Reparations for Blacks.......Legalize Looting

Oh yeah, geez. It's all just a conspiracy theory so that cops can kill black citizens and get away with it. Yup, that's what it's all about. :rolleyes-41:

There is a systemic problem in Ferguson. Making such blanket statements is immature.

And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I do not condone looting, or destroying businesses, so I will assume you are mot implying that I am, but Charles Barkley is a questionable choice as an authority on law enforcement issues.

Oh yeah, geez. It's all just a conspiracy theory so that cops can kill black citizens and get away with it. Yup, that's what it's all about. :rolleyes-41:

There is a systemic problem in Ferguson. Making such blanket statements is immature.

And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area.

Now as far as Charles Barkley, he has a right to agree with the grand jury decision and express that he does publicly, which may endear him to his target audience.

After watching this interview, and several others from credible sources who typically side with law enforcement, there were aspects of this entire incident, the investigation and the decision that are questionable.

Darren Wilson Nancy Grace Attacks Officer s Story Of Michael Brown Shooting It Doesn t Add Up

Re: Melanin Masters.
"I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area."

There are loud voices raised in amelioration of the vandal's misdeeds, and support for an individual who we've all see as a thug.

You seem like one of those voices.

Have you posted in a similar vein about a melanin challenged individual shot by police.....there are more of those than blacks shot.

And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.
Last edited:
There's an idea there, but I think we can improve upon it..... National Loot, Scoot, and Shoot Day. Make it on the date that the Emancipation Proclaimation was signed.

All individuals would be allowed to run wild, looting and scooting as they so desired. All decent citizens would be allowed to gun down the looters in the streets with no legal reprecussions. Better hit the sporting goods store first, folks. Gonna need them Jordans to outrun my .45ACP.

Make it in the fall of the year and allow a liberal daily bag limit on the number of Black pelts a hunter could legally take. The ammo sales could offset the cost of the looting.
There is a systemic problem in Ferguson. Making such blanket statements is immature.

And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I do not condone looting, or destroying businesses, so I will assume you are mot implying that I am, but Charles Barkley is a questionable choice as an authority on law enforcement issues.

There is a systemic problem in Ferguson. Making such blanket statements is immature.

And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area.

Now as far as Charles Barkley, he has a right to agree with the grand jury decision and express that he does publicly, which may endear him to his target audience.

After watching this interview, and several others from credible sources who typically side with law enforcement, there were aspects of this entire incident, the investigation and the decision that are questionable.

Darren Wilson Nancy Grace Attacks Officer s Story Of Michael Brown Shooting It Doesn t Add Up

Re: Melanin Masters.
"I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area."

There are loud voices raised in amelioration of the vandal's misdeeds, and support for an individual who we've all see as a thug.

You seem like one of those voices.

Have you posted in a similar vein about a melanin challenged individual shot by police.....there are more of those than blacks shot.

And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.
Last edited:
And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I do not condone looting, or destroying businesses, so I will assume you are mot implying that I am, but Charles Barkley is a questionable choice as an authority on law enforcement issues.

And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area.

Now as far as Charles Barkley, he has a right to agree with the grand jury decision and express that he does publicly, which may endear him to his target audience.

After watching this interview, and several others from credible sources who typically side with law enforcement, there were aspects of this entire incident, the investigation and the decision that are questionable.

Darren Wilson Nancy Grace Attacks Officer s Story Of Michael Brown Shooting It Doesn t Add Up

Re: Melanin Masters.
"I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area."

There are loud voices raised in amelioration of the vandal's misdeeds, and support for an individual who we've all see as a thug.

You seem like one of those voices.

Have you posted in a similar vein about a melanin challenged individual shot by police.....there are more of those than blacks shot.

And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.
I do not condone looting, or destroying businesses, so I will assume you are mot implying that I am, but Charles Barkley is a questionable choice as an authority on law enforcement issues.

I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area.

Now as far as Charles Barkley, he has a right to agree with the grand jury decision and express that he does publicly, which may endear him to his target audience.

After watching this interview, and several others from credible sources who typically side with law enforcement, there were aspects of this entire incident, the investigation and the decision that are questionable.

Darren Wilson Nancy Grace Attacks Officer s Story Of Michael Brown Shooting It Doesn t Add Up

Re: Melanin Masters.
"I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area."

There are loud voices raised in amelioration of the vandal's misdeeds, and support for an individual who we've all see as a thug.

You seem like one of those voices.

Have you posted in a similar vein about a melanin challenged individual shot by police.....there are more of those than blacks shot.

And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.
Re: Melanin Masters.
"I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area."

There are loud voices raised in amelioration of the vandal's misdeeds, and support for an individual who we've all see as a thug.

You seem like one of those voices.

Have you posted in a similar vein about a melanin challenged individual shot by police.....there are more of those than blacks shot.

And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.
Finding Your Roots by Obama's buddy Henry Louis Gates proves most American Blacks had white ancestors from whom they benefited just as whites did. The "White Privilege" Blacks believe in is pure myth. There is no "White Privilege", only Blacks keeping their own down & killing themselves. Their mind is their prison. Just like when a crab tries climb out of a bucket, the other crabs will grab it & pull it back in.
And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.

And what is "plenty"? As many in the so called "white community" who follow Rush Limbaugh?

Sharpton is just an activist who sometimes is correct and sometimes is not. He is only a "leader" in the minds of those who have assigned him more power than he actually has, and that is a sign of fear which is actually humorous.

The fact is that the majority of black people have lives and families, and responsibilities and spend little if any time at all investing any anger or emotion towards the white population or have any loyalty at all to Al Sharpton.
And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.
The vast majority of Black people I know pay Sharpton little heed. He can be correct on some issues but woefully misguided on others. His one great attribute is that he keeps the attention of paranoid white people on himself. Meanwhile the rest of us go about living our lives and achieving.

another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.

And what is "plenty"? As many in the so called "white community" who follow Rush Limbaugh?

Sharpton is just an activist who sometimes is correct and sometimes is not. He is only a "leader" in the minds of those who have assigned him more power than he actually has, and that is a sign of fear which is actually humorous.

The fact is that the majority of black people have lives and families, and responsibilities and spend little if any time at all investing any anger or emotion towards the white population or have any loyalty at all to Al Sharpton.

Well, regardless, I think it's people like him to suck the life out of the black community. They need to feel empowered, not like victims. Feeling like a victim does you no good at all.
Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.

And what is "plenty"? As many in the so called "white community" who follow Rush Limbaugh?

Sharpton is just an activist who sometimes is correct and sometimes is not. He is only a "leader" in the minds of those who have assigned him more power than he actually has, and that is a sign of fear which is actually humorous.

The fact is that the majority of black people have lives and families, and responsibilities and spend little if any time at all investing any anger or emotion towards the white population or have any loyalty at all to Al Sharpton.

Well, regardless, I think it's people like him to suck the life out of the black community. They need to feel empowered, not like victims. Feeling like a victim does you no good at all.[/Q

another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.
The vast majority of Black people I know pay Sharpton little heed. He can be correct on some issues but woefully misguided on others. His one great attribute is that he keeps the attention of paranoid white people on himself. Meanwhile the rest of us go about living our lives and achieving.

Exactly. The ubiquitous Al Sharpton is Americas own media created "black bogeyman".

If he was to show up everywhere that those who are obsessed with him say he will be, he would be busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest 24/7, 365 days a year.
Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.

And what is "plenty"? As many in the so called "white community" who follow Rush Limbaugh?

Sharpton is just an activist who sometimes is correct and sometimes is not. He is only a "leader" in the minds of those who have assigned him more power than he actually has, and that is a sign of fear which is actually humorous.

The fact is that the majority of black people have lives and families, and responsibilities and spend little if any time at all investing any anger or emotion towards the white population or have any loyalty at all to Al Sharpton.

Well, regardless, I think it's people like him to suck the life out of the black community. They need to feel empowered, not like victims

Since I do not feel like a victim, and do not seek leadership from others, I would have to agree on that part of your statement.
Well, I certainly don't think that all black people support riots, that's for sure, but for an outsider looking into the black community, it certainly seems as if there is a ton of anger and violence, and that is not just towards police or authority figures, but to towards their own communities. I think that because black people are constantly made to feel like victims by the likes of people such as Al Sharpton and many others, they feel no pride in their communities and they feel no sense of belonging to anything. Of course, these guys like Al Sharpton thrive on racial discord, so they will always be there to speak out, even when they are wrong.

How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.

And what is "plenty"? As many in the so called "white community" who follow Rush Limbaugh?

Sharpton is just an activist who sometimes is correct and sometimes is not. He is only a "leader" in the minds of those who have assigned him more power than he actually has, and that is a sign of fear which is actually humorous.

The fact is that the majority of black people have lives and families, and responsibilities and spend little if any time at all investing any anger or emotion towards the white population or have any loyalty at all to Al Sharpton.

Well, regardless, I think it's people like him to suck the life out of the black community. They need to feel empowered, not like victims

Since I do not feel like a victim, and do not seek leadership from others, I would have to agree on that part of your statement.
Funny how white people think Black people are victims if they dont share the same ideology they do. This place is a constant source of amusement.
How many black people do you know personally? Al Sharpton is irrelevant. The majority of black people that I know(which is likely way more than most here who are self proclaimed, self appointed experts on the "black community") hardly ever if all even speak about Sharpton, let alone consider him a "leader" of any kind.

That doesn't mean anything. It is completely irrelevant because there are plenty of black people who do listen to him and subscribe to his nonsense. If not, then he would be holding rallies and such things because no one would (or not enough) would show.

And what is "plenty"? As many in the so called "white community" who follow Rush Limbaugh?

Sharpton is just an activist who sometimes is correct and sometimes is not. He is only a "leader" in the minds of those who have assigned him more power than he actually has, and that is a sign of fear which is actually humorous.

The fact is that the majority of black people have lives and families, and responsibilities and spend little if any time at all investing any anger or emotion towards the white population or have any loyalty at all to Al Sharpton.

Well, regardless, I think it's people like him to suck the life out of the black community. They need to feel empowered, not like victims

Since I do not feel like a victim, and do not seek leadership from others, I would have to agree on that part of your statement.
Funny how white people think Black people are victims if they dont share the same ideology they do. This place is a constant source of amusement.

Indeed. Between some of the gun toting Internet Rambos, closet Grand Wizards and Hitler reincarnates its a circus unlike many.
Here we go again. Then what about those who have benefitted the most from AA, namely white females?
Black man got the vote first, black man got a President first, score even????

America is not even close to being predominiately black, but you would think it is in this forum since the " black bogeyman" is ever present on the the minds of so many here, but it is trending towards being predominately multi racial.

The current POTUS is multi racial. He is just as white as he is black.

America will never be predominantly black. Predominantly white and/or Hispanic, eventually, perhaps.

Obviously I stated that America is not predominately black, only that the inordinate amount of energy that is spent by so many here discussing the black population makes it appear to be so, which is amusing.
When you have an inherent fear of greatness the feelings of inferiority cause you to focus on your source of fear. The main reason most of these cave monkeys spend so much time trying to convince themselves they are better than Black people is obvious. They know they are not worthy of being considered the same species..
you thought you were melting until you realized you were just standing in a big pile of shit .
Black man got the vote first, black man got a President first, score even????

America is not even close to being predominiately black, but you would think it is in this forum since the " black bogeyman" is ever present on the the minds of so many here, but it is trending towards being predominately multi racial.

The current POTUS is multi racial. He is just as white as he is black.

America will never be predominantly black. Predominantly white and/or Hispanic, eventually, perhaps.

Obviously I stated that America is not predominately black, only that the inordinate amount of energy that is spent by so many here discussing the black population makes it appear to be so, which is amusing.
When you have an inherent fear of greatness the feelings of inferiority cause you to focus on your source of fear. The main reason most of these cave monkeys spend so much time trying to convince themselves they are better than Black people is obvious. They know they are not worthy of being considered the same species..
you thought you were melting until you realized you were just standing in a big pile of shit .[/QUOTE

You're actually kind of a crude, Appalachian Hillbillyish kind of way.
America is not even close to being predominiately black, but you would think it is in this forum since the " black bogeyman" is ever present on the the minds of so many here, but it is trending towards being predominately multi racial.

The current POTUS is multi racial. He is just as white as he is black.

America will never be predominantly black. Predominantly white and/or Hispanic, eventually, perhaps.

Obviously I stated that America is not predominately black, only that the inordinate amount of energy that is spent by so many here discussing the black population makes it appear to be so, which is amusing.
When you have an inherent fear of greatness the feelings of inferiority cause you to focus on your source of fear. The main reason most of these cave monkeys spend so much time trying to convince themselves they are better than Black people is obvious. They know they are not worthy of being considered the same species..
you thought you were melting until you realized you were just standing in a big pile of shit .[/QUOTE

You're actually kind of a crude, Appalachian Hillbillyish kind of way.
And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I do not condone looting, or destroying businesses, so I will assume you are mot implying that I am, but Charles Barkley is a questionable choice as an authority on law enforcement issues.

And, speaking of 'systemic problem in Ferguson...."

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," [Charles] Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

Time for you to walk away from the 'Melanin Masters,' kats

I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area.

Now as far as Charles Barkley, he has a right to agree with the grand jury decision and express that he does publicly, which may endear him to his target audience.

After watching this interview, and several others from credible sources who typically side with law enforcement, there were aspects of this entire incident, the investigation and the decision that are questionable.

Darren Wilson Nancy Grace Attacks Officer s Story Of Michael Brown Shooting It Doesn t Add Up

Re: Melanin Masters.
"I have no masters, and I certainly do not condone looting, destroying property, or violence, and neither does the family that I have in the St. Louis area."

There are loud voices raised in amelioration of the vandal's misdeeds, and support for an individual who we've all see as a thug.

You seem like one of those voices.

Have you posted in a similar vein about a melanin challenged individual shot by police.....there are more of those than blacks shot.

And you "seem like" you are intently focused on redirecting or interpreting what I stated to make it appear that I am in support of vandalism and looting, which I will state again I do not condone.

Plain and simple, there have been numerous people who have stated that the handling of the investigation in this PARTICULAR incident was questionable. And to answer your question, if the person that was shot had been any other race than black, and the investigation and decision were questionable, YES, I would also consider the possibility of there being a compromised process, and would say so.

So when news breaks of a non black citizen being shot 6 times, and their body left on the street for hours afterwards, and the investigation of the shooting appears to be questionable to a number of legal experts, I will comment.



another of these posts in which the poster pretends he/she isn't a member of "Melanin Masters," and that they see no further than skin color,

I don't believe I can stand another one without a supply of percocets in a pez dispenser.

At least admit you couldn't care less about the death unless it was do to action by someone with a white skin.

Now , you are just being ignorant, arrogant, and immature. Why would you ask a question of a complete stranger, get an honest answer, and then proceed to act as if you are an authority on what I really think?

If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say.

"If you cannot stand what I post, then you are not obligated to respond to what I have to say."
I will give you exactly what you deserve.

Reality is defined by actions, not words.

Your actions....your matter what way you phrase it...are designed to mitigate the anarchy of Ferguson and the criminality of the culprit.

You and every other apologist deserve the same contumely that this President deserves for coming down on the side of the issue that supports lawlessness.

The thug did everything that earned him his final reward.
There is no quibbling, no tip toeing around it.
If the thug attacked not just a hard-working store owner, and a law enforcement officer....Officer Wilson's actions, I am certain, saved lives of other innocents.

I certainly hope that there will be a fund set up to help the officer find a way to replace the (earned) career that was taken from him.
Finding Your Roots by Obama's buddy Henry Louis Gates proves most American Blacks had white ancestors from whom they benefited just as whites did. The "White Privilege" Blacks believe in is pure myth. There is no "White Privilege", only Blacks keeping their own down & killing themselves. Their mind is their prison. Just like when a crab tries climb out of a bucket, the other crabs will grab it & pull it back in.

Where do you think they got the idea of this "white privilege" crapola anyway? Probably from people like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. :rolleyes-41: Yes, I am SO privileged. Good grief! I am certainly NOT privileged, that's for sure. Where the hell is MY white privilege? I'm still waiting for it.

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