, then each of those lives are individual versions of the person. So it still works as if they all were a single life followed by an eternal judgement.
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.
One and done, no second chance, no after life, no heaven, no hell, no purgatory.

So make it count my friend.
I'm hoping reincarnation and karma aren't a thing ...

... I'm guaranteed to come back as a toilet brush.
Well, if I'm wrong and they are a thing I'll probably be what you're scrubbing out.
Knowledge is questionable
Then go ahead and question it. For instance,stick a fork in an outlet 1000 times to test electromagnatice theory. Or jump off your roof 1000 times and record how many times you fall up.

Then come back and admit your questions are answered.
Knowledge is questionable
Then go ahead and question it. For instance,stick a fork in an outlet 1000 times to test electromagnatice theory. Or jump off your roof 1000 times and record how many times you fall up.

Then come back and admit your questions are answered.

An idiot will stick a metal fork into an outlet to see what happens.

A scientist will stick 1,000 forks of different materials into the outlet to quantify their property of conductance and create a hypothesis that explains the data.
columbus crossed the void and found land on the other side ...

the religion from antiquity was to triumph good vs evil, doing so would land one a free spirit and a life in the Everlasting (after judgement, the right triumph was accomplished) - life in the Everlasting is not itself an everlasting life - reincarnation seems the likelihood.
Given what I know about western religions, I'm having a little problem with the idea that we're born, live, and die only once, and if by then you haven't accepted the belief in and love of God then you're basically screwed. No salvation for you bub, and in fact Hell might be waiting for you to show up. Or the alternative that there's nothing after you die, no Heaven or Hell or anything else.

Okay, that's possible. I'm not about to crap on somebody else's beliefs/religion, since I don't know what is and isn't true any more than the next person if there even is an afterlife. BUT - there are plenty of documented stories of people who actually died and came back to report floating above their body and seeing people standing around the room before they came back to life. They were clinically dead, but were resuscitated and their accounts have a lot of similarities.

There are also numerous accounts of hypnotized people who have be regressed into a prior life, speak another language, even an extinct language, and relay information about a time and place they've never been in their current life. Who is to say what the truth really is? How do you explain a 5-year old kid who 60 years later can provide minutia about a WWII navy aircraft pilot who was shot down and killed in 1945, that just isn't available anywhere on-line? They weren't related in any way, so how does this kid know this stuff? And there are thousands of like stories, are they all liars or con artists of some kind? The kid wasn't under hypnosis when he told his parents all this information.

Reincarnation though implies an afterlife, somewhere that your spirit/soul goes after your physical body dies. And after awhile, your spirit/soul comes back in a new life, new body, new time, new place. Possible? As much as anything else is, I guess. And reincarnation also implies a God, or some kind of intelligent energy that set all this up in the 1st place.

Why would we reincarnate? Damned if I know, [hopefully not really] maybe partly to atone for past misdeeds, or help some other spirit/soul atone for theirs or for other reasons. For sure it ain't no piece of cake down here, not exactly a vacation. But I guess the one and done concept doesn't work for me, it's hard to accept that I'm effed if I don't really believe in the salvation that most churches promise. And I don't believe in damnation either, without any evidence that the salvation story is true. So, I'm looking deeper into this reincarnation thing, I kinda like it.
Not my belief but something I have pondered. Human life on Earth as purgatory. You can be evil or saintly, your choice. Then you either return to purgatory for a retry, go to hell if you messed up big time, or ascend to a higher level.

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