Religious persecution or asinine imagination?

You can not be persecuted based on your imagination.
God is a man made concoction ment to keep unquestioning fools in line. Keep your imagination out of my politics.

There is no god. Jesus was not real. The bible is fiction.

Feebel minded men with no imagination created their god in order to escape th consequences of the their failures.

What I want to know is - Who created the idea that Obama is a good president, and that modern-day Democrats are actual Americans?

How feeble is that person?:laugh:

I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.
Your Personal Religious Beliefs do not entitle you to decide what is and/or is not moral for anybody but you. You decide what is moral for you, but to force your version of your morals on others just because you believe you have the right, you do not.

Your Personal Religious Belief do not entitle you to decide what Rights a Person, any Person May or May Not Have. Your Right to Religious Freedom does not mean you have a Right to decide Rights for others.

Your Personal Religious Beliefs not entitle you to decide what Medical Procedures/Medical Practices a Person, any Person May and/or Maynot Recieve. It does not matter if you like the Medical Procedure/Practice or believe it correct. You do not have the Right To Decide Medical Care any Person but yourself.

Your Personal Religious Beliefs are exactly that, Your Personal Religious Beliefs. Your Right To Your Freedom of Religion is guaranteed by the Constitution. But that Right does not entitle you decide Rights for anyone but yourself. You are free to worship your version of your god in your church according your version of your bible.

Your Personal Religious Belief in your version of your god does not make you any more moral, or any more superior to anyone. What you believe is what you believe.

I do not want your belief.

I do not your version of your god, or your version of your bible or your version of your church.

I do not want your version of Religious Hatred that you believe allows you to decide Rights for others. Rights that you have, but think that only you should have.

I do need your god of hate.

I do not want your bigoted, narrow minded, religious hate of others.

I do not need it.

You want to hate, but you want to use your version of your god as your justification for that hate.

Which says a lot about your version of your god and your Personal Religous Belief in your version of your god that allows you to hate
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You can not be persecuted based on your imagination.
God is a man made concoction ment to keep unquestioning fools in line. Keep your imagination out of my politics.

There is no god. Jesus was not real. The bible is fiction.

Feebel minded men with no imagination created their god in order to escape th consequences of the their failures.

What I want to know is - Who created the idea that Obama is a good president, and that modern-day Democrats are actual Americans?

How feeble is that person?:laugh:

I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.

Liberals are not known for honesty. Starting with the present occupant of the White House and his former Secretary of State.
There is no god. Jesus was not real. The bible is fiction.

Feebel minded men with no imagination created their god in order to escape th consequences of the their failures.

What I want to know is - Who created the idea that Obama is a good president, and that modern-day Democrats are actual Americans?

How feeble is that person?:laugh:

I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.

Liberals are not known for honesty. Starting with the present occupant of the White House and his former Secretary of State.
Ohhhh no not blame Obama ploy again!
There is no god. Jesus was not real. The bible is fiction.

Feebel minded men with no imagination created their god in order to escape th consequences of the their failures.

What I want to know is - Who created the idea that Obama is a good president, and that modern-day Democrats are actual Americans?

How feeble is that person?:laugh:

I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.

Liberals are not known for honesty. Starting with the present occupant of the White House and his former Secretary of State.

As opposed the lies of the shrub, draft-dodger dick(less), rummy, condie and tenet?
What I want to know is - Who created the idea that Obama is a good president, and that modern-day Democrats are actual Americans?

How feeble is that person?:laugh:

I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.

Liberals are not known for honesty. Starting with the present occupant of the White House and his former Secretary of State.

As opposed the lies of the shrub, draft-dodger dick(less), rummy, condie and tenet?

No one has a corner on truth, not in the political arena.
I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.

Liberals are not known for honesty. Starting with the present occupant of the White House and his former Secretary of State.

As opposed the lies of the shrub, draft-dodger dick(less), rummy, condie and tenet?

No one has a corner on truth, not in the political arena.

Bush lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Bush lied about the purchase of Yellow Cake Uranium.

Bush lied about Chemical Weapons.

Bush lied about Biological Weapons.

Bush lied about Saddam's Nuclear Weapons Program.

There was no smoking gun that could become a mushroom cloud.

Curveball was a mentally ill alcoholic/addict.
I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.

Liberals are not known for honesty. Starting with the present occupant of the White House and his former Secretary of State.

As opposed the lies of the shrub, draft-dodger dick(less), rummy, condie and tenet?

No one has a corner on truth, not in the political arena.
How condensing !
I am an American, having been born here.

Being born here does not make you an American. America is an idea. If you are against the idea, then you are a mere beneficiary.

I servered my country for 6-Years.

The almost Freudian slip. You continue to sever it.
There is no one American ideal , there are as many as there Americans.
Anybody claiming that there is just one has missed the point completely.
There is no one American ideal , there are as many as there Americans.

I differ without compromise. The founding documents and subsequent adjustments (those that were legal) define America. and Americans. While room for tolerance is broad and deep, belief in the essential philosophy contained in those documents defines an American.
There is no one American ideal , there are as many as there Americans.

I differ without compromise. The founding documents and subsequent adjustments (those that were legal) define America. and Americans. While room for tolerance is broad and deep, belief in the essential philosophy contained in those documents defines an American.
I am an American, having been born here.

Being born here does not make you an American. America is an idea. If you are against the idea, then you are a mere beneficiary.

I servered my country for 6-Years.

The almost Freudian slip. You continue to sever it.

Bolding Is Mine and For Editorial Purposes Only:

I love my Country. You do not have the Right to say otherwise.

I Have Supported, I Have Defended, I Have Bled For My Country. You do not have the Right to decide who is and/or is NOT an American based soleley and completely on your highly limited and very biased belief of what YOU believe as a Citizen of this country.

America is NOT Dream.

America is NOT an Idea.

Being An American Does NOT Mean America Right or Wrong.

Being An American Does NOT Mean Hate or Supporting Hate.

America is NOT a Flag.

Patriotism IS not limited to those who believe only one thing.

You do not have the Right or the Purpose of Right to decide who is and/or is not An American. Your Politics, Your Religious Belief does not entitle to decide who is and/or is NOT a Good American.

You cannot claim to be An American, while denying anyone who disagrees with that same feeling. You do not have a Right to limit being An American to a subset of People who only agree with you.

Being An American means more being just claiming the title. It means you embrace the Democracy of America and if on one hand you Claim to be An American, but want to deny the Totallity of America at the same time, then you wind up denying very thing you claim to be.
I am an American, having been born here.

Being born here does not make you an American. America is an idea. If you are against the idea, then you are a mere beneficiary.

I servered my country for 6-Years.

The almost Freudian slip. You continue to sever it.
There is no one American ideal , there are as many as there Americans.
Anybody claiming that there is just one has missed the point completely.

I am just as much an American as you are.

I show you a coat, and you claim that it fits. Interesting.

You do have no right to decide I am not.

Au contraire, but I do! That's the beauty of the Constitution and the foundational philosophy of the United States. If you don't fit, then I can judge with complete confidence.

On his last day in office President Obama will be a better President than that low life, scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow strip up and down his back deserter George Bush.

For all his faults, Bush was Marcus Aurelius to Obama's Caligula, and history shall write it so.

Not quite true, but hey Conservatives have never been known for their honesty.

I am an American, having been born here. I servered my country for 6-Years.

Your subjective determination is as important to me a dried up dog trud laying on a Mississippi sidewalk at high noon on an August Afternoon. Amazingly enough , the turd would be more intelligent.

Liberals are not known for honesty. Starting with the present occupant of the White House and his former Secretary of State.

As opposed the lies of the shrub, draft-dodger dick(less), rummy, condie and tenet?

No one has a corner on truth, not in the political arena.


You said that, "Liberals Are Not Known For Honesty". You specifically ingored Republicans/Conservatives.

It was only after the Lies of George Bush did you then bring up the whole "both parties" do it line.

Epic fail on your part.
I am a Christian but not a religious nut that cannot decipher laws and believing in God, Davis knew what the law meant when she ran for office. If, because of her religious beliefs, she can't perform this job, she should step down . Or sit in jail. It's just that easy.

Oh, she can decipher the law. What she's doing is called "civil disobedience". It's LeftistThink to say, "Oh, okay, there's an unjust law, so I should just back down, sit in the corner, and ignore it."

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with her choices, but I sure as shit don't agree with doing nothing in the face of evil.

You really do not have a clue what this woman is pulling, it is not a liberal thing at all.

What the hell are you talking about? I never said SHE was doing anything liberal.

My God, is ANYONE on this board capable of reading and comprehending, instead of just kneejerking to a pissy fit?
And you have made a premise that the other individuals are wrong and they are being denied a right you have given yourself.
What your comment lacks is truth and is obnoxious hubris.

You can not be persecuted based on your imagination.
God is a man made concoction ment to keep unquestioning fools in line. Keep your imagination out of my politics.

Well, this is certainly an interesting premise. "I have decided that you are wrong, therefore anything that happens to you for disagreeing with me is your own damned fault."

What it lacks in truth, it makes up for in sheer, obnoxious hubris.

Would you care to explain whatever convoluted reasoning you're employing here?

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