Remember when Obama promised to fundamentally "transform" America?

Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

the transforming of America;

gays are out everywhere!

they are our friends, neighbors and relatives!

nobody cares anymore!

gays are marrying everywhere!

interracial relationships are common!

divorce is easy to get!

millions of couples live together and never bother to marry at all!

pot is being legalized and decriminalized all over the country!

gays, blacks, women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, the government, entertainment, business and the military!

we just had a black president!

women and gays are running for president!

even conservatives would vote for a black or woman for president!

welcome to progressive America!
By turning traditional hetero couples into breeding suckers this only moves us into a questionable situation if the economic levels ever tank for any reason. People can be manuvered as we currently see. Obama loathes capitalism yet lived off of it quite lavishly with his socialist paid government lifetime money used as collateral.
Why do you say Obama loathes capitalism?
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society

Why shouldn’t there be “racial inequities”?
We’re 70% Caucasian and we aren’t all know that...right?
Why shouldn’t there be racial inequalities propagated by our system of government?! Are you really asking that question or are you just trolling?

There’s no such thing...Our government does not perpetuate or foster anything or policy that leads to racial inequities...that’s CNN talking point bullshit.
The truth is; the government has tried to hold back whitey by way of legislation (affirmative action)....Have you ever complained about that?
It takes time and the damage caused by generations of mistreatment have lasting damage that are still being worked on.

Are you certain the "damage" you speak of hasn't been caused by women and minorities?
Remember, whitey built the greatest nation on earth doing it his way.
LefTard Logic:
"If it ain't broke, fuck it up trying to fix it"
Yes I’m sure. We live in a great nation But with a very ugly past and much more work to do to live up to the principles we pledge to... Life, Liberty, and Justice for all

Feelz aside, do you honestly believe that we've become better for Americans as we've deviated from our founders intent?
That depends on what you mean by “Americans” and by “our founders intent.” Care to explain?
In any and all ways...As we've abandoned the course laid out by the founders, have we become a better nation for Americans as a whole?
We've become better for homosexuals, illegals, foreigners, feminazis, blacks and all the compartmentalized fringe groups but as a whole have we become a better nation...have normal core Americans benefited?
Of course we’ve become better.... we are arguing over the internet about nonsense instead of dying from smallpox at the age of 30. We make progress through the generations. Weed out the bad and grow the good.
You’re moving the goalpost...try again.
How has America become better as a whole for core Americans as we move further from our founding principles and from our founders intent?
The internet and vaccines have nothing to do with the question.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society

Why shouldn’t there be “racial inequities”?
We’re 70% Caucasian and we aren’t all know that...right?
Why shouldn’t there be racial inequalities propagated by our system of government?! Are you really asking that question or are you just trolling?

There’s no such thing...Our government does not perpetuate or foster anything or policy that leads to racial inequities...that’s CNN talking point bullshit.
The truth is; the government has tried to hold back whitey by way of legislation (affirmative action)....Have you ever complained about that?
I’ve already explained in this thread how our system has directly produced these inequality’s through generations of oppression and how they still exist. You can address my points in that post if you’d like but I’m not here to repeat myself. If you’re going to insists that they don’t currently exist then you are just plain ignorant
It takes time and the damage caused by generations of mistreatment have lasting damage that are still being worked on.

Are you certain the "damage" you speak of hasn't been caused by women and minorities?
Remember, whitey built the greatest nation on earth doing it his way.
LefTard Logic:
"If it ain't broke, fuck it up trying to fix it"
Yes I’m sure. We live in a great nation But with a very ugly past and much more work to do to live up to the principles we pledge to... Life, Liberty, and Justice for all

Feelz aside, do you honestly believe that we've become better for Americans as we've deviated from our founders intent?
That depends on what you mean by “Americans” and by “our founders intent.” Care to explain?
In any and all ways...As we've abandoned the course laid out by the founders, have we become a better nation for Americans as a whole?
We've become better for homosexuals, illegals, foreigners, feminazis, blacks and all the compartmentalized fringe groups but as a whole have we become a better nation...have normal core Americans benefited?
Of course we’ve become better.... we are arguing over the internet about nonsense instead of dying from smallpox at the age of 30. We make progress through the generations. Weed out the bad and grow the good.
You’re moving the goalpost...try again.
How has America become better as a whole for core Americans as we move further from our founding principles and from our founders intent?
The internet and vaccines have nothing to do with the question.
Happy to answer your questions but I need you to clarify... Who are core Americans? And what was the founders intent?
It takes time and the damage caused by generations of mistreatment have lasting damage that are still being worked on.

Are you certain the "damage" you speak of hasn't been caused by women and minorities?
Remember, whitey built the greatest nation on earth doing it his way.
LefTard Logic:
"If it ain't broke, fuck it up trying to fix it"
Yes I’m sure. We live in a great nation But with a very ugly past and much more work to do to live up to the principles we pledge to... Life, Liberty, and Justice for all

Feelz aside, do you honestly believe that we've become better for Americans as we've deviated from our founders intent?
That depends on what you mean by “Americans” and by “our founders intent.” Care to explain?
In any and all ways...As we've abandoned the course laid out by the founders, have we become a better nation for Americans as a whole?
We've become better for homosexuals, illegals, foreigners, feminazis, blacks and all the compartmentalized fringe groups but as a whole have we become a better nation...have normal core Americans benefited?
Of course we’ve become better.... we are arguing over the internet about nonsense instead of dying from smallpox at the age of 30. We make progress through the generations. Weed out the bad and grow the good.
You’re moving the goalpost...try again.
How has America become better as a whole for core Americans as we move further from our founding principles and from our founders intent?
The internet and vaccines have nothing to do with the question.
Happy to answer your questions but I need you to clarify... Who are core Americans? And what was the founders intent?

“Who are core Americans?”
Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

“And what was the founders intent?”
You’ll need to become familiar with the Declaration Of Independence / Bill Of Rights / U.S. Constitution
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society

Why shouldn’t there be “racial inequities”?
We’re 70% Caucasian and we aren’t all know that...right?
Why shouldn’t there be racial inequalities propagated by our system of government?! Are you really asking that question or are you just trolling?

There’s no such thing...Our government does not perpetuate or foster anything or policy that leads to racial inequities...that’s CNN talking point bullshit.
The truth is; the government has tried to hold back whitey by way of legislation (affirmative action)....Have you ever complained about that?
I’ve already explained in this thread how our system has directly produced these inequality’s through generations of oppression and how they still exist. You can address my points in that post if you’d like but I’m not here to repeat myself. If you’re going to insists that they don’t currently exist then you are just plain ignorant

Why aren’t Asians oppressed and or experiencing these inequalities you speak of?
Obama/Biden's "transformation":

Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, weakened military, terrible trade deals, dismal economic growth, failed healthcare but Hunter got his billion dollar investment from his daddy's Chicom buddies and Obama's Mullah buddies got their billions in cash.
It takes time and the damage caused by generations of mistreatment have lasting damage that are still being worked on.

Are you certain the "damage" you speak of hasn't been caused by women and minorities?
Remember, whitey built the greatest nation on earth doing it his way.
LefTard Logic:
"If it ain't broke, fuck it up trying to fix it"
Yes I’m sure. We live in a great nation But with a very ugly past and much more work to do to live up to the principles we pledge to... Life, Liberty, and Justice for all

Feelz aside, do you honestly believe that we've become better for Americans as we've deviated from our founders intent?
That depends on what you mean by “Americans” and by “our founders intent.” Care to explain?
In any and all ways...As we've abandoned the course laid out by the founders, have we become a better nation for Americans as a whole?
We've become better for homosexuals, illegals, foreigners, feminazis, blacks and all the compartmentalized fringe groups but as a whole have we become a better nation...have normal core Americans benefited?
Of course we’ve become better.... we are arguing over the internet about nonsense instead of dying from smallpox at the age of 30. We make progress through the generations. Weed out the bad and grow the good.
You’re moving the goalpost...try again.
How has America become better as a whole for core Americans as we move further from our founding principles and from our founders intent?
The internet and vaccines have nothing to do with the question.
Happy to answer your questions but I need you to clarify... Who are core Americans? And what was the founders intent?

“Who are core Americans?”
Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

“And what was the founders intent?”
You’ll need to become familiar with the Declaration Of Independence / Bill Of Rights / U.S. Constitution
Are you a descendent of early settlers? When did your family come to America?
It takes time and the damage caused by generations of mistreatment have lasting damage that are still being worked on.

Are you certain the "damage" you speak of hasn't been caused by women and minorities?
Remember, whitey built the greatest nation on earth doing it his way.
LefTard Logic:
"If it ain't broke, fuck it up trying to fix it"
Yes I’m sure. We live in a great nation But with a very ugly past and much more work to do to live up to the principles we pledge to... Life, Liberty, and Justice for all

Feelz aside, do you honestly believe that we've become better for Americans as we've deviated from our founders intent?
That depends on what you mean by “Americans” and by “our founders intent.” Care to explain?
In any and all ways...As we've abandoned the course laid out by the founders, have we become a better nation for Americans as a whole?
We've become better for homosexuals, illegals, foreigners, feminazis, blacks and all the compartmentalized fringe groups but as a whole have we become a better nation...have normal core Americans benefited?
Of course we’ve become better.... we are arguing over the internet about nonsense instead of dying from smallpox at the age of 30. We make progress through the generations. Weed out the bad and grow the good.
You’re moving the goalpost...try again.
How has America become better as a whole for core Americans as we move further from our founding principles and from our founders intent?
The internet and vaccines have nothing to do with the question.
Happy to answer your questions but I need you to clarify... Who are core Americans? And what was the founders intent?

“Who are core Americans?”
Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

“And what was the founders intent?”
You’ll need to become familiar with the Declaration Of Independence / Bill Of Rights / U.S. Constitution
Are you a descendent of early settlers? When did your family come to America?

Start that thread and I’ll engage...for now, stay engaged in this deflecting.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
'systemic Racism'
If there is systemic racism it was here during Barry’s reign. WTF did he do to end it?

End It?
I laugh.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

Something Steven Crowder said (forgive me, I can't exactly quote him on this, but will paraphrase it) rings true about racism in the United States.
"With black professionals, business leaders, law enforcement, firefighters, various trade peoples, politicians and a black president that was elected not once, but twice, we clearly suck at racism."
Obama's being elected not once, but twice demonstrated that many whites were in favor of his being elected. He could not have been elected president if as the black activists claim, "all white people are racists." Some Asians and some Hispanics voted for him, but a lot of whites jumped on the Obama bandwagon. Then when his two terms were over and Trump won against Clinton, the black activists claimed it was a "white lash," it was a clear hypocrisy. Clinton wasn't black and thus it was two whites against one another. No "white lash" there.
Time to end this nonsense about racism.

White men always decide national elections.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society

Why shouldn’t there be “racial inequities”?
We’re 70% Caucasian and we aren’t all know that...right?
Why shouldn’t there be racial inequalities propagated by our system of government?! Are you really asking that question or are you just trolling?

There’s no such thing...Our government does not perpetuate or foster anything or policy that leads to racial inequities...that’s CNN talking point bullshit.
The truth is; the government has tried to hold back whitey by way of legislation (affirmative action)....Have you ever complained about that?
I’ve already explained in this thread how our system has directly produced these inequality’s through generations of oppression and how they still exist. You can address my points in that post if you’d like but I’m not here to repeat myself. If you’re going to insists that they don’t currently exist then you are just plain ignorant

Why aren’t Asians oppressed and or experiencing these inequalities you speak of?

Asians do experience their share of racist hate and discrimination. But they have also excelled in business and education as many come from a rich/developed nation as opposed to generations of slavery/oppression or a 3rd world country. Get it?
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
'systemic Racism'
If there is systemic racism it was here during Barry’s reign. WTF did he do to end it?

So are you blaming Obama because he didn't cure your racism...
It takes time and the damage caused by generations of mistreatment have lasting damage that are still being worked on.

Are you certain the "damage" you speak of hasn't been caused by women and minorities?
Remember, whitey built the greatest nation on earth doing it his way.
LefTard Logic:
"If it ain't broke, fuck it up trying to fix it"
Yes I’m sure. We live in a great nation But with a very ugly past and much more work to do to live up to the principles we pledge to... Life, Liberty, and Justice for all

Feelz aside, do you honestly believe that we've become better for Americans as we've deviated from our founders intent?
That depends on what you mean by “Americans” and by “our founders intent.” Care to explain?
In any and all ways...As we've abandoned the course laid out by the founders, have we become a better nation for Americans as a whole?
We've become better for homosexuals, illegals, foreigners, feminazis, blacks and all the compartmentalized fringe groups but as a whole have we become a better nation...have normal core Americans benefited?
Of course we’ve become better.... we are arguing over the internet about nonsense instead of dying from smallpox at the age of 30. We make progress through the generations. Weed out the bad and grow the good.
You’re moving the goalpost...try again.
How has America become better as a whole for core Americans as we move further from our founding principles and from our founders intent?
The internet and vaccines have nothing to do with the question.
Happy to answer your questions but I need you to clarify... Who are core Americans? And what was the founders intent?

“Who are core Americans?”
Descendants of early settlers, those practicing a value, principle and belief system that aligns with those of our founders.

“And what was the founders intent?”
You’ll need to become familiar with the Declaration Of Independence / Bill Of Rights / U.S. Constitution
Are you a descendent of early settlers? When did your family come to America?

Start that thread and I’ll engage...for now, stay engaged in this deflecting.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society

Why shouldn’t there be “racial inequities”?
We’re 70% Caucasian and we aren’t all know that...right?
Why shouldn’t there be racial inequalities propagated by our system of government?! Are you really asking that question or are you just trolling?

There’s no such thing...Our government does not perpetuate or foster anything or policy that leads to racial inequities...that’s CNN talking point bullshit.
The truth is; the government has tried to hold back whitey by way of legislation (affirmative action)....Have you ever complained about that?
I’ve already explained in this thread how our system has directly produced these inequality’s through generations of oppression and how they still exist. You can address my points in that post if you’d like but I’m not here to repeat myself. If you’re going to insists that they don’t currently exist then you are just plain ignorant

Why aren’t Asians oppressed and or experiencing these inequalities you speak of?

Asians do experience their share of racist hate and discrimination. But they have also excelled in business and education as many come from a rich/developed nation as opposed to generations of slavery/oppression or a 3rd world country. Get it?

Haha...because you say so huh?
Are you sure there isn’t ‘some’ whom are genetically degenerate and unfit for a first world society? Could your FEELZ allow it to be that simple? (Getting scary huh?)
Have those you speak of whom are “OPPRESSED” in America developed their nations of origin? Why or why whitey oppressing them in their homelands as well?
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society

Why shouldn’t there be “racial inequities”?
We’re 70% Caucasian and we aren’t all know that...right?
Why shouldn’t there be racial inequalities propagated by our system of government?! Are you really asking that question or are you just trolling?

There’s no such thing...Our government does not perpetuate or foster anything or policy that leads to racial inequities...that’s CNN talking point bullshit.
The truth is; the government has tried to hold back whitey by way of legislation (affirmative action)....Have you ever complained about that?
I’ve already explained in this thread how our system has directly produced these inequality’s through generations of oppression and how they still exist. You can address my points in that post if you’d like but I’m not here to repeat myself. If you’re going to insists that they don’t currently exist then you are just plain ignorant

Why aren’t Asians oppressed and or experiencing these inequalities you speak of?

Asians do experience their share of racist hate and discrimination. But they have also excelled in business and education as many come from a rich/developed nation as opposed to generations of slavery/oppression or a 3rd world country. Get it?

Haha...because you say so huh?
Are you sure there isn’t ‘some’ whom are genetically degenerate and unfit for a first world society? Could your FEELZ allow it to be that simple? (Getting scary huh?)
Have those you speak of whom are “OPPRESSED” in America developed their nations of origin? Why or why whitey oppressing them in their homelands as well?

I’m sure there are some from all races that are born with deficiencies just as there are some from all races that are born with gifts and extraordinary abilities. What kind of stupid question was that?!
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society

Why shouldn’t there be “racial inequities”?
We’re 70% Caucasian and we aren’t all know that...right?
Why shouldn’t there be racial inequalities propagated by our system of government?! Are you really asking that question or are you just trolling?

There’s no such thing...Our government does not perpetuate or foster anything or policy that leads to racial inequities...that’s CNN talking point bullshit.
The truth is; the government has tried to hold back whitey by way of legislation (affirmative action)....Have you ever complained about that?
I’ve already explained in this thread how our system has directly produced these inequality’s through generations of oppression and how they still exist. You can address my points in that post if you’d like but I’m not here to repeat myself. If you’re going to insists that they don’t currently exist then you are just plain ignorant

Why aren’t Asians oppressed and or experiencing these inequalities you speak of?

Asians do experience their share of racist hate and discrimination. But they have also excelled in business and education as many come from a rich/developed nation as opposed to generations of slavery/oppression or a 3rd world country. Get it?

Haha...because you say so huh?
Are you sure there isn’t ‘some’ whom are genetically degenerate and unfit for a first world society? Could your FEELZ allow it to be that simple? (Getting scary huh?)
Have those you speak of whom are “OPPRESSED” in America developed their nations of origin? Why or why whitey oppressing them in their homelands as well?

I’m sure there are some from all races that are born with deficiencies just as there are some from all races that are born with gifts and extraordinary abilities. What kind of stupid question was that?!

Could there be more than “some” deficiencies among certain races?
You have to admit, it’s a bit peculiar that nearly all dark nations are undeveloped total shitholes...right?
Look past your FEELZ bud, we aren’t all equal.
Those who behave like an equal are treated equally.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
That’s funny. O is a crook and a warmonger. He should be in Supermax with W.
I don’t believe you
He should be in Supermax with W.
^ voted twice for W
Obamabots are just like Trumpers, clueless. Sad. Very sad.
I don’t believe you
You laid out a very unconvincing argument. Read like partisan emoting. So I don’t believe what you’re saying.
I don’t believe you know the meaning of partisan. You are aware O is a D and W is an R. I stated both are crooks and deserve imprisonment. See? Nonpartisan. Unlike you.

Jimmy Dore agrees with me. Does that help you?

You are a T partisan

Lol. You haven’t been paying attention or have me confused with someone else.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
What is so obviously present?
Racial inequities in our society
I haven't noticed any. The same laws apply to all. If there are any racial inequalities, the are the result of Affirmative Action.

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