Religious prejudice

You poor little thing. The mean old Christians have so abused you.

0, member: 29614"]
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?
Religious prejudice manifests when someone of a given religion commits a crime, where those hostile to that religion assume all persons of that faith are likewise criminals and predisposed to committing criminal acts – it's known as a composition fallacy.

Let's look at an example of a Christian being responsible for a mass shooting, killing dozens – to other Christians the crime belongs to the shooter alone, it's assumed he's mentally ill, and even if it's determined his Christian faith played a role in the shooting, the individual is perceived to not be representative of all Christians, nor is Christianity as a faith blamed for the mass shooting.

Now, we have the same mass shooting, dozens killed, but this time a Muslim is responsible – those hostile to Islam will assume that the shooter acted on his faith alone, that all Muslims are capable of such crimes because they believe Islam is a 'terrorist religion,' and Islam as a faith should be held responsible for the mass shooting, ignoring the possibility that a Muslim can act on his own, having nothing to do with his religion.

Again, that's religious prejudice.
Remind me again of the HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of examples of Christians being terrorists? I can point you to hundreds of thousands of Muslims being terrorists AND CITING their religion as the reason the commit terror.

Yes indeed. It's Christians that fly airplanes into tall buildings. It's Christians that take 200 girls hostage for the purpose of selling them to sex traffickers. It's the Christians that bombed the marathon. It's Christians that drag Muslims from their homes and chop off their heads. It's Christians that take young girls and make them available for repeated rape by their soldiers.
It very likely could have been .
There's a shit load of evidence pointing out that Christians have done the very same things throughout history.
Ya cause after all what happened 500 years ago is relevant to today right? Want to provide some current figures? I can of Muslim terrorists thousands upon thousands of them, where exactly is your equivalent Christian acts? Ohh wait 500 years ago, right that is all you have.
it's all I need, unlike yourself[/QUOTE]
Thus proving you are a RETARD.
0, member: 29614"]Religious prejudice manifests when someone of a given religion commits a crime, where those hostile to that religion assume all persons of that faith are likewise criminals and predisposed to committing criminal acts – it's known as a composition fallacy.

Let's look at an example of a Christian being responsible for a mass shooting, killing dozens – to other Christians the crime belongs to the shooter alone, it's assumed he's mentally ill, and even if it's determined his Christian faith played a role in the shooting, the individual is perceived to not be representative of all Christians, nor is Christianity as a faith blamed for the mass shooting.

Now, we have the same mass shooting, dozens killed, but this time a Muslim is responsible – those hostile to Islam will assume that the shooter acted on his faith alone, that all Muslims are capable of such crimes because they believe Islam is a 'terrorist religion,' and Islam as a faith should be held responsible for the mass shooting, ignoring the possibility that a Muslim can act on his own, having nothing to do with his religion.

Again, that's religious prejudice.
Remind me again of the HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of examples of Christians being terrorists? I can point you to hundreds of thousands of Muslims being terrorists AND CITING their religion as the reason the commit terror.

Yes indeed. It's Christians that fly airplanes into tall buildings. It's Christians that take 200 girls hostage for the purpose of selling them to sex traffickers. It's the Christians that bombed the marathon. It's Christians that drag Muslims from their homes and chop off their heads. It's Christians that take young girls and make them available for repeated rape by their soldiers.
It very likely could have been .
There's a shit load of evidence pointing out that Christians have done the very same things throughout history.
Ya cause after all what happened 500 years ago is relevant to today right? Want to provide some current figures? I can of Muslim terrorists thousands upon thousands of them, where exactly is your equivalent Christian acts? Ohh wait 500 years ago, right that is all you have.
it's all I need, unlike yourself
Thus proving you are a RETARD.[/QUOTE]

Yes indeed. His are the crazed ravings of a mad man. Pitiful.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Can you give us a specific example? An actual person who did what you're describing. With examples of them doing it.

We're asked not to judge all Muslims due to the actions of a few nuts yet people like you judge all gun owners by that very thing.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

When a radical does something in the name of their religion the one to blame is the individual and not the religion.

Now how many times have you excused a Christian nutter moment while bashing a Muslim for their nutter moment?

If you want an answer from me just understand I believe every nutter that uses religion to justify their actions should be treated equally under the law and no special treatment no matter if you are Muslim or Christian.

Like the Boston Bombers, and I did not shed a tear over the oldest death, and had wished the law enforcement had killed the younger bastard too, and had they been Christian I would have felt the same!
Remind me again of the HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of examples of Christians being terrorists? I can point you to hundreds of thousands of Muslims being terrorists AND CITING their religion as the reason the commit terror.

Yes indeed. It's Christians that fly airplanes into tall buildings. It's Christians that take 200 girls hostage for the purpose of selling them to sex traffickers. It's the Christians that bombed the marathon. It's Christians that drag Muslims from their homes and chop off their heads. It's Christians that take young girls and make them available for repeated rape by their soldiers.
It very likely could have been .
There's a shit load of evidence pointing out that Christians have done the very same things throughout history.
Ya cause after all what happened 500 years ago is relevant to today right? Want to provide some current figures? I can of Muslim terrorists thousands upon thousands of them, where exactly is your equivalent Christian acts? Ohh wait 500 years ago, right that is all you have.
it's all I need, unlike yourself
Thus proving you are a RETARD.

Yes indeed. His are the crazed ravings of a mad man. Pitiful.[/QUOTE]
Yes indeed. It's Christians that fly airplanes into tall buildings. It's Christians that take 200 girls hostage for the purpose of selling them to sex traffickers. It's the Christians that bombed the marathon. It's Christians that drag Muslims from their homes and chop off their heads. It's Christians that take young girls and make them available for repeated rape by their soldiers.
It very likely could have been .
There's a shit load of evidence pointing out that Christians have done the very same things throughout history.
Ya cause after all what happened 500 years ago is relevant to today right? Want to provide some current figures? I can of Muslim terrorists thousands upon thousands of them, where exactly is your equivalent Christian acts? Ohh wait 500 years ago, right that is all you have.
it's all I need, unlike yourself
Thus proving you are a RETARD.

Yes indeed. His are the crazed ravings of a mad man. Pitiful.
What is Hilarious is your attempt to equate actions from over 500 years ago and have since not occurred and been purged as being equivalent to current actions of today. Claiming that because some group did something 500 years ago they are the same as a group doing the same or worse today. Pathetic and retarded come to mind to describe your ignorance. You see retard Christians modified their actions they learned and grew from those actions while the Muslims are still doing the same today as they did 500 years ago. The Christian religion teaches forgiveness and love, the Islamic religion teaches murder and torture.
It very likely could have been .
There's a shit load of evidence pointing out that Christians have done the very same things throughout history.
Ya cause after all what happened 500 years ago is relevant to today right? Want to provide some current figures? I can of Muslim terrorists thousands upon thousands of them, where exactly is your equivalent Christian acts? Ohh wait 500 years ago, right that is all you have.
it's all I need, unlike yourself
Thus proving you are a RETARD.

Yes indeed. His are the crazed ravings of a mad man. Pitiful.
What is Hilarious is your attempt to equate actions from over 500 years ago and have since not occurred and been purged as being equivalent to current actions of today. Claiming that because some group did something 500 years ago they are the same as a group doing the same or worse today. Pathetic and retarded come to mind to describe your ignorance. You see retard Christians modified their actions they learned and grew from those actions while the Muslims are still doing the same today as they did 500 years ago. The Christian religion teaches forgiveness and love, the Islamic religion teaches murder and torture.[/QUOTE]
Even more hilarious is your desperate attempt at justification.
And misrepresenting what I said .
" there is a shit load of evidence pointing out that Christians have done the same things throughout history".
Including but not exclusively the crusades .
Christians have been responsible for countless deaths well into the 20th century.
Ya cause after all what happened 500 years ago is relevant to today right? Want to provide some current figures? I can of Muslim terrorists thousands upon thousands of them, where exactly is your equivalent Christian acts? Ohh wait 500 years ago, right that is all you have.
it's all I need, unlike yourself
Thus proving you are a RETARD.

Yes indeed. His are the crazed ravings of a mad man. Pitiful.
What is Hilarious is your attempt to equate actions from over 500 years ago and have since not occurred and been purged as being equivalent to current actions of today. Claiming that because some group did something 500 years ago they are the same as a group doing the same or worse today. Pathetic and retarded come to mind to describe your ignorance. You see retard Christians modified their actions they learned and grew from those actions while the Muslims are still doing the same today as they did 500 years ago. The Christian religion teaches forgiveness and love, the Islamic religion teaches murder and torture.
Even more hilarious is your desperate attempt at justification.
And misrepresenting what I said .
" there is a shit load of evidence pointing out that Christians have done the same things throughout history".
Including but not exclusively the crusades .
Christians have been responsible for countless deaths well into the 20th century.[/QUOTE]
Be specific list for us the Hundreds of thousands of Christian terrorists today. The hundreds of daily attacks they carry out and the millions either displaced by them, raped or murdered. Be specific now.
Woman Calls Islam False Religion, Muslims Show Up To Convince Her Otherwise

Posted on November 8, 2015 by Robert Rich

**WARNING: Graphic.**

A Christian woman recently stuck to her guns after being confronted by a wild pack of angry Muslims, demanding she convert. After rejecting the men by telling them that Islam was a false religion and shooing them away, they later returned, intent on convincing the unfortunate woman otherwise.

According to reports, the incident took place in the Kalampete village in Kibuku District of eastern Uganda after Mamwikomba Mwanika, a mother of 8, was confronted by a few Muslims who wanted to convert the woman to their religion. Unfortunately for them, she wasn’t about to be intimidated into denouncing her own religion.

As it turns out, Mwanika’s brother-in-law, Samson Nfunyeku, was killed a month ago in the same village after extremists tried to do the same to him, but they eventually killed him as he remained steadfast in his belief in Christ.

After arriving to her home, the Muslim mob became rather angered when she failed to produce her husband, as he wasn’t home at the time. “Your husband has followed the religion of his brother, and we had warned you people to stop these activities, but our message has landed on deaf ears,” a member of the group was quoted saying before the men took violent action.

graphic picture omitted

Mwanika’s 13-year-old child later recalled the incident, saying that the men “dragged our mother outside the house as she screamed and cried for help.” They then began to hack the woman with machetes before leaving her in a pool of her own blood to die in the streets as a message to everyone else in the village.

Her husband came home soon after to the horrifying sight of his bloodied wife lying in the streets, but reports indicate that she was still alive at that time. Before dying on her way to the hospital, she was quoted saying:

“I know that the attackers are looking for me. We are seeking God’s protection and His peace. May God give me the courage to continue sharing the love of Christ to those who are lost, as Jesus said we should love our enemies.”

Those are the words of a true martyr.

You see, that’s exactly where Islam and Christianity differentiate the most – the overall sentiment of the religion. While Mohammad and Allah claim that it is a Muslim’s duty to kill anyone who doesn’t agree, Christianity is nothing like that.

Jesus told us that we are to love our enemies, just as Mwankia said. A true martyr is someone who is killed for not denouncing their religion, despite being defenseless and knowing full well that not doing so would result in death.


Muslims on the other hand start killing people, and when those being attacked fight back and speak against Islamists, well, they call that Islamaphobia. You don’t get to pick a fight and declare yourself a hero when people fight back – that’s just insane. Then again, that’s Islam summed up in a nutshell.

Either way, it seems that officials in the area are concerned with the growing rate of “extremism” and murders related to the religion at the current time. It just goes to show why it’s so important that this mentality be wiped from the face of the planet. As they seem to only speak one language – violence.

I think it’s time they be met with such, as it is our obligatory duty to usher this religion into the fiery depths of hell, lest we allow the religion to destroy the world. After all, we’ve seen what happens when we try to ignore it – just ask President Barack Obama how well that is going.

Muslim Mob Kills Christian Mother in Uganda for Converting to Christianity
Last edited:
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Can you give us a specific example? An actual person who did what you're describing. With examples of them doing it.

We're asked not to judge all Muslims due to the actions of a few nuts yet people like you judge all gun owners by that very thing.

Gun owners are a religion? If not, then you may want to reread the OP.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Can you give us a specific example? An actual person who did what you're describing. With examples of them doing it.

We're asked not to judge all Muslims due to the actions of a few nuts yet people like you judge all gun owners by that very thing.

Gun owners are a religion? If not, then you may want to reread the OP.

Doesn't have to be. They are an example of where you lefties use what ONE does to apply it to all when it comes to making rules about gun ownership.
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Can you give us a specific example? An actual person who did what you're describing. With examples of them doing it.

We're asked not to judge all Muslims due to the actions of a few nuts yet people like you judge all gun owners by that very thing.

Gun owners are a religion? If not, then you may want to reread the OP.

Doesn't have to be.

They do to be relevant to this thread.

So are gun owners a religion?
Lets see perhaps the people that do this can explain to us why they do it?

A Christian does something, some crime, some attack, something. The response is that the religion was to blame, that this person did what they did BECAUSE they were a Christian.

A Muslim does something, some crime some attack, something. The response from the same people that accuse the Christian of being motivated by Religion is that this Muslim or Muslims did what they did without regards to the religion, that the religion had nothing to do with the action they took.

Perhaps it is because a Christian being blamed won't result in retaliation for the claim, but a Muslim being blamed can and does result in retaliation almost every time?

Can you give us a specific example? An actual person who did what you're describing. With examples of them doing it.

We're asked not to judge all Muslims due to the actions of a few nuts yet people like you judge all gun owners by that very thing.

Gun owners are a religion? If not, then you may want to reread the OP.

Doesn't have to be.

They do to be relevant to this thread.

So are gun owners a religion?

Not when a principle is being discussed. Principles involve example that aren't necessarily in line with those related to the topic but where the same concept applies. This is one of those cases. I wouldn't expect an uneducated moron like you to understand higher level thinking.
Can you give us a specific example? An actual person who did what you're describing. With examples of them doing it.

We're asked not to judge all Muslims due to the actions of a few nuts yet people like you judge all gun owners by that very thing.

Gun owners are a religion? If not, then you may want to reread the OP.

Doesn't have to be.

They do to be relevant to this thread.

So are gun owners a religion?

Not when a principle is being discussed. Principles involve example that aren't necessarily in line with those related to the topic but where the same concept applies. This is one of those cases. I wouldn't expect an uneducated moron like you to understand higher level thinking.

The principle being discussed is how Christians are treated in comparison to Muslims. Specifically, how a Chrstian's religion is blamed if the person is a Christian. But a Muslim's religion isn't blamed if they are a Muslim.

You are desperate to abandon the topic. Keep running.
We're asked not to judge all Muslims due to the actions of a few nuts yet people like you judge all gun owners by that very thing.

Gun owners are a religion? If not, then you may want to reread the OP.

Doesn't have to be.

They do to be relevant to this thread.

So are gun owners a religion?

Not when a principle is being discussed. Principles involve example that aren't necessarily in line with those related to the topic but where the same concept applies. This is one of those cases. I wouldn't expect an uneducated moron like you to understand higher level thinking.

The principle being discussed is how Christians are treated in comparison to Muslims. Specifically, how a Chrstian's religion is blamed if the person is a Christian. But a Muslim's religion isn't blamed if they are a Muslim.

You are desperate to abandon the topic. Keep running.

That's the issue. The principle involves examples outside of the issue where the same thing happens. You really are stupid.
Gun owners are a religion? If not, then you may want to reread the OP.

Doesn't have to be.

They do to be relevant to this thread.

So are gun owners a religion?

Not when a principle is being discussed. Principles involve example that aren't necessarily in line with those related to the topic but where the same concept applies. This is one of those cases. I wouldn't expect an uneducated moron like you to understand higher level thinking.

The principle being discussed is how Christians are treated in comparison to Muslims. Specifically, how a Chrstian's religion is blamed if the person is a Christian. But a Muslim's religion isn't blamed if they are a Muslim.

You are desperate to abandon the topic. Keep running.

That's the issue. The principle involves examples outside of the issue where the same thing happens. You really are stupid.

I'm simply unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread.....because you wanna talk about guns.

You're clearly unwilling to discuss the thread. When you muster the courage to do so, I'll be around.
Doesn't have to be.

They do to be relevant to this thread.

So are gun owners a religion?

Not when a principle is being discussed. Principles involve example that aren't necessarily in line with those related to the topic but where the same concept applies. This is one of those cases. I wouldn't expect an uneducated moron like you to understand higher level thinking.

The principle being discussed is how Christians are treated in comparison to Muslims. Specifically, how a Chrstian's religion is blamed if the person is a Christian. But a Muslim's religion isn't blamed if they are a Muslim.

You are desperate to abandon the topic. Keep running.

That's the issue. The principle involves examples outside of the issue where the same thing happens. You really are stupid.

I'm simply unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread.....because you wanna talk about guns.

You're clearly unwilling to discuss the thread. When you muster the courage to do so, I'll be around.

I used it as one example that applies and you're unwilling to admit it does.

When you're willing to apply the principle outside the specific issue, I'll do so. Until then, you're simply another little whining bitch that runs and hides because you can't defend what you believe.
They do to be relevant to this thread.

So are gun owners a religion?

Not when a principle is being discussed. Principles involve example that aren't necessarily in line with those related to the topic but where the same concept applies. This is one of those cases. I wouldn't expect an uneducated moron like you to understand higher level thinking.

The principle being discussed is how Christians are treated in comparison to Muslims. Specifically, how a Chrstian's religion is blamed if the person is a Christian. But a Muslim's religion isn't blamed if they are a Muslim.

You are desperate to abandon the topic. Keep running.

That's the issue. The principle involves examples outside of the issue where the same thing happens. You really are stupid.

I'm simply unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread.....because you wanna talk about guns.

You're clearly unwilling to discuss the thread. When you muster the courage to do so, I'll be around.

I used it as one example that applies and you're unwilling to admit it does.

I'm unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread just because the OP's allegations don't pan out. You're desperately trying to change the topic to guns.

If you want to discuss another topic, start a thread. I'll stick with this one.
Not when a principle is being discussed. Principles involve example that aren't necessarily in line with those related to the topic but where the same concept applies. This is one of those cases. I wouldn't expect an uneducated moron like you to understand higher level thinking.

The principle being discussed is how Christians are treated in comparison to Muslims. Specifically, how a Chrstian's religion is blamed if the person is a Christian. But a Muslim's religion isn't blamed if they are a Muslim.

You are desperate to abandon the topic. Keep running.

That's the issue. The principle involves examples outside of the issue where the same thing happens. You really are stupid.

I'm simply unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread.....because you wanna talk about guns.

You're clearly unwilling to discuss the thread. When you muster the courage to do so, I'll be around.

I used it as one example that applies and you're unwilling to admit it does.

I'm unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread just because the OP's allegations don't pan out. You're desperately trying to change the topic to guns.

If you want to discuss another topic, start a thread. I'll stick with this one.

I used guns as an example of how the topic applies outside the specific OP. You simply don't understand on that level and how it can do so.
The principle being discussed is how Christians are treated in comparison to Muslims. Specifically, how a Chrstian's religion is blamed if the person is a Christian. But a Muslim's religion isn't blamed if they are a Muslim.

You are desperate to abandon the topic. Keep running.

That's the issue. The principle involves examples outside of the issue where the same thing happens. You really are stupid.

I'm simply unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread.....because you wanna talk about guns.

You're clearly unwilling to discuss the thread. When you muster the courage to do so, I'll be around.

I used it as one example that applies and you're unwilling to admit it does.

I'm unwilling to abandon the topic of the thread just because the OP's allegations don't pan out. You're desperately trying to change the topic to guns.

If you want to discuss another topic, start a thread. I'll stick with this one.

I used guns as an example of how the topic applies outside the specific OP. You simply don't understand on that level and how it can do so.

You'll only talk about guns because the OP's comparison is blithering, indefensible nonsense. So you're trying to switch the topic to something else.

No thank you. When you're willing to discuss the topic of the thread, join us.

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