Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

1.5/10 mani. It's been pointed out to you repeatedly that two links were offered. And you continue to ignore the evidence in the first and attempt to change the narrative.

Bush was called a Tar Baby by Democrats.


An opinion piece is slightly better than an anonymous message board post.

But it is still not a valid comparison to comments made by a sitting member of Congress. And that's exactly the stupid ass comparison you're trying to push here.


I'll remember that the opinions of elected representatives are valued higher than professional opinion writers next time. :thup:

Please do.
And just to confirm: Sallow's challenge to find something similar said by a democrat politician about a republican has gone completely unmet.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
IMO, that's what he meant. But 'literally' he absolutely compared Obama to a tar baby. If you were one tenth as intelligent as you claim (or perhaps simply honest), you'd know that. He didn't say 'his policies' he said 'him', as in, I don't want to touch "HIM", it's like touching a tar baby. Go read up on the usage of pronouns you stupid twat. :thup:

I have all the information I require to make an honest judgement.... honest being the key word. In context - and by context I mean his whole comment, not one fucking sentence - he was clearly talking about Obama's policies. That is not calling Obama a tar baby. And the phrase is about the stickiness of tar, not the color of tar. I don't care how many idiots claim something is racist when it is not.... claiming something is racist does not make it racist.

Two people on this thread have called me a racist. Does that make me a racist? No. It makes them fucking morons who use race as weapon - that makes them racists, but it has no impact on me.

OK....let's make it simple for you

You do not use a black person and "tar baby" in the same sentence...regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "watermelon" in the same sentence....regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "n*gger" in the same sentence...regardless of context

And might I add for those keeping track at home, that you don't refer to the President's 50th birthday party celebration as a "Hiphop BBQ that didn't create jobs" (thanks for that one, Faux News).


I just find it incredibly interesting that these sort of terms have never been applied to a white other politicians.

Amazing isn't it?

I mean..George W. Bush was a tar baby if anyone was..

Yes, Iraq was and is a tar baby. Is that racist?

No, it's ignorant. Did everybody drop out in 10th grade, and we learned "QUAGMIRE" in 11th, ffs?


I just find it incredibly interesting that these sort of terms have never been applied to a white other politicians.

Amazing isn't it?

I mean..George W. Bush was a tar baby if anyone was..

Yes, Iraq was and is a tar baby. Is that racist?

No, it's ignorant. Did everybody drop out in 10th grade, and we learned "QUAGMIRE" in 11th, ffs?

quagmire was retired. no one who wanted to sell a war wanted the new war to be associated with that tarbaby of a word.
My problem, oh hysterical one, is that no one gets to decide what is offensive to any individual. You don't speak for 'blacks' any more than anyone else. I could not give a shit what color your skin is. Being black is no more or no less than being blond, or blue eyed, or a redhead. You're not a 'community', you're an individual. 'Community' is a political tool used by those who are arrogant enough to think they can speak for others. You can stick your 'community' where the sun don't shine.

And your need to capitalize your post shows a lack of self control. I dislike hysteria. I find it clouds one's judgement and ability to think logically.

'Tar baby' is not racist unless it is used in a racist way.

My problem is idiots who use racism as a political tool. I find that equally as offensive as real racism. Actually, in some respects, it is worse than real racism.... because people like you make it harder to see the real racists. If you cared about this mythical 'black community', you would not use racism as a weapon.

Ok, fine.
If you want to play this game.

Please source one black person that doesn't think "tar baby" is a racist term.

Interestingly, yesterday I spoke to my cousin's husband - he's black (I add that only because you insist that skin color is relevant) - he says he does not consider it racist - unless someone uses it as a way to insult a black person - then, he would consider it racist. So, I can source a black guy who doesn't think it is racist. But.... he is a very smart guy so perhaps intellect counts when it comes to racism.

Well, that's really swell. But the majority of blacks feel differently. Aren't you old enough to know that you can't tell people how to feel?? But you constantly try. If a black person tells you that the term, "tar baby" insults them, then believe it!! Instead of running around trying to get other opinions. That is stupid and insensitive.
If my explanations are idiotic, it's only because I'm responding to your arguments in kind.
You claimed, "now, let's look at where the term 'tar baby' originated". I responded by trying to inform you that the "N" WORD has the same non-racist origins. However, since then, both word have been hijacked by racist, who have attached racist connotations to their usage. As a result, anyone who uses EITHER TERMS are viewed a racist. Words and phrases have a history, termed etymology. I really don't know any other way to explain it to you. I will only tell you that in the black community "tar baby" is right up there having the same offensiveness as the "N" word.





Her problem is that she's a mean and bitter broad and takes it out on every single person she can. You can see why I would never again explain my reasons for anything I say. I don't care how many times she asks. I am convinced that she gets it. She just wants everybody to, "explain" so that she can turn around with another vicious attack. This bitch is a real piece of work.

:lol::lol: Maybe. On the bright side, I have never ever insulted anyone's deceased family - ever. That, my fat friend, is your way. I have standards.... unlike you, ya fat assed ho.

I still stand by my comment and it was YOU I insulted, not your dead fiance. ANYBODY that doesn't get stuck marrying you has dodged a bullet. I'm sorry that after a year, you still don't get that you were the object of my scorn. But you're so narcississtic, you just don't see it. Not my problem.
Hey everybody.

Yesterday I was talking to a white guy.

He told me that "tar baby" is considered racist.

I only mention he was white because I know it's relevant to some people.

It's not relevant to me though.

But, but, but....I can't provide any other source, other than fictional characters
to support my claims.

Good thing I just happened to have a white person handy and we just happened to strike up a conversation, that so conveniently supports my position, huh?


To review.... this is what he said:

Now, to review the origins of the phrase 'tar baby'. It originates from the 19th-century Uncle Remus stories. In one particular story, B'rer Fox makes a doll out of a lump of tar and uses it to trap B'rer Rabbit. B'rer Rabbit gets more and more stuck the more he hits and kicks the tar baby.

Anyone with an IQ over room temperature can easily understand the context. So, can someone please clearly and logically explain how the fuck that comment is racist.

You are an ignorant, racist bitch. Quit trying to shove this crap down people's throats. Do you think this poor excuse of an explanation fools anybody?? Why don't you just own that you're as bigoted as the day is long?? Get a spine.

:lol::lol::lol: I'm a racist? :lol::lol::lol:

Calling someone a racist for point scoring is, in itself, racist. So the racist is you, fatty.

Oh, shut up!!! Your fat jokes are getting so boring. Especially when I'm not fat!! Point scoring?? :cuckoo:
So...did the representative call Obama a 'tar baby' or the sticky situation he was IN a tar baby?

It doesn't matter!!! Did you ever hear such a comment when Bush, Clinton, or Reagan was president??? NO!!!!!
Yes, Iraq was and is a tar baby. Is that racist?

No, it's ignorant. Did everybody drop out in 10th grade, and we learned "QUAGMIRE" in 11th, ffs?

Why is it ignorant? In fact, isn't quagmire and tar baby equivalent to the same thing; being stuck in a situation?

What does Facial Feminization Surgery have to do with whether or not the term "tar baby" is racist or not? FFS - Facial feminization surgery

hm, slow or weird.
Agreed it's a double standard. Either the term "tar baby" is racist or it is not. It doesn't matter who says it.

I, for one, do not believe it is racist even though some do use it as a derogatory term just as others use the word "cracker" as a derogatory term. I certainly do not believe Rep. Lamborn was using the phrase in a racial manner, but do understand why some people want to make it appear that way.

It's "code talking". I don't know enough about Representative Lamborn to know whether he's racist or not..but was it meant as a racist remark. I've read it and I think it says "Don't worry guys..I with ya" to the racists.

If that were true, then President Obama shouldn't accept his apology. Correct?

That is a a picture of the actor, James Baskett.

Dear God, you're stupid.

I wish I could have made book on your response. That's exactly what I thought you'd say. Obama haters are so predictable.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see that part, nor realize that only elected representatives can use derogatory remarks aimed at other politicians. I'll be sure to keep up with the double standard for the next time.

Agreed it's a double standard. Either the term "tar baby" is racist or it is not. It doesn't matter who says it.

I, for one, do not believe it is racist even though some do use it as a derogatory term just as others use the word "cracker" as a derogatory term. I certainly do not believe Rep. Lamborn was using the phrase in a racial manner, but do understand why some people want to make it appear that way.

Unfortunately, life is not that simple. Some words are racist in one use and not in another. Blacks can joke and call each other n*gger but it is inappropriate if a white person does it.....sorry, that's just the way life is

You don't use a tar baby analogy when talking about a black person
You don't use an elephant analogy when talking about a fat person
You don't use a dwarf analogy when talking about a short person
Unfortunately, life is not that simple. Some words are racist in one use and not in another. Blacks can joke and call each other n*gger but it is inappropriate if a white person does it.....sorry, that's just the way life is

You don't use a tar baby analogy when talking about a black person
You don't use an elephant analogy when talking about a fat person
You don't use a dwarf analogy when talking about a short person

Isn't it racist to say one person can do something but another person cannot because of the color of their skin?
Unfortunately, life is not that simple. Some words are racist in one use and not in another. Blacks can joke and call each other n*gger but it is inappropriate if a white person does it.....sorry, that's just the way life is

You don't use a tar baby analogy when talking about a black person
You don't use an elephant analogy when talking about a fat person
You don't use a dwarf analogy when talking about a short person

Isn't it racist to say one person can do something but another person cannot because of the color of their skin?

Nope, it's part of being an adult to realize when something is appropriate and when it is not
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see that part, nor realize that only elected representatives can use derogatory remarks aimed at other politicians. I'll be sure to keep up with the double standard for the next time.

Agreed it's a double standard. Either the term "tar baby" is racist or it is not. It doesn't matter who says it.

I, for one, do not believe it is racist even though some do use it as a derogatory term just as others use the word "cracker" as a derogatory term. I certainly do not believe Rep. Lamborn was using the phrase in a racial manner, but do understand why some people want to make it appear that way.

Unfortunately, life is not that simple. Some words are racist in one use and not in another. Blacks can joke and call each other n*gger but it is inappropriate if a white person does it.....sorry, that's just the way life is

You don't use a tar baby analogy when talking about a black person
You don't use an elephant analogy when talking about a fat person
You don't use a dwarf analogy when talking about a short person

George Carlin nailed it.

"Yes, you can prick your finger, but don't finger your prick. No, no."

George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words
Nope, it's part of being an adult to realize when something is appropriate and when it is not

Sounds racist to me.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Seems to me Rep. Lamborn is being judged by the color of his skin, not the content of his character.
Nope, it's part of being an adult to realize when something is appropriate and when it is not

Sounds racist to me.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Seems to me Rep. Lamborn is being judged by the color of his skin, not the content of his character.

I suspect that when one probes the character of Rep Lamborn you will find a good ole boy who enjoys a good colored joke now and then

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