Remember this: Kaine: Democrats Have To "Fight In The Streets" Against Trump

A reminder about who the people are who call for shooting politicians.


You joining the revolution?
Looks like it's started.

On Tuesday's broadcast of MSNBC's Morning Joe, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said Democrats must take advantage of "public outcry against the [Trump] administration]." Kaine said Democrats must fight back in Congress, the courts, and in the streets.

"What we've got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there's the momentum to be able to do this," Kaine said to Democrats. "And we're not afraid of the popular outcry, we're energized by it and that's going to help us do our job and do it better."

Kaine: Democrats Have To "Fight In The Streets" Against Trump

Remember the Gifford shooting and the lame attempt to connect Sarah Palin to it just because she put generic targets on a map?

It's fun to watch the libs spin this one, when clearly the shooter really was politically motivated and not just mentally deranged.

The left is always accusing the right of the very crimes they are guilty of.

Yep, they tried and tried to blame Palin and the right.
A reminder about who the people are who call for shooting politicians.


So exactly what is it that Trump has done that is tyrannical?

Nothing, of course. But good to see you advocate for similar measures. Idiots self identifying is always a pleasure.
I condemn what Kaine said and he should apologize for his call to violence. Will anyone on the left condemn Kaine for inciting violence?
I've been warning for months that this round-the-clock Democrat incitement is gonna get folks killed. I said that it was only a matter of time before unstable Democrats began acting on their incitement. Sadly, more attacks are likely coming. The Democrats have set out on a mission to incite, unlike anything ever seen before. They better be reigned in soon, or more folks are gonna die.

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