Reopen the Economy

When should the economy reopen in full

  • Immediately

  • When Fauci and Birx say so

  • June 1st

  • When we have a vaccine

  • FIVE YEARS - Favorite of USMB's U2 Edge

  • NEVER -- Let Anarchy reign

Results are only viewable after voting.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

We need another option. This can’t be a national one size fits all. Not when situations are different by state and municipality. I would say let local governors, mayors, and other officials make that determination locally.
We "flattened the curve", which was the excuse for shutting everything down.....The hospitals will not be overrun, and hiding in our homes WILL NOT make the virus go away....It will only delay the inevitable spread and herd immunity.

Quit moving the goalposts, quit being a sniveling little coward, and let people go about their lives.

Life's tough, shit happens, wear a fucking helmet.
Where did we flatten the curve?
Oh fuck my life....New York didn't even need the Navy ship or the 30,000 ventilators that Governor Gomer demanded....All the latest studies indicate that the virus isn't any more deadly than the seasonal flu.

You obviously aren't up on current events, outside of what the asswipes at the China Nooz Network are all outraged about....Get your head out of your ass for a change.

Where did we flatten the curve?

Try answering the question for a change (and it might help if you wiped the fecal material from your eyes).

Explain to me how New York and West Virginia are on the same level in regard to this virus.

If you can.
"The curve" was a lie from the beginning....According to at least two very credible studies (one from Stanford, of all places), the virus is far more widespread than we've been told...Comparing WV and NY is entirely irrelevant....Unlike what Guido Cuomo might think, New York isn't the goddamn center of the universe....You've been sold a bill of goods and just don't give a fuck.

Actually, The stanford study acknowledged that closing down was the only way to not suffer total system collapse. Remember that we had NO ACCUIRED IMMUNITIES to this virus. Allowing this virus to run unchecked would have made a huge bonfire of our helthcare system (and almost did take out NY). Our self quarintine slowed the spread and kept us from total collapse. The Stanford study also pointed out that EVERYONE WILL GET IT AT SOME POINT.
Right and we have the tools to deal with it now. Open up.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

I voted for anarchy...

Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.

Had we done that then we would have known how many had the virus and how many did not have it.

Also when a real Pandemic does happen society will reject the Government wishes and billions will die because of how far our Governments went with this Virus and trying to stop the spread...
I was tested, turns out I have an IQ of 456.

Getting on a scale does not mean your weight is your IQ...

Anyhoo, the fact is we can not hide from the virus and we should have done things differently but now we must move forward.

If States want to reopen then so be it and if they want to stay close then so be it.

Federal Government can reopen their agencies and lands and States can not interfere with this and States will have to open agencies that work with key Federal Agencies.

As for private businesses that is their choice and unless the City, County, State or Federal Government has a contract with the business then the owner will make the choice to open or stay close but if the owner has a contract with any government agency then they will most likely be forced to open and honor their contract.

So open and let kill Humanity!!!

( Last Comment is from a insane person, so consider the source )
So, you are saying I'm not smrt?

You are a Fart Smeller... I mean Smart as can be... For a Texan...

But getting back to the subject the reopening is a State to State issue and like Coyote said we need to look at it not through our Partisan glasses but with reality instead...
If we had been looking at this through reality, nearly the whole goddamn nation wouldn't be shut down.....That ship sailed around 15 March.

Locking us up in our homes WILL NOT kill off the virus.
Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.
No nation on earth is capable of this TODAY... Its a pipe dream

This is why we use random samplings of regions.

IF your waiting for instant testing of the entire populace your going to de dead before the testing is complete.
And even so, testing is worthless because I could test negative today (which I probably won't because I was pretty sick for three days in early February) and get the virus tomorrow.

"Testing" is merely the latest moronmedia blabbering point.

So if you believe in no testing...which is what it sounds do you protect the more vulnerable among us? Survival of the fittest?
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.
I believe that every business can open if they take precautions and make some basic changes. We all are hanging out at Walmart and getting food etc. there is no reason every business can not implement distancing steps and hygiene behaviors. In a way Georgia is leading the way by opening up close contact businesses with tight social distancing controls. The next two weeks will tell the tale.

With California and NY leading the way with just over 20-25% of the populace already having recovered from this virus and the rest of the coutry not far behind them, its how we manage getting to a herd immunity state. At 50% penetration we can be fully open without fear of a sustained wave of infections. A slower reopeniong would allow us to get there in about 6 weeks.
Essentially, allowing local authorities to make that call could allow for that right?
The poll thus far is telling. I hope more people opine.
Well...I can’t answer the poll because my choice isn’t there,but I am always happy to opine as you know :p
How about the 5-year lockdown as proposed by the fake Edge from U2? LOL.
Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.
No nation on earth is capable of this TODAY... Its a pipe dream

This is why we use random samplings of regions.

IF your waiting for instant testing of the entire populace your going to de dead before the testing is complete.
And even so, testing is worthless because I could test negative today (which I probably won't because I was pretty sick for three days in early February) and get the virus tomorrow.

"Testing" is merely the latest moronmedia blabbering point.

Why is it that you guys can not understand test twice in a fourteen day period?

You act like I am writing just test once and then go on and claim " Well I could catch it tomorrow " in fourteen days you will catch many if you test twice.

Now let see if you can understand that or will write that I am only saying once in fourteen days...

I bet you are one of those that believe 5g is spreading the virus, am I right?
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

We need another option. This can’t be a national one size fits all. Not when situations are different by state and municipality. I would say let local governors, mayors, and other officials make that determination locally.
Yeah but then people cross state lines and such. For example Indiana blocked golf so people crossed over into Illinois to play. Hence I left that option out. I do see your POV but just don’t see it as feasible
I just can’t see how a nation wide option is feasible when you have drastically different scenarios in say WV and N.Y....
It's totally feasible deary, before millions die of exposure and starvation.

I'm short on cash right now, but I need to be getting some yardbirds.

Serious irreparable damage has already been done.
My jobs going down to 1/3 of what was normal can be expected.
This is going to make 2007 look like a piker.
I get that. I will 99% likely be layed off in a few weeks.

I also live with my 83 yr old mother in law, and my husband who has CHF and COPD, in a state with an aging population and poor health statistics. I am the Primary breadwinner.

What do I do?
Vote for Trump.
I am not suicidal.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

We need another option. This can’t be a national one size fits all. Not when situations are different by state and municipality. I would say let local governors, mayors, and other officials make that determination locally.
Yeah but then people cross state lines and such. For example Indiana blocked golf so people crossed over into Illinois to play. Hence I left that option out. I do see your POV but just don’t see it as feasible
I just can’t see how a nation wide option is feasible when you have drastically different scenarios in say WV and N.Y....
It's totally feasible deary, before millions die of exposure and starvation.

I'm short on cash right now, but I need to be getting some yardbirds.

Serious irreparable damage has already been done.
My jobs going down to 1/3 of what was normal can be expected.
This is going to make 2007 look like a piker.
I get that. I will 99% likely be layed off in a few weeks.

I also live with my 83 yr old mother in law, and my husband who has CHF and COPD, in a state with an aging population and poor health statistics. I am the Primary breadwinner.

What do I do?
You need to isolate. You can also wash your hands and sanitize and do not touch your face. The virus is contagious but also easily killed. What do you do for work? Is it feasible to work remotely? You also bring forth another telling story. Out country is extremely out of shape. Fattest in the world. This virus is the damn Darwinist killer. My wife ran Boston 3x. The virus only took her smell and taste for a few days. It made me feel like I had a hangover and a cold. It attacks for sure but your immune system fights it. Maybe take vitamins to proactively strengthen your immune system and that of your mother and husband? My parents take like 10 vitamins per day each. They are insane but pretty healthy overall. Knock on wood.

Washing your hands, particularly after you use the can, is a key point. President Trump suggested it, and libs - particularly on the east coast and NYC- said "not my president- I'm not going to do that for his benefit- I do what I please"

We saw the results , and they weren't good. Conservative areas, even very poor conservative areas, had much lower rates of death from the Chinese Kung Flu.

Hopefully, this entire event rectifies pretty quickly. But even if it does, I'd hate to see this lockdown bullshit next year or 2 years down the line, for the next pestilence in the pipeline.
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.
No nation on earth is capable of this TODAY... Its a pipe dream

This is why we use random samplings of regions.

IF your waiting for instant testing of the entire populace your going to de dead before the testing is complete.
And even so, testing is worthless because I could test negative today (which I probably won't because I was pretty sick for three days in early February) and get the virus tomorrow.

"Testing" is merely the latest moronmedia blabbering point.

Why is it that you guys can not understand test twice in a fourteen day period?

You act like I am writing just test once and then go on and claim " Well I could catch it tomorrow " in fourteen days you will catch many if you test twice.

Now let see if you can understand that or will write that I am only saying once in fourteen days...

I bet you are one of those that believe 5g is spreading the virus, am I right?
Oh, so we're supposed to test every two weeks?.....Until the twelfth of never, perhaps?

What the actual fuck?
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

I voted for anarchy...

Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.

Had we done that then we would have known how many had the virus and how many did not have it.

Also when a real Pandemic does happen society will reject the Government wishes and billions will die because of how far our Governments went with this Virus and trying to stop the spread...
I was tested, turns out I have an IQ of 456.

Getting on a scale does not mean your weight is your IQ...

Anyhoo, the fact is we can not hide from the virus and we should have done things differently but now we must move forward.

If States want to reopen then so be it and if they want to stay close then so be it.

Federal Government can reopen their agencies and lands and States can not interfere with this and States will have to open agencies that work with key Federal Agencies.

As for private businesses that is their choice and unless the City, County, State or Federal Government has a contract with the business then the owner will make the choice to open or stay close but if the owner has a contract with any government agency then they will most likely be forced to open and honor their contract.

So open and let kill Humanity!!!

( Last Comment is from a insane person, so consider the source )
So, you are saying I'm not smrt?

You are a Fart Smeller... I mean Smart as can be... For a Texan...

But getting back to the subject the reopening is a State to State issue and like Coyote said we need to look at it not through our Partisan glasses but with reality instead...
If we had been looking at this through reality, nearly the whole goddamn nation wouldn't be shut down.....That ship sailed around 15 March.

Locking us up in our homes WILL NOT kill off the virus.

And yet you do not want to test and make false claims that I wrote testing only once during a fourteen day period.

A State did not have to close itself down, so blame your damn governor for their reaction and if they refuse to open up again blame them but it is amazing how you believe this Virus was no big deal when it closed down the entire World except for maybe Sweden...
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.
Thiers no vote for last Thursday
Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.
No nation on earth is capable of this TODAY... Its a pipe dream

This is why we use random samplings of regions.

IF your waiting for instant testing of the entire populace your going to de dead before the testing is complete.
And even so, testing is worthless because I could test negative today (which I probably won't because I was pretty sick for three days in early February) and get the virus tomorrow.

"Testing" is merely the latest moronmedia blabbering point.

Why is it that you guys can not understand test twice in a fourteen day period?

You act like I am writing just test once and then go on and claim " Well I could catch it tomorrow " in fourteen days you will catch many if you test twice.

Now let see if you can understand that or will write that I am only saying once in fourteen days...

I bet you are one of those that believe 5g is spreading the virus, am I right?
Oh, so we're supposed to test every two weeks?.....Until the twelfth of never, perhaps?

What the actual fuck?

If you can not read you ignorant ass then do not discuss something you have no understanding about!

I said test twice in the fourteen day period and your smartass chimes in " well I could get it the next day, so that one test was worthless "...

Also I fucking wrote that it should have been done in March, so that goddamn ship has sailed!

So what part was so fucking confusing for you?
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

We need another option. This can’t be a national one size fits all. Not when situations are different by state and municipality. I would say let local governors, mayors, and other officials make that determination locally.
Yeah but then people cross state lines and such. For example Indiana blocked golf so people crossed over into Illinois to play. Hence I left that option out. I do see your POV but just don’t see it as feasible
I just can’t see how a nation wide option is feasible when you have drastically different scenarios in say WV and N.Y....
It's totally feasible deary, before millions die of exposure and starvation.

I'm short on cash right now, but I need to be getting some yardbirds.

Serious irreparable damage has already been done.
My jobs going down to 1/3 of what was normal can be expected.
This is going to make 2007 look like a piker.
I get that. I will 99% likely be layed off in a few weeks.

I also live with my 83 yr old mother in law, and my husband who has CHF and COPD, in a state with an aging population and poor health statistics. I am the Primary breadwinner.

What do I do?
Vote for Trump.
I am not suicidal.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

We need another option. This can’t be a national one size fits all. Not when situations are different by state and municipality. I would say let local governors, mayors, and other officials make that determination locally.
Yeah but then people cross state lines and such. For example Indiana blocked golf so people crossed over into Illinois to play. Hence I left that option out. I do see your POV but just don’t see it as feasible
I just can’t see how a nation wide option is feasible when you have drastically different scenarios in say WV and N.Y....
It's totally feasible deary, before millions die of exposure and starvation.

I'm short on cash right now, but I need to be getting some yardbirds.

Serious irreparable damage has already been done.
My jobs going down to 1/3 of what was normal can be expected.
This is going to make 2007 look like a piker.
I get that. I will 99% likely be layed off in a few weeks.

I also live with my 83 yr old mother in law, and my husband who has CHF and COPD, in a state with an aging population and poor health statistics. I am the Primary breadwinner.

What do I do?
You need to isolate. You can also wash your hands and sanitize and do not touch your face. The virus is contagious but also easily killed. What do you do for work? Is it feasible to work remotely? You also bring forth another telling story. Out country is extremely out of shape. Fattest in the world. This virus is the damn Darwinist killer. My wife ran Boston 3x. The virus only took her smell and taste for a few days. It made me feel like I had a hangover and a cold. It attacks for sure but your immune system fights it. Maybe take vitamins to proactively strengthen your immune system and that of your mother and husband? My parents take like 10 vitamins per day each. They are insane but pretty healthy overall. Knock on wood.

Washing your hands, particularly after you use the can, is a key point. President Trump suggested it, and libs - particularly on the east coast and NYC- said "not my president- I'm not going to do that for his benefit- I do what I please"

We saw the results , and they weren't good. Conservative areas, even very poor conservative areas, had much lower rates of death from the Chinese Kung Flu.

Hopefully, this entire event rectifies pretty quickly. But even if it does, I'd hate to see this lockdown bullshit next year or 2 years down the line, for the next pestilence in the pipeline.
Washing your hands might keep you from being infected or spreading the virus, but it's not any way to kill it off....We have half of the freaking nation pretending that they don't have immune systems that will fight off and eventually destroy this stupid flu bug.
Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.
No nation on earth is capable of this TODAY... Its a pipe dream

This is why we use random samplings of regions.

IF your waiting for instant testing of the entire populace your going to de dead before the testing is complete.
And even so, testing is worthless because I could test negative today (which I probably won't because I was pretty sick for three days in early February) and get the virus tomorrow.

"Testing" is merely the latest moronmedia blabbering point.

So if you believe in no testing...which is what it sounds do you protect the more vulnerable among us? Survival of the fittest?
Consider this:

Everyone is going to get this bug. No ifs ands or maybes. Flowers brought in, cards mailed in, a visitor who is asymptomatic, and on and on... You could test your staff weekly but it will not guarantee safety. You can employ PPE bu tit also is no guarantee. Recognizing it early and treating them is the only way through this. There are reasonable steps you can take but it will not stop the inevitable.

DO we live in fear or do we tackle this thing head on?
Shutting down the non-essential businesses, to my understanding, is up to the governors. They can do what they want and deal with those consequences.
If NH opens up and MA doesn’t, I ll be partying in NH tomorrow.

Go for it.
Well I am immune so it won’t bother me.

I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that someone can be immune to it after recovering from it.
Da fuq? Are you trying to challenge RealDave for the weapons-grade stupid title?

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