Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

The United States didn't but the South did? Do you hear yourself? Who do you think built the ships and operated the slave trade. I'll give you a hint since you're history was Northern states. The entire country's economy was predicated on slavery and its perpetuation.

Thank you for that Marxist historical framework. You've articulated exactly the Marxist critique of American capitalism.

If your Marxist interpretation of history was correct, the northern economy would have collapsed after the Civil War. Of course, that didn't happen. Instead, the United States embarked on one of the greatest periods of innovation and expansion shortly thereafter.
Do you know when Karl Marx lived, you horse's ass?

Yes. I had to read Marx as part of an anthology of economic philosophers along with economic history as part of the honours cirriculum for my degree in economics. That's why I can say that you are articulating a Marxist critique of American capitalism.
How much was Marxism applied in 1860's America, hi-speed? Your comparison is crap.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.

He doesn't meet the definition of traitor according to the definition in the Constitution.
No such definition is in the Constitution.

Another Lincoln cult member demonstrating his ignorance, I see:

ARTICLE III, Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
It's why I keep gleefully reminding these cultists that their god and savior was wasted by one of the thousands of men pissed off by what he did to their families and America. It really unnerves the demonic Left to be reminded that the man they worship had hot lead put into his melon.
Robert E. Lee was a great general - keeping the Federals at-bay for nearly three years, after he assumed command of the main Confederate army in the East.

He suffered a couple of defeats, and screwed the pooch at Gettysburg, but won more than he lost, kept his casualties well below those of his Union counterparts in most of his battles, gave the Lincoln Administration a very rough time and many scares, for years, and caused Old Abe to hire and fire several generals, until they hit on U.S. Grant.

Lee hailed from an ancient and highly influential and honorable family of Old Virginia which had done great service to both the Colonies and to the United States, prior to the Revolution, during the Revolution itself, and since - as evidenced by Lee's own service in Mexico and before and after, right up to the early days of the Civil War itself.

He was soooooo well thought-of up North that the then-Commander of the Union Army (Winfield Scott), the President himself, and other members of the Administration, all wanted Bobby Lee to take command of the Union forces.

That kind of offer doesn't come along every day, nor does it come to those lacking the talent to successfully lead armies of men in such a grim business.

If memory serves correctly, the only reason that Lee resigned his commission in the US Army, and went home, to soon take-up a commission in the new Confederate Army, was because he could not bring himself to fight against his friends and neighbors and family and fellow Virginians.

How many of us ( those of us who have any sense whatsoever of personal honor and family and home loyalty, anyway ) could bring ourselves to fight against our friends and neighbors and family and fellow citizens of our home states, under similar circumstances?

Lee, ever mindful of his family's rich history and contributions to the formation of the United States and its sustenance, was a Union Man through and through, and was greatly vexed when obliged to resign his commission in the US Army, and grieved for the break between Virginia and the Union.

He was mortal and fallible, and made a number of key mistakes, but he was also a genuine military superstar and top performer who got far-reaching results, usually at a far lower cost than his adversaries.

He was an inherited-property slaveholder, but it did not sit easily on his brow, and he famously opined that he would gladly let go of all the slaves in the South to preserve the Union, if only the Union would not move militarily against the Southern States.

There was vastly more good than bad about Robert E. Lee, he was truly an American Patriot who was tragically maneuvered by fate and circumstances and developments to act against his own Union and patriotic sympathies, and he was man enough to give his best to his home State and its sisters, once he was thrust into such a role.

For the most part, he held the respect, admiration, loyalty and affection of his men throughout the Civil War, and afterwards, so long as his men had breath in their bodies - and he held the respect and grudging admiration of most of his enemies as well - a legend in the North as well as the South - and largely rehabilitated in the North after Lee died.

I am a Union Man through and through - always have been - always will be - in the context of the American Civil War.

But, like most of us, I can recognize a Great Man and a Great General when I see one - not a demigod - just a man - but a great one - and believe Robert E. Lee to be just such a man, regardless of what the revisionists and little wankers and race-card baiters and hyper-liberal scum around here would have us swallow without critique or opposition.

Bobby Lee draws the admiration of most Americans - Left, Right and Center - North and South and East and West. It takes a special breed - America-haters and socialist wankers and race-baiters and race-card players and intolerant and ignorant uber-or-hyper-liberals and shit-stirring trolls - to ignore and deny the greatness in such a man.

"...The Union, forever, hurrah, boys, hurrah..."

God bless the United States, and the shades of those who died and suffered in order to preserve the Union and to abolish slavery.

God bless the shades of those who died and suffered in the South, as well, misguided as they were at the time, as a way of reconciling and healing our beloved Republic.

And... Robert E. Lee was, indeed, an American Patriot and Southern Hero - and one of the greatest generals in American military history.

Let me simmer your mush down for you.
I love my wife and children more than anything on Earth. If a madness overtook this society and the outward manifestation was for me to go into the streets with the approval and backing of my government and kill and enslave all the whites in the country, would I go along to get along???...of course not!!! If my wife and children engaged in that vile behavior I would be forced to separate from them.
I have more courage, honor ,integrity and humanity for that.
Obviously Lee didn't.

This isn't 1860, moron. Slavery was the law of the land then. You could go out any day to a slave market and buy a slave. No one had to be killed.

Your analogy is idiotic, but then, all your claims are idiotic.
You are quite possibly the most stupid idiot ever to place fingers on a keyboard.
Whether slavery was law is irrelevant to an individual's moral compass, to witness the institution of slavery and forgive it was a conscious choice and a failure of humanity.
To suggest that no one had to be killed is too stupid a statement for me to even address.
So the souths only manufactured good consumer would have been the north......that seems logical.

Not the only one but certainly the most important one since it was the closest.

This must be why the north blockaded southern keep the goods from going....north.

The primary source of income for the South was farmed goods, not manufactured goods.

Good semantic catch. The point remains the same. The north didn't want the south to conduct international commerce and blockaded any attempts to do so. Petitioning England to not recognize the south or buy its good etc...the north did this in order to keep the goods, like cotton for instance, from going north.

Oh, absolutely. I'm not saying that the South wasn't without legitimate grievances. They should have been allowed to sell their products on global markets.
Robert E. Lee was a great American. He deserves a holiday

CIVIL WAR OP-ED Remembering Robert E. Lee American Patriot and Southern Hero Huntington News

Sir Winston Churchill called General Robert E. Lee, “one of the noblest Americans who ever lived.”

Feel free to celebrate him in whatever way you feel like.

I have a lot of respect for Robert E. Lee, but ultimately he didn't do anything that made the United States a better place. But you can hold Robert E. Lee day in your heart.
The United States didn't but the South did? Do you hear yourself? Who do you think built the ships and operated the slave trade. I'll give you a hint since you're history was Northern states. The entire country's economy was predicated on slavery and its perpetuation.

Thank you for that Marxist historical framework. You've articulated exactly the Marxist critique of American capitalism.

If your Marxist interpretation of history was correct, the northern economy would have collapsed after the Civil War. Of course, that didn't happen. Instead, the United States embarked on one of the greatest periods of innovation and expansion shortly thereafter.
Do you know when Karl Marx lived, you horse's ass?

Yes. I had to read Marx as part of an anthology of economic philosophers along with economic history as part of the honours cirriculum for my degree in economics. That's why I can say that you are articulating a Marxist critique of American capitalism.
How much was Marxism applied in 1860's America, hi-speed? Your comparison is crap.

The United States didn't but the South did? Do you hear yourself? Who do you think built the ships and operated the slave trade. I'll give you a hint since you're history was Northern states. The entire country's economy was predicated on slavery and its perpetuation.

Thank you for that Marxist historical framework. You've articulated exactly the Marxist critique of American capitalism.

If your Marxist interpretation of history was correct, the northern economy would have collapsed after the Civil War. Of course, that didn't happen. Instead, the United States embarked on one of the greatest periods of innovation and expansion shortly thereafter.
Do you know when Karl Marx lived, you horse's ass?

Yes. I had to read Marx as part of an anthology of economic philosophers along with economic history as part of the honours cirriculum for my degree in economics. That's why I can say that you are articulating a Marxist critique of American capitalism.
How much was Marxism applied in 1860's America, hi-speed? Your comparison is crap.
A lot of the confederates thought the Northerners were communists too.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.

He doesn't meet the definition of traitor according to the definition in the Constitution.
No such definition is in the Constitution.

Another Lincoln cult member demonstrating his ignorance, I see:

ARTICLE III, Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Wow, basically you destroyed your own argument....thanks for that.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.

He doesn't meet the definition of traitor according to the definition in the Constitution.
No such definition is in the Constitution.

Another Lincoln cult member demonstrating his ignorance, I see:

ARTICLE III, Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
It's why I keep gleefully reminding these cultists that their god and savior was wasted by one of the thousands of men pissed off by what he did to their families and America. It really unnerves the demonic Left to be reminded that the man they worship had hot lead put into his melon.

No, it makes me quite happy that today's Republicans cheer that one of their greatest Presidents was shot dead.

It reveals to any independents left out there what ignorant, idiotic, moronic, cruel, and brainless shit stains you folks are.
it makes me quite happy that today's Republicans cheer that one of their greatest Presidents was shot dead. ...

Don't pretend the few traitor-apologist idiots posting here represent the Republican Party and I won't pretend the likes of you represent the entire democrat party. 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined. So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories.
Battle Cry of Freedom

Get a clue...

Of course there were rich people in the South. As you posted, a large source of capital wealth in the South was human beings. Thousands of rich slaveowners went bust and lost everything after the Civil War as they had loans secured on their slaves. Even though the slaves were released, the loans were not, and many had their land seized by banks. That's the primary economic motivation of the Civil War. One can talk all they want about tariffs, but that pales to the capital risked by the Southern slaveowners in human beings. It's understandable why so many fought to leave the union. If someone was going to take away everything you had, wouldn't you fight too?
quoted for great wisdom.

One of the great problems of southern economics was the slaves were a huge asset, they were, by and large, an unproductive asset. According to Mark Twain, and I am sure it can be verified by other sources, the average field hand was worth $800. That makes the average hand worth about 30 cents a day, when northern labor worth 75 cents for fresh immigrants fresh of the boat, which is what Sheridans dad got. And that is low Irish labor.

There is also the problem that southern management was expensive. Wages in the south were low, interest rates were high. Slave labor is unproductive. And it blighted all labor around it.

Which answers the question of why northern workers were fighting to end the practice. They had no love for the slaves. They detested them, by and large. They were fighting to end slavery, which impoverished the white worker. And froze the white worker out of the labor pool. The poor white worker in the north was fighting for his life.
In 1868, Lee signed a letter of endorsement in support of the Democratic Nominee, Horatio Seymour for president. Southerners were very, very proud of that endorsement.
Lee is lucky he wasn't hung as a traitor.

He doesn't meet the definition of traitor according to the definition in the Constitution.
No such definition is in the Constitution.

Another Lincoln cult member demonstrating his ignorance, I see:

ARTICLE III, Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
It's why I keep gleefully reminding these cultists that their god and savior was wasted by one of the thousands of men pissed off by what he did to their families and America. It really unnerves the demonic Left to be reminded that the man they worship had hot lead put into his melon.

J W Booth was a traitor to both the vanquished Confederate State and the United States.

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