Rep. Pascrell Jr. Seeks To Disbar giuliani And 22 Other trump Lawyers

Thinking people know that a lawsuit being dismissed by a particular judge is in no way proof it is a frivolous lawsuit.

Trumps lawsuits have been dismissed by many different judges, all coming to the same conclusion. And many of those judges were republicans.
Thinking people know each case stands on it's own, and lumping them all together is what simpletons do.

Feel free to provide links to these "dozens" of lawsuits that have had their final ruling and show the reason for their failure. Keep in mind there is a thing called appeals.

We are lumping them all together because they're all from the same person with the same intent. To overturn the outcome of an election that Trump lost.
Bullshit. The Lincoln losers go the ball rolling with their doxxing, and the writing was on the wall, "Help Trump and we will ruin you"

Your side just can't play fair, you have to fuck with the process because you don't believe anyone but yourselves have the right to have their views expressed without interference.
Doxxing? You realize that court filings are public documents and the lawyers write their names on those lawsuits.

Jesus Christ, you didn't know that, did you?

Some people actually have reputations that they care about. Not like you losers.
But this rep doesn't want a judge to decide it, he wants the Bar Association Rudy is admitted under to disbar him for representing his client and performing as per his client's wishes.

Since Giuliani brought his suits in federal court, he is using his federal law license in order to practice. That license is not subject to the bar association, but to the federal courts. So it will be a judge (or panel of judges) that decides the future of his federal law license.

Subject to general statutory qualifications for attorneys, the power of the federal courts to admit and disbar attorneys rests on the common law from which it was originally derived. According to Chief Justice Taney, it was well settled by the common law that “it rests exclusively with the Court to determine who is qualified to become one of its officers, as an attorney and counselor, and for what cause he ought to be removed

And yet the rep in question still wants to disbar people because he doesn't like what they are saying.

What a bunch of pussies you are.
It's called fighting back, something SJW losers like you don't like.
You can fight back, no one is stopping you.

But you can't make stupid shit up and take it to a judge without experiencing the consequences of those actions. It's that kind of shit that is fucking up this country.

The whole purpose of going after attorneys in this case is to stop them from being able to fight back.

You won't admit it, because like most SJW's you refuse to admit there can be opposing opinions.

People like you are fucking up this country by ignoring election fraud because you won.
Thinking people know each case stands on it's own, and lumping them all together is what simpletons do.

Each case alleges wide spread voter fraud. Each case has been dismissed due to lack of evidence of widespread voter fraud.

The cases that have survived are cases of specific enforcement, involving only a few hundred ballots, where it would take thousands to overturn the results.
Bullshit. The Lincoln losers go the ball rolling with their doxxing, and the writing was on the wall, "Help Trump and we will ruin you"

Your side just can't play fair, you have to fuck with the process because you don't believe anyone but yourselves have the right to have their views expressed without interference.
Doxxing? You realize that court filings are public documents and the lawyers write their names on those lawsuits.

Jesus Christ, you didn't know that, did you?

Some people actually have reputations that they care about. Not like you losers.


Twitter Locks Lincoln Project Account Over Tweet Doxxing Trump Lawyers
The whole purpose of going after attorneys in this case is to stop them from being able to fight back.

Lawyers are officers of the court, as such they aren't allowed to lie to a federal judge without consequences. Which is why when Rudy Giuliani was asked by the judge in the Pennsylvania case about the nature of his lawsuit, Rudy had to tell the judge "This isn't a fraud case"

Even though he publically said it was about widespread voter fraud.
The whole purpose of going after attorneys in this case is to stop them from being able to fight back.

You won't admit it, because like most SJW's you refuse to admit there can be opposing opinions.

People like you are fucking up this country by ignoring election fraud because you won.

People don't want to represent Trump because he keeps telling them to do shit that is unprofessional and embarrassing. What lawyer wants to stand up there and argue Trump's position only to be smacked around by judge again and again?

I know you don't want to admit it, but that's the real problem. Trump is a garbage person and people don't want to work for him. And those that do his bullshit bidding deserve our scorn.
Bullshit. The Lincoln losers go the ball rolling with their doxxing, and the writing was on the wall, "Help Trump and we will ruin you"

Your side just can't play fair, you have to fuck with the process because you don't believe anyone but yourselves have the right to have their views expressed without interference.
Doxxing? You realize that court filings are public documents and the lawyers write their names on those lawsuits.

Jesus Christ, you didn't know that, did you?

Some people actually have reputations that they care about. Not like you losers.


Twitter Locks Lincoln Project Account Over Tweet Doxxing Trump Lawyers
How the hell is that doxxing anyone? Those lawyers put their names on Trump's lawsuit.
I don't know if anything will come of this but I agree with what he is doing.

giulini and other lawyers have been doing a lot of damage to our nation, election system and democracy.

Lawyers shouldn't be allowed to lie so blatantly and spread conspiracies.

They deserve to be disbarred.

Another step in the criminalization of not being a Democrat.

Yes, you do want a one party system. And so do the rest of the Democrats who are silent to this shit
The whole purpose of going after attorneys in this case is to stop them from being able to fight back.

You won't admit it, because like most SJW's you refuse to admit there can be opposing opinions.

People like you are fucking up this country by ignoring election fraud because you won.

People don't want to represent Trump because he keeps telling them to do shit that is unprofessional and embarrassing. What lawyer wants to stand up there and argue Trump's position only to be smacked around by judge again and again?

I know you don't want to admit it, but that's the real problem. Trump is a garbage person and people don't want to work for him. And those that do his bullshit bidding deserve our scorn.
People don't want to represent Trump because he keeps telling them to do shit that is unprofessional and embarrassing.

Once again, nothing but your TDS induced opinion.
People don't want to represent Trump because he keeps telling them to do shit that is unprofessional and embarrassing.
Completely accurate. Just take a look at Judge Brann's ruling. What competent lawyer would want to be so thoroughly smacked around in court just to please a loser like Trump?
I don't know if anything will come of this but I agree with what he is doing. Lawyers shouldn't be allowed to lie so blatantly and spread conspiracies.

Oh. Gee. Look, a democrat from New Jersey wants to stop Trump's legal team from challenging the election. Meantime, not a single thing Trump is saying has been proven a lie.

Al Gore torturing us with chads for nearly 40 days was an act of "democracy working," Donald Trump contests how the election was held for 20 days and he is tearing the country apart.
It's not an opinion. He was there during every confidential meeting Trump had with his legal team. Remember, a liberal is always the smartest one in the room. Just ask any one of them.
You realize their court filings are public, right? You realize the court hearings are public, right? You realize the court decisions are public, right?

How many times do Trump's lawyers need to be embarrassed in court before you get it?

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