Remember when Obama warned us that our bridges and roads are crumbling?

As a whole, our infrastructure sucks

Not only roads, bridges and tunnels

Electric Grid

And you think the federal government should be in control of state and local infrastructure issues like roads, bridges, railroads, etc? Where does the federal government's intervention and control end, in your mind?
As a whole, our infrastructure sucks

Not only roads, bridges and tunnels

Electric Grid

I agree and airports are archaic.

Not just the airports, but air traffic control

Not to worry, once the Green New Deal is implemented, there will be no more airplanes or air travel; hence, no need for airports and air traffic control.
LOL....back to the dark ages
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?

If you are asking that, then you haven't been paying attention. First off, a big infrastructure bill was part of Trump's election campaign. Secondly, not only is a lot of infrastructure in bad shape and dangerous, a lot is out-dated and is getting several times more use than it was expected to get when it was originally built, often times causing more accidents and traffic jams which in return cause delays that cost millions of dollars for shipping.

"Nearly 235,000, or some 38 percent of all U.S. bridges, need repair, replacement or major rehab, according to an analysis of federal data by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association."

Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says

As far as the over-use take into account the Brent Spence Bridge that is part of I-75 and runs across the Ohio River between Covington, KY and Cincinnati, Oh. It was built in the 1960's, and is one of the most heavily used bridges in the country.

"Built in 1963 to carry 80,000 vehicles per day, the bridge now handles more than 170,000 vehicles each day. It is a critical link between the states and carries Interstate 75, a major American highway running from Michigan to Florida. Traffic on the bridge is so bad that some Uber drivers avoid taking it to Cincinnati from the city’s closest airport across the state line in Kentucky, even though it is the most direct route."

Without a Trump Infrastructure Plan, an Aging Ohio Bridge Is in Limbo

Who benefits the most from infrastructure spending?
Maybe American Road & Transportation Builders Association? Conflict of interest dude.

Remember when cigarette companies commissioned research that amazingly found no health problems tied to cigarettes? Remember how people laughed at it, because it was obviously a conflict of interest?

Same thing. An industry group, shockingly producing a report they need more government funding in their industry? No way. How crazy is that?

I happen to be similar with the Brent Spence bridge, given I live in Ohio, and did deliveries down there.

Traffic is often bad, but that is normal on any bridge linking two cities.

Does the bridge need replaced? Sure. But that is not a duty of people in Wyoming, or Florida, or Colorado, to pay for an Ohio Kentucky bridge.

Further, you giving funds for it, isn't even the biggest issue. The city of Cincinnati, has yet to finalize what they want to do. They either want to keep that bridge, and build a parallel bridge to it. Or they want to tear it down, and build a larger single bridge.

The city has not decided what they want to do yet.

Regardless, this is a local issue. The local governments should be the ones funding bridges, not the Federal government. Why should people in Hawaii pay taxes, to fund a bridge in Southern Ohio?

Where in the constitution, do you see any enumerated power of the Federal Government to fund local bridges?

I grew up in Ohio and have driven over that bridge more times than I can count. The bridge was built in the 1960's and since that time not only has the population exploded, so has the number of car owners, and the amount of goods that are transported on highways rather than railways. The Brent Spence Bridge is part of a federal highway system that links Miami to Detroit. The bridge is not only used by people in Ohio and Kentucky. Your statement that people from other states should not have their tax dollars used to replace it is not just illogical, but fucking ignorant. If you want to argue against projects that shouldn't use federal tax dollars to build, you should choose your battles more wisely. How about the Alaskan bridge to no where?

You should do a little more research before using just your own personal experiences as a large part of your argument. In a REAL discussion, your personal anecdotal evidence isn't proof the bridge is not obsolete and does not meet the needs of the 21st Century almost 60 years after it was built.

No, there is nothing wrong with my opinion, you are just wrong in yours.

This is a "real" discussion. Whether you are mentally capable of understanding what a real discussion is, is the only question here.

The idea that someone else somewhere else uses my stuff, makes it their job to pay for my stuff, is ridiculous.

Really? Someone from Detroit might cross the bridge, therefore they should pay for my bridge?

How dumb is that? I'll show your dumb butt, how stupid that is.

Should the people of Whitehorse Canada, pay for the highway in Ushuaia Argentine? Or vice versa?

Well according to your stupidity, they should because the Pan-American highway links the two.


According to your mindless blathering, we should have all those countries paying for everyone's roads.

You are fool. This is why socialist countries all fail. They run out of other people's money.

You pay for your own road. I'll pay for my own road. That's what works best.
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
Have you travelled abroad ? The US looks like a third world country compared to many.
Some red areas look like afghanistan.

UAE, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, Japan, and so many more....have you been to those countries Alabama, Arkansas look like a dumpster in comparison.
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
Have you travelled abroad ? The US looks like a third world country compared to many.
Some red areas look like afghanistan.

UAE, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, Japan, and so many more....have you been to those countries Alabama, Arkansas look like a dumpster in comparison.
Countries With the Best Infrastructure

According to this link the United States is rated 9th best in infrastructure in the world, but I don’t trust it at all, because it has The Netherlands listed at number 3, which from my personal experience I know is a shithole.
Hey, here's a wild idea -- all the states could use their sales taxes on updating their local infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc), instead of using the money to build new sports stadiums that cost hundreds of millions of dollars every couple of decades (bitching about how out of date they are) then begging the federal government (hence, taxpayers from other states) for money to update their local infrastructure. What do you say?
Last edited:
The issue of crumbling infrastructure predates Obama by several decades. Another quick fact, state and federal gas tax revenue were supposed to address infrastructure, so where did all that money go? Freaking Dim's and Republicans squandered it elsewhere.
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
Have you travelled abroad ? The US looks like a third world country compared to many.
Some red areas look like afghanistan.

UAE, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, Japan, and so many more....have you been to those countries Alabama, Arkansas look like a dumpster in comparison.
Countries With the Best Infrastructure

According to this link the United States is rated 9th best in infrastructure in the world, but I don’t trust it at all, because it has The Netherlands listed at number 3, which from my personal experience I know is a shithole.
Netherlands? Care to explain ?
The US isn't better than Germany, norway, sweden, Austria and many more.
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
Have you travelled abroad ? The US looks like a third world country compared to many.
Some red areas look like afghanistan.

UAE, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, Japan, and so many more....have you been to those countries Alabama, Arkansas look like a dumpster in comparison.
Countries With the Best Infrastructure

According to this link the United States is rated 9th best in infrastructure in the world, but I don’t trust it at all, because it has The Netherlands listed at number 3, which from my personal experience I know is a shithole.
Netherlands? Care to explain ?
The US isn't better than Germany, norway, sweden, Austria and many more.

the buildings are very short and narrow in width. It’s also pretty dirty over there. Anyway, how much do these countries with superior infrastructure spend relative to us? I mean we the best architects, engineers, builders and we spend more than these countries. So how do they have better infrastructure than us?
12 years later I don’t see and evidence that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
You don't see that Trump's a crook either, so are you sure the problem's with Obama?

I’m not a Trump enthusiast. I’ll vote for him because he’s a better option than a democrat, but I wouldn’t call Trump a crook.

Trump is a democrat
Trump is just a better Democrat ...
I don't remember the "crumbling" bit but I do remember the day after the stimulus bill passed they started widening our highway from two lanes to four. It's a big boy now.

Oh sure you do Sluggo, we believe you. :lmao:

I remember the day after porkulus passed the California public employees started buying new cars, boats, computers, houses. Never did fix the freeways or roads here in California, but the public employee unions are in great shape...
12 years ago would have made it relatively soon after the I-35 bridge crossing the Mississippi in Minneapolis collapsed during rush hour which killed 13 people and injured 145. That was on August 1, 2007.
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?

If you are asking that, then you haven't been paying attention. First off, a big infrastructure bill was part of Trump's election campaign. Secondly, not only is a lot of infrastructure in bad shape and dangerous, a lot is out-dated and is getting several times more use than it was expected to get when it was originally built, often times causing more accidents and traffic jams which in return cause delays that cost millions of dollars for shipping.

"Nearly 235,000, or some 38 percent of all U.S. bridges, need repair, replacement or major rehab, according to an analysis of federal data by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association."

Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says

As far as the over-use take into account the Brent Spence Bridge that is part of I-75 and runs across the Ohio River between Covington, KY and Cincinnati, Oh. It was built in the 1960's, and is one of the most heavily used bridges in the country.

"Built in 1963 to carry 80,000 vehicles per day, the bridge now handles more than 170,000 vehicles each day. It is a critical link between the states and carries Interstate 75, a major American highway running from Michigan to Florida. Traffic on the bridge is so bad that some Uber drivers avoid taking it to Cincinnati from the city’s closest airport across the state line in Kentucky, even though it is the most direct route."

Without a Trump Infrastructure Plan, an Aging Ohio Bridge Is in Limbo

Who benefits the most from infrastructure spending?
Maybe American Road & Transportation Builders Association? Conflict of interest dude.

Remember when cigarette companies commissioned research that amazingly found no health problems tied to cigarettes? Remember how people laughed at it, because it was obviously a conflict of interest?

Same thing. An industry group, shockingly producing a report they need more government funding in their industry? No way. How crazy is that?

I happen to be similar with the Brent Spence bridge, given I live in Ohio, and did deliveries down there.

Traffic is often bad, but that is normal on any bridge linking two cities.

Does the bridge need replaced? Sure. But that is not a duty of people in Wyoming, or Florida, or Colorado, to pay for an Ohio Kentucky bridge.

Further, you giving funds for it, isn't even the biggest issue. The city of Cincinnati, has yet to finalize what they want to do. They either want to keep that bridge, and build a parallel bridge to it. Or they want to tear it down, and build a larger single bridge.

The city has not decided what they want to do yet.

Regardless, this is a local issue. The local governments should be the ones funding bridges, not the Federal government. Why should people in Hawaii pay taxes, to fund a bridge in Southern Ohio?

Where in the constitution, do you see any enumerated power of the Federal Government to fund local bridges?

I grew up in Ohio and have driven over that bridge more times than I can count. The bridge was built in the 1960's and since that time not only has the population exploded, so has the number of car owners, and the amount of goods that are transported on highways rather than railways. The Brent Spence Bridge is part of a federal highway system that links Miami to Detroit. The bridge is not only used by people in Ohio and Kentucky. Your statement that people from other states should not have their tax dollars used to replace it is not just illogical, but fucking ignorant. If you want to argue against projects that shouldn't use federal tax dollars to build, you should choose your battles more wisely. How about the Alaskan bridge to no where?

You should do a little more research before using just your own personal experiences as a large part of your argument. In a REAL discussion, your personal anecdotal evidence isn't proof the bridge is not obsolete and does not meet the needs of the 21st Century almost 60 years after it was built.

You haven’t given any unbiased proof that we have a bridge problem that needs to be addressed. Like I said, Obama was saying this shit 12 years ago, and 12 years later I don’t often hear about bridges or roads collapsing.

Yes, I have. You didn't click on the second link I posted where Trump had at one time said the Brent Spence Bridge was the second highest priority for an infrastructure plan.

Not to mention, the fact that during the presidential campaign a big infrastructure plan was one of Trump's biggest priorities... funny how that was in agreement with Obama who you are trying to say in this thread lied to get a plan passed.
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?

If you are asking that, then you haven't been paying attention. First off, a big infrastructure bill was part of Trump's election campaign. Secondly, not only is a lot of infrastructure in bad shape and dangerous, a lot is out-dated and is getting several times more use than it was expected to get when it was originally built, often times causing more accidents and traffic jams which in return cause delays that cost millions of dollars for shipping.

"Nearly 235,000, or some 38 percent of all U.S. bridges, need repair, replacement or major rehab, according to an analysis of federal data by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association."

Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says

As far as the over-use take into account the Brent Spence Bridge that is part of I-75 and runs across the Ohio River between Covington, KY and Cincinnati, Oh. It was built in the 1960's, and is one of the most heavily used bridges in the country.

"Built in 1963 to carry 80,000 vehicles per day, the bridge now handles more than 170,000 vehicles each day. It is a critical link between the states and carries Interstate 75, a major American highway running from Michigan to Florida. Traffic on the bridge is so bad that some Uber drivers avoid taking it to Cincinnati from the city’s closest airport across the state line in Kentucky, even though it is the most direct route."

Without a Trump Infrastructure Plan, an Aging Ohio Bridge Is in Limbo

Who benefits the most from infrastructure spending?
Maybe American Road & Transportation Builders Association? Conflict of interest dude.

Remember when cigarette companies commissioned research that amazingly found no health problems tied to cigarettes? Remember how people laughed at it, because it was obviously a conflict of interest?

Same thing. An industry group, shockingly producing a report they need more government funding in their industry? No way. How crazy is that?

I happen to be similar with the Brent Spence bridge, given I live in Ohio, and did deliveries down there.

Traffic is often bad, but that is normal on any bridge linking two cities.

Does the bridge need replaced? Sure. But that is not a duty of people in Wyoming, or Florida, or Colorado, to pay for an Ohio Kentucky bridge.

Further, you giving funds for it, isn't even the biggest issue. The city of Cincinnati, has yet to finalize what they want to do. They either want to keep that bridge, and build a parallel bridge to it. Or they want to tear it down, and build a larger single bridge.

The city has not decided what they want to do yet.

Regardless, this is a local issue. The local governments should be the ones funding bridges, not the Federal government. Why should people in Hawaii pay taxes, to fund a bridge in Southern Ohio?

Where in the constitution, do you see any enumerated power of the Federal Government to fund local bridges?

I grew up in Ohio and have driven over that bridge more times than I can count. The bridge was built in the 1960's and since that time not only has the population exploded, so has the number of car owners, and the amount of goods that are transported on highways rather than railways. The Brent Spence Bridge is part of a federal highway system that links Miami to Detroit. The bridge is not only used by people in Ohio and Kentucky. Your statement that people from other states should not have their tax dollars used to replace it is not just illogical, but fucking ignorant. If you want to argue against projects that shouldn't use federal tax dollars to build, you should choose your battles more wisely. How about the Alaskan bridge to no where?

You should do a little more research before using just your own personal experiences as a large part of your argument. In a REAL discussion, your personal anecdotal evidence isn't proof the bridge is not obsolete and does not meet the needs of the 21st Century almost 60 years after it was built.

No, there is nothing wrong with my opinion, you are just wrong in yours.

This is a "real" discussion. Whether you are mentally capable of understanding what a real discussion is, is the only question here.

The idea that someone else somewhere else uses my stuff, makes it their job to pay for my stuff, is ridiculous.

Really? Someone from Detroit might cross the bridge, therefore they should pay for my bridge?

How dumb is that? I'll show your dumb butt, how stupid that is.

Should the people of Whitehorse Canada, pay for the highway in Ushuaia Argentine? Or vice versa?

Well according to your stupidity, they should because the Pan-American highway links the two.

View attachment 304881

According to your mindless blathering, we should have all those countries paying for everyone's roads.

You are fool. This is why socialist countries all fail. They run out of other people's money.

You pay for your own road. I'll pay for my own road. That's what works best.

If you think using your life experience as proof to back your opinion, then yes, you are wrong. Anecdotal posts are a logical fallacy, stats collect by DOT are not.
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?

If you are asking that, then you haven't been paying attention. First off, a big infrastructure bill was part of Trump's election campaign. Secondly, not only is a lot of infrastructure in bad shape and dangerous, a lot is out-dated and is getting several times more use than it was expected to get when it was originally built, often times causing more accidents and traffic jams which in return cause delays that cost millions of dollars for shipping.

"Nearly 235,000, or some 38 percent of all U.S. bridges, need repair, replacement or major rehab, according to an analysis of federal data by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association."

Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says

As far as the over-use take into account the Brent Spence Bridge that is part of I-75 and runs across the Ohio River between Covington, KY and Cincinnati, Oh. It was built in the 1960's, and is one of the most heavily used bridges in the country.

"Built in 1963 to carry 80,000 vehicles per day, the bridge now handles more than 170,000 vehicles each day. It is a critical link between the states and carries Interstate 75, a major American highway running from Michigan to Florida. Traffic on the bridge is so bad that some Uber drivers avoid taking it to Cincinnati from the city’s closest airport across the state line in Kentucky, even though it is the most direct route."

Without a Trump Infrastructure Plan, an Aging Ohio Bridge Is in Limbo

Who benefits the most from infrastructure spending?
Maybe American Road & Transportation Builders Association? Conflict of interest dude.

Remember when cigarette companies commissioned research that amazingly found no health problems tied to cigarettes? Remember how people laughed at it, because it was obviously a conflict of interest?

Same thing. An industry group, shockingly producing a report they need more government funding in their industry? No way. How crazy is that?

I happen to be similar with the Brent Spence bridge, given I live in Ohio, and did deliveries down there.

Traffic is often bad, but that is normal on any bridge linking two cities.

Does the bridge need replaced? Sure. But that is not a duty of people in Wyoming, or Florida, or Colorado, to pay for an Ohio Kentucky bridge.

Further, you giving funds for it, isn't even the biggest issue. The city of Cincinnati, has yet to finalize what they want to do. They either want to keep that bridge, and build a parallel bridge to it. Or they want to tear it down, and build a larger single bridge.

The city has not decided what they want to do yet.

Regardless, this is a local issue. The local governments should be the ones funding bridges, not the Federal government. Why should people in Hawaii pay taxes, to fund a bridge in Southern Ohio?

Where in the constitution, do you see any enumerated power of the Federal Government to fund local bridges?

I grew up in Ohio and have driven over that bridge more times than I can count. The bridge was built in the 1960's and since that time not only has the population exploded, so has the number of car owners, and the amount of goods that are transported on highways rather than railways. The Brent Spence Bridge is part of a federal highway system that links Miami to Detroit. The bridge is not only used by people in Ohio and Kentucky. Your statement that people from other states should not have their tax dollars used to replace it is not just illogical, but fucking ignorant. If you want to argue against projects that shouldn't use federal tax dollars to build, you should choose your battles more wisely. How about the Alaskan bridge to no where?

You should do a little more research before using just your own personal experiences as a large part of your argument. In a REAL discussion, your personal anecdotal evidence isn't proof the bridge is not obsolete and does not meet the needs of the 21st Century almost 60 years after it was built.

You haven’t given any unbiased proof that we have a bridge problem that needs to be addressed. Like I said, Obama was saying this shit 12 years ago, and 12 years later I don’t often hear about bridges or roads collapsing.

Yes, I have. You didn't click on the second link I posted where Trump had at one time said the Brent Spence Bridge was the second highest priority for an infrastructure plan.

Not to mention, the fact that during the presidential campaign a big infrastructure plan was one of Trump's biggest priorities... funny how that was in agreement with Obama who you are trying to say in this thread lied to get a plan passed.

I don’t support Trump’s infrastructure bill
Have you travelled abroad ? The US looks like a third world country compared to many.
Some red areas look like afghanistan.

UAE, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, Japan, and so many more....have you been to those countries Alabama, Arkansas look like a dumpster in comparison.
Countries With the Best Infrastructure

According to this link the United States is rated 9th best in infrastructure in the world, but I don’t trust it at all, because it has The Netherlands listed at number 3, which from my personal experience I know is a shithole.
Netherlands? Care to explain ?
The US isn't better than Germany, norway, sweden, Austria and many more.

the buildings are very short and narrow in width. It’s also pretty dirty over there. Anyway, how much do these countries with superior infrastructure spend relative to us? I mean we the best architects, engineers, builders and we spend more than these countries. So how do they have better infrastructure than us?
Holland is a very small and cleaner country, I doubt you've been there. Houses here are mostly made out of cheap material, drywall, plaster, cardboard.
Speaking of infrastructure they managed to keep the sea out while we had a Katrina flood an entire city.

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