Remember when Obama accused the GOP of wanting to let Detriot go bankrupt?

Remember Meridith Whitney? She called the crash in 2007. Then in 2010, she called a coming muni bond crash. She was roundly ridiculed.

Hey do you remember all those people who called crashes that never happened?

Neither do I.

Every single market crash will have people who supposedly 'call it'. In fact, it would be odder if market crashes didn't have people who called them, the lack of coincidence would be very suspicious.
shouldn't this scam be addressed by Dodd-Frank?

or it was purposefully left behind?

Dodd-Frank was strangled in the cradle. Crib death. It is virtually toothless.

Christ, the GOP has been blocking the appointment of the head of the CFPB until this week. Remember all that fuss over the "nuclear option"?

Yeah. They don't give a flying fuck about the common man. Just the banks.

Interesting. It was passed when the House and the Senate were dominated by dems and we've had a dems president as well.

But it is still GOP's fault :lol:

Selective memory, or just ignorance?

Remember how people kept saying the Democrats prevented the portfolios of the GSEs being wound down in 2005? Which party was the ruling party at that time? Who had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House?


Have you been living in a cave and not heard how the minority party in the Senate can literally phone in a filibuster? That's how obstruction is done, son. It's all pushbutton now. No more of that old fashioned bullshit of actually standing up on the Senate floor and speaking until you collapse. Rand Paul couldn't even last 13 hours! Hell, Strom Thurmond went for 24, 26 hours. Something like that. Rand Paul is a pussy.

But now you can phone it in. It's easy as pie to tie up the whole legislative process.

Not that the Democrats are innocent of wrongdoing with respect to Dodd-Frank. Hell, it is supreme irony the names of Dodd and Frank are on the bill considering they were two of the biggest crooks in the pocket of Wall Street!

I can tell you many a story about the back alley knife fights over Dodd-Frank and that the letter after a politician's name was not a good indicator of which side they were on.

Hell, probably the biggest crook after Dodd and Frank is Chuck Schumer. A Democrat. He is closely followed by Shelby and Sessions, two Republicans. If the people of Jefferson County had any idea of how complicit Shelby and Sessions were in their demise, there would be an old fashioned lynching.

That's what we need nowadays. The cops are letting the bad guys off with a small fine and no jail time. So it is time for some old school mob lynchings outside the courthouse.
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Dodd-Frank was strangled in the cradle. Crib death. It is virtually toothless.

Christ, the GOP has been blocking the appointment of the head of the CFPB until this week. Remember all that fuss over the "nuclear option"?

Yeah. They don't give a flying fuck about the common man. Just the banks.

Interesting. It was passed when the House and the Senate were dominated by dems and we've had a dems president as well.

But it is still GOP's fault :lol:

Selective memory, or just ignorance?

Remember how people kept saying the Democrats prevented the portfolios of the GSEs being wound down in 2005? Which party was the ruling party at that time? Who had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House?


Have you been living in a cave and not heard how the minority party in the Senate can literally phone in a filibuster? That's how obstruction is done, son. It's all pushbutton now. No more of that old fashioned bullshit of actually standing up on the Senate floor and speaking until you collapse. Rand Paul couldn't even last 13 hours! Hell, Strom Thurmond went for 24, 26 hours. Something like that.

But now you can phone it in. It's easy as pie to tie up the whole legislative process.

Not that the Democrats are innocent of wrongdoing with respect to Dodd-Frank. Hell, it is supreme irony the names of Dodd and Frank are on the bill considering they were two of the biggest crooks in the pocket of Wall Street!

I can tell you many a story about the back alley knife fights over Dodd-Frank and that the letter after a politician's name was not a good indicator of which side they were on.

Hell, probably the biggest crook after Dodd and Frank is Chuck Schumer. A Democrat. He is closely followed by Shelby and Sessions, two Republicans. If the people of Jefferson County had any idea of how complicit Shelby and Sessions were in their demise, there would be an old fashioned lynching.

That's what we need nowadays. The cops are letting the bad guys off with a small fine and no jail time. So it is time for some street hangings.

so you agree it was Democratic House and Democratic Senate and Democratic President who passed "toothless" Dodd-Frank?

Then direct your fury over it to Democratic Party who has been the creator and a major defender of the law which benefits the banks and Wall Street, not the simple man.

Street lynching will be just fine for every sellout, I agree :D
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I am going to predict here and now that a large part of this bankruptcy will be due to the same kinds of crooked derivative swaps that brought down Jefferson County, AL.

When will the completely owned politicians finally wake up and start serving their constituents instead of the banks?

I carry a poster sized copy of this chart in my trunk for public speeches. Take a gander at it. I predict a similar scheme will be found behind Detroit's fiasco.

Yes, Detroit is chock full of negroes who asked for more than they could afford. Sure. Go right ahead. That, too, is a large part of the problem. But you can't get into too much debt unless someone loans it to you.

Yes, Detroit is chock full of negroes

why was that necessary?

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