Remember January 25, 2019...The Beginning of the End

Trump just proved he cares more about Federal workers thank Pelosi does.
Typical Trump maneuver & typical Trumpette response.

Trump threw federal workers under the bus. After he runs them over foor 30 plus days, he stops the bus & the dumnbass Trumpettes praise him for saving the federal workers.

If trump actually cared at all for the federal workers he has hurt so badly, he never would have shut the government down causing all that damage and hurt to all those hundreds of thousands of workers in the first place.

Nancy could have ended it before it ever began.

Not true. It started while she was still the minority leader in the House. They did not need a single Dem vote to pass anything in the house when the shutdown started.

They still needed Dem votes in the Senate, dumbass.

Nancy is not in the Senate...dumbass
Trump just proved he cares more about Federal workers thank Pelosi does.
Typical Trump maneuver & typical Trumpette response.

Trump threw federal workers under the bus. After he runs them over foor 30 plus days, he stops the bus & the dumnbass Trumpettes praise him for saving the federal workers.

If trump actually cared at all for the federal workers he has hurt so badly, he never would have shut the government down causing all that damage and hurt to all those hundreds of thousands of workers in the first place.

Nancy could have ended it before it ever began.

Asshole trump decided the opinion of his far right nutcases was more important than thousands of Americans....his goose has been cooked.

Not even his husband....Putin can help him now.
Yeah, because we all know those government employees would have voted for Trump if it wasn't for the shutdown.

Typical Trump maneuver & typical Trumpette response.

Trump threw federal workers under the bus. After he runs them over foor 30 plus days, he stops the bus & the dumnbass Trumpettes praise him for saving the federal workers.

If trump actually cared at all for the federal workers he has hurt so badly, he never would have shut the government down causing all that damage and hurt to all those hundreds of thousands of workers in the first place.

Nancy could have ended it before it ever began.

Not true. It started while she was still the minority leader in the House. They did not need a single Dem vote to pass anything in the house when the shutdown started.

They still needed Dem votes in the Senate, dumbass.

Nancy is not in the Senate...dumbass
Where did I say she was, retard?
Trump just proved he cares more about Federal workers thank Pelosi does.
Typical Trump maneuver & typical Trumpette response.

Trump threw federal workers under the bus. After he runs them over foor 30 plus days, he stops the bus & the dumnbass Trumpettes praise him for saving the federal workers.

If trump actually cared at all for the federal workers he has hurt so badly, he never would have shut the government down causing all that damage and hurt to all those hundreds of thousands of workers in the first place.

He never did shut it down.
Typical Trump maneuver & typical Trumpette response.

Trump threw federal workers under the bus. After he runs them over foor 30 plus days, he stops the bus & the dumnbass Trumpettes praise him for saving the federal workers.

If trump actually cared at all for the federal workers he has hurt so badly, he never would have shut the government down causing all that damage and hurt to all those hundreds of thousands of workers in the first place.

Nancy could have ended it before it ever began.

Not true. It started while she was still the minority leader in the House. They did not need a single Dem vote to pass anything in the house when the shutdown started.

They still needed Dem votes in the Senate, dumbass.

Nancy is not in the Senate...dumbass
Trump just proved he cares more about Federal workers thank Pelosi does.
Typical Trump maneuver & typical Trumpette response.

Trump threw federal workers under the bus. After he runs them over foor 30 plus days, he stops the bus & the dumnbass Trumpettes praise him for saving the federal workers.

If trump actually cared at all for the federal workers he has hurt so badly, he never would have shut the government down causing all that damage and hurt to all those hundreds of thousands of workers in the first place.

He never did shut it down.
Yep, but they're partisan pawns for the Democrat party, so they're gonna spin that lie all day. They had money for a wall in 2013. It's the Democrats who play politics with People's lives, not Trump.
It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.

I fully expect one of these mornings to wake up to the news that Trump has suddenly resigned via twitter. He simply is not receiving enough adulation to suit him anymore.

It’s further proof that Trump is utterly incompetent, politically inept, and unfit to be president

It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.
.The Beginning of the End....It sure seems like it to me..
dam you are in bad shape....geezus talk about paranoia....

If, however, a potential dictator had to rely entirely on those whose uncomplicated and primitive instincts happen to be very similar, their number would scarcely give sufficient weight to their endeavours. He will have to increase their numbers by converting more to the same simple creed.

Here comes in the second negative principle of selection: he will be able to obtain the support of all the docile and gullible, who have no strong convictions of their own but are prepared to accept a ready-made system of values if it is only drummed into their ears sufficiently loudly and frequently. It will be those whose vague and imperfectly formed ideas are easily swayed and whose passions and emotions are readily aroused who will thus swell the ranks of the totalitarian party.

It is in connection with the deliberate effort of the skilful demagogue to weld together a closely coherent and homogeneous body of supporters that the third and perhaps most important negative element of selection enters. It seems to be almost a law of human nature that it is easier for people to agree on a negative programme, on the hatred of an enemy, on the envy of those better off, than on any positive task. The contrast between the "we" and the "they, the common fight against those outside the group, seems to be an essential ingredient in any creed which will solidly knit together a group for common action. It is consequently always employed by those who seek, not merely support of a policy, but the unreserved allegiance of huge masses. From their point of view it has the great advantage of leaving them greater freedom of action than almost any positive programme. The enemy, whether he be internal like the "Jew" or the "Kulak", or external, seems to be an indispensable requisite in the armoury of a totalitarian leader.

- F.A. Hayek, The Road To Serfdom

It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.

I fully expect one of these mornings to wake up to the news that Trump has suddenly resigned via twitter. He simply is not receiving enough adulation to suit him anymore.

It’s further proof that Trump is utterly incompetent, politically inept, and unfit to be president

Hahaha....just like retarded parrots do....
“We REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, him this time....and this time we really mean it!”
Part 11,684.

Well, originally the Democrats wanted to keep the government open, and discuss funding the border wall while it was open. Trump said no, and partially shut down the government for over a month, causing a hardship on over 800,000 workers for the past month.

Then, Pelosi told him that until the government reopens, she wants him to delay his SOTU address, because of security concerns. Trump threatened to do it from someplace else, but then changed his mind and agreed to delay the SOTU until the government reopens.

Today? Trump agrees to reopen the government for 3 weeks, with no border wall funding. The Congress will discuss the funding for the wall while the government is reopened. Basically, Trump shut down the government for no reason, because he's now agreeing to the deal the Dems first offered him.

Gonna be interesting to see what the next 3 weeks are like. Trump has caved in twice this week to the Dems. So much for him being a great deal maker, and people getting tired of "winning".

I'm not tired of Trump's winning, I'm tired of his WHINING.

It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.

This IS clearly a terrible day for him (politically).

We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this

Hard to believe this guy claims to be a libertarian. If he showed up at a party convention, they would toss him out on his ass.

Like Jake Starkey, he thinks if he lies about being a lefty people will take his commie ass seriously.
I tried to read your post but broke out in laughter with the lie in the first sentence. I'm like all normal intelligent people, I stop reading or listening when someone lies to me.

An honorable man doesn't cheat on his wife of a couple decades with a beauty pageant model. Then gets the beauty pageant model pregnant which causes the first wife to divorce him. Then he marries that beauty pageant model and cheats on her. The marriage ends after less than 5 years. Then he goes on to marry a porn and gay porn model and cheats on her with a porn star and playboy bunny while that third wife is at home with their new born son. Who a decade later goes on to bribe that porn star and playboy bunny to not tell their stories in the press.

If trump was an honorable man he wouldn't have 5 children with 3 different women. All of his children would be with one woman, his first wife.

If trump was an honorable man he would still be married to is first wife and never have cheated on her. If he was an honorable man or had at least learned some honor he would never have cheated on his second wife and he would still be married to her. If he was an honorable man and had at least learned something from the first two marriages, he wouldn't have cheated on his third wife while she was at home with their new born son.

I could go into all the schemes and cons trump has done in his so called business life but that would take too long and they've already been debated to death on this board and others.

You're a moron leftist who gets your thoughts from Buzzfeed and other open leftist liars.

I just love it when you leftists try and act chaste - the utter fucking hypocrisy is hilarious.
I tried to read your post but broke out in laughter with the lie in the first sentence. I'm like all normal intelligent people, I stop reading or listening when someone lies to me.

An honorable man doesn't cheat on his wife of a couple decades with a beauty pageant model. Then gets the beauty pageant model pregnant which causes the first wife to divorce him. Then he marries that beauty pageant model and cheats on her. The marriage ends after less than 5 years. Then he goes on to marry a porn and gay porn model and cheats on her with a porn star and playboy bunny while that third wife is at home with their new born son. Who a decade later goes on to bribe that porn star and playboy bunny to not tell their stories in the press.

If trump was an honorable man he wouldn't have 5 children with 3 different women. All of his children would be with one woman, his first wife.

If trump was an honorable man he would still be married to is first wife and never have cheated on her. If he was an honorable man or had at least learned some honor he would never have cheated on his second wife and he would still be married to her. If he was an honorable man and had at least learned something from the first two marriages, he wouldn't have cheated on his third wife while she was at home with their new born son.

I could go into all the schemes and cons trump has done in his so called business life but that would take too long and they've already been debated to death on this board and others.

You're a moron leftist who gets your thoughts from Buzzfeed and other open leftist liars.

I just love it when you leftists try and act chaste - the utter fucking hypocrisy is hilarious.
They have to lie about who they are. If they were honest about what they really believed, they'd never win an election.
And given the level of hate towards federal workers you Trumpians have shown over the last 4 weeks, it must kill you that Trump cares about them.

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Of course you view government as the only legitimate economic entity, hence government workers are right to be treated as royalty.


Yeah, you're going to fool someone that you're not a Marxist, sure you are.....
Hard to believe this guy claims to be a libertarian. If he showed up at a party convention, they would toss him out on his ass.

There’s a number of ‘them’ gotta hand it to them though; atleast they’re smart enough to be semi embarrassed by their LefTarded positions. Golfing Gator is quite clever, he keeps himself out of the full blown LefTarded zone by liking guns, fiscal responsibility and small government.
You know, I wonder what Trump is going to do in 3 weeks when they refuse to fund his border wall? He's said that he's got a way to get the money, but the question is, will it be legal? he just gonna shut down the government again?

He says he will declare a national emergency but he's been saying that since December.

If he was going to declare a national emergency he would have done it weeks ago.

If he actually does it, the whole thing will be tied up in court for at least a year if not longer and I would be extremely surprised if any judge rules in trump's favor. By the time the whole thing is settled, it will be deep in the presidential election which if it's an honest election trump should lose. When he's out of office the whole wall thing will be stopped with proper security installed at our borders. Without any sort of new walls being constructed.

Trump is an honorable man, which is futile when dealing with democrats. He tries to follow the proper paths and get the congress to do their jobs. But democrats are traitors, they seek to destroy the nation.

So declare the emergency and build the wall. It IS an emergence, the future of America depends on securing the border. Without a wall, you traitors will continue to bring in millions of third world peasants to vote for your authoritarian goals.

I tried to read your post but broke out in laughter with the lie in the first sentence. I'm like all normal intelligent people, I stop reading or listening when someone lies to me.

An honorable man doesn't cheat on his wife of a couple decades with a beauty pageant model. Then gets the beauty pageant model pregnant which causes the first wife to divorce him. Then he marries that beauty pageant model and cheats on her. The marriage ends after less than 5 years. Then he goes on to marry a porn and gay porn model and cheats on her with a porn star and playboy bunny while that third wife is at home with their new born son. Who a decade later goes on to bribe that porn star and playboy bunny to not tell their stories in the press.

If trump was an honorable man he wouldn't have 5 children with 3 different women. All of his children would be with one woman, his first wife.

If trump was an honorable man he would still be married to is first wife and never have cheated on her. If he was an honorable man or had at least learned some honor he would never have cheated on his second wife and he would still be married to her. If he was an honorable man and had at least learned something from the first two marriages, he wouldn't have cheated on his third wife while she was at home with their new born son.

I could go into all the schemes and cons trump has done in his so called business life but that would take too long and they've already been debated to death on this board and others.

You post one lie after another, and you claim Uncensored is a liar?

That is so beautifully liberal!

Like all Stalinists, she has a heart filled with hate and a head filled with shit.

I said Trump is honorable, which triggered the Snowflake and caused her TDS to flare up. Consumed with hatred, she started vomiting out the post that you read.
Typical Trump maneuver & typical Trumpette response.

Trump threw federal workers under the bus. After he runs them over foor 30 plus days, he stops the bus & the dumnbass Trumpettes praise him for saving the federal workers.

If trump actually cared at all for the federal workers he has hurt so badly, he never would have shut the government down causing all that damage and hurt to all those hundreds of thousands of workers in the first place.

Nancy could have ended it before it ever began.

Not true. It started while she was still the minority leader in the House. They did not need a single Dem vote to pass anything in the house when the shutdown started.

They still needed Dem votes in the Senate, dumbass.

Nancy is not in the Senate...dumbass

You really are dumb as a cat turd, Comrade.

But not as pleasant to be around.
And given the level of hate towards federal workers you Trumpians have shown over the last 4 weeks, it must kill you that Trump cares about them.

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Of course you view government as the only legitimate economic entity, hence government workers are right to be treated as royalty.


Yeah, you're going to fool someone that you're not a Marxist, sure you are.....
Hard to believe this guy claims to be a libertarian. If he showed up at a party convention, they would toss him out on his ass.

There’s a number of ‘them’ gotta hand it to them though; atleast they’re smart enough to be semi embarrassed by their LefTarded positions. Golfing Gator is quite clever, he keeps himself out of the full blown LefTarded zone by liking guns, fiscal responsibility and small government.
That's what he claims, but he always comes out in support of big government programs like Obamacare.
Yep, but they're partisan pawns for the Democrat party, so they're gonna spin that lie all day. They had money for a wall in 2013. It's the Democrats who play politics with People's lives, not Trump.

All true, but the scumbag Republicans deserve no break. Ryan had two years to pass funding and blocked it at every turn. The other Repugs who LIED to America that they would go to Washington and secure our border could have thrown Ryan out.

NEITHER party gives a fuck about America. The democrats are open traitors who are actively waging war to end the nation, but the Republicans are doing NOTHING to defend the nation.

Both sides are shit. Trump is the only decent and honorable person in DC.
I tried to read your post but broke out in laughter with the lie in the first sentence. I'm like all normal intelligent people, I stop reading or listening when someone lies to me.

An honorable man doesn't cheat on his wife of a couple decades with a beauty pageant model. Then gets the beauty pageant model pregnant which causes the first wife to divorce him. Then he marries that beauty pageant model and cheats on her. The marriage ends after less than 5 years. Then he goes on to marry a porn and gay porn model and cheats on her with a porn star and playboy bunny while that third wife is at home with their new born son. Who a decade later goes on to bribe that porn star and playboy bunny to not tell their stories in the press.

If trump was an honorable man he wouldn't have 5 children with 3 different women. All of his children would be with one woman, his first wife.

If trump was an honorable man he would still be married to is first wife and never have cheated on her. If he was an honorable man or had at least learned some honor he would never have cheated on his second wife and he would still be married to her. If he was an honorable man and had at least learned something from the first two marriages, he wouldn't have cheated on his third wife while she was at home with their new born son.

I could go into all the schemes and cons trump has done in his so called business life but that would take too long and they've already been debated to death on this board and others.

You're a moron leftist who gets your thoughts from Buzzfeed and other open leftist liars.

I just love it when you leftists try and act chaste - the utter fucking hypocrisy is hilarious.

Actually ...I think it was pretty factual.
Yep, but they're partisan pawns for the Democrat party, so they're gonna spin that lie all day. They had money for a wall in 2013. It's the Democrats who play politics with People's lives, not Trump.

All true, but the scumbag Republicans deserve no break. Ryan had two years to pass funding and blocked it at every turn. The other Repugs who LIED to America that they would go to Washington and secure our border could have thrown Ryan out.

NEITHER party gives a fuck about America. The democrats are open traitors who are actively waging war to end the nation, but the Republicans are doing NOTHING to defend the nation.

Both sides are shit. Trump is the only decent and honorable person in DC.
Agree. Ryan turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Glad he's gone.
Asshole trump decided the opinion of his far right nutcases was more important than thousands of Americans....his goose has been cooked.

Not even his husband....Putin can help him now.

Give the decaf a try....Most say you can't taste the difference.
I tried to read your post but broke out in laughter with the lie in the first sentence. I'm like all normal intelligent people, I stop reading or listening when someone lies to me.

An honorable man doesn't cheat on his wife of a couple decades with a beauty pageant model. Then gets the beauty pageant model pregnant which causes the first wife to divorce him. Then he marries that beauty pageant model and cheats on her. The marriage ends after less than 5 years. Then he goes on to marry a porn and gay porn model and cheats on her with a porn star and playboy bunny while that third wife is at home with their new born son. Who a decade later goes on to bribe that porn star and playboy bunny to not tell their stories in the press.

If trump was an honorable man he wouldn't have 5 children with 3 different women. All of his children would be with one woman, his first wife.

If trump was an honorable man he would still be married to is first wife and never have cheated on her. If he was an honorable man or had at least learned some honor he would never have cheated on his second wife and he would still be married to her. If he was an honorable man and had at least learned something from the first two marriages, he wouldn't have cheated on his third wife while she was at home with their new born son.

I could go into all the schemes and cons trump has done in his so called business life but that would take too long and they've already been debated to death on this board and others.

You're a moron leftist who gets your thoughts from Buzzfeed and other open leftist liars.

I just love it when you leftists try and act chaste - the utter fucking hypocrisy is hilarious.

Actually ...I think it was pretty factual.

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