Reopen the Economy

When should the economy reopen in full

  • Immediately

  • When Fauci and Birx say so

  • June 1st

  • When we have a vaccine

  • FIVE YEARS - Favorite of USMB's U2 Edge

  • NEVER -- Let Anarchy reign

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Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.
No nation on earth is capable of this TODAY... Its a pipe dream

This is why we use random samplings of regions.

IF your waiting for instant testing of the entire populace your going to de dead before the testing is complete.
And even so, testing is worthless because I could test negative today (which I probably won't because I was pretty sick for three days in early February) and get the virus tomorrow.

"Testing" is merely the latest moronmedia blabbering point.

So if you believe in no testing...which is what it sounds do you protect the more vulnerable among us? Survival of the fittest?
Not trying to present a false dichotomy, but either most of us will survive or many more of us will not.
That's what we are looking at. Bigger than 1929 Depression.
It was all totally unnecessary and the media and government did this.

I do not disagree, and we can do is try to mitigate it as best we can, and look out for our most vulnerable.
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
His exact quote:

You can lockdown for 3 years or 5 years if needed, the economic damage would be minimal.

Yea that's what I was looking at too. That's not proposing that we shut down for 3-5 years.

The rest of the quote:

"the economic damage would be minimal and repairable compared to say being NUKED. Hiroshima was nuked on August 6, 1945, but the city was fully rebuilt by 1958 and had a larger population in 1958 than in 1945."
And keep reading. He mentions 5 years several times. And of course you become immune post infection. That is the whole point of herd immunity.

I read the entire thing and I honestly don't know how you misinterpreted it.

Show me what you're referring to and I can take a closer look at it.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Da fuq? Are you trying to challenge RealDave for the weapons-grade stupid title?

Show me then.
COVID is a cold. Once you get a cold you do not get the same one twice. This is why the older you get the fewer colds you get as you have built up an immunity to many of the strains. My Doctor went to Harvard Med School. I ll take his diagnosis over yours lol.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Da fuq? Are you trying to challenge RealDave for the weapons-grade stupid title?
His name is StupidFakeDave and yes, this one is challenging for the title.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Actually we do!

Convolescant Plasma is proving we do develop immunities to this virus. We have medical staff who were infected and after recovering went back to work and have not been reinfected despite dealing with patients. We just dont know how long it lasts.

I'll take a look at any links you provide. So far, I'm seeing the exact opposite reported.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

I voted for anarchy...

Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.

Had we done that then we would have known how many had the virus and how many did not have it.

Also when a real Pandemic does happen society will reject the Government wishes and billions will die because of how far our Governments went with this Virus and trying to stop the spread...
I was tested, turns out I have an IQ of 456.

Getting on a scale does not mean your weight is your IQ...

Anyhoo, the fact is we can not hide from the virus and we should have done things differently but now we must move forward.

If States want to reopen then so be it and if they want to stay close then so be it.

Federal Government can reopen their agencies and lands and States can not interfere with this and States will have to open agencies that work with key Federal Agencies.

As for private businesses that is their choice and unless the City, County, State or Federal Government has a contract with the business then the owner will make the choice to open or stay close but if the owner has a contract with any government agency then they will most likely be forced to open and honor their contract.

So open and let kill Humanity!!!

( Last Comment is from a insane person, so consider the source )
So, you are saying I'm not smrt?

You are a Fart Smeller... I mean Smart as can be... For a Texan...

But getting back to the subject the reopening is a State to State issue and like Coyote said we need to look at it not through our Partisan glasses but with reality instead...
If we had been looking at this through reality, nearly the whole goddamn nation wouldn't be shut down.....That ship sailed around 15 March.

Locking us up in our homes WILL NOT kill off the virus.

And yet you do not want to test and make false claims that I wrote testing only once during a fourteen day period.

A State did not have to close itself down, so blame your damn governor for their reaction and if they refuse to open up again blame them but it is amazing how you believe this Virus was no big deal when it closed down the entire World except for maybe Sweden...
It only closed down the entire world because that's what those in power wanted to do...What Sweden did is working and those "powers that be" are still mocking them.

Tells me everything I need to know about this shit show.

Really, and Sweden has had a uptick in the virus, so does that tell you something?

Also seeing Trump was for closing the Government down for a period of time does that mean he was gullible and if so why are you voting for him seeing how easily he fell for what you believe is a non issue?
I didn't vote for Trump, and haven't even voted at all since 2000.

Sweden had an uptick in people who tested positive....Since nobody can possibly know how many have been exposed and infected, because most show no or only mild symptoms (per at least the two California studies), the "uptick" is only based upon those reporting for treatment.

Yes, Trump got chumped.....Again.
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
Go look at the thread. Reading his bullshit kills more brain cells than alcohol. Or ask him. He will readily admit it and state we did it in WW2.

I did. He was saying that an economy could recover from that if needed - he wasn't actually proposing that be done about our current situation.
Then you didn’t read it correctly.

Ok, think what you want. But the context makes it perfectly clear.
Ask him. Would you shut the economy for 5 years? He will say “yes”. Would you?
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
His exact quote:

You can lockdown for 3 years or 5 years if needed, the economic damage would be minimal.

Yea that's what I was looking at too. That's not proposing that we shut down for 3-5 years.

The rest of the quote:

"the economic damage would be minimal and repairable compared to say being NUKED. Hiroshima was nuked on August 6, 1945, but the city was fully rebuilt by 1958 and had a larger population in 1958 than in 1945."
And keep reading. He mentions 5 years several times. And of course you become immune post infection. That is the whole point of herd immunity.
Be careful about that...there is conflicting evidence on immunity.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Actually we do!

Convolescant Plasma is proving we do develop immunities to this virus. We have medical staff who were infected and after recovering went back to work and have not been reinfected despite dealing with patients. We just dont know how long it lasts.

I'll take a look at any links you provide. So far, I'm seeing the exact opposite reported.
You’re insane. Wow. OK. So then how do you explain them asking me to donate plasma to help those infected?
Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.
No nation on earth is capable of this TODAY... Its a pipe dream

This is why we use random samplings of regions.

IF your waiting for instant testing of the entire populace your going to de dead before the testing is complete.
And even so, testing is worthless because I could test negative today (which I probably won't because I was pretty sick for three days in early February) and get the virus tomorrow.

"Testing" is merely the latest moronmedia blabbering point.

So if you believe in no testing...which is what it sounds do you protect the more vulnerable among us? Survival of the fittest?
Not trying to present a false dichotomy, but either most of us will survive or many more of us will not.
That's what we are looking at. Bigger than 1929 Depression.
It was all totally unnecessary and the media and government did this.

What should have been done is Hot Zones like New York City should have been closed down and the rest of the Nation kept on going.

The reality is it was the Governor call of each State and some went full nutter on it and others did not.

Texas left it to the County Judge and City officials while closing State Offices.

Was it the correct course of action?

In my opinion Cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Brownsville, Laredo and El Paso had no choice but enforce strict guidelines but towns across Texas did not and we are doing fine.

Next thirty days people in Harris County must wear masks or face a fine.

Now will that stop the spread?

It will slow it but in the end all of this is just putting off reality that sooner or later all of us will catch it!

So test everyone twice while reopening and those infected have to quarantine and no it is not perfect but it is better than shutting down everything again...
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
His exact quote:

You can lockdown for 3 years or 5 years if needed, the economic damage would be minimal.

Yea that's what I was looking at too. That's not proposing that we shut down for 3-5 years.

The rest of the quote:

"the economic damage would be minimal and repairable compared to say being NUKED. Hiroshima was nuked on August 6, 1945, but the city was fully rebuilt by 1958 and had a larger population in 1958 than in 1945."
And keep reading. He mentions 5 years several times. And of course you become immune post infection. That is the whole point of herd immunity.
Be careful about that...there is conflicting evidence on immunity.
I got a call from Mass General asking me to donate to help infected patients with my plasma. They are very certain I am immune. As is my doctor. I believe Them.
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
Go look at the thread. Reading his bullshit kills more brain cells than alcohol. Or ask him. He will readily admit it and state we did it in WW2.

I did. He was saying that an economy could recover from that if needed - he wasn't actually proposing that be done about our current situation.
Then you didn’t read it correctly.

Ok, think what you want. But the context makes it perfectly clear.
That he doesn’t mind shutting the economy for 5 years. LOL. You’re just trolling now.

I didn't read that.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

Be careful!


The World Health Organization is warning that people who have had Covid-19 are not necessarily immune by the presence of antibodies from getting the virus again.
"There is no evidence yet that people who have had Covid-19 will not get a second infection," WHO said in a scientific brief published Friday.

What is herd immunity and why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic
It cautions against governments that are considering issuing so-called "immunity passports" to people who have had Covid-19, assuming they are safe to resume normal life.

"At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an 'immunity passport' or 'risk-free certificate,' " WHO said.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove from WHO has previously said it's not known whether people who have been exposed to the virus become completely immune. The new WHO brief underscores that stance, and jibes with other scientific statements about the idea of developing immunity.

During a Friday briefing, the Infectious Diseases Society of America warned that not enough is known about antibody testing to assume immunity.

Dr. Mary Hayden, spokesperson for IDSA and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Rush University Medical Center, said, "We do not know whether or not patients who have these antibodies are still at risk of reinfection with Covid-19. At this point, I think we have to assume that they could be at risk of reinfection."

"We don't know even if the antibodies are protective, what degree of protection they provide, so it could be complete, it could be partial, or how long the antibodies last," Hayden added, "We know that antibody responses wane over time."

The society is "recommending that people with antibodies not change their behavior in any way, continue social distancing etc. And we think that this is a really important point to emphasize because we're concerned that if this could be present, that these antibodies could be misinterpreted, people could put themselves at unnecessary risk," Hayden said.

How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
Go look at the thread. Reading his bullshit kills more brain cells than alcohol. Or ask him. He will readily admit it and state we did it in WW2.

I did. He was saying that an economy could recover from that if needed - he wasn't actually proposing that be done about our current situation.
Then you didn’t read it correctly.

Ok, think what you want. But the context makes it perfectly clear.
That he doesn’t mind shutting the economy for 5 years. LOL. You’re just trolling now.

I didn't read that.
Ask him then. He will happily answer you
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

Be careful!


The World Health Organization is warning that people who have had Covid-19 are not necessarily immune by the presence of antibodies from getting the virus again.
"There is no evidence yet that people who have had Covid-19 will not get a second infection," WHO said in a scientific brief published Friday.

What is herd immunity and why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic
It cautions against governments that are considering issuing so-called "immunity passports" to people who have had Covid-19, assuming they are safe to resume normal life.

"At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an 'immunity passport' or 'risk-free certificate,' " WHO said.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove from WHO has previously said it's not known whether people who have been exposed to the virus become completely immune. The new WHO brief underscores that stance, and jibes with other scientific statements about the idea of developing immunity.

During a Friday briefing, the Infectious Diseases Society of America warned that not enough is known about antibody testing to assume immunity.

Dr. Mary Hayden, spokesperson for IDSA and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Rush University Medical Center, said, "We do not know whether or not patients who have these antibodies are still at risk of reinfection with Covid-19. At this point, I think we have to assume that they could be at risk of reinfection."

"We don't know even if the antibodies are protective, what degree of protection they provide, so it could be complete, it could be partial, or how long the antibodies last," Hayden added, "We know that antibody responses wane over time."

The society is "recommending that people with antibodies not change their behavior in any way, continue social distancing etc. And we think that this is a really important point to emphasize because we're concerned that if this could be present, that these antibodies could be misinterpreted, people could put themselves at unnecessary risk," Hayden said.

CNN is fake news.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Da fuq? Are you trying to challenge RealDave for the weapons-grade stupid title?

Show me then.
COVID is a cold. Once you get a cold you do not get the same one twice. This is why the older you get the fewer colds you get as you have built up an immunity to many of the strains. My Doctor went to Harvard Med School. I ll take his diagnosis over yours lol.

I'm not a doctor and I haven't spoken to any doctors. I've just read articles that say the exact opposite of what your doctor supposedly told you.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

Be careful!


The World Health Organization is warning that people who have had Covid-19 are not necessarily immune by the presence of antibodies from getting the virus again.
"There is no evidence yet that people who have had Covid-19 will not get a second infection," WHO said in a scientific brief published Friday.

What is herd immunity and why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic
It cautions against governments that are considering issuing so-called "immunity passports" to people who have had Covid-19, assuming they are safe to resume normal life.

"At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an 'immunity passport' or 'risk-free certificate,' " WHO said.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove from WHO has previously said it's not known whether people who have been exposed to the virus become completely immune. The new WHO brief underscores that stance, and jibes with other scientific statements about the idea of developing immunity.

During a Friday briefing, the Infectious Diseases Society of America warned that not enough is known about antibody testing to assume immunity.

Dr. Mary Hayden, spokesperson for IDSA and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Rush University Medical Center, said, "We do not know whether or not patients who have these antibodies are still at risk of reinfection with Covid-19. At this point, I think we have to assume that they could be at risk of reinfection."

"We don't know even if the antibodies are protective, what degree of protection they provide, so it could be complete, it could be partial, or how long the antibodies last," Hayden added, "We know that antibody responses wane over time."

The society is "recommending that people with antibodies not change their behavior in any way, continue social distancing etc. And we think that this is a really important point to emphasize because we're concerned that if this could be present, that these antibodies could be misinterpreted, people could put themselves at unnecessary risk," Hayden said.

Then what Is the point of the vaccine? LOL that’s how it works. Giving a little to build immunity.
I think we can open a lot immediately. It may be a while before we see stadiums, festivals and things like that opened.

We were told we needed hospitals, ventilators, etc and went on models that were simply wrong. We shut down on that, not on trying to stop this. We can't and won't. Slow it, yes, stop it, no.

We've ramped up our hospitals, popped up field hospitals all over the pkace that largely sit empty due to just how wrong these models were, and are now exporting ventilators to other countries.

Still need to get up to speed on some things, but I think we lift the stay at homes now, as it isn't necessary and maybe never was, and start opening businesses. See how that goes with the goal of having most things open again in June/July.

Isolate the at risk and move forward as quickly as as possible. It's going to come back, whether we do this now or later and in fact the spikes will be more extreme the longer we stay in lockdown mode.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Actually we do!

Convolescant Plasma is proving we do develop immunities to this virus. We have medical staff who were infected and after recovering went back to work and have not been reinfected despite dealing with patients. We just dont know how long it lasts.

I'll take a look at any links you provide. So far, I'm seeing the exact opposite reported.
It works and it works well.

COVID-19 is currently a big threat to global health. However, no specific antiviral agents are available for its treatment. In this work, we explore the feasibility of convalescent plasma (CP) transfusion to rescue severe patients. The results from 10 severe adult cases showed that one dose (200 mL) of CP was well tolerated and could significantly increase or maintain the neutralizing antibodies at a high level, leading to disappearance of viremia in 7 d. Meanwhile, clinical symptoms and paraclinical criteria rapidly improved within 3 d. Radiological examination showed varying degrees of absorption of lung lesions within 7 d. These results indicate that CP can serve as a promising rescue option for severe COVID-19, while the randomized trial is warranted.
Currently, there are no approved specific antiviral agents for novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In this study, 10 severe patients confirmed by real-time viral RNA test were enrolled prospectively. One dose of 200 mL of convalescent plasma (CP) derived from recently recovered donors with the neutralizing antibody titers above 1:640 was transfused to the patients as an addition to maximal supportive care and antiviral agents. The primary endpoint was the safety of CP transfusion. The second endpoints were the improvement of clinical symptoms and laboratory parameters within 3 d after CP transfusion. The median time from onset of illness to CP transfusion was 16.5 d. After CP transfusion, the level of neutralizing antibody increased rapidly up to 1:640 in five cases, while that of the other four cases maintained at a high level (1:640). The clinical symptoms were significantly improved along with increase of oxyhemoglobin saturation within 3 d. Several parameters tended to improve as compared to pretransfusion, including increased lymphocyte counts (0.65 × 109/L vs. 0.76 × 109/L) and decreased C-reactive protein (55.98 mg/L vs. 18.13 mg/L). Radiological examinations showed varying degrees of absorption of lung lesions within 7 d. The viral load was undetectable after transfusion in seven patients who had previous viremia. No severe adverse effects were observed. This study showed CP therapy was well tolerated and could potentially improve the clinical outcomes through neutralizing viremia in severe COVID-19 cases. The optimal dose and time point, as well as the clinical benefit of CP therapy, needs further investigation in larger well-controlled trials."

Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Da fuq? Are you trying to challenge RealDave for the weapons-grade stupid title?

Show me then.
COVID is a cold. Once you get a cold you do not get the same one twice. This is why the older you get the fewer colds you get as you have built up an immunity to many of the strains. My Doctor went to Harvard Med School. I ll take his diagnosis over yours lol.

I'm not a doctor and I haven't spoken to any doctors. I've just read articles that say the exact opposite of what your doctor supposedly told you.
So you trust them and I ll trust my doctor. And you lie. Not the opposite. They say they aren’t sure. How do you explain this?


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