Reopen the Economy

When should the economy reopen in full

  • Immediately

  • When Fauci and Birx say so

  • June 1st

  • When we have a vaccine

  • FIVE YEARS - Favorite of USMB's U2 Edge

  • NEVER -- Let Anarchy reign

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Gah! The damage is done, where do we go from here!
We go to work, then go to the bar to help the bartenders, cooks, and servers get their lives back.

A lot of bars will never reopen due to this. The Coronavirus Panic is a tremendous plus for joints that are part of chains and have deep pockets to ride this out.
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
Go look at the thread. Reading his bullshit kills more brain cells than alcohol. Or ask him. He will readily admit it and state we did it in WW2.

I did. He was saying that an economy could recover from that if needed - he wasn't actually proposing that be done about our current situation.
Then you didn’t read it correctly.

Ok, think what you want. But the context makes it perfectly clear.
Ask him. Would you shut the economy for 5 years? He will say “yes”. Would you?

Kind of depends on the circumstances. As it's looking now, no.
What this thread needs is some bitchin' memes...

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There is more federal money available to hospitals for Covid 19 cases than if they are just labeled "pneumonia" or something. Expect other municipalities and hospitals across the Fruited Plain to change the codes and collect the cash available.
Yup....Heard that one last week....It's a bigger hustle than Catholic and Lutheran charities scamming off of "refugees".
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
Go look at the thread. Reading his bullshit kills more brain cells than alcohol. Or ask him. He will readily admit it and state we did it in WW2.

I did. He was saying that an economy could recover from that if needed - he wasn't actually proposing that be done about our current situation.
Then you didn’t read it correctly.

Ok, think what you want. But the context makes it perfectly clear.
Ask him. Would you shut the economy for 5 years? He will say “yes”. Would you?

Kind of depends on the circumstances. As it's looking now, no.
He said he would do it. I would Not under ANY circumstances. That’s a death sentence.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Actually we do!

Convolescant Plasma is proving we do develop immunities to this virus. We have medical staff who were infected and after recovering went back to work and have not been reinfected despite dealing with patients. We just dont know how long it lasts.

I'll take a look at any links you provide. So far, I'm seeing the exact opposite reported.
You’re insane. Wow. OK. So then how do you explain them asking me to donate plasma to help those infected?

I haven't read that plasma in your anti-bodies makes you immune. If you have any links on that, I'll be happy to look at them though.

Like I said, everything I have read has stated the exact opposite. But no, I'm not a doctor.
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
Go look at the thread. Reading his bullshit kills more brain cells than alcohol. Or ask him. He will readily admit it and state we did it in WW2.

I did. He was saying that an economy could recover from that if needed - he wasn't actually proposing that be done about our current situation.
Then you didn’t read it correctly.

Ok, think what you want. But the context makes it perfectly clear.
Ask him. Would you shut the economy for 5 years? He will say “yes”. Would you?

Kind of depends on the circumstances. As it's looking now, no.
He said he would do it. I would Not under ANY circumstances. That’s a death sentence.
Communism...Kill 100 people to one.
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.

Do you have a quote for that? I didn't see him suggest that.
Go look at the thread. Reading his bullshit kills more brain cells than alcohol. Or ask him. He will readily admit it and state we did it in WW2.

I did. He was saying that an economy could recover from that if needed - he wasn't actually proposing that be done about our current situation.
Then you didn’t read it correctly.

Ok, think what you want. But the context makes it perfectly clear.
Ask him. Would you shut the economy for 5 years? He will say “yes”. Would you?

Kind of depends on the circumstances. As it's looking now, no.
He said he would do it. I would Not under ANY circumstances. That’s a death sentence.

Sorry, but you're going to need to show me that quote. I think it's pretty clear that we're not seeing eye-to-eye when it comes to your interpretations.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Actually we do!

Convolescant Plasma is proving we do develop immunities to this virus. We have medical staff who were infected and after recovering went back to work and have not been reinfected despite dealing with patients. We just dont know how long it lasts.

I'll take a look at any links you provide. So far, I'm seeing the exact opposite reported.
You’re insane. Wow. OK. So then how do you explain them asking me to donate plasma to help those infected?

I haven't read that plasma in your anti-bodies makes you immune. If you have any links on that, I'll be happy to look at them though.

Like I said, everything I have read has stated the exact opposite. But no, I'm not a doctor.
Your dumbass doesn't even believe in immunity. You are an idiot.

Know why I don't get the flu? Because I had it when I was 15 and overcame it. Derp!
Gah! The damage is done, where do we go from here!
We go to work, then go to the bar to help the bartenders, cooks, and servers get their lives back.

A lot of bars will never reopen due to this. The Coronavirus Panic is a tremendous plus for joints that are part of chains and have deep pockets to ride this out.
Yeah, I really hate that. I still will seek out a non-corporate place.
Local joints are the best.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Actually we do!

Convolescant Plasma is proving we do develop immunities to this virus. We have medical staff who were infected and after recovering went back to work and have not been reinfected despite dealing with patients. We just dont know how long it lasts.

I'll take a look at any links you provide. So far, I'm seeing the exact opposite reported.
You’re insane. Wow. OK. So then how do you explain them asking me to donate plasma to help those infected?

I haven't read that plasma in your anti-bodies makes you immune. If you have any links on that, I'll be happy to look at them though.

Like I said, everything I have read has stated the exact opposite. But no, I'm not a doctor.
They are using my plasma to kill the virus in others. LOL. You’re really uneducated on this.
Yeah. I am Right and you’re wrong. You also don’t believe in immunity and if that’s the case how would a vaccine work?

The context is perfectly clear to me. Think what you want though.
Don’t run. How would a vaccine work if we cannot build immunity once we had it?
He doesn't know....Dumber than a bag of hammers.
LOL what do you have against hammers?
Yeah. I am Right and you’re wrong. You also don’t believe in immunity and if that’s the case how would a vaccine work?

The context is perfectly clear to me. Think what you want though.
Don’t run. How would a vaccine work if we cannot build immunity once we had it?

That is how a vaccine works to my understanding. Doesn't mean that you can't get infected again. Not from what I've read at least.
Yeah. I am Right and you’re wrong. You also don’t believe in immunity and if that’s the case how would a vaccine work?

The context is perfectly clear to me. Think what you want though.
Don’t run. How would a vaccine work if we cannot build immunity once we had it?

That is how a vaccine works to my understanding. Doesn't mean that you can't get infected again. Not from what I've read at least.
So then the vaccine is useless, correct?

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