Release the Satchel!

Speaking of criminal unmasking:

1. Obama’s former NatSec advisor Susan Rice was forced to acknowledge she unmasked Trump’s senior advisors during the transition period, however she maintained it was not politically motivated.

2. Obama’s Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power also unmasked hundreds of Americans in Obama’s last year in office.

In fact, Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on a near daily basis."

Yep, and some might be amazed to find out some on forums were...
Release the satchel and let the treason trials begin!

President Trump’s top spy chief reportedly has a “satchel” of documents related to the Russia investigation that could be released as early as Friday.

After the House Intelligence Committee released dozens of witness transcripts from its investigation into Russian election interference on Thursday, Fox News chief White House correspondent Ed Henry reported two sources told him acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is prepared to unveil additional documents that will show how Chairman Adam Schiff and other investigators “knew for a long time there was no collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin “even though they kept saying they had direct evidence.”

Multiple Obama administration officials, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, told investigators behind closed doors that they had not seen “empirical evidence” showing members of the Trump team were conspiring with Russia to meddle in the 2016 election, according to the newly released transcripts.
Indictments to be expected any day now, any day.....................

“Listening to the call you can hear that Obama sounds shaky, even nervous discussing it. And there’s plenty of reason. In addition to setting up a perjury trap for Flynn, Obama officials also withheld exculpatory evidence and investigated Trump and his associates over alleged Russian collusion even though they had no empirical evidence of that collusion. Declassified documents also showed that Obama was aware of the bogus investigation and efforts to railroad Michael Flynn.”
The worst part about ObamaGate is that the Press is still covering-up for the Dems.
They can admit that they lied.
Shiet! They can't even bring themselves to admit they were wrong about Trump!

They are incapable of admitting to being wrong.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Even the liberals on this board , never apologize for being wrong, just divert to a new issue or call you names...I hope they all get T-Boned by a drunken illegal...

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