Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

bad general. Left almost 40% of his soldiers in most of his berserker battles. And why he went to Gettysburg is a mystery

Good educator though.

Seriously, you believe that? With how long and far the South went with the mass of people, money and industry in the north?
bad general. Left almost 40% of his soldiers in most of his berserker battles. And why he went to Gettysburg is a mystery

Good educator though.

I agree that he made a big mistake at Gettysburg. However, he was a lot better than all the union generals.
Maybe he was somewhat competent because he was removed for 32 years of the ignorance of the south and educated in the U.S. Military.
He was smart enough to state that the southern states had no Constitutional right to secession so he wasn't a total ignorant hick.
Hey ******, where does the Constitution prohibit secession?

Yes, how can you have the consent of the governed when the governed are forced to consent?
It's racist to celebrate anyone who fought for slavery.

" the only good Indian is a dead Indian", WT Sherman

I knew it was only a matter of time until the virulent anti-confederate haters chimed in.

You were expecting a large pro-slavery-defending-traitors contingent? Most Americans are glad we are one nation, under God.

How is it one nation when we are forced to remain? 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined. So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories.
Battle Cry of Freedom

Get a clue...

Of course there were rich people in the South. As you posted, a large source of capital wealth in the South was human beings. Thousands of rich slaveowners went bust and lost everything after the Civil War as they had loans secured on their slaves. Even though the slaves were released, the loans were not, and many had their land seized by banks. That's the primary economic motivation of the Civil War. One can talk all they want about tariffs, but that pales to the capital risked by the Southern slaveowners in human beings. It's understandable why so many fought to leave the union. If someone was going to take away everything you had, wouldn't you fight too?
quoted for great wisdom.

One of the great problems of southern economics was the slaves were a huge asset, they were, by and large, an unproductive asset. According to Mark Twain, and I am sure it can be verified by other sources, the average field hand was worth $800. That makes the average hand worth about 30 cents a day, when northern labor worth 75 cents for fresh immigrants fresh of the boat, which is what Sheridans dad got. And that is low Irish labor.

There is also the problem that southern management was expensive. Wages in the south were low, interest rates were high. Slave labor is unproductive. And it blighted all labor around it.

Which answers the question of why northern workers were fighting to end the practice. They had no love for the slaves. They detested them, by and large. They were fighting to end slavery, which impoverished the white worker. And froze the white worker out of the labor pool. The poor white worker in the north was fighting for his life.

Good points.

Slavery stunted capitalist economic development because the political structure of slavery does not allow for technology transfer to occur that is necessary for rising standards of living. Slaves were generally not allowed to learn to read and write nor learn any new skills, which were all necessary in the growing manufacturing economy. All economic growth is a function of increasing technology, and all technology is a function of education. Education leads to a greater skill set, and a greater skill set means higher wages. Because a large portion of the Southern labor force was never allowed to acquire a higher skill set, there was little reason for capital to be invested in the South for more advanced products.
bad general. Left almost 40% of his soldiers in most of his berserker battles. And why he went to Gettysburg is a mystery

Good educator though.

Seriously, you believe that? With how long and far the South went with the mass of people, money and industry in the north?

No question he screwed the pooch at Gettysburg.

I don't necessarily agree with that. He was outmanned and outgunned. If it didn't work to take the war to the North, the South was going to lose eventually for sure. He had limited options.

In bridge, if you can't calculate how you can make your contract for certain, you fall back to what would have to happen to make your contract. Say if you are North and you figure East has to have the ace of hearts you can make the contract. If West has the ace of hearts and you are set, that doesn't mean you miscalculated, it means the only shot you had failed.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.
Lee, at least knew that, and was appreciative. Which is why he went to such a backwards hell hole that Washington College was in 1866. Lee was a fantastic administrator and teacher, and got it on its feet.

For me, I would have given him dancing lessons at the end of a rope. Lincoln and Grant knew better, I suppose 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined. So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories.
Battle Cry of Freedom

Get a clue...

Of course there were rich people in the South. As you posted, a large source of capital wealth in the South was human beings. Thousands of rich slaveowners went bust and lost everything after the Civil War as they had loans secured on their slaves. Even though the slaves were released, the loans were not, and many had their land seized by banks. That's the primary economic motivation of the Civil War. One can talk all they want about tariffs, but that pales to the capital risked by the Southern slaveowners in human beings. It's understandable why so many fought to leave the union. If someone was going to take away everything you had, wouldn't you fight too?
quoted for great wisdom.

One of the great problems of southern economics was the slaves were a huge asset, they were, by and large, an unproductive asset. According to Mark Twain, and I am sure it can be verified by other sources, the average field hand was worth $800. That makes the average hand worth about 30 cents a day, when northern labor worth 75 cents for fresh immigrants fresh of the boat, which is what Sheridans dad got. And that is low Irish labor.

There is also the problem that southern management was expensive. Wages in the south were low, interest rates were high. Slave labor is unproductive. And it blighted all labor around it.

Which answers the question of why northern workers were fighting to end the practice. They had no love for the slaves. They detested them, by and large. They were fighting to end slavery, which impoverished the white worker. And froze the white worker out of the labor pool. The poor white worker in the north was fighting for his life.

Good points.

Slavery stunted capitalist economic development because the political structure of slavery does not allow for technology transfer to occur that is necessary for rising standards of living. Slaves were generally not allowed to learn to read and write nor learn any new skills, which were all necessary in the growing manufacturing economy. All economic growth is a function of increasing technology, and all technology is a function of education. Education leads to a greater skill set, and a greater skill set means higher wages. Because a large portion of the Southern labor force was never allowed to acquire a higher skill set, there was little reason for capital to be invested in the South for more advanced products.

At that time, people were a cheaper commodity than equipment. Obviously that dynamic also changed over time.
It's racist to celebrate anyone who fought for slavery.

" the only good Indian is a dead Indian", WT Sherman

I knew it was only a matter of time until the virulent anti-confederate haters chimed in.

You were expecting a large pro-slavery-defending-traitors contingent? Most Americans are glad we are one nation, under God.

How is it one nation when we are forced to remain?
You can leave at any time, bozo.

Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.

He doesn't meet the definition of traitor according to the definition in the Constitution.
No such definition is in the Constitution.

Another Lincoln cult member demonstrating his ignorance, I see:

ARTICLE III, Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
It's why I keep gleefully reminding these cultists that their god and savior was wasted by one of the thousands of men pissed off by what he did to their families and America. It really unnerves the demonic Left to be reminded that the man they worship had hot lead put into his melon.

J W Booth was a traitor to both the vanquished Confederate State and the United States.
Actually he was a hero in the South. Now you know.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.
Lee, at least knew that, and was appreciative. Which is why he went to such a backwards hell hole that Washington College was in 1866. Lee was a fantastic administrator and teacher, and got it on its feet.

For me, I would have given him dancing lessons at the end of a rope. Lincoln and Grant knew better, I suppose

And that would have pissed off Southerners and made Reconstruction much harder. The Union just forced a third of it's population who wanted to leave to stay. Retribution wasn't probably the best plan.
And this is why you hate President Obama!


So, Lee will be 208 years old on Monday. All blacks should have a paid holiday. Lee was a loser...

You're a loser. That's why you hate superior men like Lee.
It's racist to celebrate anyone who fought for slavery.

" the only good Indian is a dead Indian", WT Sherman

I knew it was only a matter of time until the virulent anti-confederate haters chimed in.

You were expecting a large pro-slavery-defending-traitors contingent? Most Americans are glad we are one nation, under God.

How is it one nation when we are forced to remain?
You can leave at any time, bozo.


Just so I leave my money, Karl?
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.
Lee, at least knew that, and was appreciative. Which is why he went to such a backwards hell hole that Washington College was in 1866. Lee was a fantastic administrator and teacher, and got it on its feet.

For me, I would have given him dancing lessons at the end of a rope. Lincoln and Grant knew better, I suppose
I believe they were attempting to keep the South from being resentful for centuries. Sadly, they did not succeed.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.

He doesn't meet the definition of traitor according to the definition in the Constitution.
No such definition is in the Constitution.

Another Lincoln cult member demonstrating his ignorance, I see:

ARTICLE III, Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
It's why I keep gleefully reminding these cultists that their god and savior was wasted by one of the thousands of men pissed off by what he did to their families and America. It really unnerves the demonic Left to be reminded that the man they worship had hot lead put into his melon.

No, it makes me quite happy that today's Republicans cheer that one of their greatest Presidents was shot dead.

It reveals to any independents left out there what ignorant, idiotic, moronic, cruel, and brainless shit stains you folks are.
It reveals that conservatives stand up to tyrants in the Republican party. Leftists never stand up to tyrants in their own party.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.
Lee, at least knew that, and was appreciative. Which is why he went to such a backwards hell hole that Washington College was in 1866. Lee was a fantastic administrator and teacher, and got it on its feet.

For me, I would have given him dancing lessons at the end of a rope. Lincoln and Grant knew better, I suppose
I believe they were attempting to keep the South from being resentful for centuries. Sadly, they did not succeed.

No, now maybe The North could stop plundering us, that would help.
bad general. Left almost 40% of his soldiers in most of his berserker battles. And why he went to Gettysburg is a mystery

Good educator though.

Seriously, you believe that? With how long and far the South went with the mass of people, money and industry in the north?

No question he screwed the pooch at Gettysburg.

I don't necessarily agree with that. He was outmanned and outgunned. If it didn't work to take the war to the North, the South was going to lose eventually for sure. He had limited options.

In bridge, if you can't calculate how you can make your contract for certain, you fall back to what would have to happen to make your contract. Say if you are North and you figure East has to have the ace of hearts you can make the contract. If West has the ace of hearts and you are set, that doesn't mean you miscalculated, it means the only shot you had failed.
He should have followed Longstreet's advice and move a corps to the west and save Vicksburg. That was important. That was vital. And that was achievable, as Longstreet proved at Chicamaugua(?) in October. Gettysburg was spectacularly stupid by itself, not saving Vicksburg was criminal
It's racist to celebrate anyone who fought for slavery.

" the only good Indian is a dead Indian", WT Sherman

I knew it was only a matter of time until the virulent anti-confederate haters chimed in.

You were expecting a large pro-slavery-defending-traitors contingent? Most Americans are glad we are one nation, under God.

How is it one nation when we are forced to remain?

Pack your bags. You are free to go any time.

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