Religion in politics/schools

FACT: The Republican Party is completely owned by the Evangelicals.

FACT: Politicians have been denied their magical wafer by Catholics because they represent people who are pro women's rights.

FACT: Because of cases such as Dover and the one that will soon happen in Texas, many public schools have stopped teaching evolution or any of the related fields because they can't afford the court costs and it's easier on the community to just stop teaching magically created controversial subjects.

FACT: The only reason for the prejudice against the gays is the religious community. That's it. Even Hitler's hatred of the gays was based on religion. They're are good at it. They have been teaching parents to hate there children for two thousand years. No one is raising children to be gay, they just happen.

FACT: You are in denial.
not a single fact there
mostly just moronic opinions

the one closest to a fact is the second one
now i suppose you want the government to tell those churches what and how they need to operate

The second one is a fact, but it is not indicative of anything relating to the GOP. Benedict is just a hardass who generally approves of hardassry in his subordinates. If a rare GOP pro-choice pol were to show up for Communion, I doubt his party label would create an exception for him.

I would actually agree more with the principle behind #4, but would strongly caution that there are many reasons for bigotry and intolerance. Religion is one of them, but only one of many and in more cases than not a convenient excuse. You're also overgeneralizing in a major way. What about the Episcopalians, United Methodists and other denominations that welcome and even ordain homosexuals?
not with the way he editorialized on the end of it
not a single fact there
mostly just moronic opinions

the one closest to a fact is the second one
now i suppose you want the government to tell those churches what and how they need to operate

The second one is a fact, but it is not indicative of anything relating to the GOP. Benedict is just a hardass who generally approves of hardassry in his subordinates. If a rare GOP pro-choice pol were to show up for Communion, I doubt his party label would create an exception for him.

I would actually agree more with the principle behind #4, but would strongly caution that there are many reasons for bigotry and intolerance. Religion is one of them, but only one of many and in more cases than not a convenient excuse. You're also overgeneralizing in a major way. What about the Episcopalians, United Methodists and other denominations that welcome and even ordain homosexuals?
not with the way he editorialized on the end of it

Well Dis thats my point.......Why would a TRUE CHRISTIAN spend money to fight a legal battel while there are HOMELESS and STARVING people in society. So yes I consider them "Christians"

Because there are some things more important thatn giving money to the poor. You'd understand this if you read the Gospels.
Well you must live FAR from where I do because I guarentee that the religious people around here was have a coronary if their children were taught ANYTHING other than Christianity.

Then they obviously wouldnt be sending their kids to public school. So what's your problem with them?
ENDORCE must be a word you are not completely familiar with. If the gov't allows CHRISTIAN sybols to be placed on PUBLIC property then they are ENDORSING.

Exactly which Christian religion are they endorsing?

In fact, how the hell are the commandments endorsing Christianity when they are shared by Jews and Muslims?
I really don't CARE if you pray SILENTLY. I just don't see why so many "Christians" want their religious symbols all over the place. Tell ya what maybe you should go back to church and learn what Jesus had to say about PUBLIC displays of faith.

Perhaps you should, since you obviously didnt get the point of what He was saying.

There is a huge difference between: Dont do public displays to be seen and praised with dont do public displays period.

I mean Christ himself prayed publically prior to raising Lazarus from the dead specifically to so the people would see that it was from God.

This is one of the pet peeves of mine. pretending to know something and acting superior when you demonstrate you dont have a freaking clue what you are talking about. Read a Book, try to understand, and stop citing what you clearly dont understand.
not a single fact there
mostly just moronic opinions

the one closest to a fact is the second one
now i suppose you want the government to tell those churches what and how they need to operate

The second one is a fact, but it is not indicative of anything relating to the GOP. Benedict is just a hardass who generally approves of hardassry in his subordinates. If a rare GOP pro-choice pol were to show up for Communion, I doubt his party label would create an exception for him.

I would actually agree more with the principle behind #4, but would strongly caution that there are many reasons for bigotry and intolerance. Religion is one of them, but only one of many and in more cases than not a convenient excuse. You're also overgeneralizing in a major way. What about the Episcopalians, United Methodists and other denominations that welcome and even ordain homosexuals?
not with the way he editorialized on the end of it

For some reason I can't fathom, when Republicans are confronted with their party platform, they either deny it or say it's an over generalization.

The Republican Party ISN"T controlled by the evangelicals? Seriously? You are in denial. Perhaps you could do a little research? Hmmm?
FACT: The Republican Party is completely owned by the Evangelicals.

Which is why John McCain won the nomination and not Mike Huckabee.... And why Mike Huckabee barely won jack until the nomination process was over and everyone else dropped out. The man had Evangelical candidate gets his butt kicked by the liberal and the mormon and we are supposed to believe the parties completely owned by evangelicals. Please.

FACT: Politicians have been denied their magical wafer by Catholics because they represent people who are pro women's rights.

Last time I checked, none had. But then why the heck cant they. If parishioners violate the values of the Church, you think the Church cant deny them the sacred ordinances? You think they should get communion if they rape boys?

FACT: Because of cases such as Dover and the one that will soon happen in Texas, many public schools have stopped teaching evolution or any of the related fields because they can't afford the court costs and it's easier on the community to just stop teaching magically created controversial subjects.

Yeah, right... very unlikely.

The more logical idea is to merely teach all theories. But heaven forbid a school teach people different theories and let people make up their own mind. Is Evolution really such a weak theory that you are afraid of creationism being taught? Quite frankly ive never cared one wit about the evolution/creation debate. It's a freakin waste of time. But you guys seem to think its so damn important to deny any theory but evolution.

FACT: The only reason for the prejudice against the gays is the religious community. That's it. Even Hitler's hatred of the gays was based on religion. They're are good at it. They have been teaching parents to hate there children for two thousand years. No one is raising children to be gay, they just happen.

Envoking Hitler... Of course.

But you seem to think there is absolutely no reason not to support gay marriage. Never mind 10,000 years of human existance and nature teaching us the proper union. Nevermind the clear public policy reasons to produce the best environment to create and raise childrens. Perpetuation of values etc. Nevermind the sanitary reasons. The life expectancy issues.

It baffles me that you on the left can fight so hard to restrict what we can eat and drink in efforts to prevent obesity to "keep us healthy" and yet homosexuality cuts life expectancy in half and you are all for it. But then it really shouldnt. Libs want more government control. Thats the only common factor.

Did your parents teach you hate or did you learn it on your own?

FACT: You are in denial.

Im no where near Egypt.
The second one is a fact, but it is not indicative of anything relating to the GOP. Benedict is just a hardass who generally approves of hardassry in his subordinates. If a rare GOP pro-choice pol were to show up for Communion, I doubt his party label would create an exception for him.

I would actually agree more with the principle behind #4, but would strongly caution that there are many reasons for bigotry and intolerance. Religion is one of them, but only one of many and in more cases than not a convenient excuse. You're also overgeneralizing in a major way. What about the Episcopalians, United Methodists and other denominations that welcome and even ordain homosexuals?
not with the way he editorialized on the end of it

For some reason I can't fathom, when Republicans are confronted with their party platform, they either deny it or say it's an over generalization.

The Republican Party ISN"T controlled by the evangelicals? Seriously? You are in denial. Perhaps you could do a little research? Hmmm?
seems you have a hard time reading for comprehension too
For some reason I can't fathom, when Republicans are confronted with their party platform, they either deny it or say it's an over generalization.

The Republican Party ISN"T controlled by the evangelicals? Seriously? You are in denial. Perhaps you could do a little research? Hmmm?

You dont have a freakin clue what the party platform is. The Republican party defines their platform. Not you.

And no evangelicals dont control the party. If you paid any attention to politics, youd know that.
FACT: The Republican Party is completely owned by the Evangelicals.

Which is why John McCain won the nomination and not Mike Huckabee.... And why Mike Huckabee barely won jack until the nomination process was over and everyone else dropped out. The man had Evangelical candidate gets his butt kicked by the liberal and the mormon and we are supposed to believe the parties completely owned by evangelicals. Please.

FACT: Politicians have been denied their magical wafer by Catholics because they represent people who are pro women's rights.

Last time I checked, none had. But then why the heck cant they. If parishioners violate the values of the Church, you think the Church cant deny them the sacred ordinances? You think they should get communion if they rape boys?

Yeah, right... very unlikely.

The more logical idea is to merely teach all theories. But heaven forbid a school teach people different theories and let people make up their own mind. Is Evolution really such a weak theory that you are afraid of creationism being taught? Quite frankly ive never cared one wit about the evolution/creation debate. It's a freakin waste of time. But you guys seem to think its so damn important to deny any theory but evolution.

FACT: The only reason for the prejudice against the gays is the religious community. That's it. Even Hitler's hatred of the gays was based on religion. They're are good at it. They have been teaching parents to hate there children for two thousand years. No one is raising children to be gay, they just happen.

Envoking Hitler... Of course.

But you seem to think there is absolutely no reason not to support gay marriage. Never mind 10,000 years of human existance and nature teaching us the proper union. Nevermind the clear public policy reasons to produce the best environment to create and raise childrens. Perpetuation of values etc. Nevermind the sanitary reasons. The life expectancy issues.

It baffles me that you on the left can fight so hard to restrict what we can eat and drink in efforts to prevent obesity to "keep us healthy" and yet homosexuality cuts life expectancy in half and you are all for it. But then it really shouldnt. Libs want more government control. Thats the only common factor.

Did your parents teach you hate or did you learn it on your own?

FACT: You are in denial.

Im no where near Egypt.

And you end with a BIBLE QUOTE????

That's just too rich. Thank you, you prove my case.

Ooga booga.
FACT: The Republican Party is completely owned by the Evangelicals.

Which is why John McCain won the nomination and not Mike Huckabee.... And why Mike Huckabee barely won jack until the nomination process was over and everyone else dropped out. The man had Evangelical candidate gets his butt kicked by the liberal and the mormon and we are supposed to believe the parties completely owned by evangelicals. Please.

Last time I checked, none had. But then why the heck cant they. If parishioners violate the values of the Church, you think the Church cant deny them the sacred ordinances? You think they should get communion if they rape boys?

Yeah, right... very unlikely.

The more logical idea is to merely teach all theories. But heaven forbid a school teach people different theories and let people make up their own mind. Is Evolution really such a weak theory that you are afraid of creationism being taught? Quite frankly ive never cared one wit about the evolution/creation debate. It's a freakin waste of time. But you guys seem to think its so damn important to deny any theory but evolution.

Envoking Hitler... Of course.

But you seem to think there is absolutely no reason not to support gay marriage. Never mind 10,000 years of human existance and nature teaching us the proper union. Nevermind the clear public policy reasons to produce the best environment to create and raise childrens. Perpetuation of values etc. Nevermind the sanitary reasons. The life expectancy issues.

It baffles me that you on the left can fight so hard to restrict what we can eat and drink in efforts to prevent obesity to "keep us healthy" and yet homosexuality cuts life expectancy in half and you are all for it. But then it really shouldnt. Libs want more government control. Thats the only common factor.

Did your parents teach you hate or did you learn it on your own?

FACT: You are in denial.

Im no where near Egypt.

And you end with a BIBLE QUOTE????

That's just too rich. Thank you, you prove my case.

Ooga booga.
where is the bible quote?
I would like for some of you religious people to explain to me WHY you can't teach your kids about YOUR religion at home/church. Why is it you feel the need to PREACH to people who don't want to be a part of your religion(if I want to I will just look for the closest building with a cross). Why do you think YOUR religion should be in the PUBLIC square?

Why do YOU think anyone WANTS to "preach their religion to people who don't want to be part"?

And right back atcha. Maybe YOU can explain why so many people on the left think it's okay for THEM to use the schools to teach THEIR beliefs on things to other people's children. Why can't they just read their own kids "Heather Has Two Mommies" and teach them jihad games and Kwanzaa celebrations at home and leave other people out of it?
Ring sure you can if you've got an opinion.

Dis, I guess I am just interested in the extremists because they are the ones who don't seem to understand the seperation of Church and State.

Yup, starting with where THAT appears in the Constitution. I must've missed that clause, but then, I can actually read English for context, so I'm less dependent on "penumbras and emanations" for my understanding of things.
As I have said on numerous occasions I respect people of FAITH and I DESPISE people who want to legislate their religious doctrines on the rest of us. If your faith is an intensely personal thing then why get on a soap box and force it on the rest of us? Didn't Jesus say something about preaching in the public square?

For someone who doesn't want us preaching to those who don't want to participate, you certainly are quick to try to preach to US about YOUR version of OUR religion, something I DEFINITELY don't want to participate in. How about you wait until someone ASKS you how they should go about practicing their faith, Billy Graham?

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