Remember, Trump / DeSantis is likely to be a 12 year ticket so to speak…. DeSantis / ______ may only be an 8 year ticket….right?

Lol, the election will be a landslide towards Trump. No worries. Anyway, we own the Supreme Court now. Kamala is out numbered.

Kamala can just use Trumps testimony that the VP has the power to overturn the states

Trump is not going to admit he was lying is he?
As much as everyone either loves and worships Donald Trump or despises the man I for one cannot understand why my fellow republicans are so myopic for Trump over every other possibility; it is almost as if no other republican candidate existed before or after Trump. This tunnel vision for one man and one man only will be key in the American political right's continued defeat in the nation's ongoing cultural and ideological war.
I simply talk about those who are in the mix right now….Who else do you see as a populist candidate?
4 years Trump/ DeSantis then 8 years DeSantis/Trump.

The leftists would be having massive coronaries. :laughing0301:
Good call on this one like what a way to torture the statist left! 12 years of the statist lefties having to view smiling/smirking images of Donaldo Trump destroying the statist left's religion of power & control communalism!! Lets see if I can humorously modify a verse out of Holy scriptures, here goes; "THE STATIST LEFT WAS AMAZED TO SEE THE TRUMP THAT WAS, THEN WAS NOT, THEN WAS AGAIN!!!"
And if he was in office 6 more years...........
Then Desantis was in office for 10 years..............
Then thats 16 years.


Can a US president serve more than 8 years?

Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to two terms in office, a total of eight years. However, it is possible for an individual to serve up to ten years as president.
Riiiiiiiiight. :abgg2q.jpg:
Good call on this one like what a way to torture the statist left! 12 years of the statist lefties having to view smiling/smirking images of Donaldo Trump destroying the statist left's religion of power & control communalism!! Lets see if I can humorously modify a verse out of Holy scriptures, here goes; "THE STATIST LEFT WAS AMAZED TO SEE THE TRUMP THAT WAS, THEN WAS NOT, THEN WAS AGAIN!!!"
You guys think One Term Trump is going to be reelected after he just got his ass beat by Biden? What makes you think that?

Nothing has changed except it's been revealed that Trump is even crazier then we thought he was.
You guys think One Term Trump is going to be reelected after he just got his ass beat by Biden? What makes you think that?

Nothing has changed except it's been revealed that Trump is even crazier then we thought he was.
No Democrat virus, no ’mail in’ ballots, no George crackhead Floyd, pissed off ignorant suburban women, pissed of brown people and 4 years of the Almost Dead Dude fucking shit up….I’m pretty sure I could run as a Republican and win.
Kamala can just use Trumps testimony that the VP has the power to overturn the states

Trump is not going to admit he was lying is he?
You state he lies all the time. That's all we need. Anyway liberalism is on the way out. You had a good run.
You state he lies all the time. That's all we need. Anyway liberalism is on the way out. You had a good run.

How could Trump contest that Kamala threw out States that he won when he, himself, said it was legal?
No Democrat virus, no ’mail in’ ballots, no George crackhead Floyd, pissed off ignorant suburban women, pissed of brown people and 4 years of the Almost Dead Dude fucking shit up….I’m pretty sure I could run as a Republican and win.

How could Trump contest that Kamala threw out States that he won when he, himself, said it was legal?

I do not understand how people can be sooooo closed minded, especially when they can do the math themselves.

How unpopular is the Biden/Harris team? They are underwater in virtually every measure of political assessment. And yet, when polls taken Biden V Trump, Trump narrowly wins. After Joe and friends disastrous showing in the polls, should that not be a wake up call to Trump supporters? What IF it is NOT joe running....or Harris,, then what?

Can someone show us a poll where Trump beats an unknown moderate Democrat? Can he beat Joe? More than likely. Can he beat Bernie? Yes. Could he beat Harris? Yep. Warren? Certainly. AOC? Does a bear poop in the woods!

But here is the thing------------> If/when the Left gets their political butts handed to them this November, do you think if they want to get back power, they will A. Run a far, or even perceived leaning left candidate, or B.Run a seen as moderate governor or Senator if Joe decides not to run; which we all know he probably will choose that path.

And, if they do run a moderate who proclaims one damn time that he doesn't believe in Joes fuel or inflation policy, Trump is probably a dead candidate walking. And if that happens, what are the coat tails for congress?

It doesn't make any difference how much any of us love/admire/want him back, we each only have 1 vote! Because of the Lefts dirty tactics, to many people either hate or dislike the man. Since people are all about themselves, they would elect him over Joe or Harris, after seeing the current disaster unfolding before their very eyes, but regular Americans also know that all former Democratic Presidents were NOT Joe Biden, and yet Trump would still be Trump with all his real, or perceived baggage.

If Trump supporters want to make their case, produce/ask pollsters to create a poll, Trump V Mansion, or Trump V governor of Colorado. I doubt you will like what you see, but sometimes people need to be shocked back to reality. In other words, what you are basically saying is----------->the only way at this point in time of re-electing Trump is all contingent upon what the Dems do with Biden and Harris. They are basically dictating who will win the Presidency again if we choose Trump, by who/whom they decide is their standard bearer. In my opinion, that is a hell of a way for us to win the Presidency; or lose it, all because we refuse to face political reality!
If Trump is the nominee, the Ds will win again.
Trump is way too tainted. Its time for the republicans to look past their trump infatuation and look at political strategy.
If Trump is the nominee, the Ds will win again.
Trump is way too tainted. Its time for the republicans to look past their trump infatuation and look at political strategy.

That’s exactly what the Left wants you to think.
Don’t believe there was voter fraud?
He almost won despite the Democrat Virus, before the almost dead dude fucked shit up, with Russian collusion hanging over his head, with mail in ballots in mass, with George Floyd telling retarded as fuck white women to vote Democrat, with a complicit media and social media working against him 24/7.
I don’t see what you see.
A majority of legal voters think the 2020 election was rigged. That alone would put Trump back in the White House if he is willing and able to run. However, I don't think the VP slot would be a good fit for DeSantis. The 2024 nominating process could get messy for the GOP in that regard. They certainly don't want a repeat of the 1912 or 1992 Presidential elections, where two Republicans split the vote and elected a Democrat.
That’s exactly what the Left wants you to think.
Don’t believe there was voter fraud?
He almost won despite the Democrat Virus, before the almost dead dude fucked shit up, with Russian collusion hanging over his head, with mail in ballots in mass, with George Floyd telling retarded as fuck white women to vote Democrat, with a complicit media and social media working against him 24/7.
I don’t see what you see.

OK, then show us a poll that says Trump defeats a new, moderate, Democrat! That is all you have to do, shouldn't be hard at all. Will wait for you to produce 1.
OK, then show us a poll that says Trump defeats a new, moderate, Democrat! That is all you have to do, shouldn't be hard at all. Will wait for you to produce 1.
So you want to see a poll like this one?
So you want to see a poll like this one?
View attachment 661915

There were a few pollsters who had Trump winning. Amazingly, the most notable pollster who called it for Trump in 2016, also had him winning in 2020. We see how that worked out!

By the way, what you posted was not a poll. It was a mathematicians statistical probability on who would win.
Trump running is the Democrats one and only chance at winning the next presidential election.

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